MEWS Christmas


Christmas 2010

C.R.A. # 899091128RR0001 Alberta Charitable # 3101541

very special issue


Cats in Crisis, being RESPONSIBLE for fluffy.............. page 4 Pet Expo 2011 ................................................................. page 5 New Pet law in Effect.................................................... page 7 Free kittens? Not such a good idea!........................ page 10 Stress Free Vacations for you AND your pet!......... page 13 Check out the new Edmonton ACCC........................ page 14 Wrapping Presents with Kitty................................... Page 18

EVERY ISSUE Kitty Wish List for SANTA PAWS! ............................... page 2 Marjorie's Message ...................................................... page 3 Feline Book Reviews...................................................... page 6 TIDBITS Baking with your kitty............................ page 8 ARTRA Art School.......................................................... page 9 News & Events.............................................................. page 11 Edmonton Cat Fanciers Club..................................... page 11 Pretty Kitty Korner....................................................... page 12 K9 Korruption......................................................... pages 15-17 Shop n save/Fundraising .......................................... page 19 Sponsorship Directory......................................... pages 20-21 Donation Form.............................................................. page 22

MEWSLETTER CHRISTMAS 2010 ? ? 780.963.4933

Christmas 2010 MEWSLETTER

President and Founder Marjorie Hervey

info@ Editor

Covert Cat Lover



To care for cats in dire need and give our less fortunate feline friends

a warm, loving and caring environment that allows them to live out

their lives. To attempt to find loving homes for cats and kittens that come

into our care. To promote responsible pet ownership through public education, early spaying and neutering programs and promoting other care programs.

The Foundation operates a no-kill facility - euthanasia

as an option only when the animal cannot enjoy a reasonable quality of life.

C.R.A. # 899091128RR0001 Alberta Charitable # 3101541


Kitty Wish List

It takes 450 lbs. of dry cat food, 75 cases of canned food and 800 lbs. of litter PER MONTH to take care of the hundreds of stray, abandoned and unwanted cats and kittens that The Hervey Foundation for Cats takes in at their facility each year. Many of these animals find new homes ? BUT ? many

fall into permanent care at our facility.

The kitties would really like Santa Paws to bring them lots of toys this year, pretty

please-they promise they've been good!

? BABY FOOD (pref.chicken with broth) ? large scratching post ? cat litter deodorizer ? kitty condos ? TURBO SCRATCHERS ? GLAD garbage bags ? pinesol and PAPER TOWELS ? fabric softener, bleach ? Tide detergent (no lemon scent) ? JUMBO LITTER PANS ? bistro/food feeders

(Dog medium size)

? kitty toys ? CAT BEDS ? Chain link fence panels,

minimum 5 ft in height

? FRISKIES canned cat food ? dry cat food (IAMS please!) ? Gift cards Canadian Tire, Walmart

For purchasing pet & cleaning supplies

With costs of several thousands per month the Foundation needs the support of the caring public in carrying out it's mission.


Financial donations may be made by mail, phone, paypal!

Donations may also be dropped off at City of Edmonton Animal Control at their new address!! 13550 163 Street. They are open Monday,Wednesday,Friday and Saturday 9:30 to 5:30 andTuesday and Thursday 2 p.m. to 8 pm. Yhey are closed Sundays and on Statutory Holidays. Please clearly mark your packages Hervey Foundation. If you would like a tax receipt,

please also attach your name, address, and approximate value of the item. THANK YOU!

780.963.4933 ? ? MEWSLETTER CHRISTMAS 2010

a note from

Dear Supporters,

Welcome to the CHRISTMAS edition of the Hervey Foundation's Mews letter!

I do not know where 2010 has gone! Here we are, already into the festive season and looking at saying good bye to 2010 and ringing in 2011!

Things have been busy at The Foundation, mainly just routine things, taking care of the cats and the ongoing renovations that never end. But we love what we do here, taking care of our feline friends.

On the dark side of things, 2010 has been the worst year in my entire lifetime for stray, abandoned, and unwanted cats. The phone calls from people who do not know what to do with the litters of stray kittens and the half starved stray and abandoned cats. The sad part is that there is nowhere to send these people. All rescues are full, and the shelters are bulging, with many having no other choice but to euthanize the cats.

I have said that a lot of this is due to irresponsible pet ownership, and it is but with the recession, many people moved back east in 2009 and left their Fluffy behind, unaltered. So now, in 2010, we are seeing the population explosion this created.

But there is also another contributing factor to this problem, and it IS a big part of the problem. It is our governments. We are talking about the cities, towns, counties and municipalities that pass bylaws putting a cap on the number of animals that a person can have. They tell the public that this policy is to control the animal population, when in fact, they are controlling the people by telling them what they can and can not have in their home. Capping the number of animals that a responsible citizen can have actually ends up contributing to the homelessness of cats. One such example is the City of Medicine Hat, which just recently put a cap on the number of animals you can have.

This is such backward thinking. By capping the numbers, animals that might have otherwise found a home are now either euthanized in a facility or are left on the streets to starve, freeze, etc, and the ones that survive become feral. So this law just sets off the whole chain reaction that shelters and rescue groups are trying so hard to prevent! Many of the administrators of the cities, counties, towns and municipalities (not all) are so ill informed about the cat over population issue and many more (again, not all) don't care. Many concerned citizens are taking these cats in, and, at their own expense, having them spayed/neutered and are trying to find homes

for them. I had the extreme pleasure of attending a

summit earlier this year with Bill Bruce, who is Calgary's bylaw and animal services chief. They do not have a cap on the number of cats you can own in Calgary. Instead, their concern is about how the animals are cared for. This man is forward thinking and this policy has actually helped lessen the cat population tremendously in Calgary. This is a fine example of someone who cares about the animals and has implemented programs to help get them into responsible homes. We all need to look to this example!

Many good, caring, and responsible citizens are able to take good care of many cats, and it is time that maybe the rest of Alberta took a good look at Calgary and the wonderful progress they have made. And for those of you who are reading this and are worrying "what about animal hoarders?" please take note that this is a mental illness, which is likely to manifest itself in many ways. A cap on the number of animals a person is allowed to have will NOT prevent this disease from occurring. As citizens who love cats, we should be lobbying our officials to get these laws changed. And for those of you who do not like cats, it will still benefit you, as there would be fewer cats on the streets.

We have once again had the honour of being chosen as Charity of Choice for the Pet Expo in January 2011 and we will have many Foundation cats there for you to meet, so we hope you will come and see us. Details are on the poster enclosed in this issue.

We also will be having a big celebration coming up, with 2011 being the 10th anniversary of our Dinner and Silent Auction, so we sincerely hope you will be able to attend! The food is always delicious, and we always have so much fun with our fellow cat lovers!

Please note that there is a new address for The City of Edmonton Animal Control for donation drop offs for the Foundation. It is 13550 163 Street, Edmonton, Alberta.

We would like to thank Filo for all her wonderful fundraising efforts and for putting on the Oktoberfest at Rednex on

October 15th in Morinville. We are grateful to all the people attending

for supporting the Hervey Foundation for Cats. A very special thank you to the troops who

attended. We support you too! Welcome back to Bob, our wonderful driver

for the Foundation. We are so glad you are healing up from your surgery!

We cannot thank ALL of our wonderful volunteers enough! They go above and beyond to help out with the Foundation, and we are truly grateful!

And last, but certainly not least, we want to send out our very sincere thank you to all of you, our kind, wonderful supporters, for your ongoing help and for your generous contributions to the Foundation. It means that we are able to get help for the kitties in our care. Remember, it is you, our supporters who make this work. Without your support, there would be a lot more homeless kitties.

We wish you and your families a very Merry Christmas, and look forward to seeing you or talking to you in the New Year.



MEWSLETTER CHRISTMAS 2010 ? ? 780.963.4933

Cats in Crisis: PART 5 Being Responsible for Fluffy

by Marjorie Hervey

There are many responsibilities associated with having a cat. Especially because you are looking at having at least a 15 year commitment.

BRINGING FLUFFY HOME You have decided to get Fluffy and whether s/he is a kitten or an adult, here are some suggestions as to what you will need for Fluffy. S/he will need a crate to come home in, and to visit the vet in. You will need a water dish, food dish, saucers for canned food, a litter pan and litter, (if you have a big house, you may need two litter pans), spray bottles, a bed and food, preferably the kind that the cat is already used to eating. You can gradually switch to something else later on. When Fluffy does come home whether you have other animals or not, if you have a noisy household, Fluffy should be put in a quiet place, like a spare bedroom or laundry room or guest bathroom, with his litter and food and allowed some time to adjust to his new surroundings. He should be gradually introduced and this is especially important if you have a noisy home. This gradual introduction should be done over a period of five days or so. Introducing Fluffy to his new home and taking the time to do this right will pay many dividends down the road.

TOYS The most important item that you will need is a scratching post. DO NOT get a small one. If the cat can pull it over they will not use it. You need to get a large cat tree or condo. You can go to our ad in this issue for Catman Cat Furniture and visit his website for some ideas. Your kitty will like to have an assortment of other toys, such as furry mice or balls that they can throw around, and turbo scratchers. There are many wonderful interactive toys on the market for those of you who have more than one cat, and even if you are a couch potato, your cat does not need to be! You can get a laser pointer that you can point at the floor while you are watching TV, and your cat will chase it all over the floor! Also, while you are busy doing other things, such as work, there are many wonderful DVDs made just for kitties that you can put on for Fluffy to watch!

VETERINARY CARE The most important thing when Fluffy comes home is to take him to a vet as soon as possible for a check up. Having a good relationship with a veterinary clinic is one of the most important parts of having a cat, so be sure to establish a good relationship as soon as possible. For those of you who have adopted a cat or kitten from a shelter or rescue group, your Fluffy will have already had at least one set of shots, been micro chipped and, more than likely, spayed or neutered. For those of you who take a cat from other situations, it is even more important that you get Fluffy in right away for vaccines, a check up and to be spayed/neutered. Those are the most important things. Your cat should also have some form of identification, such as a microchip or tattoo. We always recommend the chip. Be sure that if you move, that you keep your information attached to the chip or tattoo current. Even if your Fluffy is just an indoor cat, s/he should have this. You never know when they may accidentally escape!

DENTAL CARE This is one of the most important aspects of caring for Fluffy, as bad teeth and gum disease cause a lot of serious health issues, such as heart disease, kidney disease and liver disease. So right from when you first bring Fluffy

home, you should go to your vet and get a tooth brush and tooth paste for your cat and try to start cleaning their teeth. We feel it is important that Fluffy have a yearly check up, not only for a routine check up, but also for annual vaccines (our Opinion), and so Fluffy's teeth can be checked. As your Fluffy ages, they may need additional dental care from your vet clinic, such as cleanings and maybe even some extractions. Dental care is one of the most important things that you can do for your cat, and good dental care will add years to your cat's life.

DIET This is, of course, a very important part of your cat's health. Being on a good diet can keep your cat in good shape, give him/her a beautiful coat and, along with regular exercise, keep your cat's weight at a good level. You do not want your cat to become over weight, as it is very difficult for a cat to lose weight. You should consult your vet for advice on proper diet for your cat, and should your cat develop problems, there are many good, specialized diets available to aid in the treatment. Your veterinarian can also offer valuable advice about these.

LICENSING We believe that, in the areas that require it, that your cat should be licensed. This just ensures that, should your cat get out, that you will have a better chance at getting him/her back. We do believe that even cats who are strictly indoor pets, should be tattooed or preferably, micro chipped and licensed. Cats are fast, and sometimes can duck out the door very quickly. Remember- it is your responsibility to take care of Fluffy, and you will need every method possible of getting him/her back should he escape.

NO ROAMING This is the most controversial topic that there is about Fluffy. In the city, there is absolutely NO REASON for your cat to be running at large. Cats can live very happily and well, kept indoors. They can enjoy fresh air through an open, screened, window or door. We suggest that the cat tree that you have already bought be put in front of a window or sliding patio door that can be opened. They will spend hours there! Or, at least, you can purchase the new cat fencing that is available for use in your yard. Our preference, should you feel that Fluffy must have outdoor time, is that you build a cat run off your house, so that Fluffy can come and go as s/he pleases, yet not bother anyone. LISTEN UP PEOPLE! It is not acceptable for Fluffy to be in your neighbor's flower bed or garden. EVER! If you are a responsible owner, and love, and care about your cat, then PLEASE keep him or her safe! Do you want to have to clean them up off the road after someone runs them over? Or have some neighbor live trap him/her and dump the unfortunate animal off in the country to become coyote bait, because the cat was a nuisance to them? Do you want to find your cat mutilated? KEEP YOUR CAT INDOORS or provide them with one ofthe safe alternatives that I suggested above. To maintain a good relationship with your neighbors is very important, and you can help this by keeping Fluffy in. This is your responsibility.

FINANCIAL SUPPORT AND INSURANCE Having an account that you put some money into every month is important, as well as possibly looking into purchasing pet insurance, because, as Fluffy ages, he will very likely develop some medical problems and require additional veterinary care. Veterinary care is very expensive, and as stated above, Fluffy may also

need dentistry or other specialized work done and it is your responsibility to ensure that you have the funds, or insurance policy, or both, to help with the expenses that may be incurred. You pay health care for your kids, don't you? Well this is no different! You are ensuring that Fluffy's health needs are cared for.

HOLIDAYS Many go away on holidays every year, and this often ends in heartbreak, as many people just get the neighbor to come by to care for their cat and, about three days after they leave, Fluffy runs out the door, never to be seen or found again. When planning a vacation, you should plan to have a proper pet sitter come in, or put your cat in a kennel where they will be safe and cared for. We get many calls throughout the summer, dealing with this issue where the cat got out on the neighbor who was looking after him/her. Sadly, most of these stories do not have a happy ending.

WORKING Most people have to work today, in order to make a living, so Fluffy may be left for long times each day alone. You should always leave a radio on for company, and in winter, you should have a light on a timer that comes on so s/he has light. This is also when toys come in handy, and you could have a DVD in a player (they make some great ones for cats, nowadays!) that would come on through the day to help provide some company. One of the biggest myths that Fluffy owners, believe is that cats are independent. Cats are very DEPENDANT on their owners for love, affection and attention. They are dependant upon us for their food. Just because you don't have to take Fluffy for a walk the way a dog owner does, doesn't mean that they do not require care. They need love and companionship, and, in return, will give you a lifetime of love.

SAYING GOOD BYE When Fluffy get old, and his time comes, Fluffy trusts you to take him to the vet and give him/her a peaceful good bye, with you at his/her side. We know that this is the hardest journey that you will make with Fluffy. However, many do not stop to consider what happens if they make that final journey before Fluffy. It is your responsibility to see to it that there is something in writing or in a will so that the person in charge of your estate knows what you want done with Fluffy. Just because you die does not mean that Fluffy should, and so there should be funds set aside for his/her care, and a place that is as responsible as you have been should be designated for the cat to live out his/her life. Do not count on family and children to be there for Fluffy, because 9 times out of 10, Fluffy ends up at a rescue or shelter, because no one else wants him/ her. This is one of the most important things that you can do for Fluffy, and you do not need to be old to do this. Everyone should have a will, and it should be done at a young age, and updated every five years. Remember, Fluffy trusts you and is dependant on you for his/her care. S/he has given you a lifetime of love, and the least that you can do is ensure that s/he can finish their life out in a safe place that will love and care for them. That concludes this article. Now, please go and give Fluffy a big hug and tell him/her that you love them!

For previous Cats in Crisis Articles lease visit our website!





January 22 & 23, 2011

Edmonton EXPO Centre

Charitable support to Hervey Foundation for Cats and Animal Cancer Therapy Subsidization Society.

Noreen is always looking for rescue stories, cute stories (does not always have to be about cats), or other

A tradeshow for pet lovers! Vreilsevitanwt isitshuesa. Ivf yaoruiehatvyeosofmaenthiimngatolsshpalrue,splease feel free to email her at terra63@ check out the latest in pet products, services, sports, information and more!

For your convenience, tickets are available for purchase online. Also, for everyone's safety, please leave your pets at home. Thank you!

For more information, please call (780) 490-0215 or visit our website at

*Promotions subject to change without notice.

MEWSLETTER CHRISTMAS 2010 ? ? 780.963.4933

Feline Book Reviews

What Will You Find In This Book?

All kinds of interesting, useful information, ideas and contacts that will open up a whole new world for cat lovers

everywhere. We've searched for the best and collected them all together into a concise, simple little guide that you will

appreciate having access to!

How Does It Work?

10 Top 10 Lists For Cat Lovers is a simple ebook in .pdf format that you download in about 10 seconds. It looks and acts like a regular notebook, except it's on your computer. You can scroll down the pages, move back and forth between chapters, adjust font size and page display options.The best part is as long as you are connected to the Internet, you can access any

of the 100 sites listed directly, simply by clicking on them.

Once you use it, you'll keep using it over and over again!

How We Donate...

Full 50% Donated For every book sold

List #1: Cat Artists Online galleries, gift stores, portraits, jewelry, sculpture, fantasy cat art & much through this website 50% of the sale price, or


$4.99, is designated for donation. Each month

List #2: Free Stuff Recipes, coupons, contests, graphics, samples all the best free things for cat lovers!

we choose 10 non profit organizations, and whatever funds we have to donate from sales

List #3: Health From first aid and emergency care to the special needs of kittens & seniors, from

for that month are divided evenly between

general care advice from vets and holistic healers to very detailed information on specific conditions, them. We use Paypal for these transactions

this list covers all your feline health concerns.

to facilitate instant transfer of funds and for

List #4: Humour There's some really funny cat stuff out there... The Cat Dictionary, The Cat User's Manual, Purrlitical Correctness, A Cat's Miracle Diet... cat lovers will get these instantly & if you're one

ease of record keeping. Public Records Record keeping is an important aspect of

that could use a laugh, you'll find it here.

being accountable to you, our readers. We

List #5: Newsletters 10 of the best we could find, all free, all delivered reliably to your inbox and

are diligent in keeping track of how much

packed full of information, tips, advice and news.

goes where, and when, and we publish that

List #6: Online Communites There's a lot of cat people online. They're actively involved in great, userfriendly forums, blogs, associations and clubs that invite you to join in the fun and sharing.

information here on this site and in our free monthly newsletter. These public records

List #7: "Other Stuff" Well, we had to make a misc. list because there's just a lot of interesting sites that don't fit into one category. Cat myths, poetry, cards, names, pictures, quizzes and games, and much more.

are updated each month. No Conditions When we donate funds to a group, we do not stipulate or even suggest how the funds should

List #8: Personal Sites This book would not be complete without a list for those talented cat lovers that create wonderful warm personal sites, celebrating the special cats past and present that have touched their lives.

be used. We leave that decision solely up to the discretion of each individual organization, believing that they know better than anyone else how best to use whatever we can send

List #9: Shopping If you shop online, why not support these stores? Although the variety of items


offered is truly amazing, all these sites have two things in common... they are all professionally run and customer service oriented, plus they donate a portion of their sales to catrelated charities and good causes.

The people behind "10 top 10 Lists for Cat Lovers" have already donated twice to the Hervey Foundation! To learn more about them,

List #10: Taking Action Cat lovers are dedicated to their causes, and to taking action to better the

or to purchase this e-book, please visit

lives of all cats. From small yet effective steps to huge undertakings, everyone can make a difference. cats.

The sites on this list help you help cats in your own backyard and around the world.

Cat Psalms And More Cat Psalms Dog Psalms And More Dog Psalms

(Four Texts of Prayers My Cats and Dogs Have Taught Me)

Four wonderful books for all of us who's cats and dogs have given us more than we can ever give them. These books written by (1) Herbert Brokering a pastor, writer, poet, pilgrimage guide and genuine cat and dog lover who in his wisdom has managed to link, as he thinks, the thoughts of cats and dogs, to prayers by the human as they,(2) speak of their cat and dog like nature to God. As Mr. Brokering says, "Cats help me pray," and in his companion books about dogs he states (3) " My relationship with dogs mirrors my relationship with God ." If you are interested in purchasing these books, they are available locally through:

Universal Church Supplies Inc. 11105 - 102 Avenue Edmonton Alberta T5K 2P4 (780) 429 -3153

Note: (1) Mini- biography of Mr. Brokering and (2) quotes taken directly from back cover of "Cat Psalms",(3) quote taken from the introduction to Dog Psalms. Please note: The Hervey Foundation does not receive any funding from the sales of these books, but we are happy to recommend these books.


780.963.4933 ? ? MEWSLETTER CHRISTMAS 2010

By Noreen Sutherland Hervey Alberta's NEW Southern Connection!

New Pet Law in Effect

To own a pet is a privilege and one must obtain a license for a fee after enrolling in a mandatory class on "How to be a Responsible Pet Owner", a written and verbal test, and also a home check. Must be renewed annually. Yes, this isthe way it should be. Unfortunately, this is not they way it is. The calls keep coming in. Stray kitty cats destroying gardens. Stray kitty cats starved, hurt, abused. Dogs taken out on the prairie and dumped, only to be left watching their irresponsible owner speed away. Where do these stray cats and dogs come from? They come from irresponsible pet owners who move and leave behind their pets because they do not actually view the pet as part of the family. They come from irresponsible people who decide the pet is now a burden and no longer a cute furry little pet. They come from people who have decided they do not want their new home, carpet, vehicle, to be ruined by the pet. They come from people who are

having their children and the pet is no longer welcomed. They come from people who are not knowledgeable about caring for pets and who perhaps feel that the pets do not have feelings and can fend for themselves. They come from people who do not get their pets spayed/neutered. They come from people who have all of a sudden developed an allergy to the pet. They come from people who do not think!

Oh yes, there are many excuses and reasons. Theses excuses are not acceptable for dumping a pet. Dumping a pet is the cowardly way to rid yourself of the responsibility.

It is common knowledge that cats/dogs have hair that can shed, that they need to urinate/defecate, preferably outside in your own yard, need to be fed/watered, vet checked, need shelter, attention, love and exercise. So why is it such a surprise to some people when they take home that cute little kitty or puppy? Animals, just like children,have to be

taught. They don't all of a sudden wake up and know basic obedience, house training habits, how to get their own food and water, how to spay/neuter themselves. They do not know birth control. I had one person tell me that they did not want their dog anymore because it just sat in the back yard and did not do anything, or would sit on the doorstep wanting inside, and that it did not know anything! They honestly thought their dog should know all of this, without any training at all. They honestly believed that the dog did not need, or would not want a playmate to run and exercise with. They honestly did not know a thing about owning a pet! If our politicians were ever to wake up, then maybe the laws for owning a pet will be revised and made to educate people, instead of giving people license to neglect and abuse innocent, helpless pets (and get away with it!). Think about it!


MEWSLETTER CHRISTMAS 2010 ? ? 780.963.4933

`TIDBITS' for Kitties!

1. Look in cookbook for cookie recipe.

2. Get cup of coffee.


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now what? buy cookies.

Kitty Kookies

? 1 Tsp catnip, finely minced ? 1 cup whole wheat flour ? 6 oz. can tuna in oil - undrained ? 1 Tbls. vegetable oil ? 1 egg

1. Combine all ingredients; mix well; add small amounts of water if mixture is too thick. 2. Turn dough onto a lightly floured surface and roll out to 1/4" thick. 3.Cut shapes out of dough with a cookie cutter and place 1" apart on an ungreased cookie sheet.

4. Bake in a 350 degree oven for 20 minutes, or until firm. 5. Allow to cool on wire racks.

Note: Store in refrigerator up to 3 w eeks OR freeze up to 1 year



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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