Educator Orientation - Franklin Township Public Schools

Educator Orientation

How can I use Frontline Professional Growth to...

?Know what to do? ?See all my forms and evaluation activities? ?Upload artifacts?

How do I know what to do?

Scheduled Action Required

In Progress Complete

?2016 Frontline Education Confidential & Proprietary

August 24, 2016


How do I know what to do?

Action needed Access form

?2016 Frontline Education Confidential & Proprietary

August 24, 2016


How do I know what to do?

Sends completed form to your administrator

Allows for "off-the-record" communication to an administrator. Use this feature to ask questions to your administrator whenever you would like. The administrator will get an email alerting them to your questions.

Produces a published version of the form for printing or creation of a PDF

Saves the work you have completed so that you can return later to finish

?2016 Frontline Education Confidential & Proprietary

August 24, 2016

Deletes all information entered on the form

Allows for "on-the-record" communication to an administrator. Use this feature to have a threaded discussion with your administrator. All comments will remain visible on the form for as long as it lives. 5

Where can I see all my forms and evaluation activities?


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?2016 Frontline Education Confidential & Proprietary

August 24, 2016



Uploading Artifact in a Form

?2016 Frontline Education Confidential & Proprietary

August 24, 2016


Uploading artifact in My Evaluations

?2016 Frontline Education Confidential & Proprietary

August 24, 2016



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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