Workshops summer - Berks County Intermediate Unit



E X P L O R E . D I S C O V E R . L E A R N . A D VA N C E . I N V E S T I G AT E .

Building an Online Course with Canvas LMS

JUNE 27 & 28

Time: 8:30 AM ? 3:00 PM Act 48: 11 hours Presenter: Kevin Andreyo Target Audience: K-12 Educators Cost: $70/*$300 This workshop introduces Canvas tools in the context of practical strategies for design, development, and management of an online course. You will have an opportunity to review the basics of online course development and practice the use of Canvas tools through hands-on course development. By the end of the training, you will be able to use Canvas to build your online course applying the different parts of the course design rubrics that: 1. Addresses elements of instructional design, 2. Emphasizes communication between and among learners and instructors, synchronously or asynchronously, 3. Focuses on instructional activities designed to measure progress towards learning outcomes, and 4. Addresses the support resources made available to students taking the course.

Making the Most of Open Educational Resources (OER) in Your Classroom


8:30 AM ? 11:30 AM Act 48: 3 hours Presenter: Dr. Kevin Andreyo Target Audience: K-12 Educators Cost: $20/*$75

During this workshop, you will get practical advice on how you can use open educational resources in your classroom. Access thousands of learning resources and rich media including lesson plans, units of study, courses, videos, interactives, and complete standards-aligned textbooks. The OER movement has your back with free, CC licensed materials that will help your students access and keep high quality, effective learning resources. You'll learn how to use and legally modify content (according to the 5R activities: retain, reuse, revise, remix, redistribute). Supporting OER means supporting maximum equity and access within education, allowing all students to learn with up-to-date content, regardless of their economic background.

Google Level I Bootcamp

AUGUST 7 & 8

8:30 AM ? 3:30 PM Act 48: 12 hours Presenters: Josh Hoyt Target Audience: K-12 Educators Cost: $100/*$200

During this two-day learning experience, participants will learn the essentials of GSuite for Education with a focus on the skills and techniques needed to complete the online exam to achieve "Google Educator" status and pursue "Google Education Trainer" status. You will explore ways to implement G Suites into your classroom and build up your toolkit with the latest resources, as well as expand your learning network.

* Professional Development sessions are offered for Berks County Intermediate Unit member district staff and staff from organizations supporting students

from Berks County member districts. Additionally, sessions are offered for Pennsylvania districts per contracted work that falls under the Pennsylvania De-

partment of Education (PDE) statewide system of support services. Fees will apply to all other participants as listed in the Frontline Education registration.



This two-day conference emphasizes instructional best practices, innovation and practical classroom application. The sessions are designed to deepen understanding of instructional tools and techniques that prepare students for future careers and opportunities.

Conference is free to in-county educators; $25 for out-of-county.

"Engaging conference."

"Informative and enlightening."

"Interactive, inspiring"

"Impressed at the professionalism and expertise."


Benefits of Teaching ALL Students ? Special Education in the Digital Age ? EL Overview and Strategies to Help EL's ? Math as a Second Language ? Nurturing Mathematical Talent:

Strategies for Gifted Learners

Google Apps ? Google Classroom 101 ? G-Suite Collaborative Projects ? Using Interactive Google slides to Guide

Project Learning ? Under the Sheets with Google Sheets

Instructional Technology ? Coding and Robotics in the Classroom ? Make N' Take STEM Activities ? Going Global without Leaving Your Classroom ? How to Use a Mastery Flipped Classroom to Engage

ELA ? Fake News and New Media Literacy ? Literature and STEM ? Integrating Technology Across the ELA Curriculum

Math ? How Do I Get My Students to Think in Math Class? ? Conceptual Math ? Computational Thinking

Science ? Inquiry in the Science Classroom ? STEM, Berks Nature and GLOBE ? Fairytale Engineering

Career ? Success in the New Economy ? Employability Skills

NEW: Aspiring Leader & Administrative Track

Please see Frontline Education for further details on the cancellation, inclement weather, and ADA policies. *In the event of snow day accumulation by districts, we have tentatively reserved June 15 if district calendars are adjusted.



JUNE 14 -15 2018



Heidi Gamler heigam@ 610-987-8548


Or scan QR code.




The Art of Questioning in Today's Classroom


JULY 1, 2018


AUGUST 1, 2018

Act 48: 6 hours Presenter: Christina Foehl Target Audience: K-12 Educators and Administrators Cost: $35/150

Questions pique our natural inquisitiveness and aid the brain's search for personal connection and meaning. How do we use questioning to increase the effectiveness of teaching and learning? How do we shift the responsibility for question asking to students? This asynchronous online course will provide the research basis for questioning and different question techniques/protocols. Teachers will observe questioning in action, design effective questions and incorporate them into lessons.

Motivating Mindsets: Teaching that Empowers Student Growth


AUGUST 1, 2018



Act 48: 5 hours Presenter: Christina Foehl Target Audience: K-12 Educators and Administrators Cost: $35/150

What do Michael Jordan, Steve Jobs, and Oprah Winfrey all have in common? They all failed miserably! However, each of these people also have a growth mindset which allowed them to use their failure as a vehicle for growth and greatness. This asynchronous online workshop will immerse educators in growth mindset to develop awareness of the messages we send students that could be precipitating a fixed mindset and limiting student growth. Teachers will be given the tools to facilitate growth mindsets and academic tenacity with their learners.



Please note: the target audience for all workshops is K ? 12 educators unless otherwise noted.


Online Learning for Educators

offered by Berks County Intermediate Unit Act 48: Vary by course Target Audience: K-12 Educators and Administrators Cost: Vary by course Online Learning for Educators offers powerful specific content targeted to the current needs of educational settings. Easy tools allow you to search for the research-based instructional practices you desire to implement. Earn Act 48 or CPE credits conveniently according to your schedule, day or night, with these reasonably priced options.

* Professional Development sessions are offered for Berks County Intermediate Unit

member district staff and staff from organizations supporting students from Berks County member districts. Additionally, sessions are offered for Pennsylvania districts per contracted work that falls under the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) statewide system of support services. Fees will apply to all other participants as listed in the Frontline Education registration.


Augmentative and Alternative Communication

JUNE 19: Modules 1?6

8:30 AM ? 3:00 PM

JULY 10: Modules 7?8

12:00 ? 3:00 PM

JULY 19: Modules 9?12

12:00 ? 3:00 PM

Each day may be taken separately or together. You must register for EACH day if attending all sessions

Presenters: OPDC Consultants Target Audience: Speech Language Therapists, special education teachers, paraprofessionals supporting students using AAC systems. Cost: No charge for Berks County district personnel/*$150; $75 / day POWER AAC is a training series developed by PaTTAN with Gail Van Tatenhove, CCC-SLP. Gail, a speech-language pathologist with over thirty years of experience in the field of augmentative and alternative communication (AAC), has collaborated with AAC practitioners in PA Intermediate Units over the course of several years on this project.

POWER AAC refers to the five key principles of this project. POWER AAC classrooms have educational teams who are learning to: ? Practice powerful communication PARTNER skills, ? Create powerful communication OPPORTUNITIES, ? Implement power WORDS in social and instructional

contexts, ? Continually utilize EVIDENCE in decision making about

AAC systems and supports, ? Create, implement, and share powerful RESOURCES.

This training will utilize these prerecorded modules with time for discussion and supported team planning.



E X P L O R E . D I S C O V E R . L E A R N . A D VA N C E . E X A M I N E . I N V E S T I G AT E .

Teaching Math Conceptually: CRA and Problem Solving


8:30 AM ? 3:30 PM Act 48: 6 hours Presenter: Josh Hoyt Target Audience: Mathematics and Special Education Educators and Administrators Cost: $50/*$150

Participants will explore hands-on CRA strategies for elementary algorithms as well as strategies to support and promote problem solving in the mathematics classroom.

Connecting the Past with Today: Jewish Refugees and the Holocaust


12:30 ? 3:30 PM Act 48:3 hours Presenter: Echoes & Reflections Target Audience: Social Studies/History Educators Cost: Free

As the world struggles with the largest refugee crisis since WWII, Echoes & Reflections content can help examine the barriers to immigration and the unwillingness of the free world to accept refugees during the Holocaust. This timely offering supports educators to help students make meaningful connections to similar issues affecting people and nations today. This program supports Act 70 legislation.

TDA is (Not) Just a Test Question: Instructional Practices for Text Dependent Analysis


8:30 AM ? 11:30 AM Act 48: 3 hours Presenter: Christina Foehl Target Audience: Grades 3-8 Educators Cost: $20/*$75

After a teacher has determined a text is sufficiently complex, students need guidance in grappling with the text in order to understand it fully and analyze it, but which instructional practices actually improve students' ability to accomplish this? This interactive workshop will engage teachers in activities they can modify for use in their own classrooms. Teachers should bring complex texts they plan to use with their students and a laptop.

* Professional Development sessions are offered for Berks County Intermediate Unit member district staff and staff from organizations supporting

students from Berks County member districts. Additionally, sessions are offered for Pennsylvania districts per contracted work that falls under the

Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) statewide system of support services. Fees will apply to all other participants as listed in the Frontline

Education registration.



E X P L O R E . D I S C O V E R . L E A R N . A D VA N C E . E X A M I N E . I N V E S T I G AT E .

CDT Overview

The CDT Cycle

The Teaching and Learning Process Never Ends


8:30 AM ? 3:30 PM Act 48: 6 hours Presenter: Josh Hoyt Target Audience: Educators and Administrators Cost: FREE

Reflect and Monitor the progress

of individuals

and groups


The Pennsylvania Classroom

Diagnostic Tools (CDT) is a set of online

assessments, divided by content area,

designed to provide diagnostic information to guide instruction and remediation. Training will include an overview of the CDT as well as running reports and analyzing data

Instruct based on individual needs; teach skills and focus practice

Using SAS Materials & Resources


Standards Aligned System

to guide instruction for whole class, small

groups, and individuals. Additionally, time will be spent

discussing best practices in one-to-one conferencing with

students regarding their data and how to set goals and promote

ownership in their learning.


Assess the skills of every student from sixth grade through high school

Share easy-to-interpret

reports with students,

parents, and administrators

Analyze detailed diagnostic reports to understand the strengths and needs of each student

Interpret results and group students by their diagnostic profiles to target instruction

Reading Units of Study with the Teachers College


8:30 AM ?2:30 PM Act 48: 5 hours

Presenter: Teachers College Reading & Writing Project's TCRWP

Target Audience: Grades K-5 Educators Cost: $125/*$150

Interactive Constitution


8:30 ? 11:30 AM Act 48: 3 hours Presenter: Mike Adams, Constitution Center Target Audience: Social Studies/History Educators Cost: $45/*$75

Master new tools and techniques for enhancing civics education in this Interactive Constitution Educator Workshop. Educators will learn how to use the Interactive Constitution in their classrooms to make the Constitution approachable and meaningful for a wide range of students. Suggested lesson activities, including long-term research and writing projects, provide educators with a range of lesson options based on grade level, student ability and prior knowledge. The Interactive Constitution Educator Workshop also includes guided practice on two additional, free, online teaching tools (Writing Rights and Rights Around the World) that help teach the origins and global comparisons of American constitutional rights.

This learning opportunity will be facilitated by the Teachers College Reading & Writing Project's TCRWP team who will provide an orientation to the reading workshop and the Reading Units of Study books. The Teachers College team will present the most essential ideas that illuminate workshop teaching, beginning with knowledge of the student and assessment through responsive teaching techniques. Teachers and administrators will receive a quick introduction to the methods of teaching that will be essential to each day's instruction in Reading Units of Study. You'll see ways to teach lively, well-paced minilessons, and hear how teachers across the nation prepare for a day of teaching. Questions such as, "How can we keep our minilessons brief?" and "What does lesson planning entail when teaching the Reading Units of Study?" will be answered. Participants should bring their Reading Units of Study set to the workshop so the presenter can help participants navigate the rich resources within it.


Please note: the target audience for all workshops is K ? 12 educators unless otherwise noted.



E X P L O R E . D I S C O V E R . L E A R N . A D VA N C E . E X A M I N E . I N V E S T I G AT E .


Transition to Supported or Competitive Employment for Students with Disabilities


8:30 AM ? 3:00 PM Act 48: 5.5 hours Presenter: OPDC Consultants Target Audience: For Professionals and Paraprofessionals who work with students with disabilities age 14 years and up Cost: No charge for Berks County district personnel/*$150

In May 2016, Governor Wolf signed an Executive Order that requires schools to work with the PA Department of Human Services and the PA Department of Labor to prepare youth with disabilities for competitive, integrated employment.

This training will prepare special education teachers, paraprofessionals and other school staff to provide age-appropriate career and employability assessment and to collaborate with the Office of Vocational Rehabilitation and the Office of Developmental Programs to connect students with funding for agency support. Agency representatives will be available to provide information about recent changes related to the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA).

Low Incidence: It's All About the Instruction


12:00 ? 3:00 PM Act 48: 3 hours Presenter: OPDC Consultants Target Audience: General and Special Education Teachers, Related Service Providers Cost: No charge for Berks County district personnel/ *$75/ / day

Many teachers are now using research based instructional materials that use the Direct Instruction method of teaching. However, there are times during instruction when students are either not understanding the procedure that is being used or need additional practice in the skill. This is when a teacher must decide to "step out of program" and give additional instruction and practice to achieve mastery. How and when do you "step out of program" and maintain the fidelity of your instruction? This training will also look at common procedure issues that arise in the math and reading programs and how to pre-teach those procedures. Experience with teaching direct instruction programs is preferred.

* Professional Development sessions are offered for Berks County Intermediate Unit member district staff and staff from organizations supporting students

from Berks County member districts. Additionally, sessions are offered for Pennsylvania districts per contracted work that falls under the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) statewide system of support services. Fees will apply to all other participants as listed in the Frontline Education registration.


Please note: the target audience for all workshops is K ? 12 educators unless otherwise noted.




In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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