Original - USDA Farm Service Agency Home Page

| |Original

(January 2002) |As of

September 30, 2006 |As of

December 31, 2006 |Proud to Be

Target 7/1/07 | |

| |Initiative |Status |

|Initiative | | | |

| | |Comprehensive human capital plan | |Actions Taken Since September 30, 2006 |USDA has provided all of its deliverables for this |

|Human Capital | |_( developed, etc. on Q1 FY07 | |Provided the FS organizational structure study. |quarter. However, OMB has questions about one of the|

| | |_( results analyzed & used Q4 FY05 | |Provided implementation schedule and milestones for FS |Farm Service Agency’s (FSA) deliverables. FSA |

| | |Organizational structures | |HRIS (Empower HR) and incorporated into PTB IV. |submitted a review of its state offices that included |

|Agency Lead: | |_( current structure analyzed and restructuring | |Submitted FSA organizational structure study. |a quantitative tool for assessing FSA state office |

| |Color |begun Q1 FY02 |Color |Completed appraisal cycle at beta site, and submitted |staffing levels. While this tool is a beneficial |

|Boyd Rutherford, | |_( structure in place & addressing future | |second PAAT. |start, by itself it will likely not meaningfully help |

|Assistant, Secretary for |Green |challenges Q3 FY06 |Yellow |Submitted action plan for expanded beta site (to |the agency improve its organizational efficiency. To |

|Administration | |Succession strategies | |strengthen performance management at FSA). |the extent that the Department does not substantively |

| | |_( succession plan approved Q4 FY06 | |Secured approval of SES CDP Program. |improve its analysis of FSA’s state office |

| | |_( continuously updated talent pool assured Q3 FY07| |Submitted Mission Critical Occupations, IT, HRM, and |organizational structure in future quarters to include|

|Lead RMO Examiner: | | | |leadership gap plan status update. |recommendations for enhancing efficiency and |

| | |Performance appraisal plans adhere to merit system | |Provided an updated Human Capital Plan that |adjusting staffing levels to meet projected future |

|Jason Weller | |principles, etc. | |incorporates the Department’s new strategic plan. |program needs, OMB will have concerns about USDA’s |

| | |_( SES & mgrs. Q3 FY04 | |Set target for FSA to improve CHCO Council Management |progress on this initiative. |

| | |_( beta site completed Q1 FY07 | |Satisfaction Survey results for Question 6 by two | |

| | |_( 60%+ of agency Q4 FY05 | |percent. |18 of 19 mission critical occupations have competency |

|OPM HC Officer: | |_( beta site expanded Q1 FY07 | |Completed career patterns Steps 1 & 2 for selected |gaps of three percent or less. |

| | |Under representation | |occupations. | |

|Lynn Matherly | |_( implemented strategies to address Q4 FY03 | |Provided the annual accountability report. |Use USDA Career Patterns analysis to develop vacancy |

| | |_( reduced & established process to sustain | |Planned Actions for Q2 FY 2007 |announcements targeted towards hiring specific |

| | |diversity Q4 FY05 | |Complete organizational improvement deliverables for |identified Career Pattern scenarios. |

| | |Skill gaps | |FSA, RD, NRCS, and the Forest Service. |Planned Actions for Q2 FY 2007 (continued) |

| | |_( workforce planning system implemented Q1 FY03 | |Complete transfer of Forest Service Region 8 and 9 |By February 15, complete the Forest Service |

| | |_( identifies and sets competency targets Q4 FY06 | |transfer to Empower HR. |organizational structure study white paper with |

| | |_( significant reduction in mission critical | |Implement FSA expanded beta site improvement plan and |implementation milestones. |

| | |occupation gaps Q3 FY07 | |report on status. |Submit Status Report on actions for improving hiring |

| | |_( meets competency gap targets Q3 FY07 | |Submit updated Gap Analysis and Improvement Plan for IT|process based on CHCO Management Survey. |

| | |Improve Hiring | |based on government-wide IT competency assessment |Analyze FHCS results in preparation for developing an |

| | |_( collects data and sets standard Q4 FY06 | |results. |action plan during the following quarter. |

| | |__ meets standard Q3 FY07 | |Hold agency-wide human capital forum. |Continue implementation of accountability system. |

| | |_ meets target for improvement Q3 FY07 | |Complete FSA MIDAS Business Case. | |

| | |Accountability system and reviews | | | |

| | |_( system developed Q4 FY06 | | | |

| | |_( conducts reviews & takes corrective action Q4 | | | |

| | |FY06 | | | |

| | |_( provides annual report Q1 FY07 | | | |

|Current Status |Progress in Implementing the |Comments |

|(As of December 31, 2006) |President’s Management Agenda | |

|Initiative | | | |

| | |Approved competition plan | |Actions Taken Since September 30, 2006: | |

|COMPETITIVE SOURCING | |_√_ “yellow” plan (9/03) | |NRCS completed its feasibility study and conducted |USDA maintains green status and progress this |

| | |_√_ “green” plan on (9/06) | |preliminary planning for administrative support competition. |quarter. Department must make announcements in |

| | | | | |accordance with the plan to maintain status. |

| | |Standard competitions | |OCFO began preliminary planning for competition of finance | |

|Agency Lead: | |_√_ one completed OR announced one > “yellow” plan | |and accounting services. |USDA and OMB need to develop common set of talkers|

| |Green |FTEs (9/03) |Green | |on competitive sourcing at USDA for use with |

|Charles R. Christopherson | |_√_announced in accordance with “green” plan | |Feasibility analyses conducted at RMA, GIPSA, and DA. |Congressional staff. |

|Jr. | |schedule (G) (date) | | | |

|Chief Financial Officer | |_√_ completed ≥ 90% in A-76 timeframe past 4 Qs (G) | |Department prepared its report to Congress on FY 2006 | |

| | | | |competitive sourcing activities. | |

|Jon Holladay | |Standard and streamlined competitions | | | |

|Acting Associate Chief | |_√_ at least 10 or sufficiently large completed | |Planned Actions for Q2 FY 2007: | |

|Financial Officer | |since Jan. 2001 | | | |

| | |_√ encourage participation by private and public | |NRCS to announce competition for administrative support. | |

| | |sectors (Q1 2006) | | | |

| | |_√_ reviewed once implemented (Q3 2006) | |OCFO to continue preliminary planning for finance and | |

|Lead RMO Examiner: | | | |accounting services (for Q3 competition announcement). | |

| | |Streamlined competitions completed in Circular | | | |

|Joe Montoni | |timeframe | |USDA to meet with OMB to discuss OCIO competition for IT | |

| | |_√_ ≥ 75% during the past 2 Qs (6/30/04) | |support services. | |

| | |_√_ ≥ 95% during the past 4 Qs (6/30/04) | | | |

|Lead OFPP Analyst: | | | | | |

| | |Announced competitions cancelled | | | |

|Mathew Blum | |_√_ ( 20% in past two Qs (6/30/04) | | | |

| | |_√_ (10% in past year (6/30/04) | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | |_√_ Justifications for all commercial activities | | | |

| | |exempt from competition (12/31/04) | | | |

| | |Savings | | | |

| | |_√_ anticipated net savings for past 2 Qs (12/31/04)| | | |

| | |_√_ anticipated for past 3 Qs (Q2 2005) | | | |

| | |__ independently validated (G+) (date) | | | |

|Current Status |Progress in Implementing the |Comments |

|(As of December 31, 2006) |President’s Management Agenda | |

|Initiative | | | | | |

| | |GREEN STANDARDS | |Actions Taken Since September 30, 2006 |USDA continues to be Red for status and Green for |

|Financial Performance | | | |Submitted PAR as well as Closing Package to Treasury by |progress. In FY 2006 continued to report 2 auditor|

| | |__ Meets all yellow standards (Q1/10) | |due date. |material weaknesses and increased from 3 to 4 the |

|Agency Lead: Charles | |__ Uses financial info to drive results in key areas| |Continued actions to resolve material weaknesses. |number of FMFIA weaknesses. |

|Christopherson, Jr. | |(Q1/07) | |Conducted demonstrations for phase I of CCC Modernize and | |

|Chief Financial Officer |Red |__ Expands routine data use (Q1/07) |Green |Innovate the Delivery of Agricultural Systems (MIDAS) to |USDA is making incremental progress as planned and |

| | | | |support resolving funds control and IT security |is expected to resolve its remaining auditor |

| | |YELLOW STANDARDS | |weaknesses. |material weaknesses and in the FY 2009 PAR. |

| | | | |Met with OMB to discuss the Financial Data Integration | |

| | |√_ Clean annual audit (9/30/02) | |Improvement Plan. |OMB will continue to work with USDA on its |

| | |__ qualified | |Developed policy and process for recertifying access to |corrective action plans, improving internal |

| | |__ disclaimer | |financially significant applications and general support |controls, and using financial data to drive |

| |Next ( | | |systems. |results. |

| |est. by |√_ Meets reporting deadlines ( ................

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