COHEA - City of Hialeah Educational Academy

Intensive Reading Syllabus 2020-2021Teacher: Ms. ArosteguiEmail: Barostegui@(COVID 19 EDITION – some information will become relevant once we have returned to the classroom)INTRODUCTIONWelcome to Reading for grade 12. My primary goal this year is to help my students become proficient readers so that they can exit the class having earned their required credits and reading credentials to graduate from high school. Any student who does not satisfy the FSA Reading requirement by the end of grade 12, will NOT graduate. Thus, each student MUST take the responsibility to attend every class and put 100% effort in the work given to reach this goal. COURSE OBJECTIVESThe purpose of this course is to help students build proficiency in reading toward achieving the graduation requirement for Reading. We may use a variety of online programs, textbooks, vocabulary resources, and novels to assist in student success. LITERATURE:Story Details, Summarize and Point of ViewAnalyze Elements of Fiction.Understand Poetry and Drama.Identify Comparisons/Contrast.Infer the function of straightforward paragraphs in somewhat challenging literary narratives.Identify a clear or implied central idea or theme.Infer a purpose in somewhat challenging passages and how that purpose shapes content and styleINFORMATIONAL TEXT:Identify or infer main idea, supporting details and summary.Identify relationship between events.InferencingIdentify text structures.Understand point of view in more challenging passages.Identify a clear central idea or theme in somewhat challenging passages or their paragraphs.Summarize key supporting ideas and details in more challenging passages.Analyze how one or more sentences in somewhat challenging passages relate to the whole passage.Draw logical conclusions using information from two informational texts.Analyze the overall structure of somewhat challenging passages.Identify clear or implied comparative relationships.Identify clear or implied cause-effect relationships.VOCABULARY:Analyze how the choice of a specific word or phrase shapes meaning or tone in somewhat challenging passages Interpret most words and phrases as they are used in somewhat challenging passages, including determining technical, connotative, and figurative meaningsWRITING:Evaluate evidenceWrite expository and argumentative essays.Develop claims and arguments for argumentative essaysARRIVAL: Students are to enter the classroom quietly and begin the warm-up activity on the board (or digital board). This is not a time to socialize. Students must use this time to take out supplies and prepare for the lesson. No bathroom breaks will be allowed at the beginning of class. DISMISSAL: Students are to make sure that they clean up after themselves in brick and mortar setting before leaving the classroom. If books have been used volunteers will be selected to place the books in the bookshelf. Students are to wait to be dismissed by the teacher. The bell does not dismiss them.SUPPLIESNotebook paper, composition notebook, folder or binder, a pen or a pencil, post-it notes, Standard English Dictionary and Thesaurus and highlighters should be brought to class every day. All class notes and handouts must be kept and organized in students' binder/folder. *All materials will be needed in class no later than our 3rd day of class together!HOMEWORK: May not be turned in late. MAKE-UP WORK:?Late work will not be accepted, unless authorized by the teacher. Students are responsible for requesting their make-up work. Make-up work should be turned in within 3 days of the student’s absence. Students will receive a “Z” grade until their work is turned in. Grades for make-up work can only be put into the gradebook once the absence is excused. If your work is not submitted within the three days, the “z” grade will remain. CELL PHONES: Cell phones in this class must be turned off and placed in the appropriate holder. Cell phones that are not turned into the teacher will be confiscated and will be available for pick up the following day at the main MUNICATION:?I will allow plenty of time each class period for questions. If students are unclear or concerned about something, all they have to do is ask. Additionally, we will meet on an individual basis in class to discuss goals, questions, and progress. Please feel free to e-mail me. I like to communicate with and meet parents. The school provides evenings when parents can visit the school, but other meetings can be scheduled by emailing me or contacting the school.?OFFICE HOURS VIA ZOOM ARE 1:45-2:45PM MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, AND FRIDAY. TUESDAY AND THURSDAY ON THURSDAY FOR ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS AND SUPPORT.CLASS RULES:?Students are to conduct themselves according to the principles that embody an exemplary COHEA student; including behavior, attendance, uniform, cell phones etc. Honor: We will always…tell the the right team players.take responsibility for our hard proactive, not reactive.Respect: We will always …respect the rights of others to respect for ourselves, our school, and others.conduct ourselves in a courteous and appropriate compassionate towards all members of the Bulldog Nation.Be considerate of others’ opinions.Loyalty: We will always …care for others to build others reach their potential.steer clear of gossip.strive to be consistent and reliable.stay true to our humble.Students who fail to comply with the rules established in class will be disciplined as follows: 1) Receive a verbal warning.2) Receive a detention and parents will be contacted (detention slip may serve as parental contact).3) Meet with teacher and parents to establish a student contract to correct the behavior4) If this still does not resolve the problem, the student will be reported to the school administration.?Student conduct grades will drop with repeated behavior problems which will affect honor roll status.PLAGIARISM AND CHEATING:?Any assignment that is plagiarized (even partially) will automatically receive a grade of “F”. Cheating on tests or quizzes will result in automatic failure of the quiz/test. Copying homework from another student will result in “F” for both students. Students will be seated in groups for classwork. Collaboration is expected, but those students who do not contribute to the work will receive a much lower grade even if their answers are the same as other members of the group.GRADING SCALE: A: 90 – 100%; B: 80 – 89%; C: 70 – 79%; D: 60 -69%; F: 0 – 59%; Z: not submitted.GRADING POLICY:?Major Assessments/Exams 35%; Mini Assessments/Quizzes 20%; Class Learning 15%; Homelearning 5%; Projects/Cooperative Presentation/Essays 25%LATE ASSIGNMENT POLICY: Late work will not be accepted. However, emergencies do occur, and I will decide on a case by case basis if I will accept the late work- possibly for a much lower grade. It is not a guaranteed that I will accept it. Students with Individual Learning Plans will be given the appropriate accommodations.ATTENDANCE: Attendance is vital to academic success. If you are tardy to class, you must have a written excuse on school official paper from the teacher who detained you or the administration. Unexcused tardy will have consequences: 1st tardy: verbal warning, 2nd tardy: call home, 3rd tardy: detention, 4th tardy: referral, 5th- tardy: administrative actionTHE KEYDon’t waste time. It is valuable.I will respect you, so that you will respect me Feel free to do anything that does not cause a problem for anyoneIf you cause a problem, you will be asked to solve itIf you can’t solve it, or choose not to solve it, I will take actionHow I proceed is determine by you and the circumstance. You are individuals and I treat you individuallyIf you feel something is unfair, we can discuss it.Ask questions..ask again..and again, if you need to.Check your grades. Take ownership.When in doubt, ask for permission. Please do not take it upon yourself to do anything that I have not instructed you to do. NO CELLPHONES, FOOD, GUM, OR UNCAPPED DRINKS IN CLASSFSA Assessment Levels Grade 10 ELA 1 2 3 4 5 284- 333 334-349 350-361 362- 377 378-412FSA Testing window (Specific dates will be posted online and said in class when available) The 1st Retake will take place approximately between Sept. – Oct.The 2nd Retake will take place approximately between Feb. - March This exam is taken over approximately 3 days for our general student body. The 1st day is the writing exam consisting of drafting a detailed essay and demonstrating knowledge of key grammatical constructions. The 2nd and 3rd day (Typically a week or 2 apart from day 1) consists of approximately 30-35 reading comprehension questions each day. Students are provided over double the standard time to complete it. If students take it seriously, it is a generous amount of time. SAT / ACT Concordance scoresStudents are eligible to exit Intensive Reading in the following ways:If a student scores a level 3 or above (3 = score 350 or above)?on the FSA retake. These scores often take a long time to come back so I highly recommend SAT/ACT.If a student scores a combined reading/ writing SAT score of 480 (430 Seniors) If a student scores an average English & Reading ACT score of 18 (19 Seniors) If a student qualifies for an IEP waiver (only for ESC students who have demonstrated satisfactory in all English and Reading courses) ACT Structure: Subject Number of questionsTime Limit Approximate time per question Question type English 7545 mins 36 seconds Multiple choice Math 6060 mins1 minute Multiple choiceReading 4035 mins52 seconds Multiple choiceScience 4035 mins52 seconds Multiple choiceWriting 1 prompt 40 mins40 minsEssay 2020-21?ACT Test Dates & Registration Deadlines. Register at ACT Registration Fee (without the Writing test) $46ACT Plus Writing Fee $62.50Late Registration Fee additional $29.502020-21?SAT Test Dates & Registration Deadlines. Register at SAT registration fee without essay $47.50SAT w/ Essay $64.50Late registration additional $29.00Please use proper netiquette when representing yourself on Zoom and when contacting Ms. Arostegui. As a COHEA student you are held to high Personal, Academic, and Community standards.AttendanceAttendance via Zoom is vital to your success so daily attendance is necessary.??Cheating/PlagiarismAny?plagiarized?assignment (even partially) will automatically earn?a?zero and a makeup assignment will not be provided.???Zoom Classroom RulesEnter the Zoom classroom with your camera on and the volume on mute.Ensure that you are situated where you can focus, concentrate, and give the best of you.As in school, proper uniform and grooming is required. ALWAYS write your first and last name when registering for class codes and submitting assignments.? DO NOT use nicknames.??Follow daily procedures.Listen carefully.Be prepared for class (pens and?paper for notes).Respect others.? Be kind with your words and actions.Teacher’s expectationsShow respect to your teacher and classmates.Follow the classroom rules and procedures.Be prepared to learn daily.Participate in activities as directedAssistance and communicationI am available to assist you with any assignments or provide academic support on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 1:45-2:45. You can also schedule appointments or conferences by emailing me at Barostegui@.Sample Email: Greeting. Identification. Situation/concern/need. Closing.Good morning/afternoon/evening.My name is ________ and I am enrolled in your 2nd period/English 4 class. I was absent today and would like to know if there is any work I need to make up for class. Is this available on your website? Thank you for your assistance, Sincerely,Name.Please return this page as proof that you have read and understood the policies and procedures of your English class. This signed page should be turned in to Ms. Arostegui, FOR A GRADE, no later than August 31st, 2020.I, _________________________________Period____, agree to meet all of the expectations as stated in my syllabus, as well as understand that if I were to ever violate any of the rules, I shall accept the consequences of my actions. I will treat each of my classmates with absolute respect and dignity. I will not bully my peers and I will prevent any sort of bullying activity that occurs within my class and my school. I will report any acts of bullying to a teacher and/or adult as soon as possible. I will work together with my teacher to make sure that I complete all assignments that I am given. I understand that if I have questions about an assignment, I am to ask to make sure I know what to do. This is my responsibility as a student, and I will take that responsibility seriously. I understand that it is my job to be in class on time. I know that being late is not tolerated, and if I were to be tardy, I should have a legitimate excuse for being late. Not having one is unacceptable and I take full responsibility for the punishments listed in the class syllabus. I will perform all of my work to the upmost of my ability. I understand that I am accountable for my work and that all work is turned in on time. I comprehend that failure to turn in assignments late and not having a legitimate excuse will result in a Z (incomplete) in the grade book and I am not eligible to makeup that work. I will be an example for others to follow, both inside the classroom and outside. I represent Hialeah Educational Academy, and I will represent my school with pride an honor. I have read the course requirement, rules, standards and expectations for my class. I understand that academic integrity is expected. By signing this contract, I agree to all the aforementioned information. Student Name: _________________________________Student Signature: ______________________________Parent Name: _________________________________Parent Signature: ______________________________ ................

In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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