April 5 and 6 at midnight and on April 6 at 10:00

[Pages:1]Happy St. Patrick's Day everyone. Can't you feel the excitement in the air. I'm feeling it all the way down in South Carolina. Just a few things to cover and then I'll leave you to your drinking of the green, like milk shakes and beer and maybe eatiing a green twinkie and that Corned Beef and cabbage, oops, sorry, forgot it's Lent and no meat today. Darn...

Enough babbling from me. All the merchandise is available for preorder and viewing. Take a look at merch.html. Aye, me mateys, get excited or walk the plank. You can also start placing your preorders as soon as it is posted. Just keep watching the site and I'll have the link up very soon. All preorders must be placed by 7am on Saturday April 8.

There is a little correction from the last newsletter. The Trivia Kickoff movie is at 10pm on Friday March 31 and Saturday April 1.

Registration will be at the station beginning Monday April 10th through Thursday April 13 from 3 until 7 and on Friday April 14, from noon until 6. We really want to be done a bit before 6, so don't wait for the last minute.

During registration you can also sign up for the Parade, yep, the Trivia Parade begins at 4pm on April 14 in Lot Q on the University campus and the route is on the Trivia website, . If you can't be in the parade, at least stop down and see the floats that other teams make. I'm sure there will be a frigate or 2, even somebody walking the plank. It'll be enough to shiver me timbers.

Now if you aren't pumped yet, I just don't know about you. Please forward this email to all your team members and get them pumped as well. I'm waiting for some Freebird and then, well you know, it's 6 o'clock, Friday, April 14th...there's a tension in the air. Time to play Trivia, Fast Eddie....



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