2006 RCW Rose List - Houston Rose

|RCW Nurseries, Inc. |

|15809 Tomball Parkway |

|Houston, TX 77086 |

|281-440-5161 |

|[pic] |Roses for 2014 |

Our rose list will help you select roses for any desired characteristic: color, fragrance, cutting to enjoy in arrangements, as a hedge, or to grow in a large pot. We have also have roses that will grow in partial shade, and those that are nearly thornless so they can be planted near where children play, or entrances.

Our roses are planted in 3 gallon biodegradable paper pots, containing rose soil, fertilizer and Root Activator.

Their canes are pruned to their proper height, ensuring that each bush attains its maximum blooming potential.

The biodegradable paper pots should be planted directly in the ground, where they will decompose.

For complete growing information and pictures of the roses in this list, please visit our website: . For up-to-date availability about any listed rose, please call us at 281-440-5161!


|AARS/AOE Year |RIR Score |

|AARS is an acronym for |Roses In Review, an American Rose Society (ARS) |

|All America Rose Selection. |rating program |

|New rose introductions are grown in AARS Test |A rating reflecting ARS volunteers' experience |

|Gardens in 19 states, representing all US climate|with growing the rose in their home gardens for |

|zones, for 2 consecutive years by commercial rose|a minimum of 3 consecutive years. |

|growers |A (#.#) score means the rose is relatively new |

|The roses are evaluated for color, flower |to being grown in home gardens and has an |

|production, fragrance, growth habit, disease |interim rating. |

|resistance, and overall vigor. They receive |A (-.-) score means not enough reports have been|

|average home garden care. |received to establish a rating for the rose. |

|AOE (Award of Excellence) is for miniature roses.| |

|Patent Status |

|NP |- |Not Patented |

|P |- |Patented |

|PPAF |- |Plant Patent Applied For |

|PP |- |Patent Pending |

|Rose Classification |

|B |- |Bourbon |

|Ba |- |Banksiae |

|Ch |- |China |

|Cl Min |- |Climbing Miniature |

|Cl Pol |- |Climbing Polyantha |

|Cl T |- |Climbing Tea |

|F |- |Floribunda |

|Gr |- |Grandiflora |

|HCh |- |Hybrid China |

|HP |- |Hybrid Perpetual |

|HR |- |Hybrid Rugosa |

|HT |- |Hybrid Tea |

|LCl |- |Large-flowered climber |

|Min |- |Miniature |

|Pol |- |Polyantha |

|S |- |Shrub |

|T |- |Tea |

|Name |Price | |Name |Price | | |

|Abbaye De Cluny [R] |26.99 | |Firefighter [M] |26.99 | |To find: |

|About Face [M] |26.99 | |Fourth of July [C] |26.99 | |By Color, page 4 |

|All American Magic [M] |26.99 | |Fragrant Cloud [M] |24.99 | |By Suggested Use, page 5 |

|America [C] |24.99 | |Fragrant Plum [M] |24.99 | |Rose Growing Tips, page 20 |

|Angel Face [M] |24.99 | |French Lace [M] |24.99 | | |

|Apricot Candy [M] |26.99 | |Girls Night Out [M] |26.99 | | |

|Archduke Charles [A] |19.99 | |Gold Medal [M] |24.99 | | |

|Barbra Streisand [M] |26.99 | |Golden Showers [C] |24.99 | | |

|Belinda’s Dream [A] |24.99 | |Good As Gold [N], [C] |29.99 | |We have the best |

|Be My Baby [N] |19.99 | |Gourmet Popcorn [N] |19.99 | |selection of |

|Betty White [M] |26.99 | |Grande Dame [M] |26.99 | |classic favorites, |

|Big Momma [M] |29.99 | |Grandma's Yellow [A] |19.99 | |new introductions, |

|Black Baccara [M] |26.99 | |Grüss an Aachen [A] |24.99 | |and |

|Blaze Improved [C] |24.99 | |Happy Go Lucky [M] |29.99 | |Earth Kind Roses. |

|Bolero [R] |26.99 | |Heart O’ Gold [M] |26.99 | | |

|Bonica [M] |24.99 | |Heirloom [M] |24.99 | |Earth Kind Rose means the shrub has been |

| | | | | | |thoroughly tested by Texas A&M’s AgriLIFE|

| | | | | | |Extension service. |

| | | | | | |It is recognized as an environmentally |

| | | | | | |friendly plant for Texas gardens with its|

| | | | | | |outstanding landscape performance and |

| | | | | | |superior pest tolerance. |

| | | | | | |For more info see: |

| | | | | | |earthkindroses.tamu.edu |

|Brandy [M] |26.99 | |Henry Fonda [M] |26.99 | | |

|Burgundy Iceberg [M] |24.99 | |Home Run [M] |24.99 | | |

|Cancan [C] |24.99 | |Hot Cocoa [M] |26.99 | | |

|Candy Land [C] |26.99 | |Hotel California [M] |24.99 | | |

|Carefree Beauty [A] |19.99 | |Iceberg [M] |24.99 | | |

|Cécile Brünner [A] |19.99 | |In The Mood [M] |26.99 | | |

|Cécile Brünner, Clmb. [A], [C] |19.99 | |Ink Spots [M] |24.99 | | |

|Centennial Star [M] |26.99 | |Intrigue [M] |24.99 | | |

|Ch-Ching! [M] |26.99 | |Janice Kellogg [M] |26.99 | | |

|Cherry Parfait [M] |26.99 | |John F. Kennedy [M] |24.99 | | |

|China Doll [M] |24.99 | |Joseph’s Coat [C] |24.99 | | |

|Chrysler Imperial [M] |24.99 | |Julia Child [M] |26.99 | | |

|Cinco de Mayo [M] |26.99 | |Jump For Joy [M] |29.99 | | |

|Classic Woman [R] |26.99 | |Just Joey [M] |24.99 | | |

|Coffee Bean [N] |19.99 | |Ketchup & Mustard [M] |26.99 | | |

|Colette [C] |26.99 | |Knock Out [M] |24.99 | | |

|Colorific [M] |26.99 | |Lady Banks White [A], [C] |19.99 | | |

|Coral Drift [M] |24.99 | |Lady Banks Yellow [A], [C] |19.99 | | |

|Coretta Scott King [M] |29.99 | |Lady Elsie May [M] |24.99 | | |

|Crimson Bouquet [M] |26.99 | |Lasting Love [M] |26.99 | | |

|Daddy’s Little Girl [N] |19.99 | |Lava Flow [M] |24.99 | | |

|Dark Night [M] |26.99 | |Legends [M] |26.99 | | |

|Dee-Lish [M] |29.99 | |Let Freedom Ring [M] |26.99 | | |

|Dick Clark [M] |26.99 | |Limoncello [M] |26.99 | | |

|Dolly Parton [M] |24.99 | |Liv Tyler [R] |26.99 | | |

|Don Juan [A], [C] |24.99 | |Livin’ Easy [M] |26.99 | | |

|Double Delight [M] |24.99 | |Love [M] |24.99 | | |

|Double Knock Out [M] |24.99 | |Love and Peace [M] |24.99 | | |

|Dream Come True [M] |24.99 | |Love Song [M] |26.99 | | |

|Drop Dead Red [M] |26.99 | |Maggie [A], [C] |19.99 | | |

|Dublin Bay [C] |26.99 | |Marchessa Boccella [A] |19.99 | | |

|Easy Does It [M] |26.99 | |Mardi Gras [M] |26.99 | |Location Key |

|Easy Going [M] |26.99 | |Margo Koster [A] |19.99 | |[A] Antique Roses Pg. 7 |

|Ebb Tide [M] |26.99 | |Marilyn Monroe [M] |26.99 | |[C] Climbing Roses, Pg. 9 |

|Eden Climber [C] |26.99 | |Marmalade Skies [M] |26.99 | |[M] Modern Roses, Pg. 11 |

|Elle’ [M] |26.99 | |Martha Gonzales [A] |24.99 | |[N] Miniature Roses, Pg. 18 |

|Europeana [M] |24.99 | |Martha’s Vineyard [M] |26.99 | |[R] Romantica Roses, Pg. 19 |

|Name |Price | |Name |Price | | |

|Melody Parfumée [M] |26.99 | |Rainbow’s End [N] |19.99 | |To find: |

|Memorial Day [M] |26.99 | |Red Cascade [A], [C] |24.99 | |By Color, page 4 |

|Mercury Rising [M] |29.99 | |Red Drift [M] |24.99 | |By Suggested Use, page 5 |

|Michelangelo [R] |26.99 | |Red Eden [C], [R] |26.99 | |Rose Growing Tips, page 20 |

|Midas Touch [M] |26.99 | |Rio Samba [M] |24.99 | | |

|Midnight Blue [M] |26.99 | |Rock & Roll [M] |26.99 | | |

|Mister Lincoln [M] |24.99 | |Rouge Royale [R] |26.99 | |We have the best |

|Moon Dance [M] |26.99 | |Royal Amethyst [M] |24.99 | |selection of |

|Moonstone [M] |26.99 | |Royal Gold [M] [C] |24.99 | |classic favorites, |

|Mother of Pearl [M] |26.99 | |Ruby Ruby [N] |19.99 | |new introductions, |

|Mutabilis [A] |19.99 | |Scentimental [M] |24.99 | |and |

|Nearly Wild [A] |26.99 | |Secret [M] |26.99 | |Earth Kind Roses |

|Neptune [M] |26.99 | |Sexy Rexy [M] |24.99 | | |

|New Zealand [M] |26.99 | |Shockwave [M] |26.99 | |Earth Kind Rose means the shrub has been|

| | | | | | |thoroughly tested by Texas A&M’s |

| | | | | | |AgriLIFE Extension service. |

| | | | | | |It is recognized as an environmentally |

| | | | | | |friendly plant for Texas gardens with |

| | | | | | |its outstanding landscape performance |

| | | | | | |and superior pest tolerance. |

| | | | | | |For more info see: |

| | | | | | |earthkindroses.tamu.edu. |

|Nicole Carol Miller [M] |26.99 | |Showbiz [M] |24.99 | | |

|Oh My! [M] |26.99 | |Silver Star [M] |26.99 | | |

|Oklahoma [M] |24.99 | |Sky’s the Limit [C] |24.99 | | |

|Old Blush [A] |19.99 | |Sombreuil [A], [C] |19.99 | | |

|Old Blush, Climbing [A], [C] |19.99 | |Souvenir de la Malmaison [A] |19.99 | | |

|Olympiad [M] |26.99 | |Souvenir de la Malmaison, Clmb. [A], [C] |19.99 | | |

|Orange Crush [C] |26.99 | |Sparkle & Shine [M] |26.99 | | |

|Orchid Romance [R] |26.99 | |St. Patrick [M] |26.99 | | |

|Oregold [M] |24.99 | |Starla [N] |19.99 | | |

|Over the Moon [M] |26.99 | |Strike It Rich [M] |26.99 | | |

|Pascali [M] |24.99 | |Sugar Moon [M] |26.99 | | |

|Passionate Kisses [M] |26.99 | |Sunsprite [M] |24.99 | | |

|Peace [M] |24.99 | |Tahitian Treasure [M] |29.99 | | |

|Peach Drift [M] |24.99 | |Texas [N] |19.99 | | |

|Peggy Martin [A], [C] |24.99 | |The Fairy [M] |24.99 | | |

|Perfect Moment [M] |24.99 | |Tiddly Winks [N] |19.99 | | |

|Perfume Delight [M] |24.99 | |Tiffany [M] |24.99 | | |

|Peter Mayle [R] |26.99 | |Traviata [R] |26.99 | | |

|Pink Double Knock Out [M] |24.99 | |Tropicana [M] |26.99 | | |

|Pink Drift [M] |24.99 | |Trumpeter [M] |26.99 | | |

|Pink Flamingo [M] |26.99 | |Twilight Zone [M] |26.99 | | |

|Pink Home Run [M] |24.99 | |Valentine [A] |19.99 | |Location Key |

|Pink Knock Out [M] |24.99 | |Voodoo [M] |24.99 | |[A] Antique Roses Pg. 7 |

|Pink Traviata [R] |26.99 | |Watercolors [M] |26.99 | |[C] Climbing Roses, Pg. 9 |

|Popcorn Drift [M] |24.99 | |We Salute You [M] |26.99 | |[M] Modern Roses, Pg. 11 |

|Pope John Paul II [M] |26.99 | |White Dawn [C] |24.99 | |[N] Miniature Roses, Pg. 18 |

|Preference [M] |24.99 | |White Eden [C], [R] |26.99 | |[R] Romantica Roses, Pg. 19 |

|Pumpkin Patch [M] |26.99 | |White Licorice [M] |26.99 | | |

|Purple Tiger [M] |24.99 | |White Majesty [M] |26.99 | | |

|Queen Elizabeth [M] |26.99 | |Wild Blue Yonder [M] |26.99 | | |

|Queen Mary II [M] |26.99 | |Wing-Ding [M] |24.99 | | |

|Radiant Perfume [M] |26.99 | |Zéphirine Drouhin [A], [C] |19.99 | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | |Assorted Tree Roses |49.99 | | |

| | | | | | | |

|Apricot | |Pink continued | |Red/Russet continued | |Yellow/Gold continued |

|Abbaye de Cluny [R] | |Carefree Beauty [A] | |Coffee Bean [N] | |Grandma’s Yellow [A] |

|America [C] | |Cécile Brünner [A] | |Crimson Bouquet [M] | |Happy Go Lucky [M] |

|Apricot Candy [M] | |Cécile Brünner, Clmb. [A], [C] | |Dark Night [M] | |Heart O’ Gold [M] |

|Brandy [M] | |China Doll [M] | |Dick Clark [M] | |Henry Fonda [M] |

|Just Joey [M] | |Colette [C] | |Don Juan [A], [C] | |Julia Child [M] |

|Marilyn Monroe [M] | |Daddy’s Little Girl [N] | |Double Delight [M] | |Lady Banks Yellow [A], [C] |

|Over the Moon [M] | |Dee-Lish [M] | |Double Knock Out [M] | |Limoncello [M] |

|Peach Drift [M] | |Eden Climber [C] | |Drop Dead Red [M] | |Love and Peace [M] |

|Tahitian Sunset [M] | |Elle’ [M] | |Dublin Bay [C] | |Mardi Gras [M] |

| | |Girls Night Out [M] | |Europeana [M] | |Michelangelo [R] |

| | |Grande Dame [M] | |Fourth of July [C] | |Midas Touch [M] |

|Mauve | |Grüss an Aachen [A] | |Firefighter [M] | |Oregold [M] |

|Angel Face [M] | |Jump for Joy [M] | |Fragrant Cloud [M] | |Peace [M] |

|Barbra Streisand [M] | |Liv Tyler [R] | |Home Run [M] | |Popcorn Drift [M] |

|Burgundy Iceberg [M] | |Marchessa Boccella [A] | |Hot Cocoa [M] | |Radiant Perfume [M] |

|Ebb Tide [M] | |Margot Koster [A] | |In the Mood [M] | |Rainbow’s End [N] |

|Fragrant Plum [M] | |Martha’s Vineyard [M] | |Ink Spots [M] | |Rio Samba [M] |

|Heirloom [M] | |Memorial Day [M] | |Intrigue [M] | |Royal Gold [C] |

|Love Song [M] | |Mercury Rising [M] | |Janice Kellogg [M] | |Shockwave [M] |

|Melody Parfumée [M] | |Mother of Pearl [M] | |Joseph's Coat [C] | |Sky’s the Limit [C] |

|Midnight Blue [M] | |Mutabilis [A] | |Ketchup & Mustard [M] | |Sparkle & Shine [M] |

|Neptune [M] | |Nearly Wild [A] | |Knock Out [M] | |St. Patrick [M] |

|Nicole Carol Miller [M] | |New Zealand [M] | |Lasting Love [M] | |Strike It Rich [M] |

|Purple Tiger [M] | |Old Blush [A] | |Lava Flow [M] | |Sunshine Daydream [M] |

|Royal Amethyst [M] | |Old Blush, Climbing [A], [C] | |Legends [M] | |Sunsprite [M] |

|Silver Star [M] | |Orchid Romance [R] | |Let Freedom Ring [M] | |Texas [N] |

|Twilight Zone [M] | |Passionate Kisses [M] | |Love [M] | |Watercolors [M] |

|Wild Blue Yonder [M] | |Paul Neyron [A] | |Maggie [A], [C] | |White Licorice [M] |

| | |Peggy Martin [A], [C] | |Martha Gonzales [A] | | |

| | |Perfect Moment [M] | |Mister Lincoln [M] | |White/Cream |

|Orange | |Perfume Delight [M] | |Oh My! [M] | |Bolero [R] |

|About Face [M] | |Peter Mayle [R] | |Oklahoma [M] | |Classic Woman [R] |

|Colorific [M] | |Pink Double Knock Out [M] | |Olympiad [M] | |French Lace [M] |

|Coral Drift [M] | |Pink Drift [M] | |Preference [M] | |Gourmet Popcorn [N] |

|Coretta Scott King [M] | |Pink Flamingo [M] | |Pumpkin Patch [M] | |Iceberg [M] |

|Dolly Parton [M] | |Pink Home Run [M] | |Red Cascade [A], [C] | |John F. Kennedy [M] |

|Easy Does It [M] | |Pink Knock Out [M] | |Red Drift [M] | |Lady Banks White [A], [C] |

|Lady Elsie May [M] | |Pink Traviata [R] | |Red Eden [C], [R] | |Moon Dance [M] |

|Livin’ Easy [M] | |Queen Elizabeth [M] | |Rock & Roll [M] | |Moonstone [M] |

|Marmalade Skies [M] | |Secret [M] | |Rouge Royale [R] | |Pascali [M] |

|Orange Crush [C] | |Sexy Rexy [M] | |Ruby, Ruby [N] | |Pope John Paul II [M] |

|Tiddly Winks [N] | |Souvenir de la Malmaison [A] | |Scentimental [M] | |Queen Mary II [M] |

|Tropicana [M] | |Souvenir de la Malmaison, Clmb. [C] | |Showbiz [M] | |Sombreuil [A], [C] |

|Trumpeter [M] | |Tahitian Treasure [M] | |Traviata [R] | |Starla [N] |

|Voodoo [M] | |The Fairy [A] | |Valentine [A] | |Sugar Moon [M] |

|We Salute You [M] | |Tiffany [M] | |Wing Ding [M] | |White Dawn [M] |

| | |Zéphirine Drouhin [A], [C] | | | |White Eden [C] [R] |

| | | | | | | |

|Pink | |Red/Russet | |Yellow/Gold | |Location Key |

|Betty White [M] | |All American Magic [M] | |Centennial Star [M] | |[A] Antique/Found Roses, Pg. 7 |

|Belinda’s Dream [A] | |Archduke Charles [A] | |Ch-Ching! [M] | |[C] Climbing Roses, Pg. 9 |

|Be My Baby [N] | |Black Baccara [M] | |Dream Come True [M] | |[M] Modern Roses, Pg. 11 |

|Big Momma [M] | |Blaze Improved [C] | |Easy Going [M] | |[N] Miniature Roses, Pg. 18 |

|Bonica [M] | |Cherry Parfait [M] | |Golden Showers [C] | |[R] Romantica Roses, Pg. 19 |

|Cancan [C] | |Chrysler Imperial [M] | |Gold Medal [M] | | |

|Candy Land [C] | |Cinco de Mayo [M] | |Good As Gold [C], [N] | | |

|Arrangements (Described as suitable for cutting by grower) |

|All American Magic [M] |Fragrant Cloud [M] |Marilyn Monroe [M] |Pope John Paul II [M] |

|About Face [M] |Fragrant Plum [M] |Memorial Day [M] |Purple Tiger [M] |

|Angel Face [M] |French Lace [M] |Mercury Rising [M] |Queen Elizabeth [M] |

|Apricot Candy [M] |Girls’ Night Out [M] |Michelangelo [R] |Queen Mary II [M] |

|Betty White [M] |Gold Medal [M] |Midas Touch [M] |Radiant Perfume [M] |

|Big Momma [M] |Grande Dame [M] |Mister Lincoln [M] |Rio Samba [M] |

|Black Baccara [M] |Grandma’s Yellow [A] |Moonstone [M] |Rock & Roll [M] |

|Bolero [R] |Happy Go Lucky [M] |Mother of Pearl [M] |Royal Amethyst [M] |

|Brandy [M] |Heart O’ Gold [M] |Neptune [M] |Royal Gold [C] |

|Cécile Brünner [A] |Heirloom [M] |New Zealand [M] |Silver Star [M] |

|Ch-Ching! [M] |Hotel California [M] |Oklahoma [M] |Starla [N] |

|Chrysler Imperial [M] |In the Mood [M] |Olympiad [M] |Strike It Rich [M] |

|Classic Woman [R] |Ink Spots [M] |Oregold [M] |Sugar Moon [M] |

|Colorific [M] |Intrigue [M] |Over the Moon [M] |Sunsprite [M] |

|Coretta Scott King [M] |Janice Kellogg [M] |Pascali [M] |Tahitian Treasure [M] |

|Crimson Bouquet [M] |John F. Kennedy [M] |Passionate Kisses [M] |Tiffany [M] |

|Dark Night [M] |Julia Child [M] |Paul Neyron [A] |Traviata [R] |

|Dee-Lish [M] |Lasting Love [M] |Peace [M] |Tropicana [M] |

|Dick Clark [M] | Legends [M] |Perfect Moment [M] |Twilight Zone [M] |

|Dolly Parton [M] |Let Freedom Ring [M] |Perfume Delight [M] |Voodoo [M] |

|Double Delight [M] |Love and Peace [M] |Peter Mayle [R] |We Salute You [M] |

|Dream Come True [M] |Maggie [A], [C] |Pink Flamingo [M] |White Licorice [M] |

|Firefighter [M] |Mardi Gras [M] |Pink Traviata [R] |White Majesty [M] |

|Fragrance (Described as strongly fragrant by the grower) |

|America [C] |Elle’ [M] |Melody Parfumée [M] |Royal Amethyst [M] |

|Apricot Candy [M] |Firefighter [M] |Memorial Day [M] |Scentimental [M] |

|Archduke Charles [A] |Fragrant Cloud [M] |Michelangelo [R] |Secret [M] |

|Barbra Streisand [M] |Fragrant Plum [M] |Midas Touch [M] |Souvenir de la Malmaison [A] |

|Belinda’s Dream [A] |Good As Gold [C], [N] |Midnight Blue [M] |Souvenir de la Malmaison, Climbing [A], [C] |

|Betty White [M] |Gourmet Popcorn [N] |Mister Lincoln [M] |Starla [N] |

|Big Momma [M] |Grande Dame [M] |Neptune [M] |Strike It Rich [M] |

|Bolero [R] |Grüss an Aachen [A] |Nicole Carol Miller [M] |Sugar Moon [M] |

|Cécile Brünner [A] |Heart O’ Gold [M] |Old Blush, Climbing [A], [C] |Sunsprite [M] |

|Cécile Brünner, Clmb. [A], [C] |Heirloom [M] |Orchid Romance [R] |Tahitian Sunset [M] |

|Centennial Star [M] |Iceberg [M] |Paul Neyron [A] |Tiffany [M] |

|Ch-Ching! [M] |Intrigue [M] |Perfume Delight [M] |Tropicana [M] |

|Chrysler Imperial [M] |Julia Child [M] |Peter Mayle [R] |Twilight Zone [M] |

|Colette [C] |Just Joey [M] |Pope John Paul II [M] |Voodoo [M] |

|Dee-Lish [M] |Lasting Love [M] |Purple Tiger [M] |White Dawn [C] |

|Dolly Parton [M] |Liv Tyler [R] |Queen Mary II [M] |White Eden [C] |

|Don Juan [A], [C] |Love and Peace [M] |Radiant Perfume [M] |White Licorice [M] |

|Double Delight [M] |Maggie [A], [C] |Red Eden [C], [R] |Wild Blue Yonder [M] |

|Ebb Tide [M] | |Rock & Roll [M] | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | |Location Key |

| | | |[A] Antique/Found Roses, Pg. 7 |

| | | |[C] Climbing Roses, Pg. 9 |

| | | |[M] Modern Roses, Pg. 11 |

| | | |[N] Miniature Roses, Pg. 18 |

| | | |[R] Romantica Roses, Pg. 19 |

|Fences/Posts/Trellises/Walls |

|America [C] |Eden Climber [C] |Maggie [A], [C] |Rouge Royale [R] |

|Blaze Improved [C] |Fourth of July [C] |Mutabilis [A] |Royal Gold [C] |

|Candy Land [C] |Golden Showers [C] |Old Blush, Climbing [A], [C] |Sky’s the Limit [C] |

|Cécile Brünner, Clmb. [A], [C] |Good As Gold [C], [N] |Orange Crush [C] |Sombreuil [A], [C] |

|Cancan [C] |Joseph's Coat [C] |Peggy Martin [A], [C] |Souvenir de la Malmaison, Clmb. [A], [C] |

|Colette [C] |Lady Banks White [A], [C] |Red Cascade [C] |White Dawn [C] |

|Don Juan [A] |Lady Banks Yellow [A], [C] |Red Eden [C], [R] |White Eden [C], [R] |

|Dublin Bay [C] | | |Zéphirine Drouhin [A], [C] |

|Ground Covers or Small Gardens or Pots (See individual rose description) |

|Be My Baby [N] |Grüss an Aachen [A] |Peach Drift [M] |Ruby Ruby [N] |

|Cécile Brünner [A] |Home Run [M] |Pink Drift [M] |Shockwave [M] |

|China Doll [M] |Lava Flow [M] |Pink Flamingo [M] |Souvenir de la Malmaison [A] |

|Coffee Bean [N] |Marchessa Boccella [A] |Popcorn Drift [M] |Starla [N] |

|Coral Drift [M] |Margot Koster [A] |Preference [M] |The Fairy [A] |

|Daddy’s Little Girl [N] |Marmalade Skies [M] |Pumpkin Patch [M] |Texas [N] |

|Ebb Tide [M] |Martha Gonzales [A] |Queen Mary II [M] |Tiddly Winks [N] |

|Elle’ [M] |Midnight Blue [M] |Rainbow’s End [N] |Trumpeter [M] |

|Good As Gold [C], [N] |Nicole Carol Miller [M] |Red Drift [M] |Valentine [A] |

|Gourmet Popcorn [N] | | |White Dawn [C] |

|Hedges or Mass Color |

|Abbaye de Cluny [R] |Europeana [M] |Love [M] |Preference [M] |

|Archduke Charles [A] |Grande Dame [M] |Love Song [M] |Pumpkin Patch [M] |

|Burgundy Iceberg [M] |Grüss an Aachen [A] |Maggie [A], [C] |Scentimental [M] |

|Bonica [M] |Home Run [M] |Marchessa Boccella [A] |Secret [M] |

|Carefree Beauty [M] |Hot Cocoa [M] |Mardi Gras [M] |Sexy Rexy [M] |

|Cécile Brünner [A] |Iceberg [M] |Martha Gonzales [A] |Showbiz [M] |

|Cherry Parfait [M] |Jump for Joy [M] |Martha’s Vineyard [M] |Sparkle & Shine [M] |

|Cinco de Mayo [M] |Just Joey [M] |Moon Dance [M] |St. Patrick [M] |

|Colorific [M] |Ketchup & Mustard [M] |Nearly Wild [A] |Traviata [R] |

|Double Knock Out [M] |Knock Out [M] |Nicole Carol Miller [M] |Trumpeter [M] |

|Drop Dead Red [M] |Lady Elsie May [M] |Oh My! [M] |The Fairy [A] |

|Easy Does It [M] |Lava Flow [M] |Old Blush [A] |Valentine [A] |

|Easy Going [M] |Limoncello [M] |Pink Double Knock Out [M] |Watercolors [M] |

|Ebb Tide [M] |Livin’ Easy [M] |Pink Home Run [M] |Wing Ding [M] |

|Elle’ [M] |Liv Tyler [R] |Pink Knock Out [M] |White Licorice [M] |

|Nearly Thornless or Thornless (Use near play areas and entrances) |

|Belinda’s Dream [A] |Grande Dame [M] |Lady Banks White [A], [C] |Peggy Martin [A], [C] |

|Burgundy Iceberg [M] |Grüss an Aachen [A] |Lady Banks Yellow [A], [C] |Valentine [A] |

|Firefighter [M] |Ketchup & Mustard [M] |Paul Neyron [A] |Zéphirine Drouhin [A], [C] |

|Gold Medal [M] | | | |

|Shade Tolerant (Require at least 6 hours of direct sun.) |

|Cécile Brünner [A] |Golden Showers [C] |Iceberg [M] |Zéphirine Drouhin [A], [C] |

| |Grüss an Aachen [A] |Marchessa Boccella [A] | |

| | | |Location Key |

| | | |[A] Antique/Found Roses, Pg. 7 |

| | | |[C] Climbing Roses, Pg. 9 |

| | | |[M] Modern Roses, Pg. 11 |

| | | |[N] Miniature Roses, Pg. 18 |

| | | |[R] Romantica Roses, Pg. 19 |

| | | | |

|[pic] |These roses do not need special attention once they are established. Just give them plenty of sun, room to grow, water, and organic fertilizer. |

| |They aren’t troubled by disease or insect pests; and hate being sprayed with any synthetic pesticide. Flowering slows down during the height of a |

| |Houston summer, and resumes in full force when it cools down. |

| |

|Price |Name |Class |RIR |Comments |

| | | |Score | |

|19.99 |Archduke Charles |Ch |8.5 |Prior to 1837. Flowers open with crimson outer petals & pink centers that darken to solid red. Heat |

| | | | |speeds the process: a bi-color hedge in spring will be all red roses by mid-summer. Returns to bi-color|

| | | | |in fall. Neat, 3- to 5-foot bush is always in bloom. |

|24.99 |Belinda’s Dream |S |8.5 |1987. Earth Kind Rose. Texas Superstar Plant. Great choice for a novice rose grower. Thornless. |

| | | | |Richly scented, large pink flowers. Makes a wonderful hedge or specimen plant. 45+ petals. |

|19.99 |Carefree Beauty |S |8.6 |1977. Earth Kind Rose. Formerly Katy Road Pink. Great choice for a novice rose grower. Fragrant & |

| | | | |very floriferous all season with very long new buds on a graceful 3- to 5-foot tall bush. Semi double |

| | | | |vivid pink flowers with showy stamens. 15 – 20 petals. |

|19.99 |Cécile Brünner |Pol |8.4 |1881. Perfectly shaped, little pink buds give it its nickname, ‘The Sweetheart Rose’. Remains compact,|

| | | | |putting up sprays of tiny, high-centered flowers that resemble hybrid teas. Long lived and healthy. |

| | | | |Tolerates partial shade. |

|19.99 |Cécile Brünner, Climbing |Cl Pol |8.5 |1904. The climbing form of the enduring and popular Cécile Brünner old garden rose. Spreads |

| | | | |vigorously, bearing lots of clear pink blossoms. Climbs 12- to 20-feet. 42+ petals |

|24.99 |Don Juan |LCl |8.2 |1958. Dark red pillar rose that blooms abundantly throughout the summer. 5 –inch blooms, 35 petals. |

| | | | |Climbs 8- to 10-feet with short stems and leathery, glossy dark foliage. Heavy fragrance. |

|19.99 |Grandma’s Yellow | | |1996. Texas Found Rose. Texas Superstar Plant. Formerly Nacogdoches Rose. Deep yellow flowers. |

| | | | |17-25 petals. Repeat blooms from spring until the first hard frost. Bronze new leaves mature to dark |

| | | | |green. Light and spicy fragrance. Upright, bushy shrub grows 4- to 5-feet tall by 3-feet wide. |

| | | | |Tolerates Black Spot well. |

|19.99 |Grüss an Aachen |F |8.3 |1909. Great choice for a novice rose grower. Dwarf, compact growth habit, with dark glossy green |

| | | | |foliage. Thornless and tolerates partial shade. Sweetly fragrant. Buds open as large pale pink double|

| | | | |flowers, fading to creamy white. 25 – 30 petals. |

|19.99 |Lady Banks White |Ba |9.2 |1807. Blooms once in the spring on old wood. Prune right after flowering is finished. Climbs 10 - 20 |

| | | | |feet. Small double white blooms, resembling cherry tree blossoms. 17-25 petals. Violets fragrance. |

| | | | |Deer don't seem to like it. |

|19.99 |Lady Banks Yellow |Ba |9.1 |1824. Blooms once in the spring on old wood. Prune right after flowering is finished. Climbs 10- to |

| | | | |20-feet. Small double yellow blooms, resembling cherry tree blossoms. 17 - 25 petals. Violets |

| | | | |fragrance. Deer don't seem to like it. |

|19.99 |Maggie |B | |Found Rose. Collected by Dr. William C. Welch in Louisiana. Very full carmine flowers, darkening to |

| | | | |crimson in cool weather. Vigorous shrub can be grown as a bush, hedge (4-feet tall) or trained as small|

| | | | |climber (7-feet tall). 3 to 4-inch blooms. Heady true rose scent. |

|19.99 |Marchessa Boccella |HP |9.0 |1842. Also known as Marquise Boccella. Delicate 3½-inch pink blooms sit in clusters of 3 on 10-inch |

| | | | |length stems – like plates on poles. 40 – 70 petals. Grows 3- to 4-feet tall by wide. Jade green |

| | | | |foliage. Rich, classic rose scent. Tolerates partial shade. |

|19.99 |Margot Koster |Pol |7.8 |1931. Tidy clusters of double, globular, salmon pink to orange flowers adorn this compact and very |

| | | | |useful shrub in flushes from late spring to frost. 1¼ -inch blooms. 20-petals. Grows 2- to 2½ -feet |

| | | | |tall by wide. Light fragrance. |

|19.99 |Martha Gonzales |Ch | |1984. Texas Found Rose. Great choice for a novice rose grower. Original cuttings came from a Navasota|

| | | | |gardener. A handsome, bushy shrub that is constantly in bloom with bright, scarlet flowers. 1¾-inch |

| | | | |blooms. Grows 2 to 3-feet tall. |

|19.99 |Mutabilis |Ch |8.9 |Prior to 1894. Earth Kind Rose. The Butterfly Rose. Great choice for a novice rose grower. |

| | | | |Single-petaled silky flowers open with a splash of sulphur yellow, changing to orange, then rich pink, |

| | | | |and finally crimson. Often, all these colors are on display at the same time. Give her plenty of room!|

| | | | |Grows 4 to 6-feet tall. 5 petals. |

|26.99 |Nearly Wild |F |7.8 |1941. Large single pink flowers reminiscent of apple blossoms. 5 petals. Compact, full shrub that |

| | | | |almost always in bloom. Grows 2 to 3-feet tall. Makes a great low hedge when planted closely together.|

| | | | |Mild scent. |

|19.99 |Old Blush |HCh |8.7 |1752. Medium, semi-double, lilac pink flowers in loose clusters. It blooms so steadily that it is not |

| | | | |very good cut flower. The blossoms drop quickly to make room for their successors. Grows 3 to 5-feet |

| | | | |tall. Makes a spectacular flowering hedge. |

|19.99 |Old Blush, Climbing |Cl Ch |8.4 |Unknown introduction. Climbing sport of the Old Blush old garden rose. Climbs 12- to 20-feet. 9 to 16 |

| | | | |petals. |

|19.99 |Paul Neyron |HP |8.1 |1869. Produces clusters of fragrant, rich pink cabbage rose-like flowers up to 6- or 7- inches wide at |

| | | | |the ends of new growth. 50 – 55 petals. Grows 4- to 6-feet tall and is very erect. Foliage is large |

| | | | |and dark green. Thornless or nearly so. |

|24.99 |Peggy Martin |Cl | |2003. Found Rose. The Hurricane Katrina Rose. Collected by Dr. William C. Welch in Louisiana. |

| | | | |Vigorous climber reaches15-feet. Clusters of pink shaded flowers from spring through fall. While |

| | | | |promoted as thornless, it does have prickles on the backs of the leaves. Neighbors will come begging |

| | | | |for cuttings. |

|24.99 |Red Cascade |Cl Min |7.6 |1976. Regularly smothered in color with 1-inch blood red blooms. 40 petals. Climbs 14-feet. Can be |

| | | | |trained on a post, wall, trellis, or fence. See it growing on the arbor at our nursery entrance. |

| | | | |Fine-leaved foliage. |

|19.99 |Sombreuil |Cl T |8.8 |1850. A mannerly climber reaching 8- to 10-feet. Double, formal white flowers often blushed with pink.|

| | | | |Stems are very thorny, but the foliage is beautiful. Blooms heavily in spring, and again in fall. 60+ |

| | | | |petals. |

|19.99 |Souvenir de la Malmaison |B |8.7 |1843. The Queen of Beauty and Fragrance. Large quartered flowers with delicate, softest pink, |

| | | | |paper-thin petals. Compact plant with large, leathery leaves. Grows to 3- feet tall, preferring |

| | | | |blooming over growing. Rich aroma. 65 - 75 petals. |

|19.99 |Souvenir de la |Cl B |8.2 |1893. Climbing form of the lovely Souvenir de la Malmaison. The large quartered flowers provide a rich|

| |Malmaison, Climbing | | |aroma. 42+ petals. Climbs 8- to 12-feet. |

|24.99 |The Fairy |Pol |8.7 |1932. Earth Kind Rose. Great choice for a novice rose grower. An excellent border plant. Grows |

| | | | |3-feet tall by has dark green foliage. Clustered sprays of very double pink, little roses maturing to |

| | | | |blush white. 24 - 30 petals. Light scent. |

|19.99 |Valentine |F |6.8 |1951. Nearly thornless. Growth habit is slightly open, and foliage is very full, rich green. Long |

| | | | |pointed buds open to velvety, semi-double flowers of rich scarlet. Grows 3- to 4-feet tall. 3- to |

| | | | |4-inch blooms. 18 petals. Will attract lots of attention. |

|19.99 |Zéphirine Drouhin |Cl B |8.8 |1868. Great choice for a novice rose grower. Reportedly tolerates partial shade. Thornless canes |

| | | | |produce abundant fragrant cerise-pink flowers with a Bourbon rose scent. 25 - 30 petals. Blooms |

| | | | |reliably in spring and fall. Climbs 8 - 10 feet. |

My Mumblins’ & Scribblins’:

|[pic] |A climbing rose in full bloom is a grand cloud of color that will make your heart sing every time you see it! |

| |Place it on a trellis at least a foot away from a garden shed, fence, rain gutter, or other structure so that the climbing rose has a suitable place to|

| |grow. |

| |Or be creative and train it over a fence, arbor, pergola, tripod, or pillar. |

| |

|Price |Name |Type |Class |RIR Score |Comments |

|24.99 |America |NP |Cl |8.3 |AARS 1976. Fast growing, up to 10 - 12 feet. Blooms on old & new wood. Each coral-pink |

| | | | | |flower contains 40 - 45 petals and is heavily clove scented. |

|24.99 |Blaze Improved |NP |LCl |8.9 |Brilliant scarlet-red clusters of 2- to 3-inch flowers grace this climber. Handsome |

| | | | | |emerald-green foliage. Magnificent against a white wall or fence. Climbs 10- to 15-feet. |

|19.99 |Cécile Brünner, Climbing |Antique |Cl Pol |8.5 |1904. The climbing form of the enduring and popular Cécile Brünner old garden rose. Spreads|

| | | | | |vigorously, bearing lots of clear pink blossoms. Climbs 12- to 20-feet. 42+ petals |

|24.99 |Cancan |PPAF |LCl |(-.-) |Developed by the breeder of the Knock Out rose. Small clusters of unique magenta red to |

| | | | | |light pink flowers are suffused with creamy white towards the center and outside of their |

| | | | | |petals. Grows upto10-feet tall x 3- to 4-feet wide. 12 – 15 petals. |

|26.99 |Candy Land |P |LCl |7.5 |Well-formed 4- to 6-inch double flowers of rose and cream stripes borne in huge clusters on |

| | | | | |10- to 12-foot pliable canes. 20 petals. Gorgeous clean apple green foliage. Moderate |

| | | | | |fresh cut apple scent. |

|26.99 |Colette |P |LCl |8.3 |Climbing Romantica. Heavenly pink, damask-scented blooms blanket the lush green foliage. |

| | | | | |Old-fashioned blooms adorn the vining canes. Climbs 8- to 10-feet with spreading habit. |

| | | | | |3-inch blooms. 135 petals. Strong citrus scent. |

|24.99 |Don Juan |Antique |LCl |8.2 |1958. Dark red pillar rose that blooms abundantly throughout the summer. 5 –inch blooms, |

| | | | | |35 petals. Climbs 8- to 10-feet with short stems and leathery, glossy dark foliage. Heavy |

| | | | | |fragrance. |

|26.99 |Dublin Bay |NP |LCl |8.5 |Large, fully-double true red flowers open in cool weather or take the heat. 25 petals. |

| | | | | |Blooms on new and old wood. Somewhat slow to climb. Can be trained as a pillar. Climbs 8- |

| | | | | |to 10-feet with deep green leaves. |

|26.99 |Eden Climber |P |LCl |8.2 |Climbing Romantica. World Federation of Rose Societies 2006 World's Best Rose. Dense |

| | | | | |clusters of coral-pink flowers with glossy dark green foliage. 40 to 55 petals. Light |

| | | | | |old-rose scent. Climbs 10- to 12-feet. Very easy to train laterally. Similar to White |

| | | | | |Eden (described on page 10). |

|26.99 |Fourth of July |P |LCl |8.1 |AARS 1999. Huge clusters of ruffled, semi-double red 4½-inch blooms with white stripes. 10|

| | | | | |– 16 petals. Good rebloomer. Climbs 10- to 14-feet. |

|24.99 |Golden Showers |NP |LCl |7.4 |AARS 1956. Clusters of daffodil yellow 6-inch blooms on short stems. 25 - 30 petals. Grows|

| | | | | |6- to 8-feet high and 4-feet wide. Glossy foliage. Sweet fragrance. |

|29.99 |Good As Gold | |Min Cl |New |Small patio climbing rose. Clusters of strongly scented, golden yellow double blooms are |

| | | | | |repeatedly produced. 24 petals. Small, medium green, glossy foliage. Easy to train with |

| | | | | |flexible shoots. Climbs 7- to 8-feet. |

|24.99 |Joseph’s Coat |NP |LCl |7.5 |Yellow and red multicolored 3½-inch blooms. 25 – 30 petals. Vigorous pillar and recurrent |

| | | | | |bloomer. Climbs 10 – 12 feet with dark glossy foliage and short stems. Light fragrance. |

|19.99 |Lady Banks White |Antique |Ba |9.2 |1807. Blooms once in the spring on old wood. Prune right after flowering is finished. |

| | | | | |Climbs 10 - 20 feet. Small double white blooms, resembling cherry tree blossoms. 17-25 |

| | | | | |petals. Violets fragrance. Deer don't seem to like it. |

|19.99 |Lady Banks Yellow |Antique |Ba |9.1 |1824. Blooms once in the spring on old wood. Prune right after flowering is finished. |

| | | | | |Climbs 10- to 20-feet. Small double yellow blooms, resembling cherry tree blossoms. 17 - |

| | | | | |25 petals. Violets fragrance. Deer don't seem to like it. |

|19.99 |Maggie |Found |B | |Found Rose. Collected by Dr. William C. Welch in Louisiana. Very full carmine flowers, |

| | | | | |darkening to crimson in cool weather. Vigorous shrub can be grown as a bush, hedge (4-feet |

| | | | | |tall) or trained as small climber (7-feet tall). 3 to 4-inch blooms. Heady true rose |

| | | | | |scent. |

|19.99 |Old Blush, Climbing |Antique |Cl Ch |8.4 |Unknown introduction. Climbing sport of Old Blush (described on page 8). Grows 12 to |

| | | | | |20-feet tall. 9 to 16 petals. |

|26.99 |Orange Crush |PPAF |LCl | |Bright orange, cupped double flowers pop against the medium green, glossy foliage. 35 |

| | | | | |petals. Climbs 12- to 15-feet with a 3- to 4-foot spread. |

|24.99 |Peggy Martin |Found |Cl | |2003. Found Rose. The Hurricane Katrina Rose. Collected by Dr. William C. Welch in |

| | | | | |Louisiana. Vigorous climber reaches15-feet. Clusters of pink shaded flowers from spring |

| | | | | |through fall. While promoted as thornless, it does have prickles on the backs of the |

| | | | | |leaves. Neighbors will come begging for cuttings. |

|24.99 |Red Cascade |Antique |Cl Min |7.6 |1976. Regularly smothered in color with 1-inch blood red blooms. 40 petals. Climbs |

| | | | | |14-feet. Can be trained on a post, wall, trellis, or fence. See it growing on the arbor at|

| | | | | |our nursery entrance. Fine-leaved foliage. |

|26.99 |Red Eden |P |LCl | |Large, 4½-inch crimson, full cupped, old-fashioned blooms. 100 - 110 petals. Produces |

| | | | | |decorative hips. Strong classic rose scent. |

|24.99 |Royal Gold |NP |LCl | |Rich yellow hybrid tea-shaped buds & blooms sit on cutting length stems. 30 – 35 petals. |

| | | | | |Blooms on new & old wood. Climbs 8- to 10-feet. |

|26.99 |Sky’s the Limit |PPAF |LCl |7.1 |Scads of buttery yellow ruffled flowers blooming in clusters. 20 - 26 petals. Climbs 10- |

| | | | | |to 12-feet. Perfect for training on a trellis, fence or wall. Light, fruity scent. |

|19.99 |Sombreuil |Antique |Cl T |8.8 |1850. A mannerly climber reaching 8- to 10-feet. Double, formal white flowers often |

| | | | | |blushed with pink. Stems are very thorny, but the foliage is beautiful. Blooms heavily in |

| | | | | |spring, and again in fall. 60+ petals. |

|19.99 |Souvenir de la Malmaison, |Antique |Cl B |8.2 |1893. Climbing form of the lovely Souvenir de la Malmaison (described on page 8). The |

| |Climbing | | | |large quartered flowers provide a rich aroma. 42+ petals. Climbs 8- to 12-feet. |

|24.99 |White Dawn |NP |LCl |7.7 |Double pure white ruffled 3-inch gardenia-like flowers. 35 petals. Dark green, glossy |

| | | | | |foliage. Climbs 12- to 14-feet with a 3-foot spread. Sweet rose scent. |

|26.99 |White Eden |P |LCl | |Climbing Romantica. Old-fashioned white flowers cover it from head to toe. 100 – 110 |

| | | | | |petals. Dark glossy foliage. Climbs 10- to 12-feet. Similar to Eden Climber (described on |

| | | | | |page 9). |

|19.99 |Zéphirine Drouhin |Antique |Cl B |8.8 |1868. Great choice for a novice rose grower. Reportedly tolerates partial shade. |

| | | | | |Thornless canes produce abundant fragrant cerise-pink flowers with a Bourbon rose scent. 25|

| | | | | |- 30 petals. Blooms reliably in spring and fall. Climbs 8 - 10 feet. |

My Mumblins’ & Scribblins’:

|[pic] |Floribunda roses present their blooms in clusters on shorter stems. |

| |Grandiflora roses present their flowers in clusters on long stems, providing "one snip" bouquets. |

| |Hybrid Tea roses produce the classic long-stem rose. |

| |Shrub roses encompass bushy roses that do not fit any other category. They present their blooms closest to their foliage. |

| |

|Price |Name |Type |Class |RIR Score |Comments |

|26.99 |About Face |P |Gr |7.7 |AARS 2005. Novel blend of dark bronze and golden yellow blooms. Pointed, ovoid buds. Mild, |

| | | | | |apple scent. Tall, upright growing shrub. 4-inch blooms. 30 – 35 petals. . |

|26.99 |All American Magic | |Gr |7.2 |Double 3-inch flowers emerge in stripes of bright red and yellow, fading to pink and cream. 35|

| | | | | |petals. 5- to 6-feet tall. Glossy, medium green foliage. |

|24.99 |Angel Face |NP |F |7.8 |AARS 1969. Fully double, ruffled 3½ - 4 inch lavender flowers edged in purple. 25 - 30 |

| | | | | |petals. Low, rounded 3-foot tall plant with medium length stems. Strong old-rose fragrance. |

|24.99 |Apricot Candy |PPAF |HT |7.5 |The ruffled edged petals contrast nicely with the soft green foliage. A nice rose for |

| | | | | |bouquets. Grows 5 to 5½-feet tall. 3 to 3½ -inch blooms. 25 petals. |

|26.99 |Barbra Streisand |PP |HT |7.1 |Strong, citrusy rose fragrance. Mauve flowers bloom in flushes. Grows to 3 to 5-feet tall x 2|

| | | | | |to 3-feet wide. 4½-inch blooms. 26 - 40 petals. |

|26.99 |Betty White |PP |HT |7.4 |Cup-like flowers begin with a blush pink on the outside, with apricot tones blending at the |

| | | | | |center. Strong classic rose scent. Dense, medium green semi-glossy foliage. Semi-upright |

| | | | | |plant. Large blooms. 60 – 65 petals. |

|29.99 |Big Momma |PPAF |HT |7.6 |A big, pink, very fragrant hybrid tea rose grown on its own roots. Makes a nice cutting rose. |

| | | | | |Strong scent rose and fruit scent. Grows to 5½-feet tall by 4-feet wide. Cuplike blooms |

| | | | | |contain 40 petals. Dark, very glossy green leaves. |

|26.99 |Black Baccara |P |HT |7.0 |The only true black colored rose today. Introduced by the House of Meilland as a florist rose |

| | | | | |for Valentine’s Day, 2001. Its petals’ velvety texture and unique color will make an instant |

| | | | | |hit in your garden. Dark green, semi-glossy foliage. 45 petals. Compare with Ink Spots |

| | | | | |(described on page 13). |

|24.99 |Bonica |NP |S |8.4 |AARS 1987 and World Rose Hall of Fame winner. Beautiful quantities of 2-½ inch shell pink |

| | | | | |blooms come in clusters of 3-5 on upright stems that can be as tall as 4 feet. Sweet apple |

| | | | | |fragrance. 25 to 30 petals. |

|26.99 |Brandy |NP |HT |7.0 |AARS 1982. Golden apricot 4 – 5½ inch blooms, 25 - 30 petals. Tall, bushy plant with medium |

| | | | | |length stems. Mild fragrance. |

|24.99 |Burgundy Iceberg |P |F |7.6 |A maroon-hued version of the world famous rose Iceberg. Color intensifies with cool nights. |

| | | | | |Bushy habit loaded with lovely buds and showy clusters on nearly thornless stems. Grows 3- |

| | | | | |feet tall. 4½-inch blooms. 20 – 25 petals. |

|26.99 |Centennial Star |P |HT |7.7 |Strongly fragrant, golden blooms remind one of the Peace rose but with very double, cupped |

| | | | | |form. Grows 3 to 4-feet tall. 5-inch blooms. 50 – 70 petals. |

|26.99 |Ch-Ching! |PPAF |Gr |(7.3) |Produces vivid, full yellow flowers that last and do not fade. Strong sweet spice and fruit |

| | | | | |fragrance. A medium-tall upright rose bush with attractive dark green leaves that emerge |

| | | | | |burgundy red. 30 petals. |

|26.99 |Cherry Parfait |P |Gr |7.9 |AARS 2003. Outstanding red-white blend coloring and a nice rounded habit with excellent |

| | | | | |disease resistance. Bloom color holds well in the heat. Grows to 5-feet tall. 35 petals. |

|24.99 |China Doll |NP |Pol |8.1 |Dwarf size and bushy mounded habit makes this a good choice for containers or borders. It will |

| | | | | |give you an abundance of small pink flower clusters through the summer. 20 - 25 petals. |

|24.99 |Chrysler Imperial |NP |HT |7.8 |AARS 1953 and James Alexander Gamble Fragrance Medal winner. |

| | | | | |Grows 2.5- to 6-feet tall by 2- to 4-feet wide. Abundant 4½ - 5 inch crimson flowers. 45 - 50|

| | | | | |petals. Very fragrant. |

|26.99 |Cinco de Mayo |PPAF |F |7.9 |AARS 2009. American Rose Society 2011 Member’s Choice Award. |

| | | | | |A fiesta of unique rusty red-orange and smoky lavender blooms that just never stop popping |

| | | | | |open. Perfectly blends with any color in the garden. Grows 3½-feet tall. 3½-inch blooms. 15 |

| | | | | |- 20 petals. |

|26.99 |Colorific |PPAF |F |7.5 |Big pointed buds swirl open to seductive shades of peach, coral & salmon. Medium large, double|

| | | | | |blooms. 30 petals. Strong, long stems make it great shrub for a cutting garden. Grows |

| | | | | |4½-feet tall, with dark glossy green foliage. |

|24.99 |Coral Drift |PPAF |S |7.3 |Bright coral-orange blooms on a small mounding shrub catching your eye from anywhere. Perfect |

| | | | | |for small gardens and combination planters. Grows 1½-feet tall x 2.5-feet wide. 1½-inch |

| | | | | |blooms. 17 – 25 petals. |

|29.99 |Coretta Scott King |PPAF |Gr |New |Long, pointed buds spiral open to 4-inch creamy white blooms blushed with coral-orange. 25 |

| | | | | |petals. Upright, bushy plant. Moderate tea and spice scent. Honors the wife of Dr. Martin |

| | | | | |Luther King, Jr. who carried on his work, and the 50th anniversary of his I Have A Dream |

| | | | | |speech. |

|26.99 |Crimson Bouquet |P |Gr |7.9 |AARS 2000. Bright garnet red 4-inch blooms. 20 - 25 petals. Grows 4½-feet with medium to |

| | | | | |long stems. Light, sweet fragrance. |

|26.99 |Dark Night |PPAF |HT | |Deep velvet red blooms, with light cream yellow reverse suffused with red. Very classic hybrid |

| | | | | |tea form 4-inch flowers, borne one per stem with medium green foliage. Grows 5- to 5½-feet |

| | | | | |tall by 3- to 4-feet wide. |

|29.99 |Dee-Lish |PPAF |HT |New |A tall hybrid tea with a very strong fragrance of verbena and citrus. Large, 6-inch deep pink |

| | | | | |non-fading blooms. 35 - 40 petals. Medium green, semi-glossy foliage. Makes an excellent cut |

| | | | | |flower. |

|26.99 |Dick Clark |PPAF |Gr |7.9 |AARS 2011. Black-red buds. Medium large, double cream colored blooms washed in vibrant cherry|

| | | | | |pink. In sun the petals begin to blush burgundy, finishing in deep dark red. No two flowers |

| | | | | |are alike. Long stems. Glossy green foliage. Moderate cinnamon spice scent. 25 - 30 petals.|

|24.99 |Dolly Parton |NP |HT |7.5 |An American Rose Center Trial Grounds winner. Very large lipstick red with a cheery touch of |

| | | | | |orange blooms. 35 to 40 petals. Medium height. Strong rose fragrance. |

|24.99 |Double Delight |NP |HT |8.4 |AARS 1977, James Alexander Gamble Fragrance Medal and World Rose Hall of Fame winner. Unique |

| | | | | |bicolor 5½-inch flowers of creamy white and red to crimson. Strong, spicy fragrance. 35 - 45 |

| | | | | |petals. Grows 3 - 4 feet tall with long stems and glossy green foliage. |

|24.99 |Double Knock Out |P |S |8.2 |Combines the disease resistant attributes that made Knock Out (see page 14), such a popular |

| | | | | |garden plant, with an abundance of double, cherry-red flowers. Grows 3 to 4-feet tall by |

| | | | | |4-feet wide. 18 - 25 petals. |

|24.99 |Dream Come True |P |Gr |7.5 |AARS 2008. Huge, lusciously colored clear yellow flowers edged in ruby red. Tall, strong |

| | | | | |stems. 5-inch blooms. 40 petals. |

|26.99 |Drop Dead Red |PPAF |F |(7.3) |Jaw-dropping velvety red blooms against glossy deep green leaves. The classically formed |

| | | | | |double flowers are often borne in clusters. A natural for the landscape. Grows 4-feet tall. |

| | | | | |Mild tea fragrance. 5-inch blooms. 25 petals. |

|26.99 |Easy Does It |PPAF |F |7.9 |AARS 2010. The only 2010 AARS winner. Enormous clusters of peach, pink, and honey-yellow |

| | | | | |blossoms smother the plant. Grows 3 to 4-feet tall. 3½-inch blooms. 25 to 30 petals. |

|26.99 |Easy Going |P |F |8.0 |Golden, yellow sport of Living Easy. This 25 – 30 petaled rose has deep green, glossy, disease|

| | | | | |resistant foliage. Moderately fruity scent. |

|26.99 |Ebb Tide |P |F |7.4 |Dusky deep purple buds swirl open to small clusters of very double 4-inch old-fashioned flowers|

| | | | | |of velvet plum washed with a haze of sultry smoke. 35+ petals. Strong spicy clove scent. Grows|

| | | | | |2½-feet tall with dark green foliage. |

|26.99 |Elle’ |PPAF |HT |7.6 |AARS 2005. Strong fragrance, bushy compact growth, large two toned pink blooms and above |

| | | | | |average black spot resistance. Grows 3 to 4-feet tall. 4 to 5-inch blooms. 50 - 55 petals. |

|24.99 |Europeana |NP |F |8.6 |AARS 1968. Abundant dark-red double blooms. Exceptionally long lasting blooms and performs |

| | | | | |well in the heat. 25 - 30 petals. |

|26.99 |Firefighter |P |HT |7.7 |Named for the firefighters who lost their lives on 9-11. Sales contribute toward the Remember |

| | | | | |Me garden fund. Dark red with lighter reverse 4½-inch blooms on 2-foot long, nearly thornless |

| | | | | |stems. 40 - 45 petals. Strong, fruity, musk, old rose, raspberry, sweet scent. Shrub grows |

| | | | | |5-feet tall with small, semi-glossy, dark green foliage. |

|24.99 |Fragrant Cloud |NP |HT |8.1 |World Rose Hall of Fame winner and J&P 1968 Rose of the Year. Bright coral-red 5-inch blossoms.|

| | | | | |25 - 30 petals. Medium height with long stems and dark green foliage. Heavy old rose |

| | | | | |fragrance. Grows 3- to 4-feet tall by 2-feet wide. |

|24.99 |Fragrant Plum |NP |Gr |7.8 |Lavender-purple, perfectly shaped blooms. 20 – 25 petals. Premium-length cutting stems. Grows|

| | | | | |6 feet tall by 4 feet wide. Strong, fruity fragrance. |

|24.99 |French Lace |NP |F |8.1 |AARS 1982. Ivory to light apricot buds spiral open to ivory 4 - 5-inch blooms. 30 – 35 petals.|

| | | | | |Flowers are borne in clusters on 6- to 10-inch stems, and on 14-inch single stems. Medium |

| | | | | |height. Dark green foliage. |

|26.99 |Girls’ Night Out |PPAF |HT | |Large, pointed buds are deep magenta suffused with white. Dark, dusky-pink rose petals with |

| | | | | |lavender pink reverse. Grows 5.5 feet tall, 2.5-feet wide. Very glossy, medium green foliage.|

| | | | | |Moderate to strong Spice scent. 4-inch blooms. 25 petals. |

|24.99 |Gold Medal |NP |Gr |8.5 |Beautiful grandiflora boasting deep yellow blossoms, edged in orange-red that are borne singly |

| | | | | |or in clusters. Superb, hardy plant. Grows 4- to 6-feet tall, and 3-feet wide. Nearly |

| | | | | |thornless. 3½ to 4½-inch blooms. 35 - 40 petals. |

|26.99 |Grande Dame |PPAF |HT |7.8 |Huge 5¾-inch deep pink, cupped blooms produced in nodding clusters. Intense old-rose scent. |

| | | | | |30 broad petals. Long nearly thornless stems, with large, semi-glossy, deep green leaves. |

| | | | | |Grows 5- to 6-feet tall. |

|29.99 |Happy Go Lucky |PPAF |Gr |New |Full old-fashioned 6-inch blossoms of pure yellow with English rose charm. 40 petals. Upright, |

| | | | | |somewhat rounded bush clothed in rich green foliage. |

|26.99 |Heart O’ Gold |P |Gr |7.6 |Well-formed flowers of butter-gold centers surrounded by hot cerise. 4-inch blooms. 35 to 40 |

| | | | | |petals. Moderate old rose scent. Shrub grows 5-feet tall with glossy, medium green foliage. |

|24.99 |Heirloom |NP |HT |7.2 |Lilac to lavender old-fashioned rose form. Blooms in flushes. Grows 4-feet tall by wide. |

| | | | | |Strong, sweet rose scent. 4-inch blooms. 3 petals. |

|24.99 |Henry Fonda |P |HT |7.3 |Deep yellow blooms complemented by deep green foliage on a vigorous plant. Grows to 4-feet |

| | | | | |tall. 4½ -inch blooms. 20 - 25 petals. |

|24.99 |Home Run |P |S |8.1 |American Rose Society 2011 Member’s Choice Award. Offspring of the famous Knock Out (see page |

| | | | | |14). Rounded, bushy, fast-to-flower shrub. Its medium red single flowers hit a grand slam in |

| | | | | |the landscape and score points in a pot, too. 3.25-inch blooms. 5 petals. See Pink Home Run |

| | | | | |on page 15. |

|26.99 |Hot Cocoa |P |F |7.9 |AARS 2003. American Rose Society 2007 Member’s Choice Award. Silk-like blooms of |

| | | | | |chocolaty-orange with a deep orange reverse. Grows 3½ - 4 feet tall, and 4.5-feet wide. |

| | | | | |4-inch blooms. 30 - 35 petals. |

|24.99 |Hotel California |NP |HT | |Very full, clear yellow 4-inch blooms. 26 – 40 petals. High centers and long stems make this |

| | | | | |a wonderful cut rose. Glossy, medium green foliage on a 4- to 6-foot tall shrub. |

|24.99 |Iceberg |NP |F |8.9 |World Rose Hall of Fame winner. Large, double, pure white blossoms scent the air with a rich |

| | | | | |sweet perfume. Grows 3 feet tall. 4½ -inch blooms. 35 - 40 petals. |

|26.99 |In the Mood |P |HT |7.5 |If red is your thing, then this your it rose. Big, 5-inch classic double hybrid tea form blooms|

| | | | | |virtually drip with super-saturated redness. 25 petals. Matte green foliage with a touch of |

| | | | | |gray. Mild tea scent. |

|24.99 |Ink Spots |NP |HT |6.0 |Black pointed buds gracefully open to very well-formed velvety dark red blooms. 30 to 35 |

| | | | | |petals. Large dark green foliage covers the bushy upright plant. Compare it with Black Baccara|

| | | | | |(described on page 11). |

|24.99 |Intrigue |P |F |7.2 |AARS 1984. Citrus scented red-purple blossoms & glossy foliage make it one of the best for |

| | | | | |bouquets. 3 - 4 feet tall. 3-inch blooms. 25 – 30 petals. |

|26.99 |Janice Kellogg |PPAF |F |7.6 |Old-fashioned blooms of a deep burgundy color reminiscent of a good vintage wine. Slight rose |

| | | | | |scent. Medium, bushy plant. 60+ petals. |

|24.99 |John F. Kennedy |NP |HT |6.4 |Pure white 5- to 6-inch blooms. 45 - 50 petals. Tall plant with long stems and medium green |

| | | | | |foliage. Mild licorice fragrance. |

|26.99 |Julia Child |P |F |8.2 |AARS 2006. American Rose Society 2009 Member’s Choice Award. Beautiful butter gold color. |

| | | | | |Strong licorice candy fragrance. A - 3½ foot tall, bushy plant. Blooms are 3½ -inches with |

| | | | | |35+ petals. Super glossy leaves. |

|29.99 |Jump for Joy |PPAF |F |New |Lovely peachy-pink sister of Sparkle & Shine (described on page 17). Large showy clusters of |

| | | | | |ruffled 4-inch diameter blooms. 25 petals. Round bushy shrub with super glossy green leaves. |

| | | | | |New growth is consistently dark red. |

|24.99 |Just Joey |NP |HT |7.9 |World Rose Hall of Fame winner. Large, ruffled apricot blooms with a strong fruity fragrance.|

| | | | | |Interesting mahogany tinted foliage makes it a wonderful show rose. Grows 3.5- to 4-feet tall,|

| | | | | |and 4-feet wide. 25 – 30 petals. |

|26.99 |Ketchup & Mustard |P |F |7.5 |Attention-getting red 3½ -inch flowers with a deep yellow reverse will make your eyes blink in |

| | | | | |disbelief. 25 petals. Very rounded, bushy, well-branched nearly thornless shrub. Glossy |

| | | | | |light green foliage. Grows 3- to 4-feet tall. |

|24.99 |Knock Out |P |S |8.6 |AARS 2000. American Rose Society 2004 Member’s Choice Award. Earth Kind Rose. Texas |

| | | | | |Superstar Plant. The most disease resistant rose to come around in 50 years! Lightly scented |

| | | | | |3 - 3½ inch cherry red flowers. 5 - 7 petals. Grows 3 x 3 feet with short stems and deep |

| | | | | |mossy green foliage. Never-ending cycles of bloom. Great landscape shrub. |

|24.99 |Lady Elsie May |P |S |8.3 |AARS 2005. Carefree 30- to 36-inch tall shrub has masses of coral pink 3½ to 4-inch |

| | | | | |semi-double blooms all season long. 8 - 14 petals. |

|26.99 |Lasting Love |NP |HT |7.6 |Rich pure old rose scent. Very pointed buds unfurl to 5-inch blooms of blended dusky red and |

| | | | | |dark pink. 25 petals. Very dark, rich glossy green foliage. Burgundy red new growth makes it |

| | | | | |a most handsome plant. |

|24.99 |Lava Flow |NP |F |8.6 |Its exhibition name is Lavaglut. Large glowing clusters of 2½-inch deep velvety red blooms |

| | | | | |seem to continually 'erupt' from a blanket of glossy green leaves. 25 – 30 petals. Shrub |

| | | | | |grows 2- to 3-feet tall. Light scent. |

|26.99 |Legends |PPAF |HT |(7.3) |Monstrous buds unfurl into humungous blossoms atop long cutting stems. 30 petals. Rich, ruby |

| | | | | |red flowers hold their color. Medium-tall, upright bush. |

|26.99 |Let Freedom Ring |P |HT |7.9 |Classically formed, perfectly swirled, 5-inch strawberry red blooms on a medium tall, upright |

| | | | | |bush. Grows 5¼- to 6¼-feet tall, and 1¾ - to 2¼-feet wide. Deep green foliage. Slight tea |

| | | | | |scent. 25-petals. |

|26.99 |Limoncello |P |S |(7.6) |Grows 3½-feet tall x 4-feet wide with dark green glossy foliage. Perfect for mass planting & |

| | | | | |large landscapes. Extremely vigorous grower. 10 or more lemon yellow 2-inch blooms per stem. |

| | | | | |8-petals. |

|26.99 |Livin’ Easy |P |F |8.1 |AARS 1996. Bold flushes of apricot blooms on mannerly plants. Medium-large, double blooms, 25|

| | | | | |- 30 petals. |

|24.99 |Love |NP |Gr |7.7 |Two-toned blooms of fiery hot red on one side with a cool clear white reverse. 30 - 35 petals.|

| | | | | |Clothed with very dark green foliage and reddened new growth. |

|26.99 |Love and Peace |P |HT |7.8 |AARS 2002. A mesmerizing offspring of the Peace rose (see page 15) this amber-and-pink rose is|

| | | | | |drenched with a sweet and fruity perfume. Perfect for fragrant bouquets. Grows 4- to 5-feet |

| | | | | |tall. 5-inch blooms. 40 petals. |

|26.99 |Love Song |PPAF |F | |Fat, ovoid, and pointed buds turn into lovely lavender, fully double to ruffled 4½-inch blooms.|

| | | | | |35+ petals. Bushy, rounded plant clothed with rich green leaves. Reddish new growth. Mild |

| | | | | |citrus scent. |

|26.99 |Mardi Gras |PPAF |F |7.6 |AARS 2008. Flamboyant yellow, pink and orange blend flowers intensify in color as they mature.|

| | | | | |Large and long-stemmed, they make very showy bouquets. Also an ideal choice for a blooming |

| | | | | |hedge. Grows 4-feet tall by 3- to 4-feet wide. 4-inch blooms. 20 petals. |

|26.99 |Marilyn Monroe |P |HT |7.9 |Shapely hybrid tea with extraordinarily feminine creamy apricot color. Long pointed buds open |

| | | | | |to 5-inch blooms. 30 - 35 petals. Deep green leaves grace the cutting length stems. Upright, |

| | | | | |somewhat rounded bushy shrub. |

|26.99 |Marmalade Skies |P |F |7.8 |AARS 2001. Tangerine blooms cover this compact plant. An ever blooming machine! Grows 3-feet|

| | | | | |tall and wide. 2½-inch blooms. 17 – 25 petals. |

|26.99 |Martha’s Vineyard |NP |S |8.5 |Produces numerous sprays of 3 to 9 deep pink, slightly cupped 2-inch blooms. 14 – 26 petals. |

| | | | | |Grows 3½-feet tall and wide. |

|26.99 |Melody Parfumée |P |Gr |7.9 |Deep plum buds open to rich lavender 4½-inch blooms, softening to a delicate silvery shade. 30|

| | | | | |petals. A tall plant with long stems and dark green foliage. Heavy old rose fragrance. |

|24.99 |Memorial Day |P |HT |7.7 |AARS 2004. A great cutting rose. Huge 4 - 5 inch blooms on long sturdy stems. Warm weather |

| | | | | |helps it unfurl its lovely petals of clear pink with a hint of lavender. Strong damask rose |

| | | | | |scent. 50+ petals. |

|29.99 |Mercury Rising |PPAF |HT |New |Large, double cupped, high-centered bloom form. Flowers are pink with cream shading. 17 - 25 |

| | | | | |petals. Glossy, dark green foliage. Blooms in flushes throughout the season. |

|26.99 |Midas Touch |P |HT |7.6 |AARS 1994. Bright yellow 4-inch blooms. 20 - 25 petals. Grows tall by upright with medium to|

| | | | | |long stems and dark green semi-glossy foliage. Very vigorous with nonstop blooms. Rich musk |

| | | | | |fragrance. |

|26.99 |Midnight Blue |P |F |7.3 |An easy to grow rose that covers itself with clusters of velvety purple blooms. Strong clove |

| | | | | |fragrance. Good for small gardens. Low, rounded growth habit. 25 - 30 petals. |

|24.99 |Mister Lincoln |NP |HT |8.3 |AARS 1965. Deep velvety 4 - 6 inch red blooms. 25 - 40 petals. Tall plant with long stems |

| | | | | |and dark leathery foliage. Strong, rich fragrance. |

|26.99 |Moon Dance |P |F |7.7 |AARS 2007. J & P 2007 Floribunda of the Year. Large trusses of creamy white flowers on a |

| | | | | |vigorous medium-tall upright bush. Medium-size blooms. 25 petals. Spicy scent. |

|26.99 |Moonstone |P |HT |8.3 |Formerly named Cadillac DeVille. Ivory white 4¾ -inch flowers with a delicate pink edging. 30|

| | | | | |- 35 petals. High centered to flat bloom form. Mild spice fragrance. Dark green matte |

| | | | | |foliage. Grows 4- to 6-feet tall. |

|26.99 |Mother of Pearl |P |Gr |8.2 |This softly pink colored grandiflora sports flowers on a tall, bushy plant. Medium-sized |

| | | | | |blooms contain 22 – 25 petals. The medium green foliage is black spot resistant. |

|26.99 |Neptune |P |HT |7.5 |5-inch blossoms of lavender tinged with purple. 30 - 40 petals. Large, glossy green leaves. |

| | | | | |Strong, sweet rose scent. Prickly stems. Grows 4- to 5-feet tall. |

|26.99 |New Zealand |P |HT |7.9 |Fragrant pink rose with glossy foliage on long stems. Voted Portland’s Best Rose in 1997. |

| | | | | |Large, full double blooms, 30 - 35 petals. |

|26.99 |Nicole Carol Miller |PPAF |Gr |7.4 |Named in honor of a victim on 9/11 Flight 93. Stunning pale lavender colored bloom suffused |

| | | | | |with a very intense mauve. Strong citrus scent. Upright growth habit. 4 ¾-inch blooms. 35 - |

| | | | | |40 petals. |

|26.99 |Oh My! |PPAF |F | |Great clusters of bright, deep, velvety red ruffled blooms show off against glossy, dark, |

| | | | | |red-green leaves. 25 - 30 petals. Medium-tall, upright, bushy habit. Makes a showy hedge or |

| | | | | |specimen shrub. |

|24.99 |Oklahoma |NP |HT |6.9 |Dark red high-centered flowers are borne on a tall, erect shrub. Huge 5-inch blooms. 45 to 50|

| | | | | |petals. Strong, old rose fragrance. |

|26.99 |Olympiad |P |HT |8.5 |AARS 1984. Non-fading, brilliant red 5 -inch blooms of classic form. |

| | | | | |30 - 35 petals. Grows tall with long stems. Light fragrance. |

|24.99 |Oregold |NP |HT |7.0 |AARS 1975. Pointed butter yellow buds spiral open to high-centered, deep lemon yellow blooms. |

| | | | | |Brightens up any garden! Medium-tall height. 5 to 6-inch blooms. 35 – 50 petals. |

|26.99 |Over the Moon |P |HT |(7.4) |Apricot with yellow reverse. Very full 5-inch flowers. 30+ petals. Bushy, upright shrub |

| | | | | |growing 3- to 4-feet tall. Medium green foliage. Moderate, fruity fragrance. |

|24.99 |Pascali |NP |HT |7.8 |AARS 1969. World Rose Hall of Fame winner. Creamy white, medium size well formed double |

| | | | | |blooms. 30 - 35 petals. Plant is of medium height with leathery dark green foliage. Slight |

| | | | | |fragrance. |

|26.99 |Passionate Kisses |PPAF |F |8.2 |Salmon colored, non-stop bloomer. Bushy habit with dense, dark green foliage. A good rose to |

| | | | | |bring indoors. Slight fragrance. 30 – 35 petals. |

|24.99 |Peace |NP |HT |8.1 |AARS 1946 and World Rose Hall of Fame winner. The world’s most famous rose. The 5 - 6 inch |

| | | | | |golden yellow blooms are edged with pink. 40 - 45 petals. Medium, bushy plant with large, |

| | | | | |glossy green leaves and short stems. Mild fragrance. |

|24.99 |Peach Drift |PPAF |S |7.5 |A floriferous dwarf shrub. Soft peach blooms cover the plant. Perfect for small gardens and |

| | | | | |combination planters. Pairs well with perennials. Grows 1½-feet tall x 2-feet wide. 1½-inch |

| | | | | |blooms. 17 – 25 petals. |

|24.99 |Perfect Moment |P |HT |7.5 |Novel 4½-inch red/yellow blend blooms. No two blooms have the exact same coloration. 30 - 35 |

| | | | | |petals. Gorgeous against matte green foliage. |

|24.99 |Perfume Delight |NP |HT |7.2 |AARS 1974. Deep rose pink 4½ - 5 inch blooms. 30 petals. Vigorous, medium-tall upright plant|

| | | | | |with long stems. Strong damask fragrance. |

|24.99 |Pink Double Knock Out |NP |S |8.1 |A bright, bubble gum pink version of Double Knock Out (see page 12). In fall, leaves turn |

| | | | | |deep, lustrous purple with rich maroon undertones. Grows 3 to 4-feet tall by wide. 3 to |

| | | | | |3½-inch blooms. 18 - 25 petals. Light scent. |

|24.99 |Pink Home Run |PPAF |S |(8.0) |A sport of Home Run (see page 13). Electric pink, 3-inch blooms. 5 petals. Deep green |

| | | | | |foliage. Very rounded, full and bushy shrub. |

|24.99 |Pink Drift |P |S |7.8 |Deep pink, semi-double flowers with white centers borne abundantly: 10- to 20-blooms per stem. |

| | | | | |Medium green glossy foliage. Mounding habit, growing 1½-feet tall by 2½-feet wide. 1½-inch |

| | | | | |flowers. 7 – 8 petals. |

|26.99 |Pink Flamingo |PPAF |HT | |Flowers are pink mixed with a hint of salmon, making the color look very much like the feathers|

| | | | | |of a Pink Flamingo. Grows tall by compact: 5-feet tall by 2- to 2½ -feet wide. Very glossy, |

| | | | | |dark green foliage. 40+ petals. |

|24.99 |Pink Knock Out |P |S |8.3 |Bright pink sibling of the Knock Out (see page 14). Super disease resistant. Thrives in our |

| | | | | |humid heat. Non-stop 2½ to 3½-inch blooms. 7 -11 petals. Grows 3 to 4-feet tall by wide. |

|24.99 |Popcorn Drift |PPAF |S | |A mutation of Peach Drift, described above. Flowers start out yellow maturing to cream white, |

| | | | | |sometimes suffused with light pink. Rounded habit growing 1½ - feet tall by 2½ -feet wide. |

| | | | | |Cuplike 1½-inch flowers. 12 – 15 petals. |

|26.99 |Pope John Paul II |P |HT |7.5 |Among the finest white roses ever. Produces luminous, pristine, lavishly petaled blossoms with |

| | | | | |a delightful, fresh citrus fragrance. Grows 4½ to 5-feet. 5-inch blooms. 50 petals. |

|24.99 |Preference |P |F |7.7 |Deep scarlet red flowers on a very compact plant. Great for container or small gardens. 20 - |

| | | | | |25 petals. |

|26.99 |Pumpkin Patch |P |F |(7.4) |Buttery copper buds open into clusters of russet beauties held tightly against glossy, |

| | | | | |medium-green leaves. Medium flowers. 25 – 30 petals. Compact, bush plant, growing to under |

| | | | | |3-feet tall. |

|24.99 |Purple Tiger |P |F |6.9 |Unique purple stripes and a rich, earthy Gallica scent reminiscent of ripe currants combine |

| | | | | |into a hardy, upright plant. Grows 4 feet high. Blooms are 4 inches. 20 – 25 petals. |

|26.99 |Queen Elizabeth |NP |Gr |7.9 |AARS 1955 and World Rose Hall of Fame winner. A long time favorite. Pink to dawn-pink blooms |

| | | | | |are borne singly and in clusters with a light tea rose scent. Tall, upright bush with dark |

| | | | | |glossy, leathery foliage. 35 – 40 petals. |

|26.99 |Queen Mary II |P |HT |7.8 |Striking pure white blooms are scented rose and banana. Semi-upright bushes. Grows 3 to |

| | | | | |5-feet tall. 4-inch blooms. 25-petals. |

|26.99 |Radiant Perfume |P |Gr |(7.6) |Most fragrant yellow rose ever! Lemony scent, sparkling golden color, long stems on 5-foot |

| | | | | |bushes. 4 to 5-inch blooms, 25 petals. |

|24.99 |Red Drift |PPAF |S |7.7 |The most petite flowers of all of the Drift Roses. Perfect in front of border plantings. Makes |

| | | | | |a beautiful statement draping naturally over a rock wall or edge. Use in small gardens and |

| | | | | |combination planters. Grows 1½-feet tall x 2 to 3-feet wide. 1½-inch blooms. 17 – 25 petals. |

|24.99 |Rio Samba |P |HT |7.4 |AARS 1993. A festival of hot yellow, orange-edged blossoms that will set your yard ablaze! |

| | | | | |Long stems make it excellent for cutting. Light fragrance. 5-inch blooms. 25 - 30 petals. |

|24.99 |Rock & Roll |P |Gr |7.5 |Pointed ovoid buds open to 5-inch blooms, with differing patterns of striped & splashed |

| | | | | |burgundy. 35+ petals. Large, semi-glossy, dark green leaves clothe the bushy full plant. |

| | | | | |Grows 4- to 5-feet tall. Strong rose & fruit fragrance. |

|24.99 |Royal Amethyst |NP |HT |7.5 |Double mauve flowers followed by orange hips. 32 – 35 petals. Grows 3- to 5-feet tall. |

| | | | | |Strong, fruity fragrance. Blooms in flushes. |

|24.99 |Scentimental |P |F |7.7 |AARS 1997. Bicolor 4-inch blooms of burgundy splashed with white. 25 - 30 petals. Medium |

| | | | | |height plant with medium-long stems and deep green quilted foliage. Strong fragrance. |

|26.99 |Secret |P |HT |7.9 |AARS 1994. A blend of creamy-yellow shades suffused with pinks on a medium bushy plant with |

| | | | | |mahogany red foliage. Medium-large, fully double flowers. 30 – 40 petals. Strong fragrance. |

|24.99 |Sexy Rexy |NP |F |8.7 |Clusters of very full medium pink blooms provide an exciting splash in the garden all season. |

| | | | | |Flowers are 3 inches with 30 - 40 petals. Low to medium height with medium length stems. |

| | | | | |Light fragrance. |

|26.99 |Shockwave |PPAF |F |7.8 |Deep, intense, yellow flowers hold on to their tones to the very end, dropping away from the |

| | | | | |well-behaved plant just in time to welcome the next round of bloom. Glossy, light green |

| | | | | |foliage. 2¾-inch double blooms. 25 petals. |

|24.99 |Showbiz |NP |F |8.5 |AARS 1985. Clusters of 2½ - 3 inch scarlet red blooms. 28- 30 petals. Medium height plant |

| | | | | |with short stems. Light, sweet fragrance. |

|26.99 |Silver Star |P |Gr |7.5 |Strong growing lavender with good disease resistance sets this rose apart. Grows 4- to 5-feet |

| | | | | |tall. 24 - 30 petals. Semi-glossy foliage. Slight citrus scent. |

|26.99 |Sparkle & Shine |PPAF |F | |Great clusters of long-lasting bright yellow blooms on a rounded, bushy plant. 33 – 38 petals. |

| | | | | |Handsome dark red new growth. Makes a carefree hedge. Compare with its sister seedling Jump |

| | | | | |for Joy (described on page 13). |

|26.99 |St. Patrick |P |HT |8.0 |AARS 1996. Golden yellow 5 – 5½ inch flowers with green tones. 30 - 35 petals. Medium, |

| | | | | |round/upright plant with long stems. Slight scent. |

|26.99 |Strike It Rich |P |Gr |7.7 |AARS 2007. Ruby-swirled orange gold 5-inch blooms spiral open from classically long buds |

| | | | | |poised on reddish stems. 30 petals. Stems are 18 – 24-inches longs. Strong spicy, fruity |

| | | | | |scent. Grows 5-feet tall. |

|26.99 |Sugar Moon |PPAF |HT |7.6 |Big pointed buds open to show off 5-inch classically formed purest white blooms. 35 petals. |

| | | | | |Long cutting stems with dark green leaves make them pop all the more. Intense sweet citrus & |

| | | | | |rose scent. Grows 5- to 6-feet tall. |

|24.99 |Sunsprite |NP |F |8.5 |Lavish clusters of bright, yellow blooms provide lots of one-snip bouquets. Strong licorice |

| | | | | |scent. Grows 4-feet tall. 3-inch blooms. 25 - 30 petals. |

|26.99 |Tahitian Sunset |P |HT |7.7 |AARS 2006. The blooms explode with colors of orange, sun-yellow and pink. The intense |

| | | | | |fragrance of anise surrounds the brilliant 5-inch blooms, handsomely set off by rich, deep |

| | | | | |green foliage. Upright and medium in height. 25 – 30 petals. |

|29.99 |Tahitian Treasure |PPAF |S |New |Great attributes of a landscape shrub rose. Very bushy 5-feet tall and 3-feet wide. Strong |

| | | | | |salmon pink color 4- to 5-inch cuplike blooms. 20 petals. |

|24.99 |Tiffany |NP |HT |7.9 |AARS 1955. James Alexander Gamble Fragrance Medal winner. High centered, well-formed 4- to |

| | | | | |5-inch double blooms are rose to pink, accented by pale gold. 25 - 30 petals. Tall plant with|

| | | | | |long stems and dark green foliage. Strong, fruity fragrance. A perfect jewel. |

|26.99 |Tropicana |NP |HT |7.6 |AARS 1963. J&P 1963 Rose of the Year. Richly scented, non-fading, fluorescent orange-red |

| | | | | |blooms carried on long cutting stems. Grows to 4-feet tall. 3- to 6-inch blooms. 30 - 35 |

| | | | | |petals. |

|26.99 |Trumpeter |NP |F |8.2 |Named in honor of Louis Armstrong. Low mounding, rounded habit and long-lasting orange ruffled|

| | | | | |blooms make it great for mass planting. Mild fragrance. 35 – 40 petals. |

|26.99 |Twilight Zone |PPAF |Gr | |Strong spicy clove and lemony citrus scent. Rounded habit. Very double old-fashioned 4- to |

| | | | | |5-inch flowers of deep velvet purple. 40+ petals. |

|24.99 |Voodoo |P |HT |7.4 |AARS 1986. Large blooms of yellow, peach and deep orange with rich fruity fragrance. Upright |

| | | | | |plant with long stems and glossy, dark foliage. Grows up to 5-feet tall. 5- to 6-inch blooms.|

| | | | | |30 - 35 petals. |

|26.99 |Watercolors |P |S |7.6 |Eye-catching shrub with very showy single blooms of changing colors. Blooms may be pink, |

| | | | | |yellow or ruby. Grows 3- to 4-feet high and wide. |

|26.99 |We Salute You |P |HT |7.4 |Long pointed buds open to tones of glowing orange, maturing to two toned orange and pink. |

| | | | | |Large flowers are carried on long stems clothed with highly-glossed, very deep green leaves. |

| | | | | |30 – 35 petals. Moderate spice scent. |

|26.99 |White Licorice |PPAF |F |(7.5) |Pointed, ovoid buds open to 4-inch lemon cream wavy blooms set atop solitary stems clothed with|

| | | | | |dark green leaves. 35 - 40 petals. Strong lemon, licorice fragrance. Beautifully branched, |

| | | | | |bushy shrub grows 3½-feet tall. |

|26.99 |White Majesty |PPAF |HT | |Pure white blooms contrast beautifully with the very dark, glossy foliage. Long, strong stems |

| | | | | |are ideal for cutting. Extraordinary long-lasting displays in the garden or vase. Grows |

| | | | | |4-feet tall. Medium blooms of 15 – 20 petals. |

|26.99 |Wild Blue Yonder |PPAF |Gr |7.8 |AARS 2006. Wavy, velvet-like petals have a warm wine purple color, layered onto rich |

| | | | | |lavender. Sweet citrus and rose fragrance. Glossy green foliage. Grows 4 to 5-feet tall. |

| | | | | |3-inch blooms. 25 – 30 petals. |

|24.99 |Wing-Ding |P |Pol |8.0 |Bright scarlet, long-lived blossoms carried in huge pyramid-shaped clusters. Their sheer |

| | | | | |weight gives the plant a slightly spilling habit to nod over a rock wall or break up the garden|

| | | | | |border. Glossy, deep green leaves. Semi-double blooms. 7 - 10 petals. |

My Mumblins’ & Scribblins’:

|Miniature Roses |

| |

|Price |Name |Type |Class |RIR Score |Comments |

|19.99 |Be My Baby |PPAF |Min | |AOE 2011. Shapely red buds open to 1¾-inch classically formed, double, luminous pink blooms. |

| | | | | |20 - 25 petals. Yellow touched bases give each flower an inner glow. Deep glossy green |

| | | | | |foliage. Statuesque, bushy 2-foot tall plant. |

|19.99 |Coffee Bean |P |Min |7.7 |A baby of Hot Cocoa (see page 13). This cutie percolates one smoky red-orange shapely bud |

| | | | | |after another, against deep glossy green leaves. Rounded habit, growing 12- to 16-inches tall.|

| | | | | |15 petals. Mild tea fragrance. |

|19.99 |Daddy’s Little Girl |PPAF |Min | |Bushy tidy habit for small places or patio pot. Petite plush-pink buds with a pinch of cream |

| | | | | |on the petal reverse. 1¼-to 1½- blooms. 20 – 15 petals. |

|29.99 |Good As Gold |PPAF |Min Cl |New |Small patio climbing rose. Clusters of strongly scented, golden yellow double blooms are |

| | | | | |repeatedly produced. 24 petals. Small, medium green, glossy foliage. Easy to train with |

| | | | | |flexible shoots. Climbs 7- to 8-feet. |

|19.99 |Gourmet Popcorn |NP |Min |8.6 |Small fat buds and fragrant crisp white blooms pop open in large cascading clusters. 15 - 20 |

| | | | | |petals. Rounded bushy habit with dark green leaves. Strong rose and honey scent. |

|19.99 |Rainbow’s End |NP |Min |8.7 |AOE 1986. Deep yellow, blushing to orange-red, pointed buds open to large blooms. 30 to 35 |

| | | | | |petals. Mild scent. Compact bushy plant with glossy leaves. Grows 1- to 1½- feet tall. |

|19.99 |Ruby Ruby |P |Min |8.0 |Large, well-spaced clusters bear shapely buds and full-petaled 2½-inch blooms. 25+ petals. |

| | | | | |Color carries through until the old petals drop cleanly away. Full, bushy, rounded habit, |

| | | | | |growing 1- to 1½-feet tall. |

|19.99 |Starla |NP |Min |8.4 |Pure ivory- white miniature rose with pointed buds and large, shapely blooms. 20 – 25 petals. |

| | | | | |Grows 18-inches tall, 24-inches wide. |

|19.99 |Texas |NP |Min |6.6 |No better candidate to bear the name of our state. Bouquet-like clusters of double sunny yellow|

| | | | | |blossoms. 20 – 25 petals. Grows 18- to 24-inches tall. |

|19.99 |Tiddly Winks |P |Min |7.9 |Cute, rounded bush pumps out clusters of golden, very pointed buds. They open to reveal an |

| | | | | |orange-pink interior with a yellow eye. 15 to 20 petals. Grows 1- to 1½-feet tall. |

My Mumblins’ & Scribblins’:

|Romantica Roses |

| |

|Price |Name |Type |Class |RIR Score |Comments |

|26.99 |Abbaye de Cluny |P |HT |7.6 |Striking apricot tones adorn immense, cupped, antique rose-shaped flowers. 30 petals. |

| | | | | |Moderate citrus scent. Grows 3- to 4-feet tall and 2- to 3-feet wide. |

|26.99 |Bolero |PPAF |F |7.6 |Extraordinary strong fragrance of old rose and spice. Large white flowers and dark foliage. A|

| | | | | |wonderful rose for cutting. Grows 3 to 4-feet tall. 100 petals. |

|26.99 |Classic Woman |PPAF |HT |7.7 |White old fashioned blooms are perfect for the vase. Selected by Traditional Home magazine’s |

| | | | | |gardening editor in honor of their Classic Woman award. Grows up to 6-feet high. Large |

| | | | | |blooms. 80 petals. |

|26.99 |Eden Climber |P |LCl |8.2 |World Federation of Rose Societies 2006 World's Best Rose. Dense clusters of coral-pink |

| | | | | |flowers with glossy dark green foliage. 40 to 55 petals. Light old-rose scent. Climbs 10- to|

| | | | | |12-feet. Very easy to train laterally. Similar to White Eden (described on page 19). |

|26.99 |Liv Tyler |P |HT |8.0 |Formerly named Comtesse de Provence. A long stemmed coral pink rose for any garden. Grows 3- |

| | | | | |to 5-feet tall. 75 – 80 petals. Ripe apricot scent. |

|26.99 |Michelangelo |PPAF |HT |8.0 |Vibrant golden petals and a sweet lemony fragrance on an upright 4-foot shrub with deep green |

| | | | | |foliage. 3 - 4 inch blooms. 50 - 55 petals. |

|26.99 |Orchid Romance |PPAF |F | |Medium to dark pink blooms with undertones of lavender. Very full 3½-inch flowers bloom in |

| | | | | |small clusters. 75 petals. Grows 4½-feet tall and 3-feet wide. Strong, citrus fragrance. |

|26.99 |Peter Mayle |P |HT |7.6 |One of the most fragrant roses in the Romantica family. Deep pink, long lasting blooms. 30 – |

| | | | | |35 petals. Strong, vigorous, upright 5-foot bush. Great for cutting. Does not mind the heat |

| | | | | |and humidity. |

|24.99 |Pink Traviata |P |HT |7.4 |Tall, upright bush explodes in spring with deep pink blooms. Old garden rose flowers that are |

| | | | | |as large as 5-inches. 110 petals. Repeat bloomer. |

|26.99 |Rouge Royale |P |S |7.4 |Perfectly quartered bright raspberry red old-fashioned blooms have a sweet fragrance of citrus |

| | | | | |and fresh ripe berries. Medium height bush with deep green foliage. 75 – 80 petals. |

|26.99 |Red Eden |P |LCl | |Large, 4½-inch crimson, full cupped, old-fashioned blooms. 100 - 110 petals. Produces |

| | | | | |decorative hips. Strong classic rose scent. |

|26.99 |Traviata |P |HT |7.7 |Like the Italian opera, it defies rules and commands attention. Grows 4 to 5-feet tall. |

| | | | | |Quartered, old-fashioned vibrant red flowers top its sturdy stems. |

| | | | | |4-inch blooms. 100 petals. |

|26.99 |White Eden |P |LCl | |Climbing Romantica. Old-fashioned white flowers cover it from head to toe. 100 – 110 petals. |

| | | | | |Dark glossy foliage. Climbs 10- to 12-feet. Similar to Eden Climber (described on page19) |

My Mumblins’ & Scribblins’:

Rose Growing Tips

Planting Site:

← Plant roses in locations where they receive direct sunlight for eight hours or more each day.

← Choose a site that has good air circulation over their leaves.

Do not plant in an enclosed area like a courtyard or small backyard ringed by an 8-foot tall fence.

← When planting near a wall, or fence, allow at least 1 foot of space between the rose and the wall or fence.

← When growing a rose in a pot, choose one that is large enough to allow the roots to grow.

A pot that can hold 7 gallons or half whiskey barrel is a good choice.

Bed Preparation:

← Sandy and loam soils

Incorporate 3- to 6-inches of organic matter and sprinkle Micro Life into the hole and backfill.

← Clay soils

Plant in a raised bed that is at least 4- to 6-inches above the surrounding soil.

Incorporate 3-inches of organic matter. Sprinkle Micro Life into the hole and backfill.

← Regardless of soil type, protect roses year-round with a 3 to 4-inch layer of organic mulch (e.g. humus, pine needles, tree leaves).


← Avoid overhead watering.

← Water early in the morning.

Do not water in the evening or at night.


← Roses are heavy feeders. Fertilize them in March, June and lightly in late August.

We highly recommend organic fertilizers.

← For the March and June feedings, use fertilizers in which at least half of the nitrogen is in slow release form.

← For the late light August feeding, use fertilizer in which the nitrogen is readily available.

Disease or Insect Problems:

← Always identify the cause of the problem before applying any treatment.

← If you’re unsure what the cause is, bring in a sample to us (in a sealed plastic bag) and we’ll be happy to help you determine the problem and recommend a solution.

My Mumblins’ & Scribblins’:


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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