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Professional learning looks different for everyone

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? Frontline Education


Frontline Education

Online Course Catalog

Professional Development and Mandatory Training Course Library

Teaching Skills

Course Title



Acting Out: Why Children Tearful meltdowns. Shouting matches. Hitting. Kicking. Fights.

of All Ages Sometimes

Vandalism. All are forms of acting out. Learn how to handle them in 0:30


this course.

For many students with disabilities the key to success in the

classroom lies in having appropriate adaptations made to both

Adapting Assessment for instruction and assessment. Do you know how to adapt Students with Special Needs assessments for your students with special needs? This course will 0:30

present you with information to aid you in adapting assessments for

your students with special needs.

This course illustrates the importance of using effective questioning

skills to elicit student thinking and extend student understanding Asking Effective Questions and provides teachers with a generic framework that can be used 0:45

to refine their questioning skills.

Assessment drift is a term used to describe assessment results that

are incongruous with the assessment's original intent. What are the

Assessment Drift

factors that drive assessment drift, and how can they be combated? 0:30

This course will present you with information to help defeat

assessment drift.

This course offers an introduction to the Backwards Design

framework developed by Grant Wiggins and Jay McTighe, an

Backwards Design

approach to designing curriculum, assessments, and instruction that 1:15

leads students toward a deep understanding of the big ideas in any

given subject area.

? Frontline Education


Beginning of the Year Classroom Management

Behavior Management Focus on Grades 3-5: Common Challenges and Solutions Behavior Management Focus on Grades 6-8: Common Challenges and Solutions Behavior Management Focus on Grades 9-12: Common Challenges and Solutions Behavior Management Strategies in Special Education

Being Receptive to Feedback

Being Responsive and Flexible

Changing Class Seating Arrangements

Child Development: What to Expect in Grades 3-5

Child Development: What to Expect in Grades 6-8

This course is designed to support and orchestrate a successful

beginning of the school year. It summarizes current research on

effective classroom management and presents examples of that


research in action.

Teaching the upper elementary grades? In this course, you'll learn

what kind of teacher you are and how it effects your students. You'll also learn about behavior management challenges ? and their 0:30

solutions ? in this course.

Teaching middle schoolers? In this course, you'll learn what kind of

teacher you are and how it effects your students. You'll also learn about behavior management challenges ? and their solutions ? in 0:30

this course.

Teaching high school students? In this course, you'll learn what kind

of teacher you are and how it effects your students. You'll also learn about behavior management challenges ? and their solutions 0:30

? in this course.

Do you have students with special needs in your classroom? Learn

about behavior management strategies for special education in this 0:30


This course discusses several strategies for being receptive to

feedback. The course outlines the research base for reflective

practice based on feedback, describes effective strategies, as well as 0:45

potential obstacles, and then presents video of those strategies in


This course describes ways to plan a student-centered lesson with

flexible instruction that is responsive to student needs as they arise,

and presents examples of how to stay focused on student learning 0:30

when making mid-lesson adjustments in response to unanticipated


As teachers, we know there are many factors that come into play

when trying to determine class seating arrangements. How seats

are arranged in the class can play a major role in student interaction, group work, disruptive behavior, accessibility, and even 0:30

student comfort. This course will help you determine which seating

arrangement is best for your class and why.

Ready for a challenge? If you're teaching grades 3 through 5,

"Challenge" is your theme song! Your students are still children, but they're starting to develop a sense of independence. Learn how to 0:30

help them in this course.

Welcome to middle school! Where you're teaching students who

are in the midst of adolescence. Learn how to help them navigate 0:30

the rocky terrain in this course.

? Frontline Education


Child Development: What to Expect in Grades 9-12

Child Development: What to Expect in Grades K-2

Cooperative Learning

Cooperative Learning Creating the Environment for Learning Creating a Positive Classroom Climate

Creating a Respectful Environment

Cues, Questions, and Advance Organizers

Data Analysis and Reflection Using Classroom Walkthrough

Data-Focused Instructional Decision Making

Defusing Classroom Arguments

Design for LEARNing

Designing Instruction Understanding By Design (UBD)

Okay, high school teachers, this one's for you! You're going to learn

about those almost-adults who can still act like children. This course 0:30

focuses on the growth and development of students in grades 9-12.

Ever heard that you never have a second chance to make a first

impression? That's what K-2 teaching is like. You're introducing

students to school. Learn what they're bringing to school in this



Heard about cooperative learning? Want to give it a try in your

classroom? Learn how to use cooperative learning strategies in this 0:30


This course focuses on cooperative learning, a grouping strategy

that can have powerful effects on students' learning. It also has

other benefits for students, including an improvement in


communication, decision-making, and conflict-resolution skills.

Positive classrooms are places where students want to be. They're also quite teacher-friendly. Learn how to create one in this course. 0:30

This course illustrates that when effective teachers create classroom

environments in which respectful, supportive interactions between teachers and students and among students are fostered, it can have 1:15

a positive influence on student learning and success.

This course focuses on the use of cues, questions, and advance

organizers in the classroom. These three strategies help students activate their prior knowledge, connect prior knowledge with new 3:00

knowledge, and organize information.

This course provides information about how data can inform

reflection, goal setting, and instructional decision making. It offers

guidelines for identifying and analyzing data. Additionally, this


resource provides concrete suggestions for a CWT reflective


This course presents opportunities for you to practice the process

of data analysis, interpretation, grouping for instruction, and, ultimately, the instructional decision making that results from that 3:00


Does your classroom feel like Argument Central? In this course,

you'll learn how to defuse those arguments before they turn into 0:30

All-Out War.

This course explores a five-step model for instructional planning

called LEARN. The LEARN model provides a structure for reflecting and focusing on the planning and delivery of purposeful, 5:00

research-based teaching practices.

Does "I don't understand this stuff!" seem like the official slogan for

your classroom? Learn how the Understanding by Design?


framework can help turn things around.

? Frontline Education


Designing Instruction Using Bloom's taxonomy is a method for classifying learning objectives. It

Bloom's Taxonomy to

divides them into three domains ? cognitive, affective, and

Stimulate Higher-Order

psychomotor. In this course, you'll learn how to put Bloom's



taxonomy to work.

Designing Student

This course focuses on the use of checklists and rubrics as tools to

Assessments: Checklists

measure and support the academic achievement and progress of 0:40

and Rubrics


This course is designed to provide a working knowledge of

differentiating instruction, as understood through the Universal

Differentiating Instruction Design for Learning principles. It guides teachers in planning to


differentiate instruction in their classrooms.

This course provides access to the research supporting direct

Direct Instruction

instruction, as well as video examples that illustrate the five phases of the direct instruction model. Activities are also provided for use 1:30

with the resources in this course.

Effective Communication During a Lesson

This course provides guidelines for effectively communicating with students the goals and objectives, directions, concepts, and content 0:45 of a lesson.

Effective Feedback to

Providing students with meaningful feedback can greatly enhance

Improve Student

learning and improve student achievement. This course will show 0:30


you how.

Effective Formative Assessment

This module focuses on effective ways to use formative assessment techniques to improve instruction and to provide students with the 2:30 feedback they need to improve academically.

This course presents strategies for selecting meaningful and relevant

Engaging Students with

instructional tasks, as well as providing opportunities for active and

Collaborative Learning and collaborative learning, which are essential components to increasing 0:30

Relevant Tasks

student engagement.

A culture of reflective practice can transform teaching and learning

across a school and improve student achievement. In this course,

Establishing a Culture of Reflective Practice

you will explore the school-wide conditions that support reflective practice and learn how the thoughtful use of the in-classroom and 3:00 video-based observations can help to cultivate and deepen these

conditions. This course is designed to address the specific needs

and concerns of instructional leaders.

This resource shows that teachers who are effective at managing

classroom procedures distinguish themselves by how clearly they

Establishing Expectations for Classroom Procedures

articulate and integrate rules and procedures into a workable classroom management system and how effectively they teach


those rules and procedures to their students.

? Frontline Education



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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