Grade 7 Spotlight on Science Skills - Mme Tanner NFS

Spotlight on Science SkillsGrade 7-800100-685800DraftAcknowledgements The New Brunswick Department of Education and Early Childhood Development gratefully acknowledges the contributions of the following groups and individuals toward the development of the New Brunswick Spotlight on Science Skills – Grade 7.Development Team: Judson Waye – ASD-NAdam Hayward – ASD-NNB Department of Education and Early Childhood DevelopmentKathy Hildebrand, Learning Specialist, Science and MathematicsScience Learning Specialists and science teachers of New Brunswick who provided invaluable input and feedback throughout the development and implementation of this document.2015Department of Education and Early Childhood DevelopmentEducational Programs and ServicesObjectiveThe Atlantic provinces’ science curriculum is guided by the vision that all students will have an opportunity to develop scientific literacy. Scientific literacy is an evolving combination of the science-related attitudes, skills, and knowledge that students need to develop inquiry, problem-solving, and decision-making abilities, to become lifelong learners, and to maintain a sense of wonder about the world around them. Foundation for the Atlantic Canada Science Curriculum, page 11The Spotlight on Science Skills series of documents: Clusters the existing Atlantic Canada skill outcomes into nine scientific practices (questioning, predicting/hypothesizing, variables, experimental design, collecting data/observations, organizing/displaying data, analyzing data, making conclusions, applying learning). Provides educators with an elaboration of the scientific practice including explanations of specialized terminology. It indicates what students have learned in previous grades and what the focus is for learning in the current grade.Provides a list of achievement indicators with an accompanying rubric for each scientific practice to further clarify expectations and guide educators in determining whether their students have met the outcome.Overview of OutcomesGCO: Plan & Perform (PP) - Ask questions, make predictions about objects and events and develop fair tests to investigate those questions. Observe and investigate their environment and record the resultsSCO: PP1 - Propose scientific questionsSCO: PP2 - State a prediction and a hypothesis based on an observed pattern of eventsSCO: PP3 - Identify major variables to control and test in investigationsSCO: PP4 - Plan a set of steps to solve a practical problem SCO: PP5 - Record observations and collect relevant dataGCO: Analyze & Explain (AE) - Interpret findings from investigations using appropriate methods. Work collaboratively to carry out science-related activities, and communicate ideas, procedures and results.SCO: AE1 - Classify by Attributes & Display of Relevant DataSCO: AE2 - Analysis of Data Representations: Trends, Discrepancies & Sources of ErrorSCO: AE3 - ConclusionsSCO: AE4 - Applications of LearningGCO: Plan & Perform (PP) Ask questions, make predictions about objects and events and develop fair tests to investigate those questions. Observe and investigate their environment and record the resultsSCO: PP1 Propose scientific questionsScope and Sequence of OutcomesGrades 4-6Grades 7-9Grades 10-12204-1 Propose questions to investigate and practical problems to solve208-2 Identify questions to investigate arising from practical problems and issues212-1 Identify questions to investigate that arise from practical problems and issues204-2 Rephrase questions in a testable form208-1 Rephrase questions in a testable form and clearly define practical problems212-2 Define and delimit problems to facilitate investigations208-3 Define and delimit questions and problems to facilitate investigationConnection to CommunicationCommunicate questions, ideas, intentions, plans, and results, using lists, notes in point form, sentences, data tables, graphs, drawings, oral language and other means.ElaborationGuiding Questions:What do I want my students to learn?What do I want my students to understand and be able to do?Before writing a testable question, students will be able to pose an initial scientific question. Scientific questions may have different purposes: for research, leading to an innovation, or designing an experiment. If the question is a yes or no answer or an opinion, students should be encouraged to rewrite the question to be unbiased.ResearchInnovationExperiment/InvestigationHow does a tuning fork make salt jump?How might we make this better?What happens if I use another tuning fork?Will there be a full moon tonight?What type of fertilizer will make grass grow greener?What changes can be made to make this work more efficiently?From an initial scientific question, students are able to alter a scientific problem or questions into a testable form. A testable question is one that can be answered by designing and conducting an experiment. In order for a question to be deemed testable, the question must clearly identify the variable to test and the variable to measure. Testable questions are always about changing one thing to see what the effect is on another thing.Testable questions have two parts: Independent and Dependent VariablesThe independent variable (IV) is the variable that will be changed by the scientist. A good experiment has only one independent variable. The dependent variable (DV) is the variable being measured in the experiment. Scaffold 1- Does changing __IV___ affect __DV___?Scaffold 2 - How does changing __IV___ affect __DV___?Scaffold 3 - If I change __IV___, will it affect __DV___?e.g., If they wash their hands (variable to be tested/IV), will the number of days students are absent decrease (variable to measure/DV)?Initial Scientific QuestionTestable QuestionWhat happens if I use another tuning fork?If we use different types of tuning forks, will the rate of sound vibrations be the same?What changes can be made to make this work more efficiently?Does changing the type of light bulb affect energy consumption?Students should understand that precise language is very important to writing a good testable question. Students should be encouraged to change terms such as “better” and “improve” with the specific measure to be improved. For example: “If I change the wheels, will it improve how the car rolls?” is a statement approaching expectations, since the variable to be measured is not specific and is open to interpretation. “If I change the wheels, will it increase the distance travelled?” is a statement meeting expectations because it indicates what will be measured.Achievement IndicatorsGuiding Questions:What evidence will I look for to know that learning occurred?What should students demonstrate to show their understanding of the Scientific Process Skill?Use the following set of indicators as a guide to determine whether students have met the corresponding specific outcome.Write questions using language that suggests an investigationDevelop testable questions that indicate the variable to test (independent variable)Develop testable questions that indicate the variable to be measured/observed (dependent variable)Use language that is precise and relevant to the question Achievement RubricExcelling - 4Meeting - 3Approaching - 2Working Below - 1Testable QuestionTestable and measureable/observable using specific languageTestable and measureable/observable form but not specific to the parameters (may use “better” or “improve”)Any other answerGCO: Plan & Perform (PP) Ask questions, make predictions about objects and events and develop fair tests to investigate those questions. Observe and investigate their environment and record the resultsSCO: PP2 State a prediction and a hypothesis based on an observed pattern of eventsScope and Sequence of OutcomesGrades 4-6Grades 7-9Grades 10-12204-3 State a prediction and a hypothesis based on an observed pattern of events208-5 State a prediction and a hypothesis based on an observed pattern of events212-4 State a prediction and a hypothesis based on available evidence and background information212-5 Identify the theoretical basis of an investigation and develop a prediction and a hypothesis that are consistent with the theoretical basisConnection to CommunicationCommunicate questions, ideas, intentions, plans, and results, using lists, notes in point form, sentences, data tables, graphs, drawings, oral language and other means.ElaborationGuiding Questions:What do I want my students to learn?What do I want my students to understand and be able to do?The term hypothesis was introduced in Grade 6, though students in the elementary grades have been writing predictions supported by reasons using an “If, then, because” scaffold. Grade 7 students should continue building capacity and becoming more proficient with hypothesis statements. Students will be working during their middle school years with the development of hypotheses with the expectation of mastery at high school. Grade 6 also introduced students to the writing of hypotheses in the passive voice. The passive voice is a convention for scientific writing. It reinforces that scientific work is done as objectively as possible. It clearly expresses descriptions and procedures so they can be compared and reproduced.Hypothesis statements are plausible predictions of a relationship between two variables, supported by information from a student’s current understanding. This understanding could come from a variety of sources such as a previous experiment, a demonstration, research, a television program, or what someone has told them is true. A useful hypothesis is a testable statement, which includes a prediction and a supporting reason or explanation. A useful scaffold for writing hypotheses is the “If, then, because” scaffold.HypothesisIf...then...becauseIf the (IV) is (describe the change), then the (DV) will (predict the effect), because (state the justification).Independent Variable - (IV)Dependent Variable - (DV)Hypothesis examples:If exposure to UV light is increased then more people will get skin cancer, because research shows that people in warmer climates get more skin cancer than people in cold climates. (supported by research) If the cones of a tree are pink rather than yellow, then flies will lay more eggs in them, because initial observations seem to show this trend. (supported by observations)If salt concentrations in soil are increased then the rate of plant growth will decrease, because plants growing near salt water are smaller. (supported by research or observations)If air temperature is reduced, then leaf colour will change, because leaves change colour in the fall when it starts to get cooler. (supported by observations)Students have been using an “If, then, because” scaffold in the elementary grades for writing predictions with a supporting reason. In Grade 7, a hypothesis will be more specific or detailed, possibly requiring more factors to be deliberately controlled than in previous grades. For example:Grade 6Grade 7Grade 8If the amount of fertilizer is increased then the grass will grow tall faster, because the fertilizer will provide more nutrients that have been shown to support growth.If the amount of fertilizer (20-20-20) is increased then the rate of growth (height) of the grass will increase, because it will provide extra nitrogen which the manufacturer has said will increase growth.As the amount of fertilizer (20-20-20) is increased there will be a peak in the rate of growth (height) of the grass, because research indicates too much phosphorus inhibits plant growth. A hypothesis is a tentative statement, which the results of the investigation will support or not.Students have a tendency to want their hypothesis to be proven correct. Results may be expected or unexpected. The hypothesis is not found to be “wrong”, but rather supported or unsupported. The conclusion will be equally correct whether or not the evidence supports the hypothesis.Furthermore, when the hypothesis is supported, it does not necessarily mean the hypothesis is correct. For example: HypothesisIf exposure to UV light is increased then more people will get skin cancer, because research shows that people in warmer climates get more skin cancer than people in cold climates. If supportedOne must still consider that factors other than exposure to UV light may be responsible for or contribute to skin cancer.If not supportedThere may be more than one factor necessary for skin cancer to occur, such as exposure to skin cancer and genetic predisposition to cancer.Depending on the context, estimation is a skill that can enhance the ability to make an accurate scientific prediction. Estimation is a strategy for determining approximate values or quantities, usually by referring to benchmarks or using referents, or for determining the reasonableness of calculated values. Based on the grade level standards (cross-curricular with Math), students should use estimation strategies where appropriate. Achievement IndicatorsGuiding Questions:What evidence will I look for to know that learning occurred?What should students demonstrate to show their understanding of the Scientific Process Skill?Use the following set of indicators as a guide to determine whether students have met the corresponding specific outcome.Write prediction or hypothesis statements that are testable (suggesting a test of how the two variables are related). Write hypothesis statements using the “If, then, because” format, including a plausible reason (from previous learning and/or research); tentative words such as evidence suggests and may may be used.Write prediction and hypothesis statements in passive voice.Achievement RubricExcelling - 4Meeting - 3Approaching - 2Working Below - 1Prediction and HypothesisMakes a prediction or hypothesis statement which is testable; is specific with detailsMakes a hypothesis using an “If, then, because” scaffold:relevant to the questiontestableincludes a plausible reason with some detail (refers to research)Written passive voiceMakes a prediction or hypothesis statement which is testable and specificMakes a hypothesis using an “If, then, because” scaffold:relevant to the questiontestableincludes a plausible reason (may refer to readings or research)Written in passive voicePrediction or hypothesis is testable but is not specificMakes a hypothesis using an “If, then, because” scaffold including a reason which may be relevant but is not clearly expressedNot written in passive voicePrediction or hypothesis is not clearly testableMakes a hypothesis, but the reason is missing or irrelevantAny other answerGCO: Plan & Perform (PP) Ask questions, make predictions about objects and events and develop fair tests to investigate those questions. Observe and investigate their environment and record the resultsSCO: PP3 Identify major variables to control and test in investigationsScope and Sequence of OutcomesGrades 4-6Grades 7-9Grades 10-12204-4 Define objects and events in their investigations208-7 Formulate operational definitions of major variables and other aspects of their investigations212-7 Formulate operational definitions of major variables204-5 Identify and control major variables in investigations208-6 Design an experiment and identify major variables212-3 Design an experiment, identifying and controlling major variables Connection to CommunicationCommunicate questions, ideas, intentions, plans, and results, using lists, notes in point form, sentences, data tables, graphs, drawings, oral language and other means.Receive, understand, and act on the ideas of othersEvaluate individual and group processes used in planning, problem solving, decision making, and completing a task ElaborationGuiding Questions:What do I want my students to learn?What do I want my students to understand and be able to do? Students should understand that variables are predominant in many other scientific process skills. The focus of this specific outcome is the identification of variables to ensure a fair test. In practice, a fair test means identical procedures must be performed where only one variable is changed at a time. Students should be able to design a fair test that considers the variables that need to be controlled (kept the same), the identification of a variable to test (independent), and a variable to measure/observe (dependent).In Grade 7, this skill has evolved from a simple identification of the different types of variables to become an outcome in which students are asked to be specific when they define variables. In previous grades, a dependent variable could be described as “how far a car rolls.” In Grade 7, students are expected to be more specific in their explanation, e.g., “the distance travelled by a car along a specific surface.”Controlled Variables - the variables that are kept constant or monitored to minimize any effects on the experiment.Independent Variable (IV) - the variable in the experiment that is purposely changed or manipulated, either in quantity or quality, also referred to as the manipulated variable or variable to test.Dependent Variable (DV) - the variable in an experiment that changes in response to the independent variable and, therefore, is also referred to as the responding variable or the variable to measure.The independent and dependent variables are factors in writing a testable question.Example: Initial Scientific Question - “How effective are plant-based insect repellants?”Independent VariablePossible Dependent VariablesDifferent brands of plant-based repellentstotal number of insect bitessize of insect bites (mm)color and/or itchiness of insect biteslength of time they provide protection (min)Expected Controlled Variables: Electromagnet Example (less complex task)Grade 6Grade 7Grade 8Size of nailSize of batteryNumber of times wire is wrapped around nailSize of nailBattery voltageNumber of times wire is wrapped around nailHow tightly wire is wrappedMaterial nail is made fromSize of nailBattery voltageNumber of times wire is wrapped around nailHow tightly wire is wrappedMaterial nail is made fromTemperature in roomExpected Controlled Variables: A consumer reports company testing winter tires scenario (more complex task)Grade 6Grade 7Grade 8Speed before brakingRoad conditionsTemperatureSame car is usedStudents should be able to recognize at least 5 of 6:Speed before brakingRoad conditions Weather conditions (temperature, sun, etc.)Same car is usedSame driverSame pressure is applied to brake each trialSpeed before brakingRoad conditions Weather conditions (temperature, sun, etc.)Same car is used (weight of car remains constant as car is re-fueled each time)Same driverSame pressure is applied to brake each trialAchievement Indicators Guiding Questions:What evidence will I look for to know that learning occurred?What should students demonstrate to show their understanding of the Scientific Process Skill?Use the following set of indicators as a guide to determine whether students have met the corresponding specific outcome.Distinguish between what is tested, what is measured/observed and what is controlledIdentify one independent variable and one dependent variable, with other variables controlled in investigationsCollect evidence relevant to the relationship of the independent and dependent variableAchievement RubricExcelling - 4Meeting - 3Approaching - 2Working Below - 1ControlledDepending on the complexity of the investigation, most or all of the necessary variables are controlled and described in detailDepending on the complexity of the investigation, most or all of the necessary variables are controlledOnly controls some of the relevant variables Controls variables that are not relevant to the investigationAny other answerIndependentStudents identify one independent variable (variable to be tested) that fits the questionStudents identify one independent variable (variable to be tested) not relevant to the questionAny other answerDependentStudents identify one dependent variable (variable to be measured) that fits the question and is explained Students identify one dependent variable (variable to be measured) that fits the questionStudents identify one dependent variable (variable to be measured) not relevant to the questionAny other answerGCO: Plan & Perform (PP) Ask questions, make predictions about objects and events and develop fair tests to investigate those questions. Observe and investigate their environment and record the resultsSCO: PP4 Plan a set of steps to solve a practical problemScope and Sequence of OutcomesGrades 4-6Grades 7-9Grades 10-12204-6 Identify various methods for finding answers to given problems, and ultimately select one that is appropriate208-4 Propose alternative solutions to a given practical problem, select one, and develop a plan204-7 Plan a set of steps to solve a practical problem and carry out a fair test of a science-related idea208-6 Design an experiment and identify major variables212-3 Design an experiment, identify and control major variables212-6 Design an experiment and identify specific variables 204-8 Identify appropriate tools, instruments, and materials to complete their investigations208-8 Select appropriate methods and tools for collecting data for solving problems212-9 Develop appropriate sample procedures205-8 Identify and use a variety of sources and technologies to gather pertinent information209-5 Select and integrate information from various print and electronic sources or from several parts of the same source213-7 Select and integrate information from various print and electronic sources or from several parts of the same sourceConnection to CommunicationCommunicate questions, ideas, intentions, plans, and results, using lists, notes in point form, sentences, data tables, graphs, drawings, oral language and other meansWork co-operatively with team members to develop and carry out a plan, and troubleshoot problems as they ariseReceive, understand, and act on the ideas of othersEvaluate individual and group processes used in planning, problem solving, decision making, and completing a task Ensure safety of self and othersElaborationGuiding Questions:What do I want my students to learn?What do I want my students to understand and be able to do? Students should be able to design a plan that they will use to fairly test an initial idea or question in a safe manner. In practice, a fair test means identical procedures must be performed where only one variable is changed at a time. The focus of these outcomes is the planning of steps and experimental design. There are a variety of components that make up experimental design.Requirements of experimental design:Identification of needed equipment and materials Identification of variables (Controls & Independent/Dependent)Planning a set of steps:to test a single questionminimize bias through designwhich may incorporate multiple trials to increase accuracythat can be repeated by someone elseGrade 7 Language Arts Reading and Writing StandardsForm: Instructions/ProceduresPurpose: to tell how to do somethingGoal or aim: identifies topic by title or opening statement(s)Materials/Ingredients: lists materialsMethod/process: includes key steps in correct order with adequate details focusing on how/whenConclusion or Evaluation: includes a closing statement or an evaluation which may be a photograph or drawing of the completed itemSpecial FeaturesMay include headings, illustrations, diagrams or labelsNumbered-steps or words showing sequence (first, next, then)Point form or full sentences starting with sequence word or verbsPresent tense often written as commandsTechnical language – verbs, adverbs and adjectives (e.g., whip the cooled cream vigorously)Students are also expected to follow and carry out procedures safely (both teacher-directed and student-designed) using appropriate materials and tools effectively. While introduced in Grade 6, students in Grade 7 should work to build proficiency to minimize bias and to incorporate multiple trials in the design of investigations.BiasHolding a scientific bias means to unfairly favour one variable against another. In order for a test to be deemed fair it must be done in a way that eliminates one variable having an advantage. Identical procedures must be uniformly performed. For example, every time you release your paper airplane, it’s uniformly performed, regardless of the type of paper used. Multiple TrialsIt is often important to perform multiple trials of an experiment to ensure that the results are accurate, reliable, and reproducible. If the variable was accidentally changed in the first trial, this becomes obvious in the following trials and can be corrected in future trials. The number of trials required depends on the amount of time to conduct the experiment and the nature of the task. Achievement IndicatorsGuiding Questions:What evidence will I look for to know that learning occurred?What should students demonstrate to show their understanding of the Scientific Process Skill?Use the following set of indicators as a guide to determine whether students have met the corresponding specific outcome.Plan procedures with a set of steps to test a single questionPlan procedures to minimize experimental biasPlan procedures to use multiple trials to increase accuracy, if appropriate Plan procedures with enough detail they can be repeated by someone elsePlan procedures identifying needed equipment and materials Plan procedures identifying relevant measurements and/or observations to be madePlan procedures with one independent and one dependent variable and written in a way that controls other major variables Achievement Rubric Excelling - 4Meeting - 3Approaching - 2Working Below - 1Planning an investigationIndependently, students perform:Procedures have a set of steps to test a single questionProcedural design minimizes experimental biasProcedural design uses multiple trials to increase accuracy (if appropriate) Procedures are detailed enough to be repeated by someone elseProcedures identify needed equipment and materials Procedures identify relevant measurements and/or observations to be madeProcedures have one independent and one dependent variable and is written in a way that controls other major variablesIndependently, students perform:Procedures have a set of steps to test a single questionProcedures are detailed enough to be repeated by someone elseProcedures identify needed equipment and materials Procedures identify relevant measurements and/or observations to be madeProcedures have one independent and one dependent variable and is written in a way that controls other major variablesIndependently, students perform 3-4 of the following:Procedures have a set of steps to test a single questionProcedures are detailed enough to be repeated by someone elseProcedures identify needed equipment and materials Procedures identify relevant measurements and/or observations to be madeProcedures have one independent and one dependent variable and is written in a way that controls other major variablesStudents may require support with:Procedural design minimizes experimental biasProcedural design uses multiple trials to increase accuracy (if appropriate) Students require support with other achievement indicatorsAny other answerGCO: Plan & Perform (PP) Ask questions, make predictions about objects and events and develop fair tests to investigate those questions. Observe and investigate their environment and record the resultsSCO: PP5 Recording observations and collecting relevant dataScope and Sequence of OutcomesGrades 4-6Grades 7-9Grades 10-12205-5 Make observations and collect information relevant to a given question or problem209-4 Organize data, using a format that is appropriate to the task or experiment205-7 Record observations using a single word, notes in point form, sentences, and simple diagrams and charts212-3 Use instruments effectively and accurately for collecting dataConnection to CommunicationCommunicate questions, ideas, intentions, plans, and results, using lists, notes in point form, sentences, data tables, graphs, drawings, oral language and other meansReceive, understand, and act on the ideas of othersEvaluate individual and group processes used in planning, problem solving, decision making, and completing a task Ensure safety of self and othersElaborationGuiding Questions:What do I want my students to learn?What do I want my students to understand and be able to do? By Grade 7, students should be proficient at recording appropriate observations. It should be understood that students are able to record all relevant information (quantitative and qualitative data) in an appropriate format based on the specific task. Grade 7 is a year in which recorded observations are expected to be precise and specific to the given task.Quantitative Data - Data that can be measured; numbers with unit of measurement are recorded. Examples include: length, height, area, volume, weight, speed, time, temperature, humidity, sound level, cost, age, and so on.Students should understand that they must accurately use scientific devices and equipment to measure. In Grade 7, when the proposed question suggests that variables should be measured, then proper use of an appropriate instrument is critical to the evidence. For example, when measuring the volume of a liquid, students should choose a graduated cylinder rather than a standard beaker.Qualitative Data - Data that can be observed but not measured. It usually describes characteristics or qualities. Examples include: colour, odour, texture, appearance, or data that is described by category (e.g., the colour of the sky)Students should be able to distinguish their observations from making an inference. Observations require you to use one or more of your five senses to notice or determine something. Inferences are statements that combine observations with other knowledge. For example: you see steam rising from a cup of coffee “steam is rising from the cup of coffee” (observation) “the coffee is hot” (inference).It is important to the process that students understand that they should suspend judgment during data collection. Both expected and unexpected results are valuable. Achievement IndicatorsGuiding Questions:What evidence will I look for to know that learning occurred?What should students demonstrate to show their understanding of the Scientific Process Skill?Use the following set of indicators as a guide to determine whether students have met the corresponding specific outcome.Collect measurements and/or observations relevant to the question being testedCollect the type of data appropriate to the dependent variable, quantitative when possible and record honestly Record evidence with labels and in an organized mannerCollect quantitative data accurately and record with unitsRecord qualitative data factually without inferencesAchievement RubricExcelling - 4Meeting - 3Approaching - 2Working Below - 1Data CollectionRoutinely collects data that is: Relevant, appropriately labeled, organized, & honestThe type of data collected is irrelevant or needs support to identify relevancy Any other answerMay be reluctant to record observations contrary to predictionsQuantitativeRoutinely: Measures accurately and records with units using appropriate instrumentsAccuracy is inconsistent and/or units are missingAny other answerChoice of inappropriate instrument to measureQualitativeRoutinely: Records observation with appropriate detail and not inferences Observations very general not very detailedAny other answerGCO: Analyze & Explain (AE) Interpret findings from investigations using appropriate methods. Work collaboratively to carry out science-related activities, and communicate ideas, procedures and results.SCO: AE1 Classify by Attributes & Display of Relevant DataScope and Sequence of OutcomesGrades 4-6Grades 7-9Grades 10-12206-1 Classify according to several attributes and create a chart or diagram that shows the method of classification210-1 Use or construct a classification key214-1 Describe and apply classification systems and nomenclature used in the sciences214-2 Identify limitations of a given classification system and identify alternative ways of classifying and accommodate anomalies206-2 Compile and display data, by hand or by computer, in a variety of formats including frequency tallies, tables, and bar graphs210-2 Compile and display data, by hand or computer, in a variety of formats, including diagrams, flow charts, tables, bar graphs, line graphs, and scatter plots214-3 Compile and display evidence and information, by hand or computer, in a variety of formats, including diagrams, flow charts, tables, graphs, and scatter plots 210-3 Identify strengths and weaknesses of different methods of collecting and displaying dataConnection to CommunicationCommunicate questions, ideas, intentions, plans, and results, using lists, notes in point form, sentences, data tables, graphs, drawings, oral language and other meansEvaluate individual and group processes used in planning, problem solving, decision making, and completing a task ElaborationGuiding Questions:What do I want my students to learn?What do I want my students to understand and be able to do? This outcome is about organizing information after data anizing qualitative information: students need to be able to identify and classify according to attributes. The classification requires students to use sorting rules consistent with math standards. “In Grade 2, students need to build on their prior experiences to sort objects and shapes using two attributes. If students find it difficult to sort by two attributes at the same time, they may find it helpful to sort by one attribute and combine two of the sorted groups.” (NB Mathematics Grade 2 Curriculum, p.70)In Grade 7 the classification advances past sorting by attributes to the use and/or creation of a classification key. This skill is moving further up Blooms Taxonomy. In previous grades, students were asked to look at different objects or organisms and classify them by two attributes and now students are being asked to apply their understanding of classification to categorize anizing quantitative data: students need to be able to take quantitative data and display it in an appropriate format. The focus is taking raw data and creating charts or graphs that are appropriate to the task. Please refer to the Math curriculum for standards expected at each level. Note that the distinction between discrete and continuous data is often overlooked.Grade 3 Math StandardSingle Bar GraphcentercenterGrade 5 Math StandardDouble Bar GraphLegendTitleAxis labelAxis labelIntervalsScaleGrade 6 Math StandardLine Graph11938008255“The purpose of a line graph is to focus on trends implicit in the data…the distinction between continuous and discrete data should be emphasized as students investigate line graphs. Continuous data includes an infinite number of values between two points and is shown by joining the data points. Discrete data has finite values (i.e., data that can be counted such as the number of pets), and the data between the points have no value. As a result the points in the graph should not be connected and no inferences can be made about values between two data points”. (NB Mathematics Grade 6 Curriculum, pg. 94)Achievement IndicatorsGuiding Questions:What evidence will I look for to know that learning occurred?What should students demonstrate to show their understanding of the Scientific Process Skill?Use the following set of indicators as a guide to determine whether students have met the corresponding specific outcome.Identify relevant characteristics that distinguish or are in common across a variety of items or organisms. Organize and display information about characteristics appropriately (e.g., Venn diagram, tree diagram)Use charts or graphs with appropriate titles and labelsGraphs require data to be correctly displayed, correct scale, appropriate labels (x and y axis), and an overall titleCharts include all necessary headings and unitsDifferentiate between discrete and continuous data and use the appropriate type of graph based on the data (e.g., bar graph, double bar graph, line graph, pictograph)Achievement RubricExcelling - 4Meeting - 3Approaching - 2Working Below - 1Identify Relevant Attributes Identifies relevant characteristics of items or organisms and groups by similarities and/or differences Includes characteristics not relevant to the questions or problem Any other answerDisplaying AppropriatelyTakes the initiative to display the data in various ways that reveal various patterns Information is organized and displayed in a way appropriate to the data so that patterns and trends are apparent (Venn diagram, bar graph, etc.)The type of organization of data selected does not reveal patterns and trends or is inappropriate to the type of dataAny other answerUse of conventions with displaysGraphs with proper x and y axis (Convention in science is for IV on the x axis and the DV on the y axis)Charts and graphs have all appropriate titles and labels and information is plotted correctlyData or information is plotted correctly but has a minor error in the labels Any other answerGCO: Analyze & Explain (AE) Interpret findings from investigations using appropriate methods. Work collaboratively to carry out science-related activities, and communicate ideas, procedures and results.SCO: AE2 Analysis of Data Representations: Trends, Discrepancies & Sources of ErrorScope and Sequence of OutcomesGrades 4-6Grades 7-9Grades 10-12206-3 Identify and suggest explanations for patterns and discrepancies in data210-4 Predict the value of a variable by interpolating and extrapolating from graphical data214-6 Apply and assess methods of prediction210-9 Calculate theoretical values of a variable 210-6 Interpret patterns and trends in data, and infer and explain relationships among the variables214-5 Interpret patterns and trends in data, and infer or calculate linear and non-linear relationships among variables210-7 Identify and suggest explanations for discrepancies in data214-7 Compare theoretical and empirical values and account for discrepancies 210-5 Identify the line of best fit on a scatter plot and interpolate or extrapolate based on the line of best fit214-4 Identify a line of best fit on a scatter plot and interpolate or extrapolate based on line of best fit210-10 Identify potential sources and determine the amount of error in measurement214-10 Identify and explain sources of error and uncertainty in measurement and express results in a form that acknowledges the degree of uncertainty214-8 Evaluate the relevance, reliability, and adequacy of data and data collection methodsConnection to CommunicationCommunicate questions, ideas, intentions, plans, and results, using lists, notes in point form, sentences data tables, graphs, drawings, oral language and other meansElaborationGuiding Questions:What do I want my students to learn?What do I want my students to understand and be able to do? This outcome is asking students to analyze data. Interpreting data is a critical-thinking process used by scientific researchers to review the data gathered in the course of an investigation. Drawing conclusions is a separate outcome though it is expected that they would be learned together. In Grade 7, students will continue to identify and explain patterns/trends in data. Students are expected to suggest a reasonable explanation(s) noting possible sources of error. Students should be able to describe the relationship the pattern/trend indicates. Interpreting data involves sorting into useful arrangements, looking for similarities and differences, thinking about missing data or errors, and summarizing what the data might mean. The simplicity of using a single line graph and making an overall statement is sufficient in Grade 6. However in Grade 7 there is a shift to more sophisticated analysis of data representations. 76771543180Appropriate description:The number of sunspots is at a minimum every 10 years. Overall, between the 10 year minimums the number of sunspots rises and then falls.Not acceptable descriptions:The number of sunspots goes down to 1986, then it goes up until 1989, then it goes down to 1996 . . . – Describes the line but not the trendThe number of sunspots goes up and down. – OversimplificationThe trend forms a wave pattern. – Lacks detailIn Grade 7 students are introduced to the skills of interpolating and extrapolating from graphical data.Interpolate - to estimate a value between two known valuesExtrapolate - to estimate (a value of a variable outside a known range) from values within a known range by assuming that the estimated value follows logically from the known valuesSuggested scaffold: The __________ will most likely be __________ because __________.In the graph above, to extraploate for the year 2011:Appropriate reponse:In 2011, the number of sunspots will most likely be between 120 and 160 because the number of sunspots should be at a maximum.Also, regardless of the type of data, students should be able to identify a discrepancy within the data. A discrepancy is a value or observation that deviates from the standard or norm. Discrepant data do not fall within the observed pattern.*It should be noted scatter plots and the analysis of a line of best fit does not appear in the NB Math Curricula until Grade 10. That being said, students should be making a deeper analysis via interpolation and extrapolation. Since students are expected to use line graphs with continuous data sets, the skill has expanded past the simple interpretation of the pattern or trend that is presented to predicting values between or beyond known values. Given the nature of middle level science, students will not be calculating theoretical values of variables. Achievement IndicatorsGuiding Questions:What evidence will I look for to know that learning occurred?What should students demonstrate to show their understanding of the Scientific Process Skill?Use the following set of indicators as a guide to determine whether students have met the corresponding specific outcome.Identify and explain a general pattern/trend/relationship from the observed and organized data.Identify a discrepancy in data and note possible sources of error.Use interpolation and/or extrapolation to identify values consistent with the pattern/trend.Achievement RubricExcelling - 4Meeting - 3Approaching - 2Working Below - 1Pattern/Trends/Relationship Describes an appropriate pattern/trend/relationshipsPattern/trend/relationship is unclear or overly simplistic Any other answerDiscrepancyChange to the experimental design is suggested to eliminate the occurrence of the source of errorIdentifies a discrepancy, noting a possible source of error Identifies a discrepancy, but is unable to explain the possible source of errorAny other answerInterpolation and ExtrapolationIdentifies reasonable values that are consistent with the patternIdentifies values consistent with identified pattern but value is unlikelyAny other answerGCO: Analyze & Explain (AE) Interpret findings from investigations using appropriate methods. Work collaboratively to carry out science-related activities, and communicate ideas, procedures and results.SCO: AE3 ConclusionsScope and Sequence of OutcomesGrades 4-6Grades 7-9Grades 10-12206-5 Draw a conclusion, based on evidence gathered through research and observation, that answers an initial question210-11 State a conclusion, based on experimental data, and explain how evidence gathered supports or refutes an initial idea210-11 Provide a statement that addresses or answers the question investigated in light of the link between data and the conclusion214-12 Explain how data supports or refutes the hypothesis or predictionConnection to CommunicationCommunicate questions, ideas, intentions, plans, and results, using lists, notes in point form, sentences, data tables, graphs, drawings, oral language and other meansDefend a given position on an issue or problem on the basis of their findingsElaborationGuiding Questions: What do I want my students to learn? What do I want my students to understand and be able to do?Students should use information from readings, from previous learning, prior knowledge, and from evidence gained through investigation to draw conclusions.To make simple conclusions means that students are able make a statement based upon logic and the evidence available. It means to come to a determination of what is factual about one thing, based upon knowledge, evidence, and/or facts about something different but related. In Grade 7 students should, whenever possible, be using analyzed experimental data as the main support of their argument. Whether the prediction/hypothesis is supported or refuted is not a measure of success or failure since scientific knowledge is advanced by either result.Where possible students should compare the results of their investigation to those of others, recognize that results may vary and explain why. Comparison of findings to those of similar investigations can add weight to the conclusion.The conclusion:will be framed around the initial question that was tested. As the student analyzes the data it is important to ask the question: Did the change made (independent variable) cause the effect that was measured (dependent variable)? must either confirm, deny, or acknowledge uncertainty about the relationship between the two variables. The prediction/hypothesis may be supported or refuted based on the data. must either confirm or deny a relationship between the two variables and then describe the statistical data that support the final conclusion. If the data support your hypothesis - but it is believed it is not because of the independent variable, this distinction will need to be made. may comment on whether the investigation was a fair test and suggest improvements to experimental design.Achievement Indicators Guiding Questions:What evidence will I look for to know that learning occurred?What should students demonstrate to show their understanding of the Scientific Process Skill?Use the following set of indicators as a guide to determine whether students have met the corresponding specific outcome.Make a conclusion based on logic and available evidenceMake a conclusion that answers the initial questionInclude a statement that their data either supports or refutes their initial prediction/hypothesisJustify this claim by providing evidence from data collectedCompare the results of their investigation to those of others and recognize that results may varyAchievement RubricExcelling - 4Meeting - 3Approaching - 2Working Below - 1ConclusionReflects science understanding beyond that made available to students, indicating additional independent researchDistinguishes if independent variable is actual cause to support/refute the hypothesisReflects science understanding and gives some reason for results based on evidence States a relationship between variables and supporting evidenceIs relevant to initial question and prediction/hypothesis May include suggestions to improve experimental designCompares findings of other similar investigations, if appropriateRestates only the recorded results and observations or is a result of flawed reasoningAny other answerGCO: Analyze & Explain (AE) Interpret findings from investigations using appropriate methods. Work collaboratively to carry out science-related activities, and communicate ideas, procedures and results.SCO: AE4 Applications of LearningScope and Sequence of OutcomesGrades 4-6Grades 7-9Grades 10-12206-4 Evaluate the usefulness of different information sources in answering a given question210-8 Apply given criteria for evaluating evidence and sources of information214-9 Identify and apply criteria, including the presence of bias, for evaluating evidence and sources of information206-6 Suggest improvements to a design or constructed object210-13 Test the design of a constructed device or system214-13 Identify and correct practical problems in the way a technological device or system functions210-14 Identify and correct practical problems in the way a prototype or constructed device functions214-14 Construct and test a prototype of a device or system and troubleshoot problems as they arise206-7 Evaluate personally constructed devices with respect to safety, reliability, function, appearance, and efficient use of materials210-15 Evaluate designs and prototypes in terms of function, reliability, safety, efficiency, use of materials, and impact on the environment214-16 Evaluate a personally designed and constructed device on the basis of criteria they have developed themselves 206-8 Identify potential applications of findings 210-12 Identify and evaluate potential applications of findings214-18 Identify and evaluate potential applications of findings 214-15 Propose alternative solutions to a given practical problem, identify the potential strengths and weaknesses of each and select the basis for a plan206-9 Identify new questions or problems that arise from what was learned210-16 Identify new questions and problems that arise from what was learned214-17 Identify new questions or problems that arise from what was learnedConnection to CommunicationEvaluate individual and group processes used in planning, problem solving, decision making, and completing a taskDefend a given position on an issue or problem on the basis of their findingsElaborationGuiding Questions: What do I want my students to learn?What do I want my students to understand and be able to do? Applications of Learning components involve higher order thinking type activities. Depending on the task, this can take different forms. The overall theme is that students are discussing and reflecting:evaluating sources of informationevaluating the fairness of an experimental designevaluating the usefulness of a constructed designapplying conclusions reached to real world scenariosextending those initial ideas by creating new questions to testevaluating their own/other’s thinking and explanation in terms of plausibility and scientific evidence Students should be engaged in metacognition which is, put simply, thinking about one’s thinking. The burden of learning does not fall on the teacher alone. Students need to be aware of what they need to do to learn, to self-monitor. It includes:The awareness of the need to connect how new knowledge relates to what one already knowsOpportunities for self-assessment such as explaining their thinking via discussions (with varying views) or journal writingOpportunities to test one’s ideas such as with investigations or designing itemsAchievement Indicators Guiding Questions:What evidence will I look for to know that learning occurred?What should students demonstrate to show their understanding of the Scientific Process Skill?Use the following set of indicators as a guide to determine whether students have met the corresponding specific outcome.Demonstrate higher order thinking, depending on the task, communicated during discussion and/or reflectionAchievement Rubric:Excelling - 4Meeting - 3Approaching - 2Working Below - 1Applications of LearningGenerally demonstrates evidence of one or more of the following:Justifies statements by making connections to scientific knowledge,Displays evaluation of the concept taking into account other scientific knowledge,Identifies how findings can be applied to other situationsEvaluates the relevancy and reliability of sources Extends idea to foster a new ideaNeeds support or prompting to:Justify statements by making connections to scientific knowledge,Display evaluation of the concept taking into account other scientific knowledge,Identify how findings can be applied to other situationsEvaluate the relevancy and reliability of sources Extend an idea to foster a new ideaAny other answer4 - Excelling3 - Meeting2 - Approaching1 - Working BelowIndependently and consistently rephrases questions clearly in a testable form (includes two variables) identifying observable or measurable characteristicsGenerally rephrases questions clearly in a testable form (includes two variables) identifying observable or measurable characteristicsSometimes (or with support) rephrases questions in a testable form (includes two variables) identifying observable or measurable characteristicsHas difficulty (even with support) rephrasing questions in a testable form and identifying observable or measurable characteristicsConsistently selects all relevant variables to test, control, and measureGenerally selects relevant variables to test, control, and measureSometimes selects some variables to test, control, and measureHas difficulty (even with support) identifying variablesIndependently and consistently uses ‘independent’, ‘dependent’, and ‘control’ terminology. Student independently chooses proper units.Generally uses ‘independent’, ‘dependent’, and ‘control’ terminologySometimes (or with support) uses ‘independent’, ‘dependent’, and ‘control’ terminology Does not uses ‘independent’, ‘dependent’, and ‘control’ terminologyIndependently and consistently makes plausible prediction or hypothesis supported by prior scientific learning and research, written in passive voice (3rd person)Generally makes plausible prediction or hypothesis supported by prior scientific learning written in passive voice (3rd person)Sometimes (or with support) makes prediction or hypothesis supported by prior scientific learning; written in first person (e.g., “I predict...”)Has difficulty (even with support) making a prediction or hypothesisIndependently and consistently designs experiments to collect intended evidence; steps are complete, concise and can be understood by othersGenerally designs experiments to collect intended evidence; steps are complete and can be understood by othersSometimes (or with support) designs experiments to collect intended evidence; some steps may be incomplete or missingHas difficulty (even with support) designing a complete experimentIndependently and consistently conducts experiments that control all needed variablesGenerally conducts experiments that control most variablesSometimes (or with support) conducts experiments that controls some variablesHas difficulty (even with support) conducting an experiment that controls some variablesIndependently and consistently uses materials, techniques and equipment effectively, accurately, and safelyGenerally uses materials, techniques and equipment effectively, accurately, and safelySometimes (or with support) uses materials, techniques and equipment effectively and safelyHas difficulty (even with support) using materials, techniques and equipment effectively and safelyIndependently and consistently observes and measures relevant evidence accuratelyGenerally observes and measures relevant evidence accuratelySometimes (or with support) observes and measures evidence accuratelyHas difficulty (even with support) observing and measuring evidenceIndependently and consistently records evidence appropriately for the task (symbols, units, labels, readability)Generally records evidence appropriately for the task (symbols, units, labels, readability)Sometimes (or with support) records evidence appropriately (symbols, units, labels, readability)Has difficulty (even with support) recording evidence (symbols, units, labels, readability)4 - Excelling3 - Meeting2 - Approaching1 - Working BelowConsistently organizes evidence effectively and efficiently Generally organizes evidence appropriately and effectivelySometimes (or with support) organizes evidence appropriatelyHas difficulty (even with support) organizing evidence appropriatelyIndependently and consistently classifies accuratelyGenerally classifies accuratelySometimes (or with support) classifies to some extentHas difficulty (even with support) classifyingIndependently and consistently interprets patterns and relationships in dataGenerally interprets patterns and relationships in dataSometimes (or with support) recognizes patterns and relationships in dataHas difficulty (even with support) recognizing patterns and relationships in dataIndependently and consistently makes predictions using data patterns and relationshipsGenerally makes predictions using data patterns and relationshipsSometimes (or with support) makes a prediction using data patternsHas difficulty (even with support) making a prediction using data patternsIndependently and consistently states a conclusion based on data and explains how evidence supports or refutes an initial ideaGenerally states a conclusion based on data and explains how evidence supports or refutes an initial ideaSometimes (or with support) states a conclusion based on dataHas difficulty (even with support) stating a conclusion based on dataIndependently and consistently identifies strengths and weaknesses of data collection and organization.Generally identifies strengths and weaknesses of data collection and organizationSometimes (or with support) identifies a strength or weakness of data collection and/or organizationHas difficulty identifying a strength or weakness of data collection and/or organizationIndependently and consistently identifies and explains possible source(s) of error and discrepancies in data with suggestions for improved experimental designGenerally identifies possible source(s) of error and discrepancies in dataSometimes (or with support) identifies some possible source(s) of errorHas difficulty (even with support) identifying a possible source of errorIndependently and consistently identifies 2 or more new testable questions that arise from what was learnedGenerally identifies 1-2 new questions that arise from what was learned (sometimes contains opinion)Sometimes (or with support) identifies another question that arises from what was learned (often contains opinion)Has difficulty (even with support) identifying another question that arises from what was learned (contain opinion)Consistently communicates questions, procedures, and results clearly, effectively and efficiently Generally communicates questions, procedures, and results clearly and effectivelySometimes (or with support) communicates questions, procedures, and resultsHas difficulty (even with support) communicating questions, procedures, and results Independently tests the design of a constructed device and re-tests to make improvementsGenerally tests the design of a constructed deviceSometimes (or with support) tests the design of a constructed deviceHas difficulty (even with support) testing the design of a constructed deviceIndependently and consistently defends a position on an issue in a logical, reasoned wayGenerally defends a position on an issue based on their findingsSometimes (or with support) defends a position on an issueHas difficulty (even with support) defending a position on an issueAlways uses specific science vocabulary appropriatelyGenerally uses specific science vocabulary appropriatelySometimes uses science vocabulary appropriatelyRarely uses science vocabulary appropriatelyIndependently and consistently applies findings to other situationsGenerally identifies and evaluates how findings can be applied to other situationsSometimes (or with support) identifies how findings can be applied to another situationHas difficulty (even with support) identifying how findings can be applied to another situation ................

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