Hammocks Middle School

55867687307200FSA Practice Test Scavenger Hunt: Grade 6 1. Draw the button needed to access the Reference Sheet. 2. Which of the following describes where the button for the Reference Sheet may be found on the screen?Bottom Rightc. Top RightBottom Leftd. Top Left 3. How many formulas are on the 6th Grade Reference Sheet? ___________ Are they labelled with the name of the shape? ___________ 4. Go to example 1 on the 6th grade FSA Practice Test. Identify the four tools provided when you click where the arrow is pointed in the screenshot below. These are called Context Menu Tools. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________5100677366000 5. On example 1, select the last option from the Context Menu Tools and try using this tool with the item. Identify where you are able to put strikethroughs. ___________________________________________________________ 6. Go to example 2 on the 6th grade FSA Practice Test and click on the same menu as above. Are the same tools provided? ____________ Identify the tool(s) not provided/needed for example 2. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 7. Stay on example 2 on the 6th grade FSA Practice Test. This item type is called GRID (Graphic Response Item Display) and uses a drag-and-drop feature. Drag 3 blue marble to the right jar. Now, drag 2 red marbles to the right jar. (*Please note that these are not the answers to example 2)To delete a blue marble, what do you click on first?_______________________________________________________What would you click on second?___________________________________________________________________________To create the probability of 7 blue marbles to the total marbles in the right jar, what would you do?______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 8. The item type in example 3 is called a Matching Item. For Matching Items, such as example 3, can there be more than one answer per row? __________ Is partial credit given for Matching Items? _________ 9. Go to example 6 on the 6th grade FSA Practice Test. This item type is called a Table Item. True or False: If you correctly fill in one of the three answers, you will receive partial credit. Now practice by placing an answer in each empty cell and then mark the item for review (flag the item). 10. Go to example 9 on the 6th grade FSA Training Test. This item type is called the Equation Editor. Draw, in order, what buttons you would select to enter the following answers (*Please note that these are not the answers to example 9). Be sure to include all buttons needed in the appropriate order.an answer of 15 __________________________________________________________________________________________an answer of 35 __________________________________________________________________________________________an answer of 7(a + 9) ___________________________________________________________________________________an answer of 3 14 ________________________________________________________________________________________an answer of the absolute value of 12_________________________________________________________________11. Stay on example 9: Equation Editor. Describe what the following buttons do: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________12. Go to example 10. Similar to example 9, this item type is called an Equation Editor item. Are there any buttons on the keypad for example 9 that are different from example 10? If so, what are they? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________13. When inputting answers on an Equation Editor item, can you use the keys on the keyboard instead of the buttons on the Equation Editor tool? ________________________________________________________________ 14. Can work be shown in the Equation Editor response field? For example, if the problem is 5x + 2x + 6 and you are asked to simplify the expression, can you type “5x + 2x + 6 = 7x + 6” in the response field and get the problem correct? ________________ What should you type in the response field to get the item correct? _________________15. Use the screenshot below to do the following: Circle the negative button in the picture below. Put a box around the button with the decimal point.Draw an arrow pointing to the button with the multiplication sign.Draw a triangle around the fraction button.Put a star over the absolute value button.Put an X over the exponent button.2234369783400*Please note that there is a tutorial to practice using this item type. Go to and click on “Equation Editor Item Tutorial.”16. Go to example 17 on the 6th grade FSA Practice Test. This item type is called Multiselect. True or False: If you select some of the correct answers but not all of the correct answers, you will receive partial credit. Now, practice selecting answer choices for this item.17. Go to example 18. This item type is called GRID (Graphic Response Item Display) and uses a drag-and-drop feature. For Part A, click “Add Point” at the top of the grid and place two points anywhere on the grid. Now connect the two points to form a line segment. What button was selected to connect the two points? ________________________ Now delete the second point. What button was selected to delete the point? ______________________ Did anything else disappear when the point was deleted? If so, what? ______________________________Now add a new point in a different location. What button was selected to be able to add a new point after deleting the previous point? ____________18. Stay on example 18 on the 6th grade FSA Training Test. This item type is called GRID (Graphic Response Item Display) and uses a drag-and-drop feature. For Part B, drag and drop the number 5 into the box in front of square units. 19770509585600Now let’s say you changed your mind and would like to replace the answer of 5 with a 12. List below each step to change your answer to 12. (*Please note that these are not the answers to example 18)___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________19. Go to example 23 on the 6th grade FSA Practice Test. This item type is called Open Response. True or False: With Open Response items, answers can only be in words- no mathematical symbols. ................

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