Sights + Sounds

Tuesday 1/5Bellwork Check #4#1 Subject pronouns are used as subjects and as predicate nominatives in sentences. Object pronouns are used as objects of verbs or prepositions. The forms of pronouns are shown in the chart below. Singular PluralSubjectObjectSubjectObjectFirst PersonIMeWeUsSecond PersonYouYouYouYouThird PersonHe, she, itHim, her, itTheyThemDirections: Pick the correct form of the pronoun in the parentheses.Mother and (I, me) enjoyed the sound of words.Silly ones always made (she, her) and (I, me) laugh.Father sometimes got irritated with (we, us)WOD:#2 HaggardPOS: AdjDefinition:Sentence: The soldier looked exhausted and haggard after walking forty miles through the desert.Synonym:Classwork:Review argumentative essaysUsing the notes from the powerpoint and your grading rubric, analyze the student model We Need Our Sleep! Page 6 and 7.Introduction(hook, claim, mention of a counterclaim, and an overview of how the claim will be proven.Body paragraphs (Topic sentence, state evidence, elaborate, concluding sentence.)Conclusion(call to action or fact or stat)Complete the Terminology of Argumentative Texts on page 8.Wednesday 1/6Bellwork Check #4#2 Do you think teens are disrespectful? If so, explain. If not, explain.WOD:#3 HalcyonPOS: AdjDefintion:Sentence: Because the waters are halcyon, today is a great day for a boat trip.Synonym: Classwork:Take highlighted notes on the argumentative side of your rubric.Begin to read, highlight, and answer questions on the source materials pages 10-13Thursday 1/7Write ScoreArgumentative Essay (Presidents)Friday 1/8Write ScoreArgumentative Essay (Presidents)Monday 1/11Write ScoreArgumentative Essay (Presidents)Tuesday 1/12Bellwork Check #4#3 A colon may be used within a sentence to introduce a list of items, but never use a colon between a verb and its complements or after a preposition.Example: James Thurber produced a variety of works: humorous stories, essays, and cartoons.Directions: Write the colon and the word that goes before the colon. There are three different cars in the garage a Chevrolet, a Honda, and a Toyota.The Chevrolet needs two new tires, a brake job, and a headlight.Three people drive the cars my mother, my father, and my older brother. If I really get my wish, there will be four vehicles in the garage a Chevrolet, a Honda, a Toyota, and a Ford truck.When I get my truck, I’ll be the envy of my friends, my cousins, and my family.WOD:#4 HemorrhagePOS: NounDefinition:Sentence: When you rupture a blood vessel while giving birth and start bleeding profusely, this an example of a hemorrhage.Synonym:Classwork:Respond to Questions on Step 2 sources page 14Review types of evidence page 15Create a rubric for this essay54321Introduction:Four pointsBody paragraphs:Details/support, and transitions.CounterclaimConclusionVocabularyGrammarArgumentative EssayOutline12Peer edit15Rough draft15Essay30Total72Wednesday 1/13Bellwork Check #4#4 Do you think outlines are beneficial? Why? Why not?WOD:#5 HeteromorphicPOS: AdjDefinition:Sentence: Nobody wanted the heteromorphic jelly bean because it didn’t look like the typical shape.Synonym:Classwork:Finish rubricPlanning and Prewriting page 16Thursday 1/14Bellwork Check #4#5 Some adjectives are formed from proper nouns. Like proper nouns, proper adjectives should be capitalized.Example:The teacher of our French class visited France last summer.Directions: Write down the words that should be capitalized in each sentence.The elderly ladies could read spanish, but not english. They lived in an american city.They were mexican-american californians. Mary Helen ponce is a chicana writer.During the war, the united states joined the british and russian forces to form the allied powers.WOD:#6 HavocPOS: nounDefinition:Sentence: The volcano inflicted havoc upon the tiny village.Synonym:Classwork:Finish planning and prewritingFind evidence Page 17OutlineFriday 1/15Bellwork Check #4#6 Make a list of things that should be included in a body paragraph.WOD:#7 HindrancePOS: NounDefinition:Sentence: My youngest sister is always more of a hindrance than a help when she tries to assist me with a task.Synonym:Classwork:Exam review/make-up workTuesday 1/19Review for finals/ Make-up workWednesday 1/20- Friday 1/22 Final ExamsTuesday 1/26Bellwork Check #4#7 A personal pronoun refers to a specific person or thing. Objective case pronouns are used as direct objects, indirect objects, or objects of a preposition.Objective Case PronounsMe You Her Him It Us ThemDirections: Replace the underline noun with an objective case pronoun.Did you scare the thief away?That dog belongs to the neighbors.The children looked at Maria.Maria apologized because she didn’t mean to alarm the children.WOD:#8 HoardPOS: VerbDefinition:Sentence: There is a thin line between being a collector and a hoarder.Synonym:Classwork:Benchmark Practice: Read and review the passages from the examWednesday 1/27Benchmark Testing Thursday 1/28Benchmark testingFriday 1/29Bellowrk Check #4#8 Why do you think so many students struggle with argumentative writing? WOD:#9 HypocritePOS: NounDefinition:Sentence: Bob is such a hypocrite. He tells his kids not to smoke as he lights up cigarette.Synonym:Classwork:Review introductions (four points)Begin writing your introductionMonday 2/1Bellwork Check #4#9 FreewriteWOD:#10 HysteriaPOS: nounDefinition:Sentence: I became hysterical when I found out that I won the lottery! Synonym:Classwork:Review elaborationComplete your body paragraph(s).Tuesday 2/2Bellwork Check #1#1 On this day in 1839, inventor Edmond Berger patented the spark plug. What is the spark plug used for? Do you think that we could function without the spark plug? Why? Why not?WOD#1 IgnoblePOS: ADJDefinition:Sentence: Since the criminal showed no remorse for his ignoble deeds, the judge sentenced him to life in prison.Synonym:Classwork:Go over counterclaim paragraphs: How to write a counter argument handoutComplete your counterclaim paragraph.Wednesday 2/3Bellwork Check #1#2 On this day in 1920, The Negro Baseball League was founded. Why was there a need for this league? List two famous African American baseball players.WOD:#2 ImmaculatePOS: AdjDefinition:Sentence: The gardener works seven days a week to keep my lawn immaculate.Synonym:Classwork:“H” words testReview conclusionsWrite your conclusionThursday 2/4Bellwork Check #1#3 On this day in 1913, Rosa Parks was born. What was she famous for doing? What did this help to spark?WOD:#3 ImminencePOS: NounDefinition:Sentence: By the middle of November, snow flurries have announced the imminence of winter.Synonym:Classwork:Editing/ProofreadingBegin peer editingHomework: Write your final copy of your essay Friday 2/5Bellwork Check #1#4 On this day in 1950, Natalie Cole was born. Make a list of three things you know about her.WOD:#4 ImpecuniousPOS: AdjDefinition:Sentence: Can you believe the wealthy woman married the impecunious man who doesn’t have a job?Synonym: Classwork:Finish peer editing and finalizing your essayRead background on Franz Kafka page 93Copy character development chartCharacter:Character’s Words/ThoughtsCharacter’s ActionsCharacter’s InteractionsCharacterMonday 2/8Bellwork check #1#5 On this day in 1986, Oprah Winfrey became the first African American woman to host a nationally syndicated talk show. What was another first that she accomplished? Why is she an important figure in history?WOD#5 ImbibePOS: VerbDefinition:Sentence: After working in the hot sun for hours, John imbibed the entire jug of water.Synonym: Classwork:Begin reading, answering questions, and completing the character chart for “The Metamorphosis”Tuesday 2/9Bellwork Check #1#6 On this day in 1944, Novelist Alice Walker was born. What is the name of her most known novel?WOD:#6 ImperviousPOS: AdjDefinition:Sentence: The chemical treatment makes the fireman’s uniform impervious to flames.Synonym: Classwork:1Review what we previously readBreak up into groupsEven questionsOdd questionsSentence summary (odd paragraphs)Sentence summary (even paragraphs)All group members will come up with ten questionsContinue to fill out the character development chart: Gregor, Mom, Dad, and sisterWednesday 2/10Bellwork Check #1#7 On this day in 1964, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the Civil Rights Act. What is the Civil Rights Act?WOD:#7 Inevitable POS: AdjDefinition:Sentence: Everybody knows that death is the inevitable!Synonym:Classwork:Continue to group read and answer questions for “The metamorphosis”Thursday 2/11Bellwork Check #1#8 On this day in 1990, Nelson Mandela was released from prison. Who was Nelson Mandela?WOD:#8 Insidious POS: AdjDefinition:Sentence: The insidious playboy planned to con the heiress out of her fortune.Synonym:Classwork:Continue to group read and answer questions for “The metamorphosis” page 96-98Work on group introductions: Are teenagers distracted by technology?Friday 2/12Bellwork Check #1#9 On this day in 1909, The NAACP was founded. What does NAACP stand for? What does the organization do?WOD:#9 IratePOS: AdjDefinition:Sentence: The irate woman vandalized her boyfriend's car when she found out that he cheated on her.Synonym:Classwork:Continue to group read and answer questions for “The metamorphosis” page 98Group peer edit another groups introductionRewrite your introduction as a group.Monday 2/15No School! President’s Day!!!Tuesday 2/16Bellwork Check #1#10 On this day in 1857, Frederick Douglass was elected president of a trust. Who was Fredrick Douglass? Why is he an important figure in history?WOD:#10 ItineraryPOS: nounDefinition:Sentence: Sue wrote out an itinerary for her Vegas trip.Synonym:Classwork:Continue to group read and answer questions for “The metamorphosis” page 98-99Wednesday 2/17Bellwork Check #2#1 On this day in 1942, Black Panther Party founder Huey P. Newton was born. Beyonce is receiving a lot of criticism because her half time performance represented The Black Panthers. What is The Black Panther Party? Name a famous figure who was associated with them. WOD:#1 JadedPOS: AdjDefinition:Sentence: After being on an airplane for nearly twenty-four hours, Henry is a bit jaded and never wants to travel again. Synonym:Classwork:1. Test on the “I” words2. Continue to group read and answer questions for “The metamorphosis” page 100-101Thursday 2/18Bellwork Check #2#2 What happened to Emmett Till in Mississippi in 1955? What did this help to spark?WOD:#2 JamboreePOS:Definition:Sentence: The school threw a jamboree to celebrate the basketball’s team victory!Synonym:Classwork:Continue to group read and answer questions for “The metamorphosis” page 101-102Work on group counterargumentFriday 2/19Bellwork Check #2#3 Dizzy Gillespie, Louis Armstrong, and Jimi Hendrix were famous African American musicians. List one thing about each of them.WOD:#3 JargonPOS:Definition:Sentence: If you include legal jargon in the article, only law students and lawyers will be able to understand your position.Synonym:Classwork:Continue to group read and answer questions for “The metamorphosis” page 102-103Peer edit another group’s counterargumentMonday 2/22Bellwork Check #2#4 Make a list of five African American inventors. What did they invent? Do we still use it today?InventorWhat did he or she invent?Do we still use it today?WOD:#4 Jaundice POS: NounDefinition:Sentence: The doctors could tell that the newborn had jaundice because his skin was yellow.Synonym:Classwork:Continue to group read and answer questions for “The metamorphosis” page 103-105Rewrite your counterargument as a group.Tuesday 2/23Bellwork Check #2#5 On this day in 1868, Dr. W.E.B Dubois was born. Who was Dr. Dubois? Make a list of three things about him. WOD:#5 JejunePOS: AdjDefinition:Sentence: The billionaire couple refused to eat the jejune dish of chicken wings and tater tots.Synonym: Classwork:Complete the extended response: What elements of this novella distort the reader’s sense of reality, while at the same time makes Gregor Samsa’s situation feel very real?-Must be at least four sentences-Include a quote from the text-Include a WOD.2. Complete questions 1-4 on page 106Wednesday 2/24Bellwork Check #2#6 On this day in 1864, Rebecca Lee Crumpler became the first black woman to receive an M.D. degree. List three other firsts for black women.WOD:#6 JeerPOS: VerbDefinition:Sentence: When the basketball bounced off the rim for the second time, Nolan knew that the crowd would probably jeer him.Synonym:Classwork:FSA Practice on the computers Begin reading the comic version of “The Metamorphosis” page 107-111From The MetamorphosisGraphic Novel Questions:How does Kuper’s opening differ from Kafka’s?How does the change from page one to page two mimic Gregor waking up?Revisit the first two paragraphs of the novella (lines 1-17). How do Gregor’s reactions differ in the comic?Does Kuper do an effective job of depicting Gregor’s room as a “proper human room?” Is the room as peaceful as Kafka describes it, or does it create a different tone?Reread the thought bubble on the top of page 109. What can you infer about how Gregor deals with difficult issues in his life? Look at the different ways text is presented on this page. How can you tell the difference between information in Kuper’s narrative description and what he attributes to Gregor? What does the narrative description help add?Summarize what is happening on page 110.What does the word predicament mean? Which context clue helped you determine this meaning? Page 111Find and idiom and explain what it means. Page 112 What theme is illustrated on page 113.Find an example of a simile or a metaphor and explain the meaning on page 114Examine the speech balloons for each character and what each character says. Explain how Kuper graphically uses the speech balloons. Page 116Make an inference about how Gregor feels about his family based on information in the text. Page 117 Reread line 199 of the novella. Explain which writer placed greater emphasis on the arrival of the chief clerk. Page 119Explain what you learned about Gregor through his response to the chief clerk’s request that he open the door. Page 121Point out the words that are emphasized in this panel. How does Kuper emphasize them? Why does he choose these particular words? Page 122Make an inference about how the men and the women feel about Gregor based on details in the panel. Page 122How many characters are speaking on this page? How do you know? Page 124Thursday 2/25Bellwork Check #2#7 On this day in 1948, Martin Luther King Jr. was ordained as a Baptist minister. Make a list of three things you know about Martin Luther King Jr.WOD:#7 JocosePOS: AdjDefinition:Sentence: Rodney laughed once he realized that the remark was meant to be jocose.Synonym:Classwork:Continue to read and answer questions about the graphic novel, “The Metamorphosis” page 112-120Friday 2/26Bellwork Check #2#8 On this day in 1926, Carter G. Woodson started Negro History Week. This week would later become Black History Month. Why did he choose the month of February to celebrate black history?WOD#8 JovialPOS: AdjDefinition:Sentence: Since my mother-in-law does not like me, she is never jovial in my presence.Synonym:Classwork:Continue to read and answer questions about the graphic novel, “The Metamorphosis” page 121-125Answer questions 1-4 on page 126Complete the Critical Vocabulary and Vocabulary Strategy on page 127Monday 2/29Bellwork Check #2#9 On this day in 1940, Hattie McDaniel became the first African American to win an Oscar. The Oscar award show was last night. Many people decided to boycott the Oscars because they felt as though African American people were not getting the recognition they deserve. Make a list of three African Americans who have won an Oscar.WOD#9 JudiciousPOS: VerbDefinition:Sentence: The man made the judicious decision to give the gun-carrying robber his wallet.Synonym:Classwork:Finish the Critical Vocabulary and the Vocabulary Strategy on page 127Take notes on the citing the text with informational text powerpoint.Read “Prelude to Populism” and Coxey’s Army and the Pullman Strike (Handout)Complete the Citing the Text: Close-Reading ActivityTuesday 3/1Bellwork Check #2#10 FreewriteWOD#10 JuxtaposePOS: VerbDefinition:Sentence: The juxtaposition of the comic books next to the philosophical journals made Jim’s library quite unique.Synonym:Classwork:Citing textual Evidence powerpoint (slides 8-10)Take notes on Citing text powerpointComplete Citing Textual Evidence: Direct Quotations Activity Wednesday 3/2No BellworkWOD:#1 LadenPOS: AdjDefinition:Sentence: Although the suitcase appears laden, I think I can squeeze in one more pair of shoes.Synonym:Classwork:“J” words testCome up with five facts and or quotes about the following prompt: Should there be a legal curfew for minors? (Three to support your side and two to support the opposing side.)Write an introduction to the following prompt: Should there be a legal curfew for minors?Thursday 3/3No BellworkWOD:#2 LaudablePOS: AdjDefinition:Sentence: Despite her disabilities, Candace has achieved some laudable achievements.Synonym:Classwork:Write a body paragraph and a counterargument on the prompt: Should there be a legal curfew for minors?Friday 3/4No BellworkWOD:#3 Lethargic POS: AdjDefinition:Sentence: During the hottest days of summer I feel so lethargic that all I want to do is lounge around the house. Synonym:Classwork:Read the background for The Starry Night. On a sheet of paper write down five things that you learned from the background. Page 47Read about the author of the painting and the poem (Vincent Van Gogh and Anne Sexton). On a separate sheet of paper, create a Venn diagram comparing and contrasting the two authors. Page 47Van GoghBothSexton11122233Complete pages 48-50 in your close reader. Questions 1-4On the same paper with the background information, cite (include the line in the poem) specific evidence about what is emphasized or absent in each work.“Starry Night”PaintingPoem112233Monday 3/7Same as Friday 3/4Tuesday 3/8WOD:#4 LevityPOS: NounDefinition:Sentence: Because getting this job is very important to you, you should not approach it with levity.Synonym:Classwork:Make-up work Wednesday 3/9WOD:#5 LoathePOS: VerbDefinition:Sentence: I loathe rude, disrespectful children.Synonym: Classwork:Practice for the FSA Reading Excerpt from To Kill a MockingbirdThursday 3/10WOD:#6 Loquacious POS: AdjDefinition:Sentence: Usually loquacious, my sister was at a loss for words when she met her favorite soccer player.Synonym: Classwork:Finish FSA Reading Practice Excerpt from To Kill a MockingbirdFriday 3/11WOD:#7 Lucrative POS: AdjDefinition:Sentence: While my mother’s bakery has not been profitable this year, it was quite lucrative last year.Synonym: Classwork:Close read Life After People page 51-52Begin three column chart for Life After People Time Period Cause Effect1. 3/14WOD:#8 Ludicrous POS: AdjDefinition:Sentence: Because John is too lazy to work, his dream of becoming a billionaire is quite ludicrousSynonym:ClassworkClose read Life After People page 53-54Finish the three column chart for Life After People Time Period Cause Effect1. the short response on page 54.-Must be at least four sentences-Must include text evidence (a line from the text)-Must include at least one WOD.Tuesday 3/15WOD:#9 Luminous POS: AdjDefinition:Sentence: Our eyes were drawn towards the luminous stars in the sky.Synonym:Classwork:FSA Reading Practice (week two)“Chillin in Antartica”Wednesday 3/16WOD:#10 LiberatePOS: VerbDefinition:Sentence: My relief came to liberate me from my work shift.Synonym:Classwork:Finish FSA Reading Practice (week two)“Chillin in Antartica”Vocabulary Acting outThursday 3/17WOD:#1 Monotone POS: NounDefinition:Sentence: She read the story in a dull, monotone voice.Synonym:Classwork:Read background on Emily Dickinson page 155 in the text bookMake a list of ten things you learned about DickinsonTake the “L” words testHomework:Define the following poetry terms:-Stanzas-Meter-Feet-Iamb-Assonance-ConsonanceFriday 3/18WOD:#2 Meticulous POS: AdjDefinition:Sentence: Because Haley is a meticulous cleaner, every inch of her house is spotless.Synonym:Classwork:1.Read “We grow accustomed to the Dark”Jot down references to seeing and generate three questions about “We grow accustomed to the Dark”Paraphrase “We grow accustomed to the Dark”Read “Before I got my eye put out”Jot down references to seeing and generate three questions about “Before I got my eye put out”“Before I got my eye put out” questionsWhich words rhyme in the first line?Which word is emphasized with this rhyme?Reread the fourth stanza. Cite an example of consonance.Which words are examples of assonance in lines 14 and 15?Paraphrase the final stanza of this poem.Monday 3/28WOD:#3 MusePOS: NounDefinition:Sentence: The model was the artist’s muse for his famous sculpture.Synonym:Classwork:Complete the analyzing the text questions on page 159Tuesday 3/29WOD:#4 Mannerism POS: NounDefinition:Sentence: She has a distinct mannerism of twisting while she walks.Synonym:Classwork:Read the background information about Billy Collins on page 57 in your close reader.Make a list of five things you learned about Billy CollinsRead “The Trouble with Poetry” together as a class (Play the audio)With a partner, complete the T chartLines from the PoemWhat I think the lines Mean?On your own, Close read “The Trouble with Poetry” page 58-60Wednesday 3/30WOD:#5 Monarchy POS: NounDefinition:Sentence: In a complete monarchy, the royal who runs the country makes all the major decisions for the nation.Synonym:Classwork:Finish close reading and partner work for “The Trouble with Poetry”Close read “Today” page 61-62Thursday 3/31WOD:#6 MalevolentPOS: AdjDefinition:Sentence: How malevolent of you to wish that I was dead!Synonym:Classwork:FSA Reading Practice (week three)“Women” by Alice WalkerFriday 4/1WOD:#7 MullPOS: VerbDefinition:Sentence: I have to mull it around in my head a bit more if you don’t mind.Synonym:Classwork:Review I am poem formatCreate an I am poem about the classCreate your own poem.Monday 4/4WOD:#8 MorosePOS: AdjDefinition:Sentence: When her dog died, the little girl was morose for months.Synonym:Classwork:Read background about Neil deGrasse Tyson page 161Read and answer questions on “Coming to Our Senses” page 161“Coming to Our Senses” QuestionsSummarize the main idea of the first paragraph. Lines 1-13How does the quote from Hubble support this idea? Lines 1-13What central idea is Tyson highlighting with the use of rhetorical questions? Lines 39-49What if parapsychology claims are not held up in double blind experiments? Lines 62-77How does this example develop Tyson’s central idea? Lines 62-77Name the device Tyson is describing in the passage and explain what the device does. Lines 62-77Identify humorous phrases in this paragraph lines 90-94. Explain how these phrases make a valid point. Lines 90-94Identify the central idea in these lines. Lines 95-116.Identify the benefits of enhanced tools that Tyson highlights. Lines 131-143 Summarize the central idea of lines 146-149Summarize Planck’s quotation in your own words. Lines 162-168Tuesday 4/5WOD:#9 MollifyPOS: VerbDefinition:Sentence: When the baby started to cry, his mother tried to mollify him with a bottle of milk.Synonym:Classwork:Finish Reading and Answering questions to “Coming to Our Senses”Answer the Analyzing the text questions page 168 1-4Wednesday 4/6WOD:#10 MuddlePOS: VerbDefinition:Sentence: Because Jane has no computer skills, she has managed to muddle our accounting records.Synonym:Classwork:Finish the Analyzing the text questions page 168 5-8Week four FSA Reading PracticeThursday 4/7WOD:#1 NonchalantPOS: AdjDefinition:Sentence: Surprisingly, the woman was nonchalant about her husband’s death.Synonym:Classwork:Test on the “M” wordsFriday 4/8Record Day ................

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