CITY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGSBACKUS, MINNESOTAMarch 2, 2020CALL TO ORDERPursuant to due call and notice, the regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Backus, Cass County, Minnesota, was held on Monday, March 2, 2020 at 6:30 p.m. at the Backus City Hall, Mayor Kurt Sawyer presiding. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE & ROLL CALLMembers Present:Ann Birge, Rae Borst, Karl Flier, John Wieber and Kurt Sawyer Members Absent: NoneStaff Present:Ann Swanson, Clerk-TreasurerOthers Present: Andy Schwartz, Jason Smith, Denton Newman, Jr., Jason Brogle, Pete Sherard, Carol Wieber, Karen Flier, Eunice KoenkerCONSENT AGENDAThe following Consent Agenda items were presented for approval:Minutes of 02/03/2020 Regular Meeting Monthly financial report for FebruaryMarch 2020 Claims for Payment, consisting of claims 28870 through 28913 totaling $29,330.77.Motion by Birge, seconded by Borst to approve the consent agenda. Motion carried by unanimous vote. POLICE REPORTSergeant Jason Brogle summarized the nature of the 19 calls the Cass County Sheriff’s Department responded to in the city during the month of February. The Cass County Sheriff’s Department Annual Report for 2019 was reviewed. The Department responded to 272 calls for service in the city during 2019.FIRE DEPARTMENT/FIRST RESPONSEPersonnelChief Jason Smith informed that Brenton Kleinstick had been approved to serve as a fire fighter by the Backus Fire Department and had passed his physical.Motion by Flier, seconded by Wieber to approve the hiring of Brenton Kleinstick as a fire fighter for the Backus Fire Department. Motion carried by unanimous vote.UpdatesSmith reported that he had discussed the new contracts with several township officials and there were no complaints. Ponto Lake Township is still planning to break ground on its new townhall/fire hall this spring. Planning is underway for a live house burn in April and the Annual Smelt Fry in May.City of Backus Council MinutesMarch 2, 2020 – Page 2 of 5WATER/WASTEWATERMonthly UpdateAndy Schwartz of Pine River Area Sanitary District (PRASD) reported that there likely would not be a freeze run declared this year as the water temperature in the fire hall had fallen no lower than 39.5° Fahrenheit. Wellhead Protection GrantThe documentation for the grant from the Minnesota Department of Health which will reimburse the city for part of the purchase price of the parcel located next to the city’s water tower and pump house property has been received and is ready for the city’s execution. The county provided a survey of the parcel which indicates that there are no structures located on the property to be purchased.Motion by Flier, seconded by Birge to approve the Grant Agreement with the Minnesota Department of Health, the terms of which provide for reimbursement to the city of up to $2,500.00 for the purchase of real property within the city’s wellhead protection area. Motion carried by unanimous vote.STREETS, PARKS and GENERAL MAINTENANCERoof Damage to Maintenance GarageA couple of weeks after last month’s meeting, heavy snow or ice fell from the roof of the maintenance garage on Front Street, knocking off electrical conduit on the side of the building. Minnesota Power and Tyler Smith have done the initial electrical disconnection. The building’s electrical has been hooked up to the senior center next door pending completion of repair. An estimate for repair of the building’s damaged siding and roof was received from Ryan Headlee Construction in the amount of $1,140.36. A claim has been filed with the insurance company. Discussion on options for roof repair and for moving the electrical panel to another location which could prevent similar damage from occurring in the future. Schwartz will update council members as repair proceeds on the building.BobcatSchwartz provided information and quotes on several models of bobcats. The quotes included prices for attachments including a broom, snow blower and brush mower. Total package prices for three models ran from $58,065.38 to $71,640.58. Discussion on the pros and cons of the various models and the best fit for city needs. Matter tabled.ZONINGNoneCity of Backus Council MinutesMarch 2, 2020 – Page 3 of 5AIRPORTAirport Landing Permit RenewalMotion by Flier, seconded by Wieber to approve renewal of the Public Use Landing Area Permit with the State of Minnesota and to pay the three year renewal fee of $40.00. Motion carried by unanimous vote.Master Plan UpdateJacque Zirbes of Short Elliot Hendrickson provided the city with a proposal for the “through the fence” operation situation that the state would approve. The state would like the area to eventually be fenced and for the city to enter into a lease with the owner of the hangar located off of airport property to insure that the city receive the revenue it would receive if the hangar was actually on airport property.Motion by Borst, seconded by Flier to approve the recommendation of SEH to enter into an agreement with the property owner regarding “through the fence” hangar operation. Motion carried by unanimous vote.OtherSchwartz informed that the sign on the airport arrival and departure building had been damaged by snow this winter and that his crew would address its repair this spring.PUBLIC FORUMNoneOLD BUSINESSNoneNEW BUSINESSAudit Engagement LetterAccounting firm Clasen Stegner & Schiessl CPAs, Ltd. provided an engagement letter and quotes for performing the city’s audit for 2019 and 2020 at $7,950.00 and $8,250.00, respectively. Motion by Wieber, seconded by Flier to approve the Clasen Stegner & Schiessl CPAs, Ltd. engagement letter and quotes for the 2019 and 2020 audits as presented. Motion carried by unanimous vote.Siren Maintenance AgreementA proposed contract was received from Frontline Warning Systems, Inc. for 2020 siren maintenance at a cost of $400.00.Motion by Borst, seconded by Birge to approve the Annual Service Proposal and Contract for Whelen Outdoor Warning Sirens with Frontline Plus, Inc. totaling $400.00. Motion carried by unanimous vote.City of Backus Council MinutesMarch 2, 2020 – Page 4 of 5Annual System Replacement Fund DepositThe Minnesota Public Facilities Authority requires, as part of its agreement for partially financing the 2013 wastewater project, that the City deposit funds to a system replacement fund on an annual basis pursuant to a formula which considers the gallons of wastewater treated. For 2019, the City is required to put at least $2,554.00 into the system replacement fund.Motion by Smith, seconded by Flier to transfer $2,554.00 into a certificate of deposit for the 2019 System Replacement Fund allocation. Motion carried by unanimous vote.City Street SignsSwanson informed that there had been an inquiry as to adding directional indicators to the city’s street signs. A quote was received from M-R- Signs in the amount of $56.83 each for signs which would replace several current signs. The new signs would contain arrows and directions for north, south, east and west as applicable. Nine signs would be needed. Matter tabled to allow for the exploration of other options.City Hall CeilingA quote was received from Dow Acoustics for several options for ceiling replacement in the city hall office and meeting room areas. Prices ranged from $6,240.00 to $8,210.00. The price is lower than the quote received several months ago from St. Cloud Acoustics. Fire Chief Smith indicated that members of his crew could likely to some demo of existing structures to save on remodeling costs. Action tabled until quotes for electrical received.Bingo PermitPine Mountain Senior Center presented an Application for Exempt Permit to conduct Bingo on several dates at the senior center located at 131 Front Street North in Backus.Motion by Flier, seconded by Wieber to approve the Gambling Permit of Pine Mountain Senior Center. Motion carried by unanimous vote.Donation AcceptanceA donation was received on behalf of the Backus Emergency Responders fromEugene Brandenburg in memory of Lorainne Japs in the amount of $200.00, from Lynne Stehr in memory of Paul Stehr in the amount of $40.00, and from Sandra Wengler in the amount of $100.00. A donation was received on behalf of the Backus Fire Department from Cheryle Andrea in the amount of $200.00.Motion by Flier seconded by Birge, to approve Resolution #2020-05, Resolution Acknowledging Donations. Roll call vote: Birge (aye), Borst (aye), Flier (aye), Sawyer (aye,) Wieber (aye). Motion carried by unanimous vote.City of Backus Council MinutesMarch 2, 2020 – Page 5 of 5ADJOURNThere being no further business, Mayor Sawyer adjourned the meeting at 7:30 p.m.Respectfully submitted,Ann SwansonClerk-Treasurer ................

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