
Danbury Public School District Substitute Teacher Handbook

2019-2020 School Year

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Danbury Public Schools


Dear Substitute,

Kimberly Mango Thompson

Director of Human Resources Legal Counsel to the Board of Education

63 Beaver Brook Road Danbury, CT 06810

Phone: (203)-797-4705 Fax: (203)-830-6560

On behalf of the District, I would like to welcome you to the Danbury Public Schools. You have been selected for our pool of substitutes for the 2019-2020 academic year because we believe your experience and qualifications will help to bring continuity and a positive contribution to the learning process in classrooms disrupted by the absences of a regular classroom teacher or paraeducator/tutor.

Because our goal is always to enhance the learning that goes on each day, we hope that you will communicate with the teachers/staff for whom you are subbing, and with the many other professionals working throughout the building. We welcome your feedback on strategies for minimizing the transition for children during these absences.

With a district of more than 940 teachers, we face many challenges in filling substitute openings quickly, efficiently and effectively. For this reason, we implemented a web-based system for filling vacancies called Frontline Absence Management. You will receive a welcome letter containing your ID and pin number that allows you to access the system. To get started, you can go to and follow the instructions located under "User Guide" on the left side. As you become more familiar with the system, you will discover that it provides additional ways for you to consult with teachers and administrators through uploading lesson plans and providing feedback. I encourage you to check the site regularly for available vacancies. I welcome any feedback you might have about this program as the year goes on.

For each assignment you accept, you will be paid $95.00 per day for the first 15 days worked in the District - after that the rate will increase to $105 per day as a substitute teacher or $80.00 per day as a substitute para/tutor. You should have received a "direct deposit enrollment form" which you are strongly recommended to use. The benefits derived by direct deposit are two-fold: first, direct deposit enables employees to access paycheck funds immediately, without a trip to the bank/credit union, and secondly, eliminates stop payment fees and delays associated with issuing replacement checks.

Your participation in our Substitute pool is for the 2019-2020 school year only. Your employment is considered to be at-will, which means that you may resign or the Board of Education may terminate this employment at any time. It is our hope that you will accept assignments regularly and provide the highest quality of instruction possible in those assignments. Again, welcome to the Danbury Public Schools and thank you in advance for your contribution to the academic achievements of Danbury's youngsters.


Kimberly Mango Thompson

Director of Human Resources Legal Counsel to the Board of Education




Danbury Public Schools Mission Statement Our mission is to develop in all children the knowledge, skills, attitudes and values which will enable them to live a productive and self-fulfilling life and engage in responsible citizenship in an ever-changing global society.



INTRODUCTION Welcome to the challenging yet rewarding world of substituting. This handbook was prepared to explain our procedures and to answer some questions you may have regarding substituting in the schools and programs within the Danbury Public Schools. This handbook provides suggestions to assist you in your role as a Substitute Teacher and guidance for making your experience an enthusiastic success while assisting the educational development of our students. There is a section in this handbook that provides the addresses and directions to the various program sites to which you may be assigned as well as contact numbers should you require additional assistance locating a site or class.

As the Substitute Teacher you are in the classroom to ensure the education of each student takes place. However, your first responsibility is to maintain the care, welfare, safety and security of students and staff in the classroom. The key to making the best out of any situation is knowledge, pre-planning, flexibility, and a sense of humor. Learn all that you can about school policies, procedures, and responsibilities. Recognize that things will rarely go exactly as you or the permanent teacher have planned and be prepared to make accommodations. We at Danbury Public Schools wish you success in your assignment as a Substitute Teacher.

ROLES of the SUBSTITUTE TEACHER The Substitute Teacher is responsible for providing for the needs of the class, and ensuring that established rules, procedures, and all assigned tasks are performed in an effective and professional manner. The ability to work successfully with others is essential. Substitutes should treat students, parents, secretaries, classified staff, teachers, administrators, and all others with whom they come into contact in a friendly, courteous and respectful manner. A substitute's willingness to be flexible, cooperative, or helpful, may result in being invited back as a substitute in the future.

The Substitute Teacher is the employee in charge of the classroom in the absence of the regular teacher and is responsible for the delivery of the regular teacher's instructional program as set out in the lesson plan. While the Substitute Teacher is to provide an education to each student, the first responsibility should be to maintain the care, welfare, safety and security of the students in the classroom. Moving around the classroom, teachers better able to monitor student progress and use their proximity for classroom control.

The Substitute Teacher should work closely with the paraeducator and /or regular staff to maintain the continuity and routine of the regular classroom program. Operating procedures will differ between schools and classrooms because of the wide variety of programs. The paraeducators are an invaluable resource who will provide assistance and support you throughout your stay.



HOW LONG CAN A PERSON SUBSTITUTE? In general, a person may substitute in the same assignment for no more than forty (40) consecutive days in a given school year. Substitute teachers are free to accept as many different assignments the desire in a given school year.

ASSIGNMENT PROCEDURES A. Absences Reported by Regular Staff All staff are required to report their absences via Frontline's Absence Management system.

B. Filling Vacancies Requiring Substitutes Substitutes may be called during the late afternoon, in the evening, or in the early morning, beginning at 6:00 a.m. and continuing until all vacancies are filled via the Frontline system. Every attempt is made to assign a substitute to the subject area or school building preferred, however, this is not always possible and substitutes may be asked to take an assignment outside their specialized area.

C. Information Provided the Substitute At the time the substitute is called, the following information will be provided: 1) Name of the school; 2) Name of the absent staff member; 3) Subject area(s) or Grade; 4) Length of assignment; 5) Beginning and ending times of the assignment and; 6) Any special instructions. It is important that the substitute have pen and paper readily available to write down any pertinent information. It is requested that substitutes plan to arrive at the school site 15 - 30 minutes before the beginning of the assignment.

D. Refusing an Assignment An assignment may be refused by a substitute. It should be noted, however, a pattern of refusals developed by the substitute could have an adverse affect on the availability of future assignments.

E. Unavailability If a substitute knows he/she will not be available for a period of time, the individual needs to schedule a Non-Work day in FRONTLINE. This prevents unnecessary call outs. When reported unavailability dates have ended, the substitute will "automatically" be placed back into the "calling pool" to begin receiving assignment calls.



F. Job Cancellations When a substitute teacher accepts an assignment, he/she is making a commitment to the school site. Assignments should only be canceled in case of an emergency. If an emergency arises the substitute should cancel the job as soon as possible. The substitute must notify the school and if they are not able to talk with the administrative staff, leave a voicemail notifying the site of the cancellation.

To notify Frontline that you will no longer be able to fill an assignment: You must know the specific job number. Please cancel the job as soon as know that you cannot meet the commitment. If you need to cancel within 24 hours of the job start time, please call the school to let them know. If it is after school hours, leave a voice message indicating that you are no longer available. If you are canceling within one hour before the job starts, Frontline will not allow you cancel and will prompt you to notify the school so that they can remove you from the assignment and start the process to obtain another substitute.

Excessive Cancellations: Please know that a pattern of excessive cancellations may lead to site exclusions and/or termination. A pattern of accepting assignments, then cancelling to accept a different assignment for the same day may lead to unfilled job assignments, and the Director of Human resources will make a determination as to whether or not to continue your service in the pool. The HR Department monitors closely the jobs offered, accepted and cancelled.

G. Frequency of Assignments It is difficult to predict the number of assignments that a substitute may expect to receive. There are many factors to consider, including the absence rate of regular teachers and the number of substitutes available.

H. Redeployment All substitutes are subject to redeployment to another classroom, school or other vacant position if deemed necessary by the Director of Human Resources. In the event that a redeployment is necessary, you will be notified of the change upon reporting to work. It is our expectation that you are able to change your assignment, absent emergency circumstances.


1. Arrival at School Site Arrive at the school at least fifteen (15) minutes before classes begin, although thirty (30) minutes is preferable.



Sign-in/out in the substitute teacher book in the Main office. Due to bus schedules, children begin arriving in their classrooms within 30 minutes of the official school opening.

Check in with the front office for instructions, classroom keys, directions and attendance information.

Determine if you are responsible for a duty assignment at this site. Ask about restroom facilities, student passes and procedures and how to

contact the office for assistance if needed. Introduce yourself to the teachers on both sides of your classroom as you

may need assistance from them during the day.

2. In the Classroom Review the following: Lesson plans o Immediately inform the office if there are insufficient or no plans left by the classroom teacher. Review the teacher's expectations or classroom rules. Worksheets or other produced materials for carrying out the day's activities in the classroom Emergency plans Notes regarding specific students (e.g. special education, individual health plans and behavior intervention plans). Attendance directions and materials Special procedures (it is important that you do not vary from the practices of the regular teacher) Seating chart(s) Names of student helpers Name and hours of the teacher assistant (if applicable)

During the student day: Introduce yourself to the class; write your name on the board and require students to use your proper name. Greet the students at the door and get them involved in a learning activity immediately. Establish your responsibility as their teacher for the day. Let students know your expectations. A positive, but firm attitude will help make your day successful. Closely following the teacher's written expectations will make the day run smoothly. Start class promptly; this helps reduce discipline problems. Record attendance. Supervise students at all times. Circulate the classroom and offer assistance.



Follow the teacher's lesson plans as closely as possible. If you find it necessary to deviate, be sure to leave a note for the teacher with that information.

Use clear, consistent instructions in directing every activity. Immediately request assistance from the front office in situations that

threaten the safety of students and others. It is a good idea to have some plans and activities of your own that can be

used if there are no lesson plans, or if the class covers the planned material before the end of the day. Substitute teachers are not entitled to a preparation period. You may be asked to substitute in another classroom, perform administrative tasks or other related duties as assigned. Conducting personal business during a substitute assignment is prohibited. The following are examples of unacceptable behavior: reading the newspaper, personal phone calls on school or cellular phone, sending text messages and using the Internet for non- school related purposes. If you need assistance resolving a problem contact site administration.

At the end of the student day: Do not leave school early. You are required to remain until the end of the contract day. Write a detailed summary for the teacher describing the day's instruction and student interactions. Leave the classroom in the same condition as when you arrived. Be sure to turn off any electrical devices used, close windows and lock the classroom door. Report any accidents, spills or repairs to site administration.

3. Response to a Crisis Each school has a comprehensive crisis, emergency management and medical emergency response plan. Please ask for a copy upon your arrival. If one is not provided, please refer back to these general guidelines.

Crisis in your classroom Notify building principal immediately Get help from a neighboring teacher (if possible)

Crisis in the school Lockdown will be announced Check hallway and bring any student into your classroom Lock the classroom door Direct students to a place that cannot be seen from doorway glass Turn off the lights Everyone should remain silent



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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