For Faculty and Staff - University of Wisconsin–Whitewater

Access to Web Storage -?webbe.uww.eduUW-Whitewater faculty and staff can access Web storage and publish Web content using the server. All UW-Whitewater faculty and staff who are interested can obtain a Web Storage account.For Faculty and StaffServer/Host:?webbe.uww.eduUsername & password:?your NetID username and passwordConnect using:?FTP with TLS/SSLCONNECTING TO WEB STORAGE USING A WINDOWS PC: FTPYou can use any number of FTP clients (we recommend filezilla) to connect to your Web Storage account from a Windows PC; however, you are encouraged to use?WebDAV?to connect to your Web Storage account from a Windows PC because it is more secure.Connecting using FileZillaThe page below will walk you through the steps of configuring FileZilla to connect using secure FTP.View the instructionsOther FTP ClientsIf you have a preferred FTP client you will need to provide the FTP server to connect.For Faculty and StaffYour connection information is:Server:?webbe.uww.eduUsername & password:?your NetID username and password.Connect using:?FTP with TLS/SSLCONNECTING TO WEB STORAGE USING A MACINSTOSH: WEBDAVTo access your Web Storage account using WebDAV from a Macintosh computer running 10.4+ WEBDAV is built into the mac OS.This is the recommended method for connecting to Web Storage from a Macintosh.After you login to the Mac click on the "GO" menu and click on "Connect to Server":For students enter the following address?, for faculty and staff enter? is your UW-W Net-ID. The click "Connect"You will be prompted to enter your username and password. Enter your UW-W Net-ID username and password and click "OK".You will now be connected to Student Storage or Faculty/Staff Web Storage. Students will see PRIVATE, WEB and any CLASS STORAGE accounts you have, faculty and staff will see their FACSTAFF and any web accounts they have. You will be able to drag and drop items back and forth as a regular hard drive.You are now connected to your accounts via WebDav, to disconnect from your storage account do one of the following.You can ctrl+click on the icon on your desktop and select eject or from with in the finder window click on the eject button next to the networkdrive.To upload pages:?After entering your WEB folder account, upload the files by dragging them into the proper folder.? Note that the first page you want to come up must be?named “index.htm” (or “index.html”) for others to see it by default; otherwise, the page will display an error.To view your website:You can view your website by visiting your address? images in this tutorial are taken from a lab machine, your office Mac or personal Mac may not be indentical in all the images. ................

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