Paperwork Checklist For Sellers - HomeLight

Paperwork Checklist For Sellers

Use this checklist to confirm you have these common documents needed to sell your house.

Residential property disclosure form

State laws vary, but most require you to complete a seller's disclosure outlining any known problems with the home.

Sales contract

This is the legal contract to sell the house, called a sales contract or purchase agreement.

Ttile reports

A title company researches your title's history and puts together a report for the buyer.


The physical deed document that describes the property and its boundaries in detail.

Loan documents (if applicable)

You, or the title company, will call your lender to obtain a payoff amount.

Recent utility and property tax bills

Not required, but buyers often request these so they know what needs to be switched into their name.

Homeowners association agreements (if applicable)

If your home is in a homeowner's association, the buyer will need copies of the rules, covenants, and agreements.

Plans, permits, and other paperwork relating to work done on the house

Pull together any plans and permits to prove to the buyer that remodels or additions were done legally.

Receipts and warranties

Not required, but if you're leaving major appliances the buyer will appreciate copies of receipts and warranties.


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