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Name: Qiwei Yang, Ph.D.

Work: Department of OB/GYN, University of Illinois at Chicago, 909 S. Wolcott Ave,

7099 COMRB (MC 808), Chicago, IL60612

Office phone: 312-996-5689

Citizen: American


1980-1985: Undergraduate student, Major: Cell Biology, Department of Biology, and

University Of Science and Technology of China, Anhui, China. B.S. was

awarded in 07/85.

1990-1993: Graduate student, Major: Genetics, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular

Biology, Nankai University, Tianjin, China. M.S. was awarded in 06/93.

1993-1996: Predoctoral fellow, Major: Genetics, Institute for Molecular Biology, Nankai

University, Tianjin, China. Ph.D. was awarded on 06/96.

1996-1999: Postdoc, developmental biology, Department of Pathology, Northwestern

University Medical School, Chicago, IL. USA


Academic Appointments

09/85-10/92: Teaching Assistant, Department of Biology, Tianjin Normal University,


10/92-10/96: Instructor, Department of Biology, Tianjin Normal University,


10/96-11/02 Associate Professor, Department of Biology, Tianjin Normal University,


04/99-07/00: Senior Research Associate, Department of Pathology, Northwestern

University Medical School, Chicago, IL. USA

07/00-05/07: Research Assistant Professor, Northwestern University Medical School,

Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center. Chicago, IL. USA

2002- Visiting Professor, College of Life Science, Tianjin Normal University, China

2005- Visiting Professor, College of Life Science, Nankai University, China

06/07-10/10: Research associate (Assistant Professor), Department of Pediatrics,

University of Chicago, Chicago, IL. USA

11/10-08/14: Research Associate Professor, Department of Pediatrics, University of Illinois

At Chicago, Chicago, IL. USA

08/14-04/17: Senior Research Scientist, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Medical

College of Georgia, Augusta University

04/17-07/17: Research Associate, Hematology/Oncology, Boston Children’s Hospital,

Harvard University

04/17-07/17: Instructor in Department of Pediatrics, promotion under review (supported by

PI and two internationally recognized scientists), Harvard Medical School

01/01/2018- present: Research Associate Professor, Department of OB/GYN, University of

Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL60612, USA

Grant and scientific meeting abstract Reviewer

2015: Served as an abstract reviewer of Society of Reproductive Investigation (SRI)

2016 Annual Meeting

2016: served as a primary reviewer of the SRI 2016-2017 grant applications

2016: Served as an abstract reviewer of Society of Reproductive Investigation (SRI)

2017 Annual Meeting

2018: Served as an abstract reviewer for American Society of Reproductive Medicine

(ASRM) 2018 Annual Meeting

Editorial Boards

1. 2012-present: Editorial board, Cardiovascular pharmacology

2. 2013-present: Academic Editor, Cardiology and Angiology: An International Journal

3. 2013-present: Editorial board, International Journal of Medical Sciences and Biotechnology

4. 2013-present: Editorial board, Annals of Clinical and Experimental Hypertension

5. 2013-present: Editorial board, Pediatric and Neonatal Care: Open Access

6. 2014-2015: Editorial board, Pediatrics and Neonatal Nursing - Open Journal

7. 2015-present: Editorial Board, Journal of Gynecological Research and Obstetrics

8. 2015-2017: Associate editor, Pediatrics and Neonatal Nursing - Open Journal

9. 2015-present: Editorial board, Global Journal of Human Genetics & Gene Therapy

10. 2015-present: Editorial board, Cell, Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine

11. 2015-present: Associate editor, Frontiers in Pharmacology: Obstetric and Pediatric


12. 2015-present: Editorial board, Journal of Clinical Epigenetics

13. 2016-present: Editorial board, Journal of Clinical Obstetrics, Gynecology & Infertility

Professional Societies

1. 2011- 2014: member of American Thoracic Society

2. 2004- 2010: member of American Association for Cancer Research

3. 2001-2002: member of The American Society for Cell Biology

4. 2015-present: member of American Society for Reproductive Medicine

5. 2015-present: member of Society of Reproductive Investigation

6. 2018-present: Fibroids Special Interest Group (FSIG) Member

Book and Journal Manuscript Reviewer

• Anti-angiogenesis Drug Discovery and Development (book chapter)

• American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine

• American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology

• International Journal of Molecular Sciences

• International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology

• Pediatric and Neonatal Care: Open Access

• Annals of Clinical and Experimental Hypertension

• Pediatrics and Neonatal Nursing- Open Journal

• DNA and Cell Biology

• Pulmonary Research and Respiratory Medicine-open Journal

• BMC cancer

• Clinical Epigenetics

• World Journal of Surgical Oncology

• International Journal of Experimental Pathology

• Oncotarget

• Reproductive Sciences


1. 1985- 1996: course: Cell Biology, for undergraduate students, Department of Biology, Tianjin Normal University, Tianjin, China, won Tianjin Teaching Honorary award in 1994.

2. 1994- 1995: undergraduate course: Molecular Biology, Department of Biology, Tianjin Normal University, Tianjin, China

3. 1993-1994: graduate course: advances in Molecular Genetics, Institute for Molecular Biology, Nankai University, Tianjin, China

4. 1996- 2000: Supervise one technician working on the project of renal development at Department of Pathology, Northwestern University, USA. We co-authored 6 papers.

5. 2000-2010: supervise several fellows ( Three fellows have co-authored papers with me), a postdoc who has co-authored three papers with me and students ( two students co-authored one paper with me) working on biology of neuroblastoma, Northwestern University, University of Chicago, USA

6. 2010-2014: Supervise two fellows, two technicians (One technician has co-authored 4 papers with me, the other one has co-authored 8 papers with me) working on pulmonary hypertension project, Department of Pediatrics, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, USA

7. 08/15 – 04/17: guide a MD/PhD student working on a project titled: DNA damage repair and uterine fibroids ( I am her PhD thesis advisory committee member); supervise four fellows ( two of the fellows co-authored one abstract in national meeting with me), one Ph.D student (co-authored one paper and two abstracts with me. One abstract received a Best New Investigator Poster Award), two technicians working on uterine fibroid research projects (One technician co-authored two paper with me, the other co-authored one paper with me) , Augusta University, Augusta, Georgia, USA

8. 04/17-04-18: PhD thesis advisory committee member, guide a MD/PhD student working on a project titled: DNA damage repair and uterine fibroids; at Augusta University, Augusta, Georgia, USA. Graduation with distinction.

9. 01/18-present: guide three international PhD students and one visiting scholar working on the stem cell research in the field of uterine fibroids funded by NIH.

Research Support Funding


1. R01 HD089553-01 Al-Hendy (PI)/Walker (Co-PI) 09/01/2017 – 08/31/2022 Gene X Environment interactions in the pathogenesis of uterine fibroids fibroids. The major goals are to establish epigenetic signatures in uterine fibroid pathogenesis.

Role: Co-Investigator

2. R01 HD 094378-01 Boyer/Al-Hendy (Co-PI) 03/01/2018 - 02/28/2023

Hypovitaminosis D promotes MED12-associated genomic instability in uterine fibroids. The goal of this proposal is to determine the vitamin D related genomic instability in MED12-mutant UFs

Role: Co-Investigator

3. RCMI-G12 Thompson (PI) 09/01/2018 – 08/30/2023

Epigenomic landscape of reduced DNA repair capacity and risk of uterine fibroids. The overall goal of this proposal is to identify epigenetic mechanisms that promote the development of UFs in myometrium and corresponding myometrial stem cells.

Role: Co-Investigator


1. The Augusta University Intramural Grants Program Yang (PI) 11/01/2015–12/31/2016 “Developmental environmental exposure alters the epigenetic features of stem cells in uterine myometrium”.

2. AU Medical Scholars Program Yang (PI) 06/01/2015—10/31/2015 “Regulation of Gene Expression Through Histone Modifications in the Pathogenesis of Human Uterine Fibroids”.

3. Children’s Neuroblastoma Cancer Foundation Yang (PI) 01/01/2011–12/31/2012

“DNMT3B7-mediated epigenetic alteration and anti-tumorigenic effect in Neuroblastoma”.

4. Comer Kids’ Classic Grant Awards Yang (PI) 07/01/2010– 07/01/2011

“The Role of truncated DNA Methyltransferase 3B protein (DNMT3B7) in Neuroblastoma”.


• 1992, Guanghua Honorary Award, Nankai University.

• 1993, excellent graduate Thesis Honorary award, Nankai University.

• 1994, Honorary award for teaching competition, Tianjin Normal University.

• 1994, Honorary award for teaching competition, Tianjin, China.

• 1994, GuangHua Honorary Award, Nankai University.

• 1995, Outstanding students Scholarship Awards, Baogang Foundation of China.

• 1995, Excellent Ph.D. student Honour, Nankai University

• 1995, Outstanding students Scholarship Award, College of Life Science, Nankai University

• 2014-2015, outstanding teamwork nominee, Augusta University.

• 2016, The abstract titled “Early life developmental exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals increases the risk of adult onset of uterine fibroids by permanently reprograming the epigenome of myometrial stem cells towards a pro-fibroid landscape” has been selected in prize session for 2016 ASRM annual meeting. Total 12 abstracts were honored from over 3000 abstract submission.

• 2016, awarded in recognition of outstanding services as associate editor of the Pediatrics and Neonatal Nursing-Open Journal during the year 2016.

• 2017, The abstract “Diminished DNA Repair Capacity in Stem Cells from Human Uterine Fibroids Compared to Adjacent Myometrium Leads to Compromised Genomic Integrity and Increased Tumorigenesis” has been selected as a Best New Investigator Poster Award for SRI Annual Meeting in Orlando. March 15-18, 2017

PUBLICATIONS IN SCIENTIFIC JOURNALS (Selected after 1998, over 30 papers were not included in the publication list)

1. Kanwar Y.S., Kosuke Ota, Qiwei Yang, Anil Kumar, Jun Wada, Naoki Kashihara and Darryl R. Peterson, Isolation of rat fibrillin-1 cDNA and its relevance to murine metanephric development, Am J. Physiol. 275(5):F710-F723, 1998.

2. Kosuke Ota, William G. Stetler-Stevenson, Qiwei Yang, Anil Kumar, Jun Wada, Naoki Kashihara, Elisabeth I. Wallner, and Yashpal S. Kanwar, Cloning of Murine membrane-type-1 matrix metalloproteinase(MT-1-MMP) and its metanephric developmental regulation with respect to MMP-2 and its inhibitor, Kidney Int , Vol.54:131-142, 1998.

3. Elisabeth I. Wallner, Qiwei Yang, Darryl R. Peterson, Jun Wada and Yashpal S. Kanwar, Relevance of extracellular matrix, its receptors and cell adhesion molecules in mammalian metanephric development, Am J. Physiol. 275(4):F467-F477, 1998.

4. Kanwar Y.S., Kosuke Ota, Qiwei Yang, Jun Wada, Naoki Kashihara, Yufeng Tian and Elisabeth I. Wallner, Role of membrane-type-1 matrix metalloproteinase(MT-1-MMP), MMP-2 and its inhibitor in nephrogenesis , Am J. Physiol. 277:F934-F947, 1999.

5. Kanwar Y.S., Anil Kumar, Qiwei Yang, Yufeng Tian, Jun Wada, Naoki Kashihara and Elisabeth I. Wallner, Tubulointerstitial nephritis antigen: an extracellular matrix protein that selectively regulates tubulogenesis vs. glomerulogenesis during mammalian renal development. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 96: 11323-11328, 1999.

6. Qiwei Yang, Kosuke Ota, Yufeng Tian, Anil Kumar, Jun Wada, Naoki Kashihara, and Yashpal S Kanwar, Cloning of rat fibrillin-II cDNA and its role in branching morphogenesis of murine embryonic lung, Dev.Biol. 212: 229-242, 1999.

7. Qiwei Yang, Yufeng Tian, Jun Wada, Naoki Kashihara, Elisabeth I. Wallner, Darry R. Peterson and Yashpal S. Kanwar. Expression characteristics and relevance of sodium glucose co-transporter-1 in mammalian tubulogenesis. Am. J. Physiol. 279:F765-F777, 2000.

8. Qiwei Yang, Bharat Dixit, Jun Wada, Yufeng Tian, Elisabeth I. Wallner, Satish K. Srivastva and Yashpal S. Kanwar. Identification of a novel renal specific oxido-reductase in newborn diabetic mice. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 97:9896-9901, 2000.

9. Kanwar, Y.S., Qiwei Yang, Tian, Y., Sun, L., Wada,J., Sumant Chugh, S. and Srivastva, S.K. Relevance of renal specific oxido-reductase in tubulogenesis during mammalian nephron development. Am. J. Physiol. 282(4):F752-62, 2002.

10. Manohar, C. F., Short, M. L., Nguyen, A., Nguyen, N. N., Chagnovich, D., Qiwei Yang, and Cohn, S. L. HuD, a neuronal-specific RNA-binding protein, increases the in vivo stability of MYCN RNA. J.Biol.Chem, 277: 1967-1973, 2002.

11. Chlenski, A., Liu, S., Crawford, S., Volpert, O., DeVries, G., Evangelista, A., Qiwei Yang, Salwen, H., Farrer, R., Bray, J., Cohn, S. SPARC is a Key Inhibitor Controlling Neuroblastoma Tumor Angiogenesis, Cancer Res. 62(24):7357-7363, 2002.

12. Qiwei Yang, Shuqing Liu, Yufeng Tian, Helen R. Salwen, Alexandre Chlenski, Joanna Weinstein, and Susan L. Cohn. Methylation-associated silencing of the Thrombospondin-1 gene in Human Neuroblastoma. Cancer Res. 63:6299-6310, 2003.

13. Kanwar Y.S., Wada J., Sun L., Danesh FR, Chugh SS, Qiwei Yang, Banerjee T., and Lomasney JW. Update of extracellular matrix, its receptors, and cell adhesion molecules in mammalian nephrogenesis. Am. J. Physiol. 286(2): F202-215, 2004.

14. Qiwei Yang, Shuqing Liu, Yufeng Tian, Chiler Hasan, Donna Kersey, Helen R. Salwen, Alexandre Chlenski, Elizabeth J. Perlman, and Susan L. Cohn. Methylation-associated silencing of the heat shock protein 47 gene in human neuroblastoma. Cancer Res. 64:4531-4538, 2004.

15. Alexandre Chlenski, Shuqing Liu, Lisa J. Baker, Qiwei Yang, Yufeng Tian, Helen R. Salwen and Susan L. Cohn. Neuroblastoma Angiogenesis Is Inhibited with a Folded Synthetic Molecule Corresponding to the Epidermal Growth Factor-Like Module of the Follistatin Domain of SPARC. Cancer Res. 64:7420-74250, 2004.

16. Qiwei Yang, Peter Zage, David Kagan, Yufeng Tian, Roopa Seshadri, Helen R. Salwen, Shuqing Liu, Alexandre Chlenski, and Susan L. Cohn. Association of Epigenetic Inactivation of RASSF1A with Poor Outcome in Human Neuroblastoma. Clinical Cancer Res. 10: 8493-8500, 2004.

17. Qiwei Yang, Zage P, Tian Y, Salwen HR, Liu S, Chlenski A, and Cohn SL. The Clinical Impact of Epigenetic Changes in Neuroblastoma. The Journal of the Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center of Northwestern University, Spring-Summer Volume X(1), 2005.

18. Shuqing Liu, Yufeng Tian, Alexandre Chlenski, Qiwei Yang, Peter Zage, Helen R. Salwen, Susan Crawford, and Susan L. Cohn. “Cross-talk” between Schwann Cells and Neuroblasts Influences Tumor Differentiation, Apoptosis and Angiogenesis. Am. J. Path. 166: 891-900, 2005.

19. Nayak B, Xie P, Akagi S, Qiwei Yang, Sun L, Wada J, Thakur A, Danesh FR, Chugh SS, and Kanwar YS. Modulation of renal-specific oxidoreductase/myo- inositol oxygenase by high-glucose ambience. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 102:17952-17957, 2005.

20. Liu S, Tian Y, Chlenski A, Qiwei Yang, Salwen HR, and Cohn SL. “Cross-talk” Between Schwannian Stroma and Neuroblasts Promotes Neuroblastoma Differentiation and Inhibits Angiogenesis. Cancer Letters, 228:125-31, 2005.

21. Chlenski A, Liu S, Baker LJ, Qiwei Yang, Tian Y, Salwen HR, Zage P, and Cohn SL. SPARC Expression is Associated with Impaired Tumor Growth, Inhibited Angiogenesis, and Changes in the Extracellular Matrix. Int. J. Cancer, 118:310, 2006.

22. Alexandre Chlenski, Baker LJ, Qiwei Yang, Yufeng Tian,R Peddinti, Helen R. Salwen, and Susan L. Cohn. SPARC enhances tumor stroma formation and prevents fibroblast activation. Oncogene: 1-10, 2007.

23. Qiwei Yang, Yufeng Tian, Shuqing Liu, Rana Zeine, Alexandre Chlenski, Helen R. Salwen, Jack Henkin, and Susan L. Cohn. Thrombospondin-1 Peptide ABT-510 Combined with Valproic Acid is an Effective Anti-Angiogenesis Strategy in neuroblastoma. Cancer Res. 67(4): 1716-1724, 2007.

24. Qiwei Yang, Colleen M. Kiernan, Yufeng Tian, Helen R. Salwen, Alexandre Chlenski, Babette A. Brumback, Wendy B. London, and Susan L. Cohn. Methylation of CASP8, DCR2, and HIN-1 in Neuroblastoma is Associated with Poor Outcome. Clinical Cancer Research, 13:3191, 2007.

25. Rana Zeine, Helen R  Salwen, Radhika Peddinti, Yufeng Tian, Lisa Guerrero, Qiwei Yang, Alexandre Chlenski and Susan L Cohn. Presence of cancer-associated fibroblasts inversely correlates with Schwannian stroma in neuroblastoma tumors. Modern Pathology, 1-9, 2009

26. A Chlenski, LJ Guerrero, R Peddinti, JA Spitz, P Leonhardt, Qiwei Yang, Y Tian, HR Salwen, and SL Cohn. Anti-angiogenic SPARC peptides inhibit progression of neuroblastoma. Molecular Cancer, 9:138, 2010.

27. Qiwei Yang, Yufeng Tian, Kelly R. Ostler, Alexandre Chlenski, Lisa J.Guerrero, Helen R. Salwen, Lucy A. Godley, and Susan L. Cohn. Epigenetic alterations differ in phenotypically distinct human neuroblastoma cell lines, BMC Cancer, 10:286, 2010.

28. Kakodkar, N., Peddinti, R., Kletzel, M., Tian, Y., Guerrero, L., Undevia, S., Geary, D., Chlenski, A., Qiwei Yang, Salwen, H., and Cohn, S.L. Prolonged stable disease in a patient with relapsed neuroblastoma following treatment with (R+)XK469. Pediatric Blood and Cancer, 54:164-167 2011.

29. Kakodkar, N., Peddinti, R., Guerrero, L. Tian, Y., Chlenski, A, Qiwei Yang, Salwen, H., Maitland ML, and Cohn, S.L. Sorafenib inhibits neuroblastoma cell proliferation and signaling, blocks angiogenesis, and impairs tumor growth. Pediatric Blood and Cancer, 59(4):642-7, 2012.

30. Song Gu, Yufeng Tian, Helen Salwen, Alexandre Chlenski, Ziyan Lu, Raj JU, and Qiwei Yang*. Valproic acid shows a potent antitumor effect with alteration of DNA methylation in neuroblastoma. Anticancer drugs; 23(10):1054-66, 2012. (Correspondent*)

31. Kelly R. Ostler*, Qiwei Yang*,Timothy J. Looney, Li Zhang, Aparna Vasanthakumar, Yufeng Tian, Masha Kocherginsky, Stacey L. Raimondi, Jessica G. DeMaio, Helen R. Salwen, Song Gu, Alexandre Chlenski, Arlene Naranjo, Amy Gill, Radhika Peddinti, Bruce T. Lahn, Susan L. Cohn, and Lucy A. Godley Truncated DNMT3B isoform DNMT3B7 suppresses growth, induces differentiation, and alters DNA methylation in human neuroblastoma. Cancer Res. 2012, 72 (18):4714-23. (contribute equally*)

32. Raghavan A, Zhou G, Zhou Q, Ibe JC, Ramchandran R, Qiwei Yang, Racherla H, Raychaudhuri P, Raj JU. Hypoxia-induced pulmonary arterial smooth muscle cell proliferation is controlled by forkhead box M1. Am J Respir Cell Mol 46(4):431-6. 2012.

33. Qiwei Yang*, Ziyan Lu, Dev Singh, and J. Usha Raj. BIX-01294 treatment blocks cell proliferation, migration and contractility in ovine foetal pulmonary arterial smooth muscle cells. Cell Proliferation, 45:335-344 2012. (Correspondent*)

34. Qiwei Yang*, Ziyan Lu, Ramaswamy Ramchandran, Lawrence D. Longo, and J. Usha Raj. Role of histone acetylation in pulmonary artery smooth muscle cell proliferation and migration in fetal lambs exposed to high altitude long- term hypoxia. Am J Physiology Lung Cell Mol Physiol. 303: L1001–L1010, 2012 (Correspondent*)

35. Qiwei Yang*. Targeting epigenetic changes for the reprogramming of vascular walls in pulmonary arterial hypertension, the role of histone deacetylases and their inhibitors. Cardiol Pharmacol, 1-2, 2012. (Correspondent*)

36. Ziyan Lu, Yufeng Tian , Helen R. Salwen, Alexandre Chlenski, Lucy A Godley, J. Usha Raj , and Qiwei Yang*. Histone lysine methyltransferase EHMT2 is involved in proliferation, apoptosis, cell invasion and DNA methylation of human neuroblastoma cells. Anticancer drugs; 24(5):484-93, 2013. (Correspondent*)

37. Qiwei Yang*, Sun M. Role of bone morphogenetic protein type II receptor signaling in pulmonary arterial hypertension. Cardiol Pharmacol 2:e120, 2013. (Correspondent*)

38. Qiwei Yang*, Mar Janna Dahl, Kurt H. Albertine, Ramaswamy Ramchandran, Miranda Sun, and J. Usha Raj. Role of histone deacetylases in regulation of phenotype of ovine newborn pulmonary arterial smooth muscle cells. Cell Proliferation.46: 654-664, 2013. ( Correspondent*)

39. Qiwei Yang*, Miranda Sun. Perinatal and Neonatal Hypoxia in Pulmonary Vascular Dysfunctions. Cardiol Pharmacol 3: e123. doi:10.4172/2329- 6607.1000e123, 2014. ( Correspondent*)

40. Miranda Sun, Qiwei Yang*. Role of microRNAs in hypoxia-induced pulmonary hypertension, Cardio Pharmacol 3: e124. doi:10.4172/2329-6607. 1000e24, 2014. ( Correspondent*)

41. Miranda Sun, Qiwei Yang*. Neonatal hyperoxia and pulmonary hypertension. Pediatrics and Neonatal Nursing - Open Journal. 1(1):1-5, 2014. (Correspondent*)

42. Ramchandran R, Raghavan A, Geenen DL, Sun M, Bach L, Qiwei Yang, Raj JU. PKG1a leucine zipper domain defect increases pulmonary vascular tone: implication in hypoxic pulmonary hypertension. Am J Physiology Lung Cell Mol Physiol. 1:307(7):L537-44, 2014

43. Qiwei Yang*, Miranda Sun, Ramaswamy Ramchandran, J. Usha Raj. IGF-1 signaling in neonatal hypoxia-induced pulmonary hypertension: role of epigenetic regulation. Vascular Pharmacology, 2015. Apr 25. pii: S1537-1891(15)00074-9. doi: 10.1016/j. vph.2015.04.005. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 25921925. (Correspondent*)

44. Qiwei Yang*, Aymara Mas, Michael P. Diamond, Ayman Al-Hendy. The mechanism and function of epigenetics in uterine leiomyoma development. Reproductive Science. 23(2): 163-175, 2015, PMID: 25922306 (Correspondent*)

45. Qiwei Yang*, Michael P. Diamond, Ayman Al-Hendy. The emerging role of extracellular vesicle-derived miRNAs: implication in cancer progression and stem cell related diseases. Journal of Clinical Epigenetics, 2(1)13, 2016, PMCID: PMC4834835. (Correspondent*)

46. Qiwei Yang(, Sangeeta Nair, Archana Laknaur, Nahed Ismail, Michael P. Diamond and Ayman Al-Hendy. The polycomb group protein EZH2 impairs DNA damage repair gene expression in human uterine fibroids. Biology of Reproduction. 94(3):69, 2016. PMID: 26888970 (Correspondent *)

47. Qiwei Yang*, Michael P. Diamond, Ayman Al-Hendy. Early life adverse environmental exposures increase the risk of uterine fibroid development: role of epigenetic regulation. Frontiers in Pharmacology. 7:40, 2016. PMID: 26973527 (Correspondent*)

48. Qiwei Yang(, Archana Laknaur, Lelyand Elam, Nahed Ismail, Larisa Gavrilova-Jordan, John Lue, Michael P. Diamond, and Ayman Al-Hendy. Identification of polycomb group protein EZH2-mediated DNA mismatch repair gene MSH2 in human uterine fibroids. Reproductive Science. Mar 31. pii: 1933719116638186, 2016. PMID: 27036951 (Correspondent*), Selected on the award-winning platform, SAGE Journals

49. Lauren Prusinski, Ayman Al-Hendy, Qiwei Yang(. Developmental exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals alters the epigenome: identification of reprogrammed targets. Gynecology and Obstetrics Research-Open Journal (GOROJ). 3(1):1-6. Doi:10.17140/GOROJ-3-127. 2016. (Correspondent *)

50. Qiwei Yang(, Michael P diamond and Ayman Al-Hendy. Conversion of myometrial stem cells to tumor-initiating cells: Mechanism of uterine fibroid development. Cell, Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine (CSRM). 2(1):doi . 2016. (Correspondent*)

51. Miranda Sun, Ramaswamy Ramchandran, Jiwang Chen, Qiwei Yang, J.U. Raj. Smooth Muscle Insulin-like Growth Factor-1 Mediates Hypoxia-induced Pulmonary Hypertension in Neonatal Mice. American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology, July 2016 as DOI: 10.1165/rcmb.2015-0388OC

52. Mas A, Elam L, O’Connor P.M, Qiwei Yang, Kleven DT, Simon C, Walker C.L, Al- Hendy A. Developmental exposure to endocrine disruptors expands myometrial stem cell compartment as a prerequisite to leiomyoma tumorigenesis. Stem Cells. 2016 Oct 14. PMID: 27739139.

53. Tiffany Katz, Qiwei Yang, Lindsey S. Treviño, Cheryl Walker, Ayman Al-Hendy. Endocrine disrupting chemicals and uterine fibroids. Fertility and Sterility, 2016 Aug 20. pii: S0015-0282(16) 62720-6. doi: 10.1016/j.fertnstert.2016.08.023. [Epub ahead of print].

54. Qiwei Yang* and Ayman Al-Hendy. Developmental environmental exposure alters the epigenetic features of myometrial stem cells. Gynecology and Obstetrics Research-Open Journal (GOROJ). 3(2):e1-e4. Doi:10.17140/GOROJ-3-e005. 2016. (Correspondent *)

55. Mas A, Lauren Prusinski, Qiwei Yang, Elam L, Patricia Diaz-Gimeno, Lelyand Elam, Michael Diamond, Carlos Simon, Al- Hendy. Role of Stro1+/CD44+ Stem Cells in Myometrial Physiology and Uterine Remodeling During Pregnancy. Biology of Reproduction. 2017. 96(1):70-80. doi: 10.1095/biolreprod.116.143461.PMID: 28395335

56. Hoda Elkafas, Yang Qiwei, and Ayman Al-Hendy. Origin of Uterine Fibroids: Conversion of Myometrial Stem Cells to Tumor Initiating Cells. In Seminars in Reproductive Medicine “Uterine Fibroids”. Editors: Al-Hendy, Legro & Segars. Semin Reprod Med: 35(6):481-486, 2017

57. Park MJ, Shen H, Spaeth JM, Tolvanen JH, Failor C, Knudtson JF, McLaughlin J, Halder SK, Qiwei Yang, Bulun SE, Al-Hendy A, Schenken RS, Aaltonen LA, Boyer TG. Oncogenic exon 2 mutations in Mediator subunit MED12 disrupt allosteric activation of cyclin C-CDK8/19. J Biol Chem, 2018 Mar 30;293(13):4870-4882.

58. Fernung LP, Qiwei Yang, Sakamuro D, Kumari A, Mas A, Al-Hendy A. Endocrine Disruptor Exposure during Development Increases Incidence of Uterine Fibroids by Altering DNA Repair in Myometrial Stem Cells. Biol Reprod. 2018 Apr 2. pii: IAI.00019-18. doi: 10.1128/IAI.00019-18. PMID:29610255

59. Qiwei Yang*, Ayman Al-Hendy. The emerging role of p27 in development of diseases. Cancer Stud Mol Med Open J. 2018; 4(1): e1-e2. doi: 10.17140/CSMMOJ-4-e006 (Correspondent*)

60. Qiwei Yang, Ayman Al-Hendy. Non-coding RNAs: an important regulatory mechanism in pathogenesis of uterine fibroids. Fertility and Sterility, PMID:29778379, 2018

61. Qiwei Yang*, Lindsey S. Treviño, Aymara Mas, Cheryl L. Walker, and Ayman Al-Hendy. Myometrial Stro-1+/CD44+ stem cells are the epigenetically reprogrammed targets by developmental environmental exposure to diethylstilbestrol: implications in increased risks of uterine fibroids development. Cell Rep, in preparation. (Correspondent*)

62. Fernung LP, Al-Hendy, Qiwei Yang*. A preliminary study: Human fibroid Stro-1+/CD44+ stem cells isolated from uterine fibroids demonstrate decreased DNA repair and genomic integrity compared to adjacent myometrial Stro-1+/CD44+ cells. Reprod. Sci. PMID: 29954254, 2018. (Correspondent*)

63. Mohamed Ali, Sara Mohamed Shahin, Nagwa Ali Sabri, Ayman Al-Hendy, Qiwei Yang*. Hypovitaminosis D exacerbates DNA damage load in Human Uterine Fibroids which is ameliorated by Vitamin D3 treatment. Acta Pharmacologica Sinica, 2018. (Correspondent*)

Oral and Poster Presentations

1. Defeng Chen, Qing Li, Xilin Zhao, Yawen Chen, Xiongwei Chen, Qiang Liu, Qiwei Yang, Binggang Sun and Yuanshu Dong, Repression of T24-ras oncogene expression in transformed NIH3T3 cells by antisense plasmid introduction, Cold Spring Harbor Meeting on Cancer cells: Mechanisms of eukaryotic Transcription, New York, USA, September1-5,1992.

2. Defeng Chen, Qiwei Yang, Yawen Chen, Yuanshu Dong, Binggang Sun, Xiongwei Chen and Qing Li, Elimination of an exogenous T24-ras oncogene from an NIH3T3 transformant after treatment with the inhibitor of poly(ADP-ribose)polymerase, Gene Therapy, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, New York, USA, September 21-25, 1994.

3. Defeng Chen, Qiwei Yang, Yawen Chen and Xue Zhang, The inhibitor of poly(ADP-ribose)polymerase does not delete the exogenous lacZ gene from cell chromosomes, Optical Imaging of Gene Expression and Signaling in Living Cells, Cold Spring Harbour Laboratory, NY, USA, March 15-17, 1996.

4. Anil Kumar, Jun Wada, Kosuke Ota, Qiwei Yang and Yashpal S Kanwar, Role of mesodermal-specific cDNA in metanephric development, 30th American Society of Nephrology Annual Meeting, San Antanio, Taxas, November, 3rd, 1997.

5. Kanwar Y.S, A. Kumar, Qiwei Yang, J. Wada, N. Kashihara and H. Makino, Role of tubulointerstitial nephritis antigen in renal development, 31th American Society of Nephrology Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, October 25-28, 1998.

6. Qiwei Yang, J. Wada, A. Kumar, N. Kashihara, H. Makino, Yufeng Tian and Y.S. Kanwar, Cloning of a novel full-length murine cDNA that is upregulated in hyperglycemic state during renal development, 31th American Society of Nephrology Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, USA. October 25-28, 1998.

7. Qiwei Yang, J. Wada, Yufeng Tian, N. Kashihara, H. Makino, and Y.S. Kanwar, Isolation, characterization and role of novel renal specific cDNA with Aldo/keto reductase motif in renal development. 32th American Society of Nephrology Annual Meeting, Miami. USA, November 5-8, 1999.

8. Qiwei Yang, J. Wada, Yufeng Tian, N. Kashihara, H. Makino, and Y.S. Kanwar, Expression characteristics and relevance of mouse sodium glucose cotransporter (SGLT-1) in embryonic renal development. 32th American Society of Nephrology Annual Meeting, Miami. USA, November 5-8, 1999.

9. Qiwei Yang, Salwen, H., Huang, D., Liu, S., Tian, Y., George, D., Bremer, E., Roughley, P., Cohn, S. Expression of Lumican, a Small Leucine-Rich Proteoglycan, is Associated with Inhibited Neuroblastoma Growth. Proceedings of American Association for Cancer Research, 43:620, 2002.

10. Alexandre Chlenski, Shuqing Liu, Qiwei Yang, Helen R. Salwen, Lisa Baker and Susan L Cohn. SPARC is a key inhibitor controlling Neuroblastoma Tumor Angiogenesis. An American Association for Cancer Research Special Conference in Cancer Research: New directions in Angiogenesis Research, Chicago, 2003. Oral Presentation

11. Qiwei Yang, Shuqing Liu, Yufeng Tian, Helen R. Salwen, Alexandre Chlenski, Joanna Weinstein, and Susan L. Cohn. Methylation-associated silencing of the Thrombospondin-1 gene in Human Neuroblastoma. An AACR Special Conference in Cancer Research: New directions in Angiogenesis Research, Chicago, 2003. Poster presentation

12. Chlenski A, Liu S, Baker L, Qiwei Yang, Yufeng Tian, Salwen HR, and Cohn SL. RNAi Inhibition of SPARC Expression Advances the Malignant Phenotype of an Experimental Model of Stroma-rich Neuroblastoma RNA Interference Target Validation & Potential Therapeutic Applications for Childhood Cancer Workshop sponsored by the NCI and COG. Crystal City, VA, September, 2004. Oral Presentation

13. Chlenski A, Liu S, Baker L, Qiwei Yang, Yufeng Tian, Salwen HR, and Cohn SL. Conformation-dependent Inhibition of Neuroblastoma Angiogenesis by the Epidermal Growth Factor (ECF)-module of the Follistatin Domain of SPARC. Presented at the American Society for Matrix Biology, San Diego, CA, November, 2004.

14. Shuqing Liu, Yufeng Tian, Alexandre Chlenski, Qiwei Yang, Peter Zage, Helen R. Salwen, Susan Cohn. Cross-talk between schwann cells and neuroblasts influences tumor differentiation and angiogenesis. Advances in Neuroblastoma, Genoa, Italy, June, 16-19, 2004.

15. Alexandre Chlenski, Shuqing Liu, Lisa Baker, Qiwei Yang, Yufeng Tian, Helen R. Salwen, Susan Cohn. Inhibition of angiogenesis by the epidermal growth factor (EGF)-module of the follistatin domain of SPARC is conformation-dependent. Advances in Neuroblastoma, Genoa, Italy, June, 16-19, 2004.

16. Qiwei Yang, Peter Zage, Helen R. Salwen, David Kagan, Shuqing Liu, Yufeng Tian, Alexandre Chlenski, Roopa Seshadri, Susan Cohn. Association of epigenetic inactivation of RAS association domain Family protein 1 (RASSF1A) with poor outcome in human neuroblastoma. Advances in Neuroblastoma, Genoa, Italy, June, 16-19, 2004.

17. Chlenski A, Liu S, Baker L, Qiwei Yang, Yufeng Tian, Salwen HR, and Cohn SL. Potent Inhibition of Angiogenesis by a SPARC Peptide. Pediatr. Blood & Cancer, 43:359, 2004. This abstract received the SIOP Award in the discipline of Basic Science.

18. Chlenski A., Guerrero, L., Qiwei Yang, Tian Y., Salwen,H., Cohn SL. SPARC enhances tumor stroma formation and prevents fibroblast activation. Cancer, Proteases, and the tumor microenvironment, Bonita Spring, Florida, 2005.

19. Chlenski A., Guerrero L.J., Qiwei Yang, Tian Y., Peddinti R.,Zeine R., Salwen H., Cohn SL. SPARC enhances formation and prevents activation of tumor stroma. American Society For Matrix Biology, Nashville, TN, 2006.

20. Qiwei Yang, Colleen M Kiernan, Yufeng Tian, Helen R Salwen, Alexandre Chlenski, Wendy B London and Susan L Cohn. Epigenetic Changes of DCR2, CASP8, and HIN-1 in Neuroblastoma Tumors are Associated with Poor Outcome. Advances in Neuroblastoma, Los Angeles, CA, May, 17-20, 2006.

21. Radhika R Peddinti, Dragos Luca, Roopa Seshadri, Alexandre Chlenski, Susan E Crawford, Lisa J. Guerrero, Qiwei Yang, Yufeng Tian, Helen R Salwen, Susan L. Cohn. Blood vessels in clinically aggressive neuroblatomas are highly disorganized and structurally abnormal. Advances in Neuroblastoma, Los Angeles, CA, May, 17-20, 2006.

22. Qiwei Yang, Yufeng Tian, Shuqing Liu, Rana Zeine, Alexandre Chlenski, Helen R Salwen, Jack Heikin, Susan L Cohn. Suppression of malignant phenotype of human neuroblastoma by thrompospondin-1 in combination with valproic acid. The first American Association for Cancer Research International Conference on Molecular Diagnosistics in Cancer Therapeutic Development. September 12-15, Chicago, IL 2006.

23. R Zeine, HR Salwen, R Peddinti, Y Tian, L Guerrero, Qiwei Yang, A Chlenski and SL Cohn. CANCER-associated Fibroblast colocalization with microvascular proliferation and inverse correlation with schwannian stroma in neuroblastoma. 8th Annual Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group Young Investigator Symposium. Oral presentation. Florida, November 16h, 2008.

24. Qiwei Yang, Yufeng Tian, Alexandre Chlenski, Helen R Salwen, Lucy A. Godley, and Susan L Cohn. Epigenetic profiling in phenotypically distinct subclones of Human Neuroblastoma cell lines. American Society for Cancer Research (Cancer Epigenetics), Boston, May 27-31, 2008.

25. Qiwei Yang, Yufeng Tian, Alexandre Chlenski, Helen R Salwen, Lucy A.Godley, and Susan L Cohn. Epigenetic profiling in phenotypically distinct subclones of human neuroblastoma Cell lines. Annual meeting of Department of Pediatrics at University of Chicago, 2008.

26. Chlenski A., Guerrero L.J., Qiwei Yang, Tian Y., Salwen H.R., Cohn S.L. Regulation of neuroblastoma tumor microenvironment by SPARC. Annual Meeting of Department of Pediatrics at University of Chicago, 2008.

27. Qiwei Yang, Ostler KR, Tian Y., Peddinti R, Chlenski A, Salwen HR, Cohn SL, and Godley LA. Anti-tumor effects of DNMT3B7 protein in neuroblastoma. Annual meeting of Department of Pediatrics at University of Chicago, 2009.

28. Qiwei Yang, Gu S, Tian Y, Ostler KR, Peddinti R, Chlenski A, Salwen HR, Kakodkar N, Godley LA, and Cohn SL. The role of DNA methyltransferase truncated protein DNMT3B7 in neuroblastoma. Annual meeting of Department of Pediatrics at University of Chicago, June 2010.

29. Qiwei Yang, Tian Y, Ostler KR, Gu S, Chlenski A, Guerrero L, Salwen HR, Godley LA, and Cohn SL. Epigenetic alterations differ in phenotypically distinct human neuroblastoma cell lines. Annual meeting of Department of Pediatrics at University of Chicago, June 3, 2010.

30. Chlenski A, Guerrero L, Peddinti R, Tian Y, Salwen H, Qiwei Yang, Kakodkar N, Cohn S. SPARC peptides with potent anti-tumor and anti-angiogenic activity in neuroblastoma. Annual meeting of Department of Pediatrics at University of Chicago, June 3, 2010.

31. Guerrero L Chlenski A, Qiwei Yang, Tian Y, Salwen H, Peddinti R,Kakodkar N, Cohn S. Role of SPARC in matrix remodeling and tumor microenvironment. Annual meeting of Department of Pediatrics at University of Chicago, June 3, 2010.

32. Qiwei Yang. The emerging role of epigenetics in the pathogenesis of uterine fibroids. 7th Paul G McDonough Lectureship and Symposium. Augusta University, May 20, 2016. Invited Speaker

33. Qiwei Yang, Kelly R. Ostler, Helen Salwen, Alexandre Chlensk, Lucy Godley, and Susan Cohn. DNA methyltransferase truncated protein (DNMT3B7) is involved in decreased tumor progression in neuroblastoma. Midwest symposium on Pediatric Research. Oral Presentation, Madison, Wisconsin. October 6-7, 2011. Oral Presentation

34. Qiwei Yang, Usha Raj. Histone acetylation and methylation are involved in fetal pulmonary artery smooth muscle cell proliferation. Midwest symposium on Pediatric Research. Oral Presentation. Madison, Wisconsin, October 6-7, 2011. Oral Presentation

35. Qiwei Yang, Ramaswamy Ramchandran, Mar Janna Dahl, Kurt H Albertine, J Usha Raj. Inhibition of class I histone deacetylase suppresses proliferation of ovine newborn pulmonary arterial smooth muscle cells via alteration of p21 and cyclin D1.Translational Research approaches to reduce health disparities in lung disease. Chicago. September 10-11, 2012.

36. Zeine, R. Salwen, HR, Reddinti R., Tian Y, Guerrero L, Qiwei Yang, Chlenski A, and Cohn SL. Cancer-associated fibroblasts colocalize with microvascular proliferation and their levels inversely correlate with schwannian stroma in Neuroblastoma. 98th Annual United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology Meeting, Boston, MA 3/2009.

37. Qiwei Yang, Ostler KR, Tian Y., Peddinti R, Chlenski A, Salwen HR, Cohn SL, and Godley LA. Anti-tumor effects of DNMT3B7 protein in neuroblastoma. American Association for Cancer Research Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado, April 18-22, 2009.

38. Ziyan Lu, Helen R. Salwen, J Usha Raj, Qiwei Yang. Histone lysine methyltransferase EHMT2 is involved in proliferation, apoptosis, and DNA methylation of human neuroblastoma cells. American Association for Cancer research Annual Meeting, March 31-April 4, 2012, Chicago.

39. Qiwei Yang, Ziyan Lu, Dev Singh, and J. Usha Raj. Role of Histone lysine methyltransferase G9a in proliferation, contractility and DNA methylation of Ovine Fetal Pulmonary Arterial Smooth Muscle Cells. American Thoracic Society, May 18-23.2012. San Francisco, USA.

40. Qiwei Yang, Ramaswamy Ramchandran, Mar Janna Dahl, Kurt H. Albertine and J. Usha Raj. Class I histone deacetylases are involved in proliferation, migration and contractility of ovine newborn pulmonary arterial smooth muscle cells. American Thoracic Society, May 17-22, 2013. Pennsylvania, USA.

41. Qiwei Yang, Ramaswamy Ramchandran, Miranda Sun, and J. Usha Raj. Epigenetic regulation of endothelin-1 gene in neonatal hypoxia-induced pulmonary hypertension. American Thoracic Society, May 19, 2014. San Diego, California, USA.

42. Ramaswamy Ramchandran, Miranda Sun, D Geenen, A Raghavan, Laura Bach, Qiwei Yang, M. Mendelsohn, and J. Usha Raj. cGMP-dependent protein kinase l alpha leucine-zipper domain in regulation of pulmonary vascular tone: role in phosphodiesterase-5 inhibition of hypoxia-induced pulmonary hypertension. American Thoracic Society. May 19, 2014. San Diego, California, USA.

43. Qiwei Yang, Aymara Mas Perucho, Archana Laknaur, Michael Diamond and Ayman Al-Hendy. Epigenetic regulation of DNA damage/repair signaling pathway in human uterine fibroids. Oral presentation. 62th Society for Reproductive Investigation annual meeting, San Francisco, 2015. Oral Presentation

44. Qiwei Yang, Miranda Sun, Ramaswamy Ramchandran and J. Usha Raj. Role of histone deacetylases in neonatal hypoxia-induced pulmonary hypertension. Poster discussion session. American Thoracic Society. May 21, 2014. San Diego, California, USA.

45. Qiwei Yang. Epigenetics of uterine fibroids: novel therapeutic targets. Roundtable luncheon Discussion in Baltimore. American Society for Reproductive Medicine Annual Meeting, October 17-21, 2015, Baltimore, MD.

46. Qiwei Yang, Lelyand Elam, Archana Laknaur, Michael Diamond and Ayman Al-Hendy. Identification of EZH2-mediated DNA repair genes in uterine fibroid development. American Society for Reproductive Medicine Annual Meeting, October 17-21, 2015, Baltimore, MD. Oral Presentation

47. David Stone, Ayman Al-Hendy, and Qiwei Yang. Role of EZH2 in Wnt/β–catenin signaling of uterine fibroid cells. The 7th Annual Medical Scholars Research Day, 21 September 2015 J. Harold Harrison, M.D. Education Commons Building, Medical College of Georgia, Georgia Regents University.

48. Qiwei Yang, Aymara Mas, Lelyand Elam, Lindsey S. Treviño, Tia D. Berry, Cheryl L. Walker, Michael P Diamond and Ayman Al-Hendy. Early life exposure to Genistein permanently decreases myometrial DNA repair capacity which may contribute to increased risk of uterine fibroid development. American Society for Reproductive Medicine Annual Meeting, October 17-21, 2015, Baltimore, MD. Oral Presentation

49. Miranda Sun, Ramaswamy Ramchandran, Jiwang Chen, Qiwei Yang, J.U. Raj. Smooth muscle-specific insulin-like growth factor-1 mediates chronic hypoxia-induced pulmonary hypertension in neonatal mice. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 193: A 2252. ATS 2016. San Francisco, California, May 13-18, 2016

50. Mona Omar, Qiwei Yang, Archana Laknaur, and Ayman Al-Hendy. Myometrial progesterone hyper-responsiveness is associated with increased risk for the development of human uterine fibroids. American Society for Reproductive Medicine Annual Meeting. October 15-19, 2016, Salt Lake City, UT, USA. Oral presentation

51. Lauren Prusinski, Qiwei Yang, Aymara Mas, Michael P Diamond, Cheryl Walker, and Ayman Al-Hendy. Decreased DNA repair capacity in the Stro1+/CD44+ myometrial stem cell population due to early-life exposure to putative endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) and reprogramming of the epigenome increases the risk of adult fibroid development. American Society for Reproductive Medicine Annual Meeting. October 15-19, 2016, Salt Lake City, UT, USA.

52. Qiwei Yang, Lindsey S. Treviño, Aymara Mas, Archana Laknaur, Michael P. Diamond, Cheryl L. Walker, and Ayman Al-Hendy. Early life developmental exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals increases the risk of adult onset of uterine fibroids by permanently reprograming the epigenome of myometrial stem cells towards a pro-fibroid landscape.

American Society for Reproductive Medicine Annual Meeting. October 15-19, 2016, Salt Lake City, UT, USA. Accepted in prize session. 12 abstracts have been selected in prize paper session from over 3000 abstracts submitted for presentation at this year’s meeting. Ranking the 2th (score 9) in 12 prize paper abstracts. Oral Presentation

53. Qiwei Yang, David Stone, Archana Laknaur, Lelyand Elam, Michael P. Diamond, and Ayman Al-Hendy. Histone modifier EZH2 activates Wnt/β-catenin signaling in human uterine fibroids. 63th Society for Reproductive Investigation annual meeting, Montreal, Canada, 2016

54. Soumia Brakta, Qiwei Yang, Laknaur Archana, Diamond Michael, Liu Yutao, Helwa Inas, Al-hendy Ayman. Hypoxia-Driven Exosomes from Human Fibroid Stem Cells Contain miRNAs That Tightly Regulate Estrogen Receptor in Surrounding Differentiated Fibroid Cells. 63th Society for Reproductive Investigation annual meeting, Montreal, Canada, 2016.

55. Noura Eziba, Mohamed Abdelaziz, Nahed Ismail, Qiwei Yang(, Michael Diamond, Ayman Al-Hendy. Paricalcitol (Zemplar, Vitamin D Analogue) Elicits Robust Anti-Inflammatory Response in Human Female Detrusor Muscle Cells: Implication for Overactive Bladder Syndrome. 63th Society for Reproductive Investigation Annual meeting, Montreal, Canada, 2016. (( Oral presenter)

56. Aymara Mas, Lauren Prusinski, Qiwei Yang, Lelyand Elam, Michael P Diamond, Carlos Simon, Ayman Al-Hendy. Role of Stro1+/CD44+ Myometrial Stem Cells in Pregnancy-Induced Uterine Remodeling. 63th Society for Reproductive Investigation Annual meeting, Montreal, Canada, 2016.

57. Qiwei Yang. Epigenetic Effect of Adult Disease Risks associated with Environmental Exposure. Forum of challenge in Neonatology: Program of early intervention for critical neonates. Oct 11-13, 2016. Shenzhen, China. Invited Speaker

58. Qiwei Yang, Lindsey S. Treviño, Aymara Mas, Michael P. Diamond, Cheryl L. Walker, and Ayman Al-Hendy. Identification of novel epigenetic reprogrammed genes in myometrial stem cells developmentally exposed to endocrine disrupting chemicals. 64th Society for Reproductive Investigation Annual Meeting. Orlando, USA, 2017( Oral presentation)

59. Lauren Prusinski, Qiwei Yang, Michael Diamond, Ayman Al-Hendy. Diminished DNA Repair Capacity in Stem Cells from Human Uterine Fibroids Compared to Adjacent Myometrium Leads to Compromised Genomic Integrity and Increased Tumorigenesis. 64th Society for Reproductive Investigation Annual Meeting. Orlando, USA, 2017 (a Best New Investigator Poster Award)

60. Mohamed Ali, Qiwei Yang, Sara M. Shahin, Nagwa A. Sabri, Ayman Al-Hendy. Hypovitaminosis D exacerbates DNA damage load and genetic instability in human uterine fibroids which is ameliorated by vitamin D3 treatment. ASRM Annual Meeting. October 28- November 1, 2017 San Antonio, TX, USA.

61. Alfredo Rodriguez, Chun Yu Yang, Larissa Sambel, Haojian Zhang, Lisa Moreau, Qiwei Yang, Markus Grompe, Akiko Shimamura, Kalindi Parmar, Alan D’andrea. TGF-β Pathway Inhibition by AVID200 Rescues Genotoxicity in Hematopoietic Stem and Progenitor Cells from Fanconi Anemia Mice. Fanconi Anemia Scientific Symposium, September 14-17, 2017

62. Lauren Prusinski Fernung, Ayman Al-Hendy, Qiwei Yang. Dysregulated DNA double-strand break repair in stem cells from uterine fibroids promotes mutagenesis and propagates uterine tumor development. SRI Annual Meeting. March 6-10, 2018 San Diego, CA, USA

63. Mohamed Ali, Qiwei Yang, Lauren Prusinski Fernung, Sara M. Shahin, Nagwa A. Sabri, Ayman Al-Hendy. Vitamin D reverses uterine fibroids associated DNA damage. SRI Annual Meeting. March 6-10, 2018, San Diego, CA, USA.

64. Qiwei Yang, Lindsey Trevino, Abdeljabar EI Andaloussi, Lauren Prusinski Fernung, Nahed Ismail, Cheryl L. Walker, Ayman Al-Hendy. Human “At Risk” Myometrial Stem Cells Exhibit An Hyper-inflammatory Phenotype. ASRM Annual meeting. October 6-10, 2018, Denver, Colorado, USA

65. Qiwei Yang, Lindsey Trevino, Abdeljabar EI Andaloussi, Nahed Ismail, Cheryl L. Walker, Ayman Al-Hendy. Developmental reprogramming of pro-inflammatory pathway mediates adult onset of uterine fibroids. ASRM Annual meeting. October 6-10, 2018, Denver, Colorado, USA

66. Qiwei Yang, Archana Laknaur, Mohamed Ali, Lauren Prusinski Fernung, and Ayman Al-Hendy. Regulation of a key DNA repair gene RAD50 in human uterine fibroids. ASRM Annual meeting. October 6-10, 2018, Denver, Colorado, USA.

67. Hoda Elkafas, Osama Badary, Engy Elmorsy, Rehab Kamel, Ayman Al-Hendy, and Qiwei Yang. Developmental exposure to Endocrine disrupting chemicals induces DNA damage in myometrium which is ameliorated by vitamin D3 treatment. ASRM Annual meeting. October 6-10, 2018, Denver, Colorado, USA. (Oral presentation)


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