AFRICA CENTRE OF EXCELLENCE FOR MYCOTXIN AND FOOD SAFETYSCHOLARSHIP POLICY OBJECTIVES OF THE SCHOLARSHIP ARE TO:Encourage the recruitment of foreign students and therefore improve the internationalization of postgraduate education of the Federal University of Technology Minna.Create learning opportunities and research outputs that address Africa’s shortage of expertise and provide applicable solutions to ensure a safe, controlled and sufficient food supply that will support economic growth and public health.Encourage participation of women and physically challenged persons in the science domain particularly with regards to food security, food safety, agricultural productivity and economics from local to global scales.Prepare a cadre of future leaders at Master and Doctoral levels in Food Safety, Toxicology and, Molecular Biology and Bioinformatics using an interdisciplinary, experiential education model that will focus on the rapidly emerging need for innovations at the nexus of food security, food safety, agricultural productivity and economics from local to global scales.THE SCHOLARSHIP COMMITTEE The scholarship Committee will comprise of the following members:Centre LeaderDeputy Centre LeaderMonitoring and Evaluation OfficerSectoral Liaison OfficerResearch CoordinatorAcademic CoordinatorResearch Team LeadersMycotoxinNanotechnologyPesticides Residues and Heavy MetalsVeterinary Drug ResiduesMolecular Biology and BioinformaticsELIGBILITY FOR THIS SCHOLARSHIPThe scholarship is restricted to Master of Technology (M.Tech) and PhD in Food Safety, Toxicology and, Molecular Biology and Bioinformatics.Candidates can be Nigerians and Non Nigerians from any country of the globe but preference will be given to Africans and candidates from developing countries of other continents. There must be guarantee that candidates must work full time on the M.Tech and PhD for 18 and 36 months respectively.All candidates for scholarship must have secured admission into one of the three ACEMFS programmes from the Postgraduate School of the Federal University of Technology Minna.The age limits are 35 years and 40 years for Masters and PhD candidates respectively. However, the age limits for women and physically challenged are 40 and 45 years respectively.HOW TO APPLY FOR THE SCHOLARSHIPPrior to applying for the ACEMFS scholarship, candidates MAY seek commitment of a Federal University of Technology Minna researcher working in related areas of his/her proposed research (futminna.edu.ng) who would later serve as a member of the supervisory team of the project. International applicants are also encouraged to have an additional potential supervisor in their home country preferably an academic/sectoral partner of the ACEMFS (acemfs.futminna.edu.ng). All applicants are also encouraged to have a sectoral/industry supervisor with working experience in relation to the intended research project. OBTAINING POTENTIAL SUPERVISORS IS ADVISORY AND WILL NOT AFFECT THE OUTCOME OF THE EVALUATION OF THE SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION.In order to apply for Africa Centre of Excellence for Mycotoxin and Food Safety Scholarship. The following documents must be submitted to acemfs@futminna.edu.ngCompleted Application FormAdmission letter from Federal University of Technology MinnaRelease letter or study leave permit from employer (if applicable) Curriculum Vitae (biography, academic, research and professional details including awards, publications/conferences and patents). Certified copy of complete academic record Certified copy of Passport.A brief (max. one page) outline of the project you would like to explore for Master candidatesA doctoral research proposal (title of proposal, executive summary, introduction, statement of problem, research objectives, research questions, literature review, research methodology, expected results, innovation, estimated project cost, timelines, references) of maximum of 10 pages with font size 12 of Times New Roman Selection CriteriaThe Scholarship Committee shall award scholarship to qualified candidates based on the following criteria;Qualifications of the applicants.Relevance of research topic (in the case of Master candidates) for food safety, security and agricultural productivity towards sustainable public health and economic development (refer to research agenda of ACEMFS at acemfs.futminna.edu.ng).Scientific and scholarly potential of PhD research proposal and relevance to food safety, security and agricultural productivity towards sustainable public health and economic development (refer to research agenda of ACEMFS).Publications and/or dissertations in relevant areas of the three ACEMFS programmes shall be of added advantage.Preference shall be given to female and physically challenged candidates. TYPES OF SCHOLARSHIPS There are two types of scholarships namely full and partial scholarshipsFull Scholarship: the scholar’s tuition fees, accommodation, travel expenses (return ticket for international students), monthly stipends, internship and bench fee are covered. Any Physically challenged student will be on full scholarship Research Scholarship: the award will cover research expenses only. RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE SCHOLARSHIPThe PhD scholarship will cover the 36 months of the programme while the M.Tech scholarship will cover 18 months.All scholarship awardees shall write an acceptance letter and sign to the conditions of the scholarship.All awards are tentatively subject to annual verification of academic records.Masters candidates on scholarship must maintain a Cumulative Grade Point Average of 4 out of 5 points otherwise they lose their scholarship funding.A positive progress report in a prescribed format from the supervisory team guarantees the scholar continuity of scholarshipAll candidates on scholarship that withdraw from the programme will be liable to refund all funds spent on him or her The Scholarship Committee reserves the right to revoke any student’s scholarship at any time who does not met the above criteria. SELECTED CANDIDATES FOR SCHOLARSHIPNames of successful candidates will be published online on acemfs.futminna.edu.ng. Successful candidates shall also be contacted via their email addresses. DEADLINE FOR SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATIONDeadline for submission of scholarship applications shall always be specified for each academic session. Note: All registered students of Federal University of Technology Minna are covered by the Tertiary Institution Social and Health Insurance Programme of the National Health Insurance SchemeAfrica Centre of Excellence for Mycotoxin and Food Safety Scholarship/Fellowship APPLICATION FORMTITLE OF PROPOSALPARTICULARS OF APPLICANTTitle SurnameFirst names(in full)Maiden nameDate of birth (YYMMDD)Passport number NationalityMale FemaleDo you have a disability? (Y/N) If yes, please specifyUniversity/Universities where you were registered for your previous degree(s)Level of studyTelephone number during the day (code and number)Cellphone NumberOther contactable numbersE-mail address (Please indicate clearly as all correspondence will take place via e-mail) If you have made contact with The Federal University of Technology Minna, please indicate the potential supervisor at the institutionTitle: Other Names: Surname Faculty/Department/email Address Title: If you have other researchers involved in the research project, please indicate the potential co-supervisorTitleInitials: Other NamesSurnameSurname Institution/Faculty/Department Telephone/Email AddressIf you have or identified an industry supervisor, please indicate the potential industry co-supervisorTitleInitials: Other NamesSurnameSurname Institution/DepartmentTelephone/Email AddressIf you are on study fellowship from employee or the research project is funded, please provide name of funding agency and amount involved. The completed application form must be submitted with the following documents on or before 27th March 2020Admission letter from Federal University of Technology MinnaLetter of release or study leave permit from employer (if applicable).Curriculum Vitae (biography, academic, research and professional details including awards, publications and patents). Certified copy of your complete academic recordCertified copy of your Passport.A brief (max. one page) outline of the project you would like to explore for Master candidatesA doctoral research proposal (title of proposal, executive summary, introduction, statement of problem, research objectives, research questions, literature review, research methodology, expected results, innovation, estimated project, timelines, references) of maximum of 10 pages with font size, 12 of Times New Roman ................

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