WebWatcher Help Online - Steve Karas

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|WebWatcher Help   | |

|Index |We made it Simple. |

|Getting Started |Install a Hit Counter |

|Startup Screen |Data Read |

|Main Screen |FTP vs HTTP |

|Main Screen small |UserName |

|Config Screen |Password |

|Validate URL Screen |Remove Protection |

|Log File Screen |Enter a Password |

|New Version Screen |  |

|Windows Quick Links |  DOWNLOAD Document |

|History Screen |  Help (*Word format) |

|  |  Help (Acrobat format) |





Getting Started (a hit counter must be installed on the web page you want to monitor)

We Made IT Simple ! All you need to do is go to the Config screen and enter the page or pages you want to monitor. Click Done and that's it. Everything is done automatically for you.

(Additional details for that Geek in you)

The First step is to make sure you have a hit counter installed on the web page you want to monitor.

WebWatcher will not work if there is no count file for it to read. WebWatcher was designed using

*Front Page Extensions for the Web Server therefore we prefer you using *Front Page to add your hit

counter. However most generic hit counter will work. Click here to see the data WebWatcher

reads from the hit counter data file. A hit counter that is placed on your web page track the number

of page views and writes that number to a file. In front page webs the file is named your webpage

name and then .cnt is added to the back of the file name an example would be :

name of your web page = index.htm

name of the count data file = index.t

Generic counters usually let you make up your own file name. Either way the actual name is not important but you must know the name in order to let WebWatcher know.

A second concern is the directory that the count file is located, an example would be :

(if the Web Page is in your root directory)

index.htm = The count file is located in the '/_private' directory (Front Page Webs)

(if the Web Page is in another directory)

QR/index.htm= The count file is located in '_private/QR/' directory (Front Page Webs)

Generic counters usually let you put the count file in any directory you want. Either way the directory is not important but you must know the directory in order to let WebWatcher know.

The final concern is do you need a password to access the files in the directory that has the count file?

If your using a generic counter then just make sure you put the count file in a directory that's not password protected but if your using front page then go here to decide what to do.


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Opening Screen


When WebWatcher Starts this is the first screen displayed. It run through each individual  page and get the file count. You will notice that we ship WebWatcher with 2 pages to monitor, there are not live pages they are just examples. You will want to got to the config screen an add your own pages to monitor. As you see there is a cancel button, By pressing this button the process will stop and the next screen will be displayed, which is the main operating screen.

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Main Operating Screen (large Mode)



|[pic] |

|Display the log |Go to the configure |Check WebWatchers Web|Display the about |Displays a menu of |Displays internet |

|file from the last |page and enter the |and see what the |screen which will |different windows |links that are |

|update |pages to monitor |current version |show tech suport |quick links Quick |helpful to |

| Log File |Config |available is |information |Links |webmasters |

| | |Check Update | | | |


Quit - ends the program

Update - run the update process and displays current count info

Small - changes the display from either large or small

Resume - Pauses and Resumes program execution


[pic]Hit Light - This lights up each time the page is hit. It will automatically turn off at the next update



Hits - This is the number of hits since monitoring for this session has begun. Mouse over and see the page name.

Starting - This was the number of hits when monitoring began. Mouse over and see the count file name.

[pic]Clicking this will display the page the hit counter is on in a Web Browser.

Page - Name this is the name on the page being monitored

Skip - Check this and this page will be skipped on future updates.



Time Last Hit - This is the time of the last hit for this page

Date Last Hit - This is the date of the last hit of this page

Hits Per Hour - This is the average hits per hour since monitoring started.

Best Hour - This is the average hits for the best hour. Mouse over for the date and time of the best hour.


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Log File Display


This screen displays the content of the log file. Each time WebWatchers updates it writes to the log file. The file will display the count file full URL the protocol used along with the count information obtained.


Close - Close this Log File Window

Print - Print the log file on your printer

Empty File - Empty the log file

Email - Email the log file to Tech Support. This helps us to troubleshoot any problems you may be having. Please        only use this function if asked to do so by Tech Support.

About - this will display the about screen

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How to install a Hit Counter (Front Page example)

1. From the FrontPage browser load the page you want to add a hit counter to.

2. Right Click on the page where you want the hit counter to appear.

3. Click on Insert, Select Web Component. Click on Insert, Select Web Component



This screen will be displayed.

Select Hit counter from the left window.

Click on Finish


Click on the style, then reset the counter to any number you want to start with.

For best results put in 1 to as the starting counter number.

Click 'OK' and you're done installing the Hit Counter.






Click on the Folders Icon.

Click on _private

The Contents of the _private directory will be displayed in the right box


In this example we put a hit counter on my page banners.htm, you will now notice that there is a page in the private directory named banners.t , this is the count file that is used to track the number of hits.

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Check to see if this directory is password protected.

1. Close Front Page if it is running

2. Open your Web browser

3. Type in the address for the newly created count file ( name.t )

4. If you see the page your all set skip the next step.


If you don't see the page but first you get this message


This means the directory is password protected.

You have 2 choices:

1. Leave everything the way it is however the transfer of the file count file will be done by FTP which takes a minimum of 500% longer than using HTTP. Therefore each time WebWatcher updates the hit counts it will take a little longer.

2. Remove the password protection. If you do this the file will be transferred by HTTP and the updates will be much quicker.



You may easily remove password protection by deleting the file '.htaccess' in the directory. However if you have data in this directory you don't want the general public to see then don't delete this file because anyone will have access to it.



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Entering Data on the Config Page[pic] the above illustrates the top panel of the config screen

The right hand side is the WebWatcher Board


|[pic] |WebWatcher Chalk Board |

| |As you mouse over each text box the WebWatcher Board will display|

| |the information about the data you need to enter into the the |

| |text box. See Below for details about each individual text box. |

|[pic] |Web Site |

| |Enter the URL - |

| |Do not put a "/" at the end of the address. |

| |Click Here and Return to Help Index |

| |  |

|[pic] |Page Name |

| |Enter the page name - yourPage.htm |

| |Do not put a "/" at the end or beginning |

| |of page name. |

| |Click Here and Return to Help Index |

| |  |

|[pic] |Page Directory |

| |Enter the directory - /WTEST/ |

| |Always put a "/" at the end and beginning |

| |of page Directory. If the page directory is the |

| |root directory of your web then you must put |

| |in a "/". |

| |Click Here and Return to Help Index |

| |Count File Directory |

|[pic] |Enter the directory - /WTEST/_private/ |

| |Always put a "/" at the end and beginning |

| |of the Directory. If the directory is the |

| |root directory of your web then you must put |

| |in a "/" |

| |Click Here and Return to Help Index |

| |  |

|[pic] |Count File Extension |

| |Enter the file extension - .cnt is the extension you will not need this for generic counters |

| |On Front Page Webs |

| |Click Here and Return to Help Index |

| |  |

|[pic] |User Name |

| |Enter your username used to access the |

| |File count file |

| |Click Here and Return to Help Index |

|[pic] |Password |

| |Enter your password. If you leave this blank |

| |Then WebWatcher will use HTTP to transfer |

| |The file otherwise FTP will be used. |

| |If the transfer of the file count file is |

| |done by FTP it will take a minimum of 500% |

| |longer than using HTTP. Therefore each time |

| |WebWatcher updates the hit counts it will |

| |take longer. Click here to read more about FTP/HTTP |

| |Click Here and Return to Help Index |

|[pic] |Arrow |

| |Click the arrow will take you to the URL |

| |Validate screen which will allow you to test |

| |The information you have entered. Click For More Info on validating |

| |Click Here and Return to Help Index |


|[pic] | Done - Exit the config screen and return to main|

| |screen |

| |  |

| | Help - Software embedded help info for the |

| |config  screen |

| |  |

| | Help Online - Extensive help online - Page may |

| |take a  few minutes to load |

|  |  |


When you click the arrow next to a web site the Validate URL screen will appear.


The web page that has the hit counter will be displayed. (above)

When you click the count file button the the following data will be

displayed in the Browser web page display.


This file transfer used HTTP (click here to see the difference between FTP & HTTP)

If there is a UserName and Password in the text box then the FTP button will be enabled

click it and the following screen will be displayed


This is the file count using FTP (click here to see the difference between FTP & HTTP)

You can use this Screen to validate all of your URL.


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Check For New Version of WebWatcher


From the main Screen when you click on 'Check for Upgrade' the Above screen will be displayed. It will show you the version of WebWatcher your running and the current version available on our web site. Be sure you have your activation code available.

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Windows Quick Links

As a convenience we have a screen that will give you quick access to commonly needed windows programs the menu is shown below


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These are the 2 common protocols used to transfer file from a server on the internet. WebWatcher will use one of them. If WebWatcher uses HTTP the update process is Much Much faster. The reason is no user name, or password is required to access the file and there is no logon process to adhere to. In order for WebWatcher to use HTTP the directory must not be protected. Click here for example of password protection. If the directory is password protected you may want to consider removing the protection Click here for how to. If you decide to leave the protection you then must supply both a username and password to WebWatcher Click here to enter a password and click here to enter a username. This how WebWatcher decides which protocol to use if it doesn't have a username and password it uses HTTP if it does it uses FTP.

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DATA read by WebWatcher

Front Page Counter

    WebWatcher reads the first line of the count file. On front page webs the first line looks like this

        FPCountFile 00000000045

    WebWatcher ignores the first 12 characters and converts the balance to a number.

Generic Counter (all other counter)

    WebWatcher reads the first line of the count file. The first line must be convertible to a number like this


    in this example WebWatcher will read 45. There must not be any characters before the digits. In other words this would not work     'this page has been hit 00000000045 times'


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Small Display (main Screen)


WebWatcher automatically sizes the height of the window based on the number of pages that are being watched

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History of Hits (Feature Added in Version 1.1.22)


WebWatcher automatically save the number of hits each page receives for the past 365 days. This information is saved each time you exit the program. It is also saved at 23:59:00. Of course the program must of run that day for the information to be saved.

|[pic] |Easily navigate thru the history file by using |

| |the buttons. The display show 5 days at a time. |

| |Arrow UP - go to the 1st record |

| |Arrow Left - previous 5 records |

| |Arrow Right - next 5 records |

| |Arrow Down - go to the last record |

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I know you already know this but ...

*Front Page and *Word are Registered Trade Name of Microsoft. Microsoft in no way endorses WebWatcher

End of Document          Click here for WebWatcher Home Page


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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