The LaSalle Institute

Lincoln Public Schools

Smith Café



Healthier US Schools Challenge

Bronze Medal Winner

E-mail: shillson@

School Lead: Sandra Hillson 781.259.9400 x2206

|Monday |Tuesday | |Thursday |Friday |

|Fresh Fruit & Veggie bar |31 |1 |2 |3 |

|offered Daily with every |Happy Memorial Day | |Fiesta Nachos |Papa Ginos |

|meal[pic] |5” Personal Pan Pizza | |Nacho Meat & Cheese Sauce |Cheese, or Pepperoni Pizza |

| |Whole Wheat Crust | |over Crispy Whole Grain Corn |Whole Wheat Crust |

| |Italian Green Beans | |Tortilla Chips |Green Salad Mix with Lettuce, Shredded |

| |Frozen Strawberry Lemonade Italian| |Refried Beans & |Carrots and Red Cabbage |

| |ice | |Chunky Veggie Salsa Cups |Macintosh or Empire Apples |

| |[pic] | |Orange Smiles | |

| | | |Chilled Pear Slices | |

|Daily Alternates: |Whole Grain Chicken Patties * WW Chicken Nuggets * Whole Wheat PBJ * Multigrain Bagel & Yogurt |

|6 |7 |8 |9 |10 |

|Stuffed Crust Pizza Wedge |Crispy Mozzarella Sticks |8 oz milk |Sizzling Charbroiled Hamburger |Papa Ginos |

|Baby Carrots with Ranch Dip |Marinara Dipping Sauce |Assorted |On a Soft Whole Wheat Roll |Cheese or Pepperoni Pizza |

|Farm Fresh Peaches |Broccoli Trees |Flavors |Lettuce & Sliced Tomatoes |Sliced Cucumber Wheels |

|[pic] |Whole Fresh Strawberries [pic] |[pic] |Watermelon Wedges |Assorted Fruit & Veggie bar |

| | | | | |

|Daily Alternates: |Whole Grain Chicken Patties * WW Chicken Nuggets * Whole Wheat PBJ * Multigrain Bagel & Yogurt |

|13 |14 |[pic] |16 |[pic] |

|Crispy Chicken Patty |Crispy Chicken Nuggets | |Papa Ginos |Last Day |

|Soft Whole Wheat roll |& Chef’s Choice | |Cheese or Pepperoni Pizza |for Students |

|Cucumber Wheels |Fresh Strawberries | |Assorted Veggies |Half Day |

|With Ranch Dip | | |Ice Cold Watermelon | |

|Cinnamon Apples | | | | |

|Daily Alternates: |Whole Grain Chicken Patties * WW Chicken Nuggets * Whole Wheat PBJ * Multigrain Bagel & Yogurt |

• Menus subject to change

• All meals are served with a choice of milk (Skim, 1% or chocolate) and fruit (fresh or chilled.)

• Breads and grains offered are whole wheat or multi-grain where possible

• chiggins@

n accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.) To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, Room 326-W, Whitten Building, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20250-9410 or call (202)-720-5964 (voice & TDD). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.[pic]


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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