Lakes Edge Condominium Association

Lakes Edge Condominium Association, Inc.3310 Loveland Blvd, Port Charlotte, FL 33980E-mail lakesedgemanager@ (941) 624-3433 FAX (941) 629-3396Rules and RegulationsThese Rules and Regulations of the Lakes Edge Condominium Association were approved in April, 2020.1. AUTHORITYa. All unit owners in addition to any other obligation, duty, right and limitation imposed upon them by the Declaration, the Articles of Incorporation and the By-Laws of the Association and the Condominium Act, shall be subject to and agree to abide by the following restrictive covenants, which shall be applicable to the unit owners, their families, guests, invitees, tenants, renters and lessees.b. These Rules and Regulations will be reviewed every three (3) years by the Board of Directors and/or their designated committee and amended as necessary to better serve the membership. 2. ENFORCEMENTa. Complaints should be reported to the Association manager, who will make a record of it when received.b. All infractions will be called to the attention of the person or persons involved, by the Association manager. Repeated infractions and violations of a more serious nature will be referred to the Board of Directors for action, after due process. See Penalties & Fines section.c. Disagreements concerning complaints will be presented to the Board of Directors for adjudication and appropriate action with enforcement by civil legal process, if necessary.3. SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENCE/CHILDRENa. No unit shall be used for any purpose other than a single-family residence or dwelling. b. Children are allowed as residents. However, under no circumstances shall more than four (4) persons in a two (2) bedroom unit or six (6) persons in a three (3) bedroom unit be permitted on a PERMANENT BASIS. Children shall conduct themselves in accordance with the rules and regulations, under parental or guardian supervision. Page 2 of 144. BICYCLESa. Bicycles may be operated on the premises, but must be kept in bicycle racks in assigned areas, when not in use. Bicycles may not be kept on entry porches or under stairwells.b. Bicyclists should ride along the edge of the roadways, not directly behind parked vehicles nor on the sidewalk or grass areas.c. All bicycles must be permanently marked with the owner’s condo number. Any bicycle not permanently marked with the owner’s condo number will be removed from the racks. Owners will be requested to remove bicycles with flat tires and that are not ridden.d. When leaving for the summer, unit owners must store their bicycles within the confines of their unit. Bicycles may not be stored on the lanai.e. Bike rack site locations are determined by the Board of Directors.f. Bicyclists are expected to obey the rules of the road.5. DESTRUCTION OF PROPERTYa. Owners will be responsible for destruction, damage, or defacement of buildings, facilities and equipment caused through their own act(s) and/or the acts of their lessees or guests.b. Unit owners, their families, guests, invitees or lessees shall be liable to the Association for defacing, marring or otherwise causing damage to the common areas or limited common areas, where the repair of said damage is the obligation of the association.6. SIGNS/DECALS a. No signs of any type may be posted or affixed to any of the common areas. No sign of any kind shall be placed in or on windows, doors, terraces, facades, or other exterior surfaces of the building. A small security company decal shall be allowed to be displayed in the window only.7. SAFETYa. No one shall permit any activity or keep anything in a condominium unit, storage area or common area, which would be a fire or health hazard, or in any way tend to increase insurance rates. b. Yellow bug lights near the unit front doors are the Association’s property. No owner/tenant may unscrew the light bulbs except to replace a dead light bulb.Page 3 of 148. FOOD AND BEVERAGES IN COMMON AREASa. Food and beverages may be consumed in the common areas at the personal discretion of the owner: except the pool area. See rule 16 c.b. Owners are responsible for leaving the common areas in a clean condition after use. Frequent violators may have this privilege revoked by the Board of Directors.c. Outdoor cooking is allowed in the area located at the gazebo adjacent to Lakes Edge Pool,?or at ground level a minimum of twelve (12) feet from your building. Propane tanks are limited to two (2) pounds. Grilling is not allowed in your lanai.d. No glass containers may be used in the common areas.9. EXTERIOR APPEARANCETo maintain a uniform and pleasing appearance of the exterior of the buildings, the following shall apply:a. No owner, tenant, or other occupant of a condominium unit may paint or otherwise change the appearance of any exterior wall, door, window, balcony, or any exterior surface.b. No occupant may place storm shutters or awnings on a balcony or exterior opening without first securing written approval from the Board of Directors prior to installation. No occupant may erect any sign or place any sign in windows (with the exception of a small security company decal), erect or attach any structures or fixtures within the common areas.c. Occupants are not to erect, construct or maintain any wire devices, antennas or other equipment or structures on the exterior of the buildings or on/in any of the common areas.d. No clothing, bedding, carpets or other similar items shall be dried or aired in any outdoor area, except their lanai.e. All window coverings visible from the exterior of the building shall be white or off-white color or shall have white or off-white linings.f. Vertical four track white vinyl windows are acceptable in the lanai. They may be installed by the owner at his/their expense and all contractual work negotiated between the owner and the window contractor shall be promptly paid by the owner. Page 4 of 14g. The following modifications to the exterior of the buildings are permitted provided they are approved in writing by the Board of Directors and meet association specifications:1. Front entry screen door must be white.2. Roll-up blinds, in lanais only, must be white.3. Roll-up security shutters, in lanais only, must be white.4. Reflective Mylar window tinting shall be light grey or light smoke gray only.5. Not allowed: carpet on front porch and/or window awnings.6. White accordion window storm shutters must be installed in the white window areas and are allowed to be opened and closed at the discretion of the unit owner. Closing them and opening them is the sole responsibility of the unit owner, their guests or lessee.h. Holiday decorations:1. Christmas decorations may be placed on the outside of building from the weekend after Thanksgiving to January 6. 2. Christmas decoration(s) may only be hung with tie straps. Any damage to the building or common areas will be the responsibility of the owner.3. Per insurance company, one hand railing must always be left free of decorations for safety reasons. 4. All other holiday decorations, such as Valentines, Easter, Thanksgiving, etc. must be removed no later than one week (7 days) after.i. Front door decorations:1. Name Plate allowed on door, maximum size allowed is 2” x 6”.2. One (1) year round decoration is allowed on the front door; maximum size allowed is 15” x 15”. 3. Only “over the door hooks” may be used to hang decorations. Do not nail or screw hangings into the door.j. The entry door decks on the 1st and 2nd floors may ONLY have:Page 5 of 141. Two (2) chairs or one (1) loveseat-type bench. No stacked chairs.2. Folding Chairs are not allowed to be stored against the wall, folded.3. One (1) small table. 4. One (1) small potted plant or tree is allowed on top of the small table; dimensions not to exceed 24” tall by 18” wide (bottom of pot to top of plant). When/if the plant, shrub, or tree reaches this limit, the owner will be asked to trim or remove it. There will not be approval of additional potted plants, trees, lawn ornaments, free standing buckets, pots, baskets, boxes or any other objects.5. One (1) free standing ceramic figurine or high quality-type object to fit the exterior scheme may be chosen by each unit owner and placed in the front stone area and can be no higher than 2 feet (24”) tall. No figurines, ornamentals or garden signs may be used in the grass or mulch area.6. No owner shall plant shade trees, pine trees, vegetable plants or any tall growing trees anywhere around the building(s). 7. No potted plants or ornaments may be placed on the window sill. 8. No hanging objects of any kind, including ornaments, flags or tapestries, may be hung on the walls or any part of the stairway to the 2nd floor of the entry door deck area. 9. No fruit or vegetable plants may be used as potted plants on the small table.10. No ornamental plants, trees or figurines on stairway and landing.10. INTERIOR APPEARANCEa. All unit owners shall keep and maintain the interior of their respective units in good condition and repair, including the entire air conditioning system (compressor, ducts, vents, etc.), servicing respective owner’s units, whether inside or outside. Owners are responsible for uninsured damages that occur. b. No occupant may make any structural additions or alterations (except the erection or removal of non-support carrying interior partitions wholly within the unit) to any unit or to the common areas or any of the foregoing, without prior written consent of the Board of Directors.c. Hot tubs are not permitted.Page 6 of 1411. SOLICITATIONa. There shall be no solicitation by any person anywhere in the buildings or common areas for any cause whatsoever, unless invited by the unit owner to be solicited, or specifically authorized by the Board of Directors.12. NOISEa. All occupants of units shall exercise consideration and care regarding noise, the use of musical instruments, radios, televisions and amplifiers that may tend to disturb other occupants.b. Designated “quiet” hours are: 10:00 PM to 8:00 AM.13. PETSa. Unit owners are permitted to have only one (1) cat, OR one (1) bird, OR only one (1) dog with a weight limit of thirty (30) pounds. No other animal is permitted. Animals are not allowed to disturb or annoy other unit owners. Unit owners shall abide by municipal sanitary regulations and shall be responsible for any inconvenience or damage caused by their animal. All dogs and cats shall be kept on a leash when not confined to the owner’s unit and walked only in areas designated by the Board of Directors for such purposes. Any exception to pet rule 13 will be considered by the Board of Directors on an individual basis. Documentation must be provided to the Board of Directors for any type of Service Animal.1. Walking Areas -The only areas that a dog may be walked are the north and south perimeters. Dogs cannot be walked on the sidewalks in front of the buildings, as the shrubs, flowers and grass are not for a dog run, this also includes the area of the islands in the parking area and any grassy area around the buildings, all sides. There are no dog run hold down stakes, or any device to secure a dog outside allowed. Dogs must be on a leash at all times when outside. There are only two areas or dog runs, for a dog to relieve themselves, across the street in the grassy area in front of building 1700 thru 2500 on the north side of the complex. The other area is from building 200 thru 800 across the street in the grassy area. All dog droppings must be immediately picked up and disposed of properly, which means not throwing it in the weeds. All dog walkers must carry a disposable bag at all times. If any unit owner sees a dog owner not abiding by the rules, it is their duty to report it to the Association manager.b. If, in the sole judgment of the Board of Directors, it is determined that a pet is causing excessive disturbance and annoyance to other occupants, the owner may be required to remove the pet from Lakes Edge property.c. Renters/lessees or their guests ARE NOT permitted to bring pets onto the premises. Pets may visit a unit owner only if the unit owner is present at all times and must abide by the weight limit of thirty (30) pounds.Page 7 of 14d. Pets will not be allowed in the swimming pool area.e. Unit owners must not leave the dog unattended on the lanai.f. Unit owners must keep their dogs under control at all times.g. No renter/lessee shall be permitted to have ANY animal. Any exception to the pet rule will be considered by the Board of Directors on an individual basis. Documentation must be provided to the Board of Directors for approval of any type of service animal.h. All dogs owners MUST provide proof of current license and current rabies shots record to be kept on file in the office.14. LEASING/RENTINGa. Unit owners may not rent/lease their unit for less than one (1) month or more than a total of four (4) months during a calendar year to any one tenant. An owner is not permitted to rent/lease their unit to more than (4) adult occupants during any rental period. b. Rent-sharing and subleasing is prohibited.c. Leases or Rentals 1. The Association has an approved Lease Form which must be used. All lease forms must be updated annually.2. All new renters/lessees, both annual and seasonal, must have a background check before the rental is approved by the Board of Directors. 3. All renters/lessees must register in person with the Association manager within (4) days of arrival. 4. All renters/lessees will be expected to sign the full set of current Rules and Regulations and receive their parking decal at check-in. d. All lease agreements must be specifically made subject to the Declaration of Condominium.e. All owners intending to lease their unit must submit an application and all other requested information at least thirty (30) days in advance of the commencement of the lease, renewal or extension term. Upon receipt of all information and required fees, the Association manager will have a background check conducted. The Board of Directors shall have the duty to approve or disapprove the proposed lease within thirty (30) days of receipt of such information, including Page 8 of 14results of the background check and completion of a tenant interview (if required), by sending written notification to the unit owner or their rental agent, within such time frame.f. The Association will refer to the governing Documents, Articles and By-Laws when processing lease applications.g. Owners must notify Association manager of all guests that will be using their unit during their absence.h. The Unit owner is responsible to make sure the lessee and/or renter has a copy of the Association’s Rules and Regulations and they stay in compliance during their time at Lakes Edge Condominium. Unit owner is responsible to pay any and all fines levied against their lessee should the lessee refuse to pay the Association.15. OCCUPANCY - NO UNIT OWNER(S) SHALL HOLD TITLE TO MORE THAN ONE UNITa. No owner, lessee, or other occupant of a condominium unit shall use the unit for other than single family residence purposes. Units may not be used for commercial or business purposes.16. SWIMMING POOL RULESa. Owners, their families, lessees and guests using the swimming pool do so at their own risk. The swimming pool is for the occasional use of guests; abuses subject to action by the Board of Directors.b. Persons using the swimming pool are requested to read and obey the posted rules for use of the swimming pool, deck area and lanai.c. Glass containers are prohibited in the swimming pool area. No beverages or food allowed except for plastic bottled water.d. No pets of any kind are permitted in the swimming pool or pool area. Owners will be held responsible for any damages or repairs necessary.e. Any child, age fourteen (14) years or younger must be accompanied by an adult (age 18 or older) while at the pool.f. State law requires a shower (every time) before entering pool to wash off oils. Suntan lotion used in and/or around the pool must be a water soluble type.g. Pool hours are 8:00AM to Dusk.h. Smoking is not permitted in the lanai/clubhouse or pool area. Page 9 of 1417. GARBAGE REFUSEa. All garbage and refuse for the units shall be deposited with care in garbage containers intended for such purpose. All disposals shall be used properly. Refuse, newspapers and bagged garbage shall be deposited only in areas provided for such purposes.b. No refuse, waste, junk, or used oil can be placed outside or alongside the garbage disposal bins. No changing of oil of automobiles within the boundaries of Lakes Edge Condominium complex.c. No used oil may be disposed of in any manner within the boundaries of Lakes Edge Condominium complex.d. All garbage is to be in sealed plastic trash bags and placed inside the dumpsters.e. Boxes are to be broken down flat and placed inside the recycling dumpster across from building 1700.f. No trash of any kind is to be left outside the dumpster.g. Large trash items (ex. furniture and appliances) must be placed behind the dumpster near the recycling bin/shed area. 18. VISITORSa. All visitors of more than four (4) days, with a vehicle, will be required to obtain a parking pass from the office which must be displayed on the front dashboard.b. All unit owners, their guests and invitees agree to use the common areas only in accordance with the Rules and Regulations as established by the Board of Directors of the Association. c. Visitors/Guests are individuals who enter upon the condominium property at the invitation of a unit owner or lessee for the purpose of visiting for less than thirty (30) days per calendar year without consideration (payment).d. Under no circumstances may more than six (6) persons (including the unit owner or tenant and their families) sleep overnight in a two (2) bedroom unit, or eight (8) persons (including the unit owner or tenant and their families) sleep overnight in a three (3) bedroom unit.19. ACCESSa. The Association must retain a door key to every unit. If a unit owner changes the lock, they must provide the Association manager with a new key.Page 10 of 14b. If a locksmith is required for entry into a unit, the cost will be at the owner’s expense.20. FACILITIES/GENERALa. The facilities of the condominium are for the exclusive use of members of the Association, lessees and their house guests. The owners and lessees are responsible for their house guests’ actions according to the rules and regulations. b. Use of common areas must be applied for through the Association manager.c. These rules and regulations shall apply equally to owners, their families, guests and lessees.21. VEHICLE & PARKINGa. All unit owners and renters/lessees must obtain a parking permit from the manager within four (4) days of arrival. Parking permit decal must be displayed inside the passenger side front window bottom right.b. All unit owners are required to park in their numbered spot. If an owner has two vehicles, the second vehicle must be parked in a blank spot in front of their unit. The second vehicle CANNOT be parked in a blank spot in front of a different building. If the owner has a third vehicle, it must be parked in the extra spots across from building 900, or between buildings 2300 and 2400.c. No trucks, except pickups used primarily as personal transportation, or commercial vehicles (except during the period of approved construction), campers, mobile homes, motor homes, boats, house trailers, boat trailers, motorcycles, mopeds, scooters and power driven bicycles or trailers of every other description shall be not permitted to be parked or stored any place in the common areas. Electric peddle bicycles can be used. This prohibition of parking shall not apply to temporary parking of trucks or commercial vehicles for pickup, delivery or other commercial services. d. Definition of personal truck: 1. May have no more than 6’ bed with an extended cab.2. May have up to 8’ bed with a standard cab.3. May not have more than 4 wheels.4. May have a cap on the back bed.5. May not have commercial or personal rack system on truck.Page 11 of 14e. Automobiles shall be parked only in the parking spaces established for such purpose. Inoperable or unregistered vehicles are not permitted to be stored or parked in the common areas. If a vehicle is not removed within 72 hours of notice to the owner, said vehicle will be removed at the owner’s expense.f. Parking on grass is prohibited.g. Unit owner or tenant may not store personal items on top or outside of vehicle, including but not limited to canoes, small items, etc. h. Vehicles with protruding parts that constitute a safety issue, must be parked in the extra spaces behind the yard waste dumpster across from the 900 building.i. Roadways are for the exclusive use of automobiles, bicycles, and pedestrian traffic. j. Skateboards are not allowed.22. VEHICLE COVERSAll vehicle covers shall be a manufactured type.23. NO SPEEDINGa. The posted speed is 15 mph. b. All residents are required to drive at the posted speed. Speeding is a problem for everyone, especially for those out walking or riding their bikes. 24. WATER TURN OFFThe outside and all inside water valves to individual units must be turned off when owner, renter/lessee or guest leave their unit for three (3) days or more. If this rule is not followed, the owner will be responsible for any excess water bill to that building, if caused by a leaky valve in their unit.25. WATERING OF ALL PLANTS Shrubs and grass will be watered by Association workers only and conform to Charlotte County regulations.26. CAR WASHINGa. Car washing is not permitted.Page 12 of 14b. Connecting your own hose to the water spigot is not permitted.27. WILD LIFEa. No feeding of birds and/or animals, including alligators will be permitted.28. LANDSCAPINGa. All outside plantings must be approved in writing by the Board of Directors. Plantings done without prior approval may be asked to be removed at the owner’s expense.29. FISHINGa. This is a catch and release lake. b. Walking on lake rocks and retention mats is prohibited. 30. FLAGSa. Per F.S. 718.113 (4), Any unit owner may display one portable, freestanding, removable United States flag in a respectful way. On Armed Forces Day, Memorial Day, Flag Day, Independence Day, and Veterans Day, you may display in a respectful way, a portable, removable official flag, not larger than 3 feet by 5 feet, that represents the United States Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps or Coast Guard.b. Flags must be located in the front of the unit.31. LEAVING UNIT UNOCCUPIED 7 DAYS OR MOREa. Notify the Association office when you are leaving and when you are returning.b. Furniture from the front porch and screen lanais must be brought into the unit.32. SUPERVISED CHILDRENa. Children 10 years old and younger must be supervised by an adult (18 years or older) at all times. b. Landscaping material, such as rocks, mulch and lake rocks are not to be disturbed or thrown. Walking on the lake rocks and retention mats is prohibited.c. Children are not to use the water spigot or water hoses located on the buildings.Page 13 of 14d. Children are to play under the parents’ supervision in a safe and considerate way, so as not to interfere with other residents enjoyment of the grounds or amenities.33. PENALTIES AND FINESPursuant to section 4.14 of the By-Laws, the Association shall have, through its Board of Directors, the right to impose fines and penalties against a unit owner, a unit’s occupant(s), a lessee or invitee or either for the violation of these Rules and Regulation, in accordance herewith.a. FINES: A fine may be imposed for each day of continuing violation at the highest rate allowed by law per violation with a single notice and opportunity for hearing, provided that no fine shall in the aggregate exceed the maximum amount permissible by law.b. PROCEDURE: No penalty or fine shall be levied against a party without providing reasonable notice and an opportunity to be heard by the party, as follows:1. Written notice, delivered by certified mail, return receipt requested to the unit owner and as to tenants, of hearing shall be sent to the party in question not less than fourteen days prior to the hearing, to the address of the unit owner listed in the official records of the Association, and as to tenants, to the mailing address for the unit.2. Said written notice shall containa. Time, date and place of hearingb. A statement of the provisions of the Declaration, Association By-Laws or Association Rules which have allegedly been violated.c. A short and plain statement of the matters asserted by the Association.3. The party against whom the fine may be levied shall have an opportunity to respond, to present evidence and to provide written and oral argument on all issues involved and shall have an opportunity at the hearing to review, challenge and respond to any material consideration by the Association. 4. Thereafter, the hearing body shall make its determination whether to levy a fine and notify the owner in writing that such fine shall be due and payable to the Association within 15 days of the date of the levied fine.Page 14 of 145. The following is the fine notice as set by the Board of Directors for Lakes Edge Condominium Association.a. First offense - Verbal Warning - 10 days given to cure violationb. Second Warning - Written Warning - 10 days given to cure violationc. Third Warning - Hearing Scheduled – No less than 14 days till hearingd. Maximum fine allowed by law $100 per day (up to $1000 maximum)6. COLLECTION OF FINESa. Should the association be required to initiate legal proceedings to collect a duly levied fine, the prevailing party in an action to collect said fine shall be entitled to an award of costs and a reasonable attorney’s fee incurred before trial, including in connection with the preparation for and conduct of fining hearings at trial and on appeal.Non enforcement of any provision in this document does not invalidate such provision or any of the remaining provisions in this document.34. ASSOCIATION QUARTERLY FEESa. The Association fees are paid quarterly. The fee is due on the first of January, April, July and October. After the 15th of the month a late fee of $25.00 will be added, along with 1.5% per month on the amount owed. ................

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