Inside C this issue


Inside this issue

2 CEO Update 3 View from

the Board

4 DCUC 56th Annual Conference

5 Young Credit Union Professionals

7 Defense Credit Union People in the News

9 Elite Sponsor Forum

12 Community Spotlight

DCUC LAactceosmt plishments

? Selected four 2019 George E. Myers (GEM) Scholarship winners!

? Developed DCUC's 2019 Legislative & Regulatory Proposals to discuss at inaugural Military Advocacy Committee meeting on February 15, 2019. Learn more at our March Defense Matters Forum

? Met with senior executives at Fidelity Information Services (FIS) to discuss new products and services to better serve our military communities

? Met with President/CEO and Board Chair of Defence Bank (Australia)--found ways we can partner together

? Collaborated with and identified 40 Defense Credit Unions that likely qualify for CDFI status

DHCaUpCpening Now

? Heavy public relations campaign underway to highlight DCUC's role in industry, DoD, and the community ? Published in several publications and journals ? Speaking on military/public radio channels ? Filming video content for social media blitz

? Active support of Military Saves Week (25 February ? 2 March) Go to for more details

? Working with AFFN on 2019 Matching Grant Program and in support of the DoD Warrior Games (21?30 Jun)

" Join us at Defense Matters 2019 to learn " the latest. --Tony Hernandez

DUCpUcoCming Activity

? Funding development of a new Officer Financial Guide in concert with Lightbulb Press

? DCUC Defense Matters Forum -- Registration open

? DCUC Annual Conference -- Registration open ? DCUC Overseas Sub-Council agenda and

invitations ? Stay tuned for more announcements via social

media, the DCUC website and our monthly ALERT Newsletter


is an association of credit unions serving Department of Defense personnel, military and civilian, worldwide.


Frank Padak Chairman

Mike Kloiber 1st Vice Chairman

Stu Ramsey 2nd Vice Chairman

Gary Yonamine Secretary Bill Birnie Treasurer

Denise Floyd Member

Jack Fallis Member


Anthony Hernandez President/CEO

Beth Merlo Vice President

Charlotte Randall Executive Assistant

Christa Dittus Web Specialist

Janet Sked Conference Manager

Brittany Boccher Special Projects Coordinator

ISSUE 7 / JULY 2018

is the official publication of the Council. One copy of ALERT is mailed first-class to each defense credit union as a membership service. Defense credit unions may order additional copies (three or more) to be mailed in bulk to one address at $10.00 per copy per year. Individual subscriptions mailed first class to defense credit union members are $15.00 per year; to all others $25.00 per year. ALERT is published monthly except for the month the annual conference and membership meeting are held. In accepting a limited amount of advertising (two advertisements per issue), the Council as a matter of strict policy does not in any way endorse either the product or the vendor. The right to refuse advertising for any reason whatsoever is reserved. Reproduction of ALERT material in whole or in part is authorized for Council members only. Address all correspondence to:

Defense Credit Union Council, Inc. 1627 Eye Street NW, Suite 935 Washington, DC 20006

Telephone: 202/734.5007 FAX: 202/821.1329 e-mail: alert@



The Importance of DCUC's Defense

Matters Forum

Anthony Hernandez, DCUC President & CEO

Early next month, the Defense Credit Union Council will host our "Defense Matters Forum" on Sunday morning, March 10, in conjunction with CUNA's Governmental Affairs Conference starting the next day. While this forum plays an important role in terms of our developing and implementing our advocacy goals, it is also a key component of our history.

DCUC's roots go back to 1957 when several representatives of military credit unions approached CUNA leaders at various conferences and events asking more emphasis on the militaryside of the industry. In 1959, Defense Credit Union Leaders started holding a series of meetings called the "Annual Educational Conference of Defense Credit Unions." These annual meetings took place over the next four years. Finally, in 1963 the Defense Credit Union Council was officially formed, and our first annual conference was held on September 17?19, 1963, at the Mayflower Hotel in Washington, DC. We continue this tradition at our 56th Annual Conference later this summer in Chicago, IL (August 18?21, 2019).

However, the heart and soul of a trade association is its advocacy effort in terms of legislative and regulatory strategy. This is the purpose of our Defense Matters Forum and why we established our Military Advocacy Committee made up of Senior Executives from many of our member credit unions. In preparation for our Defense Matters Forum, we have asked our Military Advocacy Committee to evaluate and comment on the following legislative proposals and regulatory events:

? Veteran Business Lending Exemption from MBL caps ? CFPB Oversight on Military Lending Act (MLA) Compliance ? Upcoming Changes to 32 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 230 Changes

(Jun 2019) ? Public Comments on DoD's Military Lending Act -- 3-year Mandatory Review

(Oct 2019) ? Comment on CFPB's Payday Lending Rules (as they relate to Predatory Lenders on

Military Bases and Defense Credit Union programs to educate/protect servicemembers) ? Banker Interests in Reforming the Community Reinvestment Act ? Interchange Fees in the post-Durbin Amendment Era

A full report on these proposals will be discussed during our Defense Matters Forum. The timing is perfect as several CUNA Councils convene Sunday afternoon and the CUNA Governmental Affairs Conference starts the next day (March 11). We expect to provide defense-related topics to augment meetings with Congressional leaders during CUNA's "Hike the Hill" days on Wednesday and Thursday. We hope to repeat this process at the NAFCU Congressional Caucus later this fall.

As we have emphasized in our communications with member CEOs and sister trade associations, DCUC is not looking to compete with any of the larger trade associations on advocacy issues. In fact, we believe DCUC can and should complement those efforts. However, there are many unique opportunities and challenges Defense Credit Unions can lead the industry on, which is what we propose to do in 2019.

Thus, it is important for our members attending the GAC to also attend our Defense Matters Forum. In fact, we already have several first-time attendees signed up--which is wonderful news! We would like to encourage you to register and attend not only for the legislative and regulatory update, but to form and build a professional (and social) network with peers in the same military space. We see DCUC becoming a stronger organization as a result.

For more information on DCUC's Defense Matters Forum (Sunday morning, March 10) and to learn more about our legislative proposals and comments visit .



What's in a Name?

Bill Birnie, President & CEO Frontwave CU

"What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet." Or would it...

Camp Pendleton FCU was formed in 1952 by Marines, for Marines. Over the years, the credit union consolidated with other Southern California "Marine" credit unions and to reflect its regional posture, chose to change its name to Marine Corps West FCU in 1975.

All was well until 2001... Congress formed the Base Realignment and Closure Program to study defense facilities and identify specific facilities for closure to reduce costs. The Marine Corps West FCU Board of Directors perceived this initiative as a potential threat and considered the possibility that one (or more) of our multiple installations may be destined for closure. They determined that the closure of one of our installations would be detrimental to the long-term viability of the credit union and its ability to continue effectively serving our beloved Marines.

Ultimately, they decided that the organization needed to diversify to hedge against such an action and, after 50 years of exclusive service to our military installations, in 2002 they chose to convert from a federal charter to a state charter, open their doors to the communities that surround and support our installations, and changed our name to Pacific Marine CU. At that time, Membership at the credit union was 99% military and the

credit union had $300 million in assets. Today, just 17 years later, the Membership is 65% military and 35% community. Assets have grown to over $820 million.

At the Strategic Planning session in 2016 we considered our pace of growth and our future potential. That conversation led to the decision to re-evaluate our brand and our name. So, once we completed our core processor conversion in early 2017, we partnered with Weber Marketing Group and engaged in four months of research that consisted of six focus groups (involving active duty Marines, retired Marines, members of our communities, credit union Members and non-Members), over a thousand survey responses, and a whole boatload of interviews and meetings. Those months of research sharpened and highlighted our belief that the line between our bases and our communities was not stark. Our Marines live, play and ultimately retire in those communities. It's where their kids grow up and go to school. Clearly, there is a strong, symbiotic relationship between our installations and our communities.

The research also drove home something else that we already knew. Our name was not serving us well. There was confusion about who we are and whom we serve. Some people thought we were a boat company--to this day I still get emails from the Maritime Reporter Magazine and try as I might I can't seem to unsubscribe. Others thought you had to be a Marine to join. Both perceptions were polarizing and neither were accurate.

Armed with the results of this research and a strong belief that our culture

Arkansas Federal Donates $97,000 for Teen Room Renovation at Arkansas Children's Hospital

Mark Carter, Arkansas FCU

Arkansas FCU President and CEO Rodney Showmar presented a check for $97,274.81 to Arkansas Children's Hospital as part of a multi-year commitment to provide $300,000 for renovation of the hospital's Teen Room.

Created for patients ages 13 through 18, the Teen Room provides a teenfriendly environment where patients can engage with peers, participate in teen-related activities and enjoy much-needed downtime.

"Our purpose is to make a difference in the communities where we live


had evolved, but our brand had not, in November 2018 our Board of Directors unanimously agreed that it was time-- time to change our name, change our logo and rebrand the organization.

Great! But how do you pick a new name? We started by clearly defining our culture and comparing that culture to the character, the essence, of the Southern California installations and communities we serve and we found them to be very closely aligned. We wanted something attuned to that character that would resonate across that very fuzzy line between Marines and their communities. It had to invoke our historical ties to the Marines, our nation's first wave of fighters, while reflecting the authenticity and distinction of our communities. It had to be bold, edgy and distinct-- just like the Marines and community it is our honor to serve. Ultimately, we chose:

Dream big. We got you.

We even produced a super-cool video for our unveiling: . Our-Mission/Our-Story/About-Us/Frontwave-Video

Every time a Member questions the new name and brand, we show them the video. Questions answered...

A rose by any other name... We think it will smell even sweeter.

We're Frontwave Credit Union! Dream big. We got you.

and work, and our decades-long support of Arkansas Children's Hospital is one way we fulfill that purpose," Showmar said. "The Teen Room at Arkansas Children's Hospital enables patients to experience a sense of normalcy during their stay, and we're proud to help ensure it will remain a vital part of their care."

Arkansas Federal committed last year to fund renovation of the space and in January donated more than $101,000 to kickstart the effort.


DCUC 56th Annual Conference August 18?21, 2019 Fairmont?Chicago / Millennium Park 56TH ANNUAL DCUC CONFERENCE Registration materials will be available early in 2019.

John Fenzel

Green Beret / Speaker / Historian / Educator / Author

Janet Sked, DCUC Conference Manager

DCUC is pleased to announce that one of our incredible Monday keynote speakers at the upcoming Annual Conference will be John Fenzel. Sharing his experiences from the West Wing of the White House to the many war zones he has operated in around the world, John will help us to understand just what it takes to not only overcome adversity, but to conquer it, so that, in the end, we will be able to come out better and stronger for the experience. Learn how others have used adversity to their advantage, and how they took advantage of the challenges confronting them in the most difficult of circumstances. John's unique personal perspectives will demonstrate how training for adversity is not only possible, but recommended as a means to promote resilience, trust, perseverance, and teamwork. John will show you and your team how adversity is our greatest opportunity to become stronger and more successful during his talk about Resilience in the Face of Adversity.

John Fenzel is a retired senior Army Special Forces officer who has served on battlefields throughout world. He has served on the personal staff of the Secretary of Defense, as a Special Assistant to the Vice President, as a strategic planner for the Chief of Staff of the Army, and as a White House Fellow during both the Clinton and Bush administrations.

He commanded a Special Forces Battalion at Fort Bragg, North Carolina and an Army brigade at Fort Knox, Kentucky. In the wake of the 9?11 attacks, he served as Staff Director for Tom Ridge in the Homeland Security Council. He was the principal architect of The Homeland Security Advisory System, our nation's first public warning system for terrorist threats.

In his 30 years of military service, John has served in numerous command and staff positions around the world. During Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm, he commanded a Special Forces "A-Team," training, equipping and advising a Kuwaiti Battalion and accompanying them during the liberation of Kuwait. He has commanded three Special Forces companies, leading the first Army deployments to Pakistan and the Baltic States. In Bosnia, he commanded the special operations teams in the U.S. and British sectors, working closely with the United Nations to secure the indictments and convictions of those responsible for war crimes in Srebrenica. He is the only active duty American military officer to testify at The Hague in support of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY).

John is a graduate of the Naval War College and the National War College. Born in Iowa and raised outside Chicago, John lives with his wife and three children in Annapolis, Maryland. John is also the author of three acclaimed novels, The Lazarus Covenant, The Sterling Forest and The Fifth Column.




My Crasher Experience

Kristel Wiggins, Andrews FCU

My journey within the credit union industry started in 2015, when I began working with Andrews FCU. Having spent most of my career in retail banking, Andrews Federal offered me the perfect opportunity to transition into the human resources field with an organization whose mission and vision I truly valued.

Since my transition, the credit union industry has afforded me with exciting opportunities for growth and development. A highlight for me occurred in 2018, when I had the privilege of representing Andrews FCU as a "Crasher" at the 55th DCUC Annual Conference held in Williamsburg, Virginia.

After weeks of anticipation and getting to know my fellow Crashers virtually, the time came for me to meet the 11 other young professionals chosen to represent their defense credit unions at the conference. My cohort was comprised of young professionals from across the nation and one member from United Kingdom. The backgrounds of the Crashers were also diverse, with members serving in various roles including retail banking, information technology, marketing, operations and human resources.

For the young professionals, the conference intertwined the Crasher sessions with the larger conference and group breakout sessions. This combined schedule allowed Crashers to get the development tools they needed while also interacting with seasoned professionals to gain perspective on what it's like to be a senior leader within the credit union industry.

While some of the sessions were full of relevant industry information, many of the networking events were filled with fun! The conference featured opportunities for the Crashers to spend time away from the conference and bond over dinner and other adventures, such as our tour of Colonial Williamsburg.

Although being able to network with the young professionals was a major highlight of the conference, the engagement of the Senior Vice Presidents, CEOs, and Board of Directors was particularly remarkable. Starting from the first joint session of the conference, the senior leaders were intrigued to meet and engage with us Crashers. Our ideas were welcomed and our feedback was valued. This was evident during the Crasher panel wherein five young professionals, including myself, took the stage to highlight our experience and share our vision of the industry.

Overall, I found the opportunity to Crash the DCUC was a truly amazing experience to credit union young professionals! To be able to network with peers and senior leaders of the credit union who serve military members could not have been more rewarding. I encourage other young professionals to Crash the DCUC and share their experiences as we continue to contribute to the defense credit union industry!

Financial Center First CU Receives Four First Place Awards

Courtney Cooper, Financial Center First

The Indiana Credit Union League recently reported results in the Credit Union National Association's national award competition, and has awarded Financial Center with four first place state awards in the $250 million to $1 billion asset category.

The Credit Union was honored with the following awards:

? First Place in the Desjardins Adult Financial Education Awards for the credit union's overall financial education program which provides financial literacy in person and online for more than 4,000 Hoosiers annually

? First Place in the Desjardins Youth Financial Education Awards for the credit union's financial education program which reaches more than 800 students in Central Indiana schools

? First Place in the Louise Herring Philosophy in Action Award for the credit union's financial literacy partnership with the Consul de Mexico

? First Place in the Dora Maxwell Social Responsibility Award for the credit union's partnership with Fox 59's Pack the Pantries which raised funds for more than 300,000 meals during the Spring telethon

All four entries will move on to national competition which will be announced in March at CUNA's National Government Affairs Conference.

AACFCU Employees Donate to Local Organizations During the 2018 Holiday Season

Katy Moore (left), AACFCU Business Development Officer and Lorie Blackwell, Oakview Manor Activities Director. Photo courtesy AACFCU

Tabitha Tucker, AACFCU

Army Aviation employees donated to families and individuals this holiday season by partnering with local charitable organizations. As part of the credit union's annual tradition, AACFCU employees came together in a company-wide effort to collect gifts for children and seniors and decorate Christmas trees for local nursing homes. In their ongoing #WeGiveBack efforts, the credit union delivered holiday cheer to 11 organizations. "It's incredible to see the level of giving by AACFCU employees. They look forward to this time of year and the opportunity it provides for another chance to give back to those less fortunate," said Kathy Scarbrough, AACFCU Vice President of Marketing.



American Heritage CU Supports Members Affected by Government Shutdown

Adam Remshifski, American Heritage CU

American Heritage CU introduced several programs to support its members who have been affected by the recent Federal Government furlough. The Credit Union has set up a Government Employee Furlough Assistance hotline, and encourages members, as well as employees at its Federal Workplace Partners, to contact the hotline if they are affected and need financial assistance.

"During this challenging furlough period, rhetoric from politicians will not help families pay their bills and put food on the table," stated American Heritage President & CEO Bruce K. Foulke. "We have many members who are employed by the Federal government, and we have several branches that are located in Federal buildings.

The financial assistance programs available to Eligible American Heritage Members include:

? Waiver of early withdrawal penalties on Certificates during the furlough period

? Refunds on overdraft and insufficient funds fees during the furlough period

? Refunds of late fees on certain American Heritage loans

? Members may qualify to defer certain loan payments.

? The credit union is also providing a 0.0% APR Life Line loan to cover delayed payroll.

Feb. 25 ? March 2, 2019


Security Service employees present a $10,000 donation to the El Paso Villa Maria leadership team and board of directors' members. Photo courtesy Security Service Foundation

Security Service Donates $10,000 to El Paso Villa Maria

Kristina Cardenas, Security Service FCU

The Security Service Charitable Foundation donated $10,000 to Villa Maria. "This generous $10,000 donation from Security Service will be used towards rehabilitating 21 bathrooms that are in disrepair," said Linda Velarde, executive director for El Paso Villa Maria. "Currently, plastic bags are taped around holes to prevent water from seeping through, showerheads and faucets are broken, and shelving is rotting. Fixing these bathrooms will help improve the quality of life for our residents."

Residents range in age from 18 to 73 years old and usually stay 10 to 14 months. All residents are without financial assistance. Many have been victims of domestic violence; struggle with major mental health issues; suffer from alcohol, drug or gambling addictions; and have children in foster homes awaiting family reunification.

"Who we are as a community depends greatly on how we care for our most vulnerable members," said Derrick Aguilar, senior vice president of member service--Mountain Region for Security Service. "Everyone deserves a place of safety where they can heal and hopefully reemerge in a state of self-sufficiency. We are honored to help El Paso Villa Maria through this $10,000 donation as they work to provide a home for women in need."

Cobalt CU Help Students Start Good Savings Habits Early

Joyce Wells, Cobalt CU

You're never too young to start learning about money management and careers. With that in mind Cobalt CU opened a new student run branch at the Sacred Heart School located in North Omaha.

The new branch will be run by student tellers with guidance from the local Ames branch of the credit union. An official ribbon cutting for the new student run branch was held at the school, with student tellers, all elementary school students, teachers and representatives from the credit union taking part. The ribbon cutting was held in conjunction with the school's career day activities which took place the same day.

"We have financial education partnerships with a number of schools and it's a winwin on so many levels. We've seen what an impact these programs can have not just in showing kids how to save, but also why to save and giving them exposure to future careers," shared Gail DeBoer, President and CEO of the credit union.



CHESAPEAKE, VA--ABNB FCU moves its Wishart branch to a new location in Virginia Beach. The move represents ABNB's continued commitment to world-class member services in the Virginia Beach community...OCEANSIDE, CA --Frontwave CU has received the "Award for Workplace Excellence" by Peter Barron Stark Companies (PBS) based on the results of their 2018 employee opinion survey. This is the sixth time that Frontwave has won this award for Workplace Excellence...TYSONS, VA--PenFed CU hosted a ribbon-cutting ceremony for its new financial center opening soon in Hatillo, and announced the launch of a financial education partnership for high school students in Puerto Rico today...EDWARDSVILLE, IL--Scott CU announced plans to move its East Belleville Branch in 2019 to a new location that will allow for its continued growth in St. Clair County.


CHESAPEAKE, VA--Michelle Perry joined ABNB FCU as the new Loan Center Manager. She brings over 28 years of consumer lending experience to the credit union... INDIANAPOLIS, IN--Financial Center First CU named Colin Murphy as the new Executive Director of Business Sales. Colin will manage Public Funds deposit strategy, as well as existing and potential strategic business relationships...PHILADELPHIA, PA-- the Philadelphia Chapter of Credit Unions named American Heritage CU employee, Julian Gerace, the Chapter representative for the Credit Union Ambassador Contest.

Scott CU Launches New High Rate Epic Checking Account

Adam Koisher, Scott CU

Area residents can now earn 4.05% Annual Percentage Yield on their checking account balance up to $25,000 thanks to the new EPIC Checking Account launched recently by Scott CU.

The unique checking account features no minimum balance and no fees, according to Scott CU Chief Operating Officer Linda Fedrick. "Plus, the account refunds up to $10 each month in ATM fees when our members use other financial institution's ATMs," she noted. EPIC Checking is designed to reward members for using their account, specifically their debit card.

"Another great feature is that every time one of our members uses their debit card, we will donate a portion to our Scott CU Community Foundation to give back to the community," she noted. "And that will happen at no cost to the account holder."

Fedrick also added that members can earn 3.05% APY when they receive their monthly statement electronically and they use their debit card for purchases between $750 and $1,499.

"The account has two tiers. The second tier still allows our members the opportunity to earn a high rate if they don't use their debit card quite as much each month," she said.

The account pays the higher rates on balances between one penny and $25,000. Scott CU will pay members .25% APY on any balances above $25,000 when members meet the qualifications.

"Another great thing about EPIC Checking is that if our members don't receive their statement electronically, or they don't make purchases of at least $750 with their debit card, they will still earn .25% interest on their entire balance with no monthly fee."

"There is never a minimum balance and never any fees," Fedrick added. "If they don't earn the high rate in a month, they just start over the next month with the same opportunity to receive the high rate."


Credit Union West Announces Five Academic Scholarships in 2019

Evan Norris, Credit Union West

As a local financial leader, Credit Union West is committed to supporting Maricopa and Yavapai counties through programs that benefit the community-at-large. In 2019, the credit union is offering $5,000 in scholarships to graduating high school seniors. These five $1,000 awards will allow local high school graduates to offset the cost of studying at a four-year college, community college or trade school.

With a special focus, two of these $1,000 scholarships are reserved for students who participated in their school's Junior Reserve Officers' Training Corps (JROTC). "We are committed to advancing the economic strength of Maricopa and Yavapai counties," said Karen Roch, President and CEO of Credit Union West. "These scholarships help local students gain the knowledge and skills needed to fill local jobs and become contributing members of their communities."

Cedar Point Donates $10,000 to Southern Maryland Community Resources

Kristen Kauffman, Cedar Point FCU

Employees from Cedar Point FCU presented a check to members of Southern Maryland Community Resources (SMCR) during a night of fun and giving at a local bowling alley. The credit union is the main sponsor of SMCR's Solomons Dragon Boat Festival, donating $10,000 and paddling in a friendly competition against other local businesses.

The festival raises funds to support local programs and events for community members with developmental differences. SMCR's January event was bowling, where credit union employees bowled alongside Special Olympics athletes and other SMCR members.


Tinker FCU Hosts `Thankful for You' Giveaway

Destiny Darby, Tinker FCU

Tinker FCU hosted a "Thankful for You" giveaway on Facebook and Instagram, where individuals were able to nominate a friend, family member or co-worker and share why they're thankful for them and what makes them great.

The call for nominations generated 1,477 individual reactions across Facebook and Instagram, and resulted in 400 nominations.

Tinker FCU randomly selected five nominees to receive a $300 Visa pre-paid gift card and surprised the nominator with a $100 Visa pre-paid gift card, as well.

A video was created, allowing all five of the winners to share their stories with TFCU's followers. The winning video has reached 176,524 individuals across the credit union's social media platforms and has been viewed 97,941 times.

Winner Natalie Wesberry said, "I am thankful for my mom. She's my go-to. She's a wonderful mom and grandma. She takes care of us, and we don't know what we would do if we didn't have her."


Defense Matters

Sunday, March 10, 2019 Washington, D.C.


Heritage Trust donated meals to TSA employees and Air Traffic Controllers at the Charleston International Airport. Photo courtesy Heritage Trust

Heritage Trust Assists Federal Employees Impacted By Government Shutdown

Dustin Haynes, Heritage Trust FCU

Founded in 1955 on the Charleston Air Force Base, Heritage Trust FCU has a long history of helping federal employees with their financial wellbeing. During the government shutdown, Heritage Trust has once again answered the call by mobilizing to assist federal workers in the Charleston region. The credit union launched several initiatives to ease the burden these individuals are facing to include an internal collection for food, hygiene products and other essential items that were donated to the USCG Chief Petty Officers Association to benefit local Coast Guard families stationed at Sector Charleston.

The credit union also coordinated with the Charleston International Airport to providemeals for the employees of the TSA and Air Traffic Controllers forced to work without pay. Behind the scenes, credit union employees were working closely with its federal members whose accounts may be impacted by the shutdown.

"As a not-for-profit member owned financial cooperative, we're passionate about supporting our community. Our organization has a long history of working closely with federal employees, and we're proud to step-up and assist those families impacted by the situation on Capitol Hill," stated Dustin Haynes, Heritage Trust Public Relations Officer.

Bill Eastburn with Langley FCU Earns ChFEBC Designation

Fred Hagerman, Langley FCU

Langley FCU congratulates Investment Adviser Representative Bill Eastburn on achieving his Chartered Federal Employee Benefits Consultant (ChFEBC) designation. Eastburn has been with Langley Investment Services for more than 23 years and is an integral member of the team. His area of focus is to guide civil service and government contract employees to save and invest wisely before and during retirement.

"He has worked with hundreds of civil service employees and contractors at the NASA Langley Research Center as well as at Langley Air Force Base," says Langley Financial Services Program Manager Najib Khan. "His wealth of knowledge of retirement planning, estate planning, government retirement plans and benefits makes him uniquely qualified to address the needs of current and retired civil service, NASA and federal employees."

Eastburn is also a Certified Financial Planner, is a consistent member of the Million Dollar Round Table for financial planners, and was named one of the top 50 Bank Advisers in 2014.



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