Piscataway Township High School

Piscataway Township High School

Course Syllabus

Course Title: English IV Academic


Short Fiction, an Introduction

Poetry, an Introduction

The Short Prose Reader, World Literature

Variety of novels and nonfiction

Required and Supplemental Readings:

Oedipus Rex and Antigone by Sophocles

Hamlet by William Shakespeare

Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller

The Stranger by Albert Camus

The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka

Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chobsky

The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini

A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini

A Street Car Named Desire by Tennessee Williams

Student selected Independent Reading Novels

Teachers/Email: Mrs. Jessica Loux


Teacher-student-parent conferences are scheduled by appointment only.

Course Description:

English IV Academic is a five-credit course with a college approach. Students will read, analyze, respond to and discuss various pieces of literature in a thematic approach. Students will be expected to be independent learners and thinkers as the course will run similarly to a college freshman English course.

Materials Needed

3 Ring Binder


|Time Frames/Required Texts/ |Supplemental Texts/Skills/ |

|Assessments |Areas of Study |

| | |

|Marking Period 1, 2, 3, 4 |Supplemental Texts |

| |The Kite Runner |

|Textbooks |A Lesson before Dying |

|Short Fiction, an Introduction |Perks of Being A Wallflower |

|Poetry, an Introduction |Water for Elephants |

|The Prentice-Hall Reader |Speak |

| |Sarah’s Key |

|Required Readings |Selected short stories from Short Fiction, An Introduction |

|A Thousand Splendid Suns |Selected poems from Poetry, An Introduction |

|Oedipus Rex |Selected non fiction from The Prentice-Hall Reader |

|Hamlet |Warriner’s Grammar and Composition |

|Death of a Salesman | |

|The Metamorophosis |Composition Skills |

| |Building on grade 9, 10, and 11 |

|Assessments |formulate clear thesis statements, develop ideas logically and cohesively, and provide appropriate support in all writing|

|Summative |write cogent essays that address character, symbol, theme, tone, and other literary elements with appropriate |

|Formative |significance to the work as a whole |

|Authentic |analyze a literary passage and create an analytical essay in limited time (40 minutes allotted during the AP examination)|

|Quizzes |read large selections and write an analytical essay on a literary concern (e. g. use of minor characters, a major symbol |

|Tests |or theme appearing in several works by the same author, etc.) |

|Homework |develop own voice/style |

|Essays |use appropriate literary terminology as a method of analysis |

|Socratic Seminar |develop skills necessary to score successfully on the SAT |

|Debates | |

|Senior Thesis/Project |Standard English |

|MLA Guided Research |Analyze and revise writing to improve |

|Summer Reading Assessment |coherence |

|Senior Thesis/Project |sentence variety |

|(Topic forthcoming) |style |

| |word choice |

|Required Writings |subtlety of meaning |

|literary analysis |use of literary elements |

|personal essay |writer’s voice |

|college essay |awareness of audience |

|research paper | |

|persuasive |Apply Standards of English in writing |

|narrative |use correct s/v and pn/antecedent agreement |

|poetry |use correct case of pronouns |

|journaling |use correct forms of verbs |

|critique |place modifiers correctly |

|responses to text |avoid ambiguous, general, or weak pronoun references |

| |demonstrate a well-developed knowledge of English syntax |

| |use transitions for coherence |

| |eliminate extraneous details, repetition, and inconsistencies |

Twelfth Grade Writing Map

At the end of grade 12, students will:

• Formulate clear thesis statements, develop ideas logically and cohesively, and provide appropriate support in all writing

• Write cogent essays that address character, symbol, theme, tone, and other literary elements with appropriate significance to the work as a whole

• Analyze a literary passage and create an analytical essay in limited time

• Read large selections and write an analytical essay on a literary concern (e. g. use of minor characters, a major symbol or theme appearing in several works by the same author, etc.)

• Develop own voice/style

• Use appropriate literary terminology as a method of analysis

• Develop skills necessary to qualify on the Advanced Placement English Literature and Composition Examinations

Composition Goals:

Students in 12th grade will sustain their knowledge on how to analyze and revise writing to improve:

• Coherence

• Sentence variety

• Style

• Word choice

• Subtlety of meaning

• Use of literary elements

• Writer’s voice

• Awareness of audience

Grammar, Usage, and Mechanics Goals:

Students in 12th grade will sustain their knowledge of Standard English in writing:

• Use correct subject/verb and pronoun/antecedent agreement

• Use correct case of pronouns

• Use correct forms of verbs

• Use verb tenses correctly

• Place modifiers correctly

• Avoid ambiguous, general, or weak pronoun references

• Demonstrate a well developed knowledge of English syntax

• Subordinate and coordinate ideas correctly

• Use transitions for coherence

Required Writing:

Students in 12th grade will sustain their knowledge of:

• Literary analysis

• Personal essay writing

• Research paper writing

• Persuasive essay writing

• Narrative writing

• Poetry writing

• Journaling

• Critique of fiction and non-fiction

• Responses to text

Mrs. Loux’s “Pet-Peeves” & Procedures

1. RESPECT: Respect yourself, your classmates, your teachers, and the classroom at all times.

2. A DUE DATE IS A DUE DATE: I do not accept late homework assignments under any circumstances. 10 points will be deducted each day for a project or essay that is late. All work must be submitted directly to me. I do not accept work emailed and I will not print out work the day an assignment is due.

3. CHEATING AND PLAGIARISM: Its simple—don’t do it! There is a zero tolerance policy for cheating. If you cheat, you will receive a zero without having the opportunity to finish/make up the assignment.

4. LATENESS TO CLASS: You are required to be in your seat working when the bell rings. Six lates to class will result in failure for the marking period.

5. BE PREPARED: You must bring your English binder, a pen or pencil, and homework to class everyday! Being prepared also means participating in class.


Grading Policy

Writing Assignments (revised) 30%

Projects/Tests 30%

Classwork/Quizzes/Homework 30%

Independent Reading 10%

Absence from Class

If you miss work due to absence, you have the number of days you were absent to make up that work. It is your responsibility to keep track of missed work and to schedule a make up time (if necessary) in a timely fashion. Failure to do so will result in a zero for missing assignments. Keep in mind major assignments are due on the assigned dates even if you are not in school that day.

Class Website

I have created a website that will enable you to download the homework, class notes, Powerpoint slides, and handouts given in class. Go to and click on “ENG IV ACADEMIC” on the top of the page. I have provided you with helpful web resources that may be useful throughout the school year. Monthly calendars will appear on the website, as well as, homework reminders. Lastly you will find a link to a Blog on the website. From time to time you will be required to comment on one of my blog posts or create a post on your own for your classmates and peers. Please use and take advantage of the resources on my class website! If there is anything additional you would like me to add or change, please feel free to let me know, as I am always looking for ways to improve it for your needs. You can also access our class site by going to and clicking on “staff websites”. Search for “Jessica Loux” and click on the appropriate link.

Google Docs

One of my goals this year is to model our class like a typical college course. Most professors require their students to submit papers via an online database. For the purposes of our English class, we will be using Google Docs to submit ALL formal written assignments.

How do I get Google Docs? All you need is a Google email address and you can register FOR FREE! This will work on ANY device including a desktop, notebook, tablet, or mobile phone. After you create a Gmail, you can create documents, presentations, forms and much more on your Google Drive.

How do I share a folder? Once you have created an account, create a new folder in your drive titling it with your first and last name (Ex: Jessica Loux). Once you have created this folder you must then SHARE the folder with mrslouxphs@. Inside the folder you will keep all of your writing and any projects we do this year. You want to make sure you title your document and presentation appropriately. All essays are due on the pre-assigned date no later than 11:59pm.

**Please be sure that you upload your essay as a GOOGLE DOC (not a Microsoft Word Document). This will allow me to comment and edit your paper directly on the document.

Remind 101

Please join our class Remind 101 to receive text messages about important information and updates about the course. Text @louxeng4 to 81010.

Plagiarism or Intellectual Theft

Plagiarism is a serious offense and will not be tolerated in any form. Any student who is caught plagiarizing will receive a zero on the assignment without having the opportunity to make it up and will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action. Unless otherwise stated, homework is not a group activity. If your homework is identical to another student's, all parties will receive a zero.

You are all smart and are fully capable of doing your own work and coming up with your own ideas!

Extra Credit

From time to time, I will offer extra credit opportunities. However, these assignments will be open to the entire class. No student will be offered individual extra credit!

Other Details

• Please note that this syllabus is subject to change over the course of the year.

• Cell phones must not be visible unless directed for classroom use and text messaging is strictly prohibited!

• Do not hesitate to ask questions or share your personal experiences. I want to make this class as comfortable as possible.

• One final thought—English IV is a requirement for YOU in order to graduate high school. I expect you to come to class, participate, and complete your work everyday until June 21st. It is my job to prepare you for college in the fall. Don’t let “senioritus” get the best of your educational experience at Piscataway High School. Remember, colleges can pull your transcripts at any time, even after you have been accepted.I am looking forward to having a positive and exciting year in English IV!


I, ____________________________________________, have read the course syllabus and understand what is required of me in English 1V Academic, for the 2015-2016 school year. I am aware that the completetion of this course is necessary for my graduation in June and that I will be expected to perform at a well above average level in reading and writing to meet more rigorous academic classroom requirements. I am also aware of both the grading policy, as well as, the requirements for independent reading. I understand that no homework assignments will be accepted late, major assignments will result in a 10 point deducation each day it is late, text messaging is strictly prohibited, and all school rules apply. I am familiar with Piscataway’s zero tolerance policy for cheating/plagiarism and the consequences if I do cheat. I fully understand all of the classroom procedures and know that extra help is available to me both before and after school by appointment. I promise to utilize the class website as a resource, as well as, create a Google Doc to submit my required writing assignments to Mrs. Loux. I will also sign up for the class Remind 101 to receive updates and notifications. I understand that if I break any of these rules or procedures, appropriate action will be enforced including: teacher detention, phone calls to parents, referrals, suspension, or failure for the marking period.

___________________________________________ ___________________

(Student Signature) (Date)

___________________________________________ ___________________

(Parent/Guardian Signature) (Date)


I, ____________________________________________, have read the course syllabus and understand what is required of me in English 1V Academic, for the 2015-2016 school year. I am aware that the completetion of this course is necessary for my graduation in June and that I will be expected to perform at a well above average level in reading and writing to meet more rigorous academic classroom requirements. I am also aware of both the grading policy, as well as, the requirements for independent reading. I understand that no homework assignments will be accepted late, major assignments will result in a 10 point deducation each day it is late, text messaging is strictly prohibited, and all school rules apply. I am familiar with Piscataway’s zero tolerance policy for cheating/plagiarism and the consequences if I do cheat. I fully understand all of the classroom procedures and know that extra help is available to me both before and after school by appointment. I promise to utilize the class website as a resource, as well as, create a Google Doc to submit my required writing assignments to Mrs. Loux. I will also sign up for the class Remind 101 to receive updates and notifications. I understand that if I break any of these rules or procedures, appropriate action will be enforced including: teacher detention, phone calls to parents, referrals, suspension, or failure for the marking period.

___________________________________________ ___________________

(Student Signature) (Date)

___________________________________________ ___________________

(Parent/Guardian Signature) (Date)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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