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Words to know from A-ZImprove your vocabulary with these noteworthy words!abstruse [ab-stroos]adjectivehard to understand; recondite; esoteric Synonyms: unfathomable, arcaneEX: The Book of Changes is known as an ancient, abstruse classic.boon [boon]nounsomething to be thankful for; blessing; benefit; something that is asked; a favor soughtSynonyms: windfall, blessing, HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" godsend, gift, break, HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" favor, HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" benefitEX: On-site daycare services is a boon for working parents at our company.cerise [suh-rees, -reez]adjectivemoderate to deep red Synonyms: cherry, rose, HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" crimsonEX: The cerise scarf complemented her dark hair perfectly.di·dac·tic [dī?daktik]adjectiveintended to teach, particularly in having moral instruction as an ulterior motive; in the manner of a teacher, particularly so as to treat someone in a patronizing waySynonyms: pedantic, preachy, donnish, pedagogicEX: The speaker’s informative message was ruined by his didactic delivery.exacerbate [iɡ?zas?r?bāt]verb (used with an object)to make (a problem, bad situation, or negative feeling) worseSynonyms: intensify, inflame, worsenThe exorbitant cost of tuition exacerbated the challenges she faced in getting a college degree.feckless [fek-lis]adjectiveineffective; incompetent; futileSynonyms: HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" feeble, HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" incompetent, HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" ineffective, HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" ineffectualEX: The substitute’s feckless attempts to control his students resulted in classroom chaos.gelid [jel-id]adjectivevery cold; icy Synonyms: HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" chilly, HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" cold, HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" frozen, HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" icy, HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" icedEX: She gasped as the gelid contents of the champagne bucket spilled into her lap.harbinger [hahr-bin-jer]nouna person who goes ahead and makes known the approach of another; herald; anything that foreshadows a future event; omen; signSynonyms: herald, forerunner, precursor, portent, indicationEX: Frost is a harbinger of winter. inveigh [in-vey]verb (used without object)to protest strongly or attack vehemently with words; rail (usually followed by against) Synonyms: harangue, revileEX: She knew it was pointless to inveigh against her husband’s drinking; he would have to admit his alcoholism before there would be hope of change.jovial [joh-vee-uhl]adjectiveendowed with or characterized by a hearty, joyous humor or a spirit of good fellowshipSynonyms: merry, jolly, convivial, gay, joyful, mirthfulEX: Our jovial host at the quaint inn entertained us with tales of colorful local characters.kowtow [kou-tou, -tou, koh-]verb (used without object)to act in an obsequious manner; show servile deferenceSynonyms: HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" pander, HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" genuflect, HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" fawn, HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" court, HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" flatter, HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" bow, HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" prostrateEX: He talks tough behind his boss’ back, but everybody knows he kowtows to her.loquacious [lō?kwāSH?s]adjectivetending to talk a great deal; talkativeSynonyms: talkative, voluble, communicative, expansive, garrulous, chattyEX: My loquacious mother sat uncharacteristically silent, her knitting unattended in her lap.mendacity [men?das?dē]noununtruthfulness; tendency to lieSynonyms: deception, lie, untruth, deceitEX: Because of my past mendacity, my friends had trouble believing me now even though I was telling the truth.nascent [nas-uh?nt, ney-suh?nt]adjectivebeginning to exist or developSynonyms: fledgling, HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" opening, HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" leading, HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" inaugural, HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" pioneer, HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" infantEX: The leaders of the nascent political movement knew that it needed a lot of freemedia coverage to get off the ground.obfuscate [ob-fuh-skeyt, ob-fuhs-keyt]verb (used with object)to confuse, bewilder, or stupefy; to make obscure or unclearSynonyms: muddle, perplex, cloudEX: My brother loves to obfuscate an argument by bringing up childhood incidents.putative [pyoo-tuh-tiv]adjectivecommonly regarded as such; reputed; supposedSynonyms: HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" presumptive, HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" supposed, HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" reputed, HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" presumedEX: When John’s grandfather died, his uncle became the putative head of the family.quietus [kwahy-ee-tuh?s]nouna finishing stroke; anything that effectually ends or settles; discharge or release from life Synonyms: HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" clincher, HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" overthrowEX: Having given a quietus to the argument, she left.rapacious [ruh-pey-shuhs]adjectiveinordinately greedy; predatory; extortionateSynonyms: ravenous, voracious, grasping; preyingEX: Rapacious gangsters were common movie villains in the 1930s.Supercilious [so?op?r?silē?s]adjectivebehaving or looking as though one thinks one is superior to othersSynonyms: arrogant, haughty, conceited, disdainful, overbearing, pompous, condescending, patronizing, imperious, proud, snobby, smugEX: I wanted to tell the supercilious sales associate in the clothing boutique that she had lipstickon her teeth.timorous [tim-er-uh?s]adjectivefull of fear; fearfulSynonyms: HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" apprehensive, HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" fainthearted, HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" hesitant, HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" meek, HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" shrinking, HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" shy, HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" tentative, HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" timidEX: Suddenly timorous now that it was my turn, I crept to the front of the room to give my report to the class.undulate [verb uhn-juh-leyt, uhn-dyuh-, -duh-]verb (used without object)to move with a sinuous or wavelike motion; to display a smooth rising-and-falling or side-to-side alternation of movement: to have a wavy form or surface; bend with successive curves in alternate directions; (of a sound) to rise and fall in pitch Synonyms: HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" ripple, HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" wave, HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" roll, HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" oscillateEX: The flag undulates in the breeze.vitiate [vish-ee-eyt]verbto impair the quality of; make faulty; spoil; to impair or weaken the effectiveness of; to debase; corrupt; pervertSynonyms: HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" negate, sully, defile, HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" debase, HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" invalidate, HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" annul, HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" revoke, HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" undo, HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" nullify, HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" abrogate, HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" harmEX: Regularly telling lies will vitiate your conscience.wizened [wiz-uh?nd; wee-zuh?nd]adjective withered; shriveledSynonyms: HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" gnarled, wrinkledEX: The old woman offered her granddaughter a wizened cheek to kiss. xeric [zeer-ik]adjectiveof, relating to, or adapted to a dry environmentEX: The desert is a xeric habitat for humans. yeoman [yoh-muh?n]adjectiveperformed or rendered in a loyal, valiant, useful, or workmanlike manner, especially in situations that involve a great deal of effort or laborSynonyms: sturdy, loyalEX: My son did a yeoman’s job in cleaning out the garage.zaftig [zahf-tik, -tig]adjective (Yiddish)having a pleasantly plump figure; full-bodied; well-proportioned Synonyms: voluptuous, chubbyEX: There was a time when zaftig women were the standard of beauty. ................

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