Ecology Summative Performance Assessment

Name(s) ________________________________ date ___________ Per __________

Biome Advertisement

Ecology Summative Performance Assessment

Mission: You are a team of scientist that has been hired to come up with an ad for one of ten biomes. Your goal is to attract as many tourists as you can to your biome and to inform the public about what humans are doing to your biome and ways they can help. You can choose how you would like to advertise your biome. Each Biome Advertisement can be presented as:

• a full page magazine ad

o Done on butcher paper

• a tri-fold travel brochure

o Can be made using Microsoft publisher or other brochure software

• a website

o is free and easy to use

• an infomercial

o This must be video recorded and turned in on a thumb drive in Microsoft compatible format.

• If you have an idea of another way to advertise your biome, present your idea to your teacher and he/she may approve it.

The information will be presented in such a way to create a travel advertisement that will attract visitors to the biome. Colorful pictures and graphics should be used throughout the project. Each team will consist of 2 Biologists (1 being a conservationist),1 meteorologist, and 1 geologist. Your role reflects an area of particular focus for you as you research, you are all responsible for learning about the biome and you will all work together to create the advertisement for your biome.

Team Roles and Responsibilities:

Biologist – The food web specialist; an expert in the plants and animals of the biome


• The native plants – 2 different species

o Include the names of 2 plants that live in the biome

o Include a picture of each.

o Describe adaptations one of them has to be able to live there

• The native animals – 6 different species

o Include the names of 6 animals that live in the biome

o Include a picture of each.

o Describe adaptations two of them have to be able to live there

• Use the plants and animals you have described (above) to create a sample food web representing this food web

o Label each organism Autotroph or Heterotroph

o Label each animal herbivore, carnivore, or omnivore

o Label each animal primary consumer, secondary consumer, or tertiary consumer

Conservationist – Specializes in threatened/endangered species & ecological relationships

• Give examples of at least 2 symbiotic relationships found in the biome. These do not have to be included in your food web.

o These must demonstrate 2 different types of symbiosis

o Label them mutualism, commensalism, parasitism, and predator prey

• Name at least 1 endangered species of plants or animals in your biome?

o Include a picture of it.

o Describe why it is endangered.

o Describe what is being done to protect it

Meteorologist - the weather expert.

• Describe the climate of the biome. List 5 facts.

o List the average precipitation

o List the average temperature

o List a minimum of 3 more weather related facts i.e. seasonal description, weather patterns, when is the best time to vacation there, etc

• Describe the climate change that has been noted over the last 100 or more years

o What impact has the climate change had on the biome

• Why is this biome globally important?

o What do we get from this biome

o how does it impact other biomes or the world.

Geographer - map and area expert

• Include a global map with the places the biome is found around the world highlighted.

• The terrain – list 5 abiotic factors

o What does the terrain look like i.e. mountains, rocky, flat, sandy, etc

o Describe at least 5 abiotic factors found in this biome?

• Biome’s recreational activities

o Describe 1 points of interest, city or tourist location in the biome

• Threat to this biome

o Describe 1 threat to this biome

o Describe what is being or might be done to save it

Vacation Packages - Each team will advertise a different biome

o taiga (coniferous forest)

o tundra

o tropical rain forest

o desert

o temperate grassland or prairie

o savannah (also listed as grasslands on some sites)

o temperate deciduous forest

o freshwater (lakes, rivers, or streams)

o temperate ocean

o wetlands, estuaries

o Coniferous forest

o Mountain (Himalayan, Andes, Rocky Mountains, etc.)

The following websites will help you start your research on your biome:

Your biome is the ___________________________ Due Date________________

Your group members names and emails are listed below:


Biologist ___________________________ ____________________________

Conservationist ________________________ ____________________________

Meteorologist ___________________________ ___________________________

Geographer ___________________________ ____________________________

Name(s) ________________________________ date ___________ Per __________

Biome Advertisement

Ecology Summative Performance Assessment

You will be graded based on the following rubric. Remember, your goal is to attract tourists to the biome Creativity and Neatness count!

|Category | |Person Responsible |Points Earned|Points |

| | | | |Possible |

|Five points on climate |M | | |5 |

|Includes avg temperature & avg precipitation | | | | |

| | | | |2 |

|Climate change is described |M | | |4 |

|Includes it’s impact | | | | |

| | | | |4 |

|Biome’s global importance is described |M | | |5 |

|Global map with biome locals highlighted |G | | |3 |

|Description of terrain |G | | |3 |

|including 5 abiotic factors | | | | |

| | | | |5 |

|Point of interest for tourists |G | | |3 |

|Description of threat to biome |G | | |3 |

|Includes what is/could be done to stop threat | | | | |

| | | | |3 |

|Food web |B | | |4 |

|Includes pictures of 2 different plants | | | | |

|Includes pictures of 6 different animals | | | | |

|Labeled autotroph or heterotroph | | | | |

|Labeled herbivore, carnivore, or omnivore | | | | |

|Label primary, secondary, or tertiary consumer | | | | |

| | | | |2 |

| | | | |6 |

| | | | |2 |

| | | | |3 |

| | | | |3 |

|Description of 2 different symbiotic relationships |C | | |4 |

|Labeled correctly | | | | |

|One plant adaptation described |C | | |3 |

|Two animal adaptations described |C | | |4 |

|Picture of one endangered species |C | | |3 |

|Includes why it is endangered | | | | |

|Includes what is being done to protect it | | | | |

| | | | |3 |

| | | | |3 |

|A captivating title |ALL | |3 |

|Presentation of advertisement |ALL | |6 |

|clarity | | | |

|organization | | | |

|creativity | | | |

| | | |2 |

| | | |2 |

| | | |2 |

|Neatness/Color/Effort |ALL | |5 |

| Due: TOTAL | |100 |


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