VMaaS is Here - Digital Defense


Are you frustrated with network vulnerability scanning solutions that increase in price and deliver more inaccurate results than value? Gone are the days of weeding through mountains of assessment report data, frustration to understand which vulnerabilities pose the greatest risk and exhaustive remediation efforts that require valuable time and resources.


? Vulnerability Management as a Service: Convenient. Scalable. Affordable

? Innovation: Built From the Ground Up ? Advanced Technology:

Faster. Smarter. More Precise ? Security GPA? Rating: Metric to Quickly

Understand Security Posture ? Best In Class Service: Support Provided

by a Team of Experts

We invite you to leverage the power of a next generation vulnerability management system. Supported by patented scanning technology and coupled with a managed service delivered by knowledgeable certified security analysts, your organization never has to navigate the security and compliance maze alone.

Progressive and intuitive, the Frontline Vulnerability Manager (Frontline VM) was built from the ground up with mobility and analytics as the key drivers.

Frontline VM utilizes technology that is context aware, enabling the identification of critical flaws that are not detected by other scanning engines. In addition, our patent-pending reconciliation provides advanced network endpoint correlation, delivering unparalleled accuracy from scan to scan. Organizations save valuable time and resources by focusing on the critical vulnerabilities posing the highest risk.

At Digital Defense, we understand the criticality of information security and the pressure that organizations face in keeping sensitive data and intellectual property secure. Negative headlines surrounding the fallout of data breaches underscore the importance of staying one step ahead of hackers and the accountability CEOs, CIOs, CFOs, CISOs and InfoSEC teams have in ensuring information is protected.

Information security encompasses an ever-changing array of technologies, policies, processes and technical disciplines ? vital resources that can be costly and complex for organizations to procure and maintain. DDI lifts the burden through our Vulnerability Management as a Service (VMaaS) program and streamlines security operations through Frontline VM. Our solutions are available at a fraction of the cost of competitive tools, saving you time and money.

Experience innovation and exceptional support designed to help you to achieve a smarter, faster and more precise information security program.

VMaaS is Here

? Diverse Portfolio of Assessment Solutions - As experts in security risk assessments, DDI satisfies the needs of organizations in multiple industries from small businesses to Fortune organizations. High quality, yet economical, our unique model allows flexibility and scalability.

? Advanced Correlation Technology - DDI's patent-pending technology has what other assessment providers do not....the ability to precisely account for network churn. Accuracy matters in security. DDI gives you peace of mind.

? Powerful Data Processing Platform ? Frontline VM, DDI's progressive and intuitive platform, is a robust and nimble interface that helps to identify the most critical vulnerabilities, ensuring remediation efforts are narrowly focused. Underpinned by patented scanning technology, Frontline VM enables organizations to go beyond vulnerability scanning and experience vulnerability management at its best.

? Business-Driven Risk Metrics ? DDI understands the importance of communicating security posture in a clear and comprehensible manner. We provide reports and metrics at the executive level, as well as in granular detail. Our Security GPA? rating system provides a clear and dynamic view of your organization's security posture.

Unlike other vulnerability scanning products, FrontlineVM puts security innovation at your fingertips. Frontline VM leverages advanced technology to simplify vulnerability management through easy to use features, making it one of the most valued vulnerability management platforms available.

? Identify the highest risks that matter to your business ? Dynamic dashboard, data analysis and reconciliation ? Automated asset classification, risk prioritization and

remediation assignment ? Concise, actionable intelligence with step-by-step

instructions on how to quickly fix vulnerabilities ? Authorized user access from any location ? Customized user permission and rules ? Workflow management with assignment tracking system

? Superior, highly configurable scanning allows you to tweak and adjust scans. Need to track your asset's adherence to industry standard hardening guidelines? As a CIS certified vendor and PCI Approved Scanning Vendor (ASV), Frontline VM can quickly provide compliance status. Built on an explicit testing methodology, false positives are virtually eliminated. Frontline's scanning technology verifies real attack vectors with network protocol testing, eradicating the potential-vulnerability "bloat" found in other products. Be assured our highly tuned engine will check for what matters on critical assets while maintaining a consistently light traffic footprint. With patentpending reconciliation technology, consistently scan, identify vulnerabilities, remediate and verify fixes regardless of network churn. Fast, unified security and compliance.

? Automatic updates

? Correlates industry standard identifiers such as CVE, OSVDB, BID, IAVA, OVAL and the presence of exploits

? CIS benchmark scanning and reporting

? Unprecedented scalability ideal for large organizations

? Consolidated administration of both internal and external network scans

? Unique fingerprints for over 2,000 operating systems, applications and protocols

Frontline VM streamlines the project management of analysis and remediation. DDI's Security GPA?, a comprehensible security rating, allows clients to quickly discern their security posture and evaluate historical data from scan to scan. This is a valuable metric in communicating risk to Executives and Boards.

Built with mobility in mind, the fully functional HTML5/Angular interface can be accessed wherever you happen to be; working seamlessly with browsers, on tablets and mobile devices. Processes are streamlined through powerful filtering and categorizing capabilities to quickly identify areas of high risk and focus efforts on defending your enterprise. One-click scanning, powerful reporting and workflows ensure your organization stays compliant and secure.

? Analytics at your fingertips ? Search, Sort and Filter for only

the result you need ? Rapidly identify and categorize

network assets into business units with smart labels. ? Global and granular views with customized segmentation ? Executive Dashboard ? Export reports to HTML, PDF, and CSV formats ? Automated trending and differential reports

At Digital Defense, we know not everyone is a security expert. That's why our certified security analyst teams work alongside you to help define requirements, craft strategy, and effectively execute a vulnerability management program tailored to your organization. No more phonebook sized reports and fumbling with tool settings. Digital Defense will help you ensure your vulnerability management program is targeted, effective and achievable.

? Serve as an extension of a security team ? Vulnerability subject matter experts, providing guidance and expertise ? Oversee prioritization and project management of risk remediation

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