North Parish News

September 2016North Parish Quilters, Union Congregational Church, 148 Haverhill Street, North Reading, MA 01864We meet on the second Wednesday of the month Sept- June. Doors open at 6pm & the meeting starts at 7pm. 5432425161876The Quarter Inch Press northparishquilters.? North Parish QuiltersPresident’s Note September 2017Hello Fellow Quilters,WE’RE BACK!!!! Let’s have fun this year.RoseMary Koch and Dawn DecostaCo-PresidentsBoard Openings 2017-2018There are several job openings for this year. We are hoping individuals will step forward for these positions.Vice President – assist the President in a variety of ways. Learn the ropes so that you can assume the post of President for the 2018-2019 year. This position can be shared by two individuals.Program Coordinator 2018-2019 – Arrange speakers and vendors for the 2018 – 2019 season. Learn the ropes by shadowing the 2017-2018 coordinators. Fundraiser 2018-2019. Fundraising is essential for the continuous running of the guild. The proceeds from the fundraiser, go directly back to the guild and fund our speakers and programs. We need a committee to organize the fundraising for 2018-2019. The opportunity is endless as to what the committee decides will be the fundraiser. Without volunteers, many of our fun activities will cease, so if you can help in any way, please speak with RoseMary Koch, Dawn Decosta, Pat Atkins, Joanne Barber or any other board member if you are interested in helping out. Board Members for 2017 – 2018Co-PresidentsRoseMary Koch and Dawn DecostaVice PresidentVACANTTreasurerPat AtkinsSecretaryJoanne BarberEvents Coordinator 2017 - 2018Dawn Sampson and Christine BrungardtEvents Coordinator 2018 - 2019VACANTWeb Master/Newsletter CoordinatorSusan Holsing Membership CoordinatorJoanne BarberRefreshment CoordinatorsLinda RoseGreeters and Attendance TakersBetty Atkins and Jan FunaiMystery QuiltLinda JefferySunshine CoordinatorJoanne BarberRaffle Basket CoordinatorThe RafflettesNew Member MentorDeb CioffiAuction/Sale 2017-2018Pat Atkins, Susan HolsingFundraiser 2018-2019VACANTVolunteer Appreciation CommitteeGail Russell Charity CoordinatorsMarcia DeBrigard Yawkey Family Inn Charity OversightRoseMary KochDog BedsRoseMary Koch TemporaryHoliday Tea CoordinatorLaurie ThiesIce Cream Social CoordinatorLaurie Thies Membership 2017-2018If you haven’t already paid dues, please remember to bring them to the September meeting. Membership forms will be available at the meeting and are also available to print on our website. completing your membership form please be sure to include any change of address, phone number or e-mail.$30.00 Regular Membership, $25.00 Senior Membership (over 60 years of age). $10.00 Junior Membership (under 18 years of age)You can pay by cash or check. Please make checks payable to: North Parish Quilters. If unable to attend the September meeting, you can mail your check to: Membership Coordinator North Parish Quilters P. O. Box 511 North Reading, MA 01864Take it to Go Sale and AuctionAs it is said, many hands make light work. We are looking forward to a wonderful sale and auction, but it can only happen with help from everyone in the guild. We are looking at 100% participation by the guild members in this important fundraising endeavor. The date has been changed to May 9, 2018. This will give everyone more time to make items and get more ideas out to everyone. If you have already made items, not to worry. Please bring them in. Hey, if your stressed about making something, please feel free to bring in new items that we can fill donated bags with, quilt rulers, rotary cutters, blades, pins or even a gift card. There will be a tote ready to accept all items for the auction and sale at each meeting.Raffle Baskets – We would like to have 3 or 4 large raffle baskets, we are asking every person in the guild to donate an item to the make these baskets. More information will be coming on this at future meetings. Raffle Quilt – an anonymous member has decided to donate a quilt as our Raffle Quilt. The quilt will be at Show and Tell in September and will be on display for viewing and for the purchase of raffle tickets at the February, March and April meetings and of course at the May sale and auction. Finally, at the September meeting, we will have ideas and samples of items we are would like to sell and auction. So, if you are stuck coming up with an idea, look for inspiration at the September Meeting. 19050381000Board Meeting RecapOld Business: Should the group continue to collect dog beds since J. Capporella does not attend regularly? Several members agreed to take dog beds to area shelters, but only completed dog beds. No filling or small pieces will be collected.Treasurer’s Business: Voted to increase donation to quilt museum to $150, to donate S250 to Yawkey Way, and $300 to Hole in the Wall.Membership: Approx. 45 members have paid dues for 2017 – 2018, including one new member. Joanne Barber will update a member’s welcome booklet for new members and Ellen will make copies. To increase membership and retain new members, the group discussed the importance of making them feel welcome. Deb Cioffi volunteered to greet and mentor new members. New members will receive a pin, a membership folder, and a mug in a cozy.Discussion regarding how to increase participation and volunteering in the guild resulted in the following: ask individuals to assist with a particular task rather than asking the group at large, initiate a Volunteer Appreciation Raffle. Volunteers will receive a ticket to add to the raffle jar each time they volunteer. Gail Russell will make a doll (Velma the Volunteer) as the raffle prize.Programs: Christine and Dawn have some speakers lined up for 2017 – 2018, working to set up venders and additional speakers for spring. Group present agreed that members will be allowed to vend at December meeting.Program Coordinators still needed for 2018 – 2019.Auction Committee: Susan Holsing and Pat Atkins are heading up the fundraiser, including quilt raffle and raffle baskets. Doors will open 6 p.m. to allow sale of raffle tickets, sale items, and preview of auction items. The auction will begin at 7 pm. Date of Auction: May 9, 2018.New Projects: Members who want to begin a new project in the guild, such as an additional charity, must present the idea to the Board of Directors for approval.5619750170180RefreshmentsThe September Meeting refreshments are courtesy of the Board Members. Linda Rose is continuing as our Refreshment Coordinator this year. She will be in contact with members for refreshments at future meetings. Happy Anniversary!!!!WOW!!! Time flies! This year is very special for North Parish Quilters. It marks our 35th Anniversary as a Quilt Guild. Little did Lucy LeGrow, who initially taught quilting as part of North Reading Adult Education, or that small group of twelve members who started meeting in each other’s homes realize the wonderful and lasting organization they started. The first public meeting was held September 10, 1982 with Helen Eisenhaure as President and membership instantly grew to 25. We now have close to 100 members and are still going strong.Here’s to another 35 years!!!Hole in the Wall Charity UpdateWe are looking forward to seeing your creative Hole in the Wall quilts this year. Our charity block will be the new this year – Star Block. Please be sure the block measures 13.5” unfinished. See the web site or come by the table for instructions. can stop by our table and pick up a kit or two. One kit may be only a couple of blocks -- only a few stitches! We always have something that needs doing. And, we are also looking for fabric donations of 5” strips that we will use for quilt tops.If you are donating a quilt top or finished quilt anything 50” x 60” to 65” x 75” is fine for these quilts. Keep in mind that the kids at the camp are ages 7 to14. Recap of 2016-2017Congratulations to all who sewed together many parts of the quilts. ?We delivered 86 beautiful creative quilts also 87 pillow cases. ?This years of 2017 is our 20th year giving quilts and cases to the Camp for the children to enjoy there and able to take all home.As?being the chair person for many years I?am honored to continue?for another year. ?Many kits, bindings and sit and sews will be going on this years. ?AGAIN, thank you to all with your talents. ? Thank you, Marcia deBrigard.5733415441960Yawkey Family Inn NewsThe Yawkey Family Inn Thanks North Parish Quilters for all their support of quilts, pillowcases and teddy bears for the children and families.??? T-Shirts from the fundraiser at Children’s hospital were donated to me for all those who participated in Yawkey Family Inn Donations this past year.? If you have not received your T-Shirt and have not emailed me your size, please stop by the stage to pick one up as a gift from Yawkey Family Inn.?? I am thankful to all of you for your support for this charity.?At the September meeting, I will have pillowcase kits to pass out and quilts that need machine quilting.?? Thanks to Susan Fitzgerald who set up more than 50 Pillowcase kits for Yawkey Family Inn.?? Please take one of these pillowcase kits, or a quilt to machine quilt – this does not take much time and the children appreciate these items.?? There are so many children in need everywhere – we cannot save the world, but every little bit helps and our kindness puts a smile on a child’s face.???I had run out of batting in June, but now have a supply – so if you have a quilt you need batting for, let me know ahead of time and I will bring it to the membership meeting.??? I have some smaller quilts that can be done on a home machine and would appreciate your considering taking one home.?? I will also have some quilt?kits?-- some are panels with borders and some are just squares and would appreciate some of you creative folks to take these kits home and assemble the tops.?? They work up very quickly.? No rush – then when you bring it back, someone else will take it and machine quilt it and then someone else will sew on the binding.? Unless you prefer to finish the quilt.??? It takes a village?and I know this village can accomplish a lot.??? Thank you so much for all you do – see you in September.?RoseMaryVeterans QuiltsIt seems that several people have made blocks and some have made tops for the veterans.?? Since there is no one to organize this effort, RoseMary Koch will be the point person—temporarily—until someone else comes forward to handle these quilts.?? Lenny has been asked about a recommended size and it was suggested that the lap size/wheelchair size. The finished quilt size should be?36” x 48”.?Animal Shelter Dog Beds?We are asking those of you who have dog beds for the animal shelters, please bring in the pillows already made up and stitched closed?– we will no longer be accepting scraps or cut up pieces.??? There are several people who will take the pillows to various animal shelters if they are already completed.? The completed pillows can be given to RoseMary Koch at the meetings.??? We thank you all for your consideration with this effort.Mystery Quilt'Weapons" (fabric) information was handed out at the June meeting. If you have not already signed up, no need to worry, I'll have the sign up sheet with me and the information about the "weapons" (fabric) ?you need. ?For those of you who have already signed up and those of you signing up tonight, I will have the cutting instructions to give out. ?2857519685?See you soon, ?Linda Jeffrey, The Caped Crusader?Programs for 2017-2018We have a great year lined up for 2016-2017! September starts off the year with our classic Welcome Back Night; a chance to reacquaint and show everyone what you’ve been working on all summer.In October, we have Bev Hinckley. Our Holiday Tea is set for December. There are new plans in the works and rumors of charity giving (no sewing required).January is our annual Charity Night where we get lots of sewing done on charity tops.481012527305Our Fundraise - Take it to Go - will be the May meeting. And in June, to wind up our year, is the ever-popular Ice Cream Social.Can’t wait to see everyone for another inspiring year! Christine Brungardt & Dawn Sampson – Program Co-ChairsFat Quarter RaffleDue to low interest, the membership will vote at the September meeting if the Fat Quarter Raffle shall continue. Mentoring New MembersWe are starting a new year, and though we are excited about seeing our friends after our summer break! We want to remember that our new guild members, don't know what all the activities are about, what the different tables mean, they are wondering where to sit; and where is that delicious dessert coming from. They may be joining on their own and have no friends, I am sorry to say that I know of one new member last year, who I found sitting by herself at an empty table behind me.So this year, we are doing a new thing!We want new members to feel welcomed and cared for.We are going to hear from membership, or the check in table when we have a new member.They will be greeted when they arrive by me or by Susan Nelson.We will bring them around to all our different activities, and explain what is going on, and how the guild runs, then we will have them sit with us.They will be given a black gift bag with multi colored metallic designs on it, you won't be able to miss them.In their bags, they will receive, a info packet that explains the workings of the guild, a guild pin, and a beverage container with a quilted cozy around it.If you see someone with a black multi-color metallic bag, please say hello, make them feel welcome, make a new friend.New membership is what will help pay for speakers to come to our guild.If you would like to help in greeting and caring for new members, please contact me at?dcsews@, text me at?617-828-9144?or see me at any guild meeting. Thank you for listening.Debbie CioffiLocal EventsSeptember 17-18, 2017 (9-4 both days)Merrimack Valley Quilters Quilt ShowHope Church11 Hale St.Newburyport, MA mvquilters.October 13-14 2017Concord Piecemakers Quilt ShowSt. Matthew’s United Methodist Church435 Central St.Acton, MA October 13-14, 2017Rising Star Quilters Annual Quilt ShowSt. Brigid Church1995 Massachusetts Ave, Lexington, MA October 13-14, 2017Rising Star Quilters Annual Quilt ShowSt. Brigid Church1995 Massachusetts Ave, Lexington, MA October 21, 2017 (Rain Date Oct. 22)Quilters Connection Yard SaleIvy CircleWellesley, MAOctober 22-23, 2016Burlington Quilters' Guild Annual ShowMiddlesex Community College, Campus Center591 Springs Road, Bedford, MA Important Miscellaneous InformationNEWSLETTER DEADLINE: Please send all updates and informational notes to Susan Holsing, our Newsletter Coordinator, by the 25th of the month to appear in the following month’s Newsletter: NPQNews@ -4254510160THE SUNSHINE LADY: Please let the Sunshine lady know of members who need some sunshine in their life. Please e-mail: joannebrbr@ I appreciate your input. Thank you, Joanne Barber (978)922-5123 GUEST FEES: Please be reminded that North Parish Quilt Guild has a guest fee policy-- all guests pay a $3.00 fee for all meetings except when there is a Guest speaker -- then the guest fee is $5.00. We would appreciate members observing this policy. Thank you. PARKING: Please note that we will be reserving the first two spaces in the parking lot for speakers and vendors. SUGGESTION BOX: A penny for your thoughts. If you have an idea, then let us know. This is YOUR guild. What would you like to see and do? There will be a box at the back of the hall where the check in table is located. Please put your ideas and comments in the box. We will read them and discuss them at the next board meeting. Thank you.5736590167640FREE TABLE: Don’t forget to check out the free table at the back of the room before and after the meetings. Anything quilt related is welcome – please feel free to “put and take”. This is a great way to recycle magazines, notions and unwanted fabric. Scraps are also welcomed. To be fair to all members please limit your taking to 2 or 3 items until the end of the meeting. If you bring in anything and it is still there at the end of the night please take it home. THE GUILD WEBSITE: Please visit the guild’s website and sign up to receive an e-mail when anything, including this newsletter, is posted to the site. See Patrice Denault if you would like help subscribing to the website. CANCELLATION POLICY: In the event that North Reading Schools are canceled on the day of a North Parish Guild Meeting, then the guild meeting is also canceled. However, if snow conditions become severe through the day, members will be notified by email by 3:00 pm on the day of the meeting. We ask that everyone assist with notifying our members of a cancellation. Members without email should contact another North Parish Guild Member. Thank you.5095875190500872490119380Remember to bring to the September Meeting: Name Tag - Finished Charity Items – Show and Tell ................

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