S e p t e m b e r 2 0 2 1 M on t hly W or k s heet

September 2021 Monthly Worksheet


starts @ 8 deg Virgo enters Libra Sept 22nd

ends @ 8 deg Libra

The Sun SHINES A LIGHT. What houses will the Sun travel through in your chart, and what areas of life will a light be shined on?

Mercury brings MENTAL FOCUS & IDEAS. What houses will Mercury travel though in your chart, and what areas of life get your mental focus & new ideas? Retrograde, Mercury brings MISCOMMUNICATION and SCATTERED FOCUS. How can you ground your mental energy and improve communication and expression?


starts @ 2 deg Libra turns retrograde Sept 27th @

25 deg Libra ends @ 24 deg Libra,


Venus brings PLEASANT energy, and we can benefit from OTHER PEOPLE. What houses will Venus travel through in your chart, and what areas of life get the easy energy and help from



starts @ 18 deg Libra enters Scorpio Sept 10th ends @ 23 deg Scorpio

Mars is ENERGY & DRIVE. What houses will Mars travel through in your chart, and what areas of life get extra energy and drive?


starts @ 21 deg Virgo enters Libra Sept 14th ends @ 10 deg Libra

New & Full Moons for September 2021:

New Moon on September 6th 14 deg 38 min Virgo

Full Moon on September 20th 28 deg 14 min Pisces

Aspects are 12 degrees 38 minutes - 16 degrees 38 minutes of:

Conjunction: Virgo Sextile: Cancer or Scorpio Square: Gemini or Sagittarius Trine: Taurus or Capricorn

Opposition: Pisces

Aspects are 26 degrees 14 minutes - 29 degrees 59 minutes of:

Conjunction: Pisces Sextile: Taurus or Capricorn Square: Gemini or Sagittarius

Trine: Cancer or Scorpio Opposition: Virgo

House the New Moon occurs in & aspects:

House the Full Moon occurs in & aspects:

Potential impact:

Potential impact:

September 2021 Jupiter & Saturn:

JUPITER: 22-25 deg Aquarius, retrograde

Jupiter is the planet of EXPANSION. Conjunctions expand a LOT, sextiles and trines expand more easily, squares may expand frustration, and oppositions can expand to the nth degree.

Aspects in Aquarius are 22-25 degrees of: Conjunction: Aquarius

Sextile: Aries or Sagittarius Square: Taurus or Scorpio

Trine: Gemini or Libra Opposition: Leo

What are your Jupiter aspects for the month, and how may you experience expansion?

SATURN: 6-8 deg Aquarius, retrograde

Saturn energy RESTRICTS, and he rules RESPONSIBILITY, GOALS, AND DISCIPLINE. Conjunctions bring super

restriction, sextiles and trines are easy focus, squares are internal difficulties, and oppositions are external issues.

Aspects are 6-8 degrees of: Conjunction: Aquarius

Sextile: Aries or Sagittarius Square: Taurus or Scorpio

Trine: Gemini or Libra Opposition: Leo

What are your Saturn aspects for the month, and how may you experience restriction?

September 2021 Outer Planets:


Uranus is the planet of CHANGE. Conjunctions bring major change, sextiles and trines bring easy

change, squares bring restlessness, and oppositions bring external forces. Aspects are 14 degrees of: Conjunction: Taurus Sextile: Cancer or Pisces Square: Leo or Aquarius Trine: Virgo or Capricorn Opposition: Scorpio

Note that you may also feel aspects with planets or points at 12, 13, 15, or 16 degrees.

Uranus aspects and potential impact:

Neptune aspects and potential impact:


Pluto TRANSFORMS. Conjunctions can bring total transformations, sextiles and trines gives you control

and power, squares can be unsettling and deep change, and oppositions can be opposition out of

your control. Aspects are 24 degrees of:

Conjunction: Capricorn Sextile: Scorpio or Pisces

Square: Aries or Libra Trine: Taurus or Virgo

Opposition: Cancer Note that you may also feel aspects with planets or

points at 22, 23, 25, or 26 degrees.


Neptune energy DISSOLVES and makes things HAZY. Conjunctions can be very foggy, sextiles and trines can be creative and imaginative, squares can

make you vulnerable, and oppositions can take things away.

Aspects are 21-22 degrees of: Conjunction: Pisces

Sextile: Taurus or Capricorn Square: Gemini or Sagittarius

Trine: Cancer or Scorpio Opposition: Virgo

Note that you may also feel aspects with planets or points at 19, 20, 23, or 24 degrees.

Pluto aspects and potential impact:

Extra: Mercury Retrograde in Libra

Mercury retrograde kicks off on September 27th, and this is the last

Mercury retrograde for 2021. The Mercury retrogrades have been in the air

signs this year, and we now come to Libra. This can make it difficult to

communicate with others, and we may find we're not on the same page pretty often. We have to work harder at being

diplomatic, listening carefully, and compromising without sacrificing


The retrograde starts with Mercury square (hard aspect) Pluto, so the energy

is super strong at the onset of this retrograde, and we can fight-fight-fight.

We may experience more power struggles and control issues. If feeling the urge to control, dig deeper to figure

out what's really causing it.

The retrograde starts at 25 degrees Libra, so aspects are between 22 and 28

degrees. The retrograde ends at 10 degrees Libra (on October 18th), so aspects are between 7 and 13 degrees:

Conjunction: Libra Sextile: Leo or Sagittarius Square: Cancer or Capricorn Trine: Gemini or Aquarius

Opposition: Aries

How can you improve communication with others? What can you dig deeper with? What can you do over again? Brainstorm:


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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