Lanesville Community Schools

LANESVILLE COMMUNITY SCHOOLBOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETINGSeptember 15, 2020The monthly meeting of the Lanesville Community School Board of Trustees was held on September 15, 2020 at the high school cafeteria, 2725 Crestview Avenue, NE, Lanesville Indiana. The meeting was called to order at 5:07 p.m. by board president, Robert Schickel. Board members who were present at the meeting were as follows:Robert Schickel, PresidentSharon Rothrock, Vice PresidentMargaret Meyer, SecretaryRon Wolfe, memberChan Bailey, memberSteve Morris, SuperintendentBudget hearingRobert Schickel called the budget hearing to order at 5.00 p.m. Mr. Morris reminded the board that the budget process contains the operations fund, the capital projects fund, the bus replacement fund and the debt service fund. We will be discussing the capital projects fund and the bus replacement fund.Bus Replacement fundCurrently the school corporation owns 3 mid busses and 3 full size busses. Mr. Morris stated that one full size bus may need to be purchased in 2021 as a back-up. The budget allows for $120,000 for bus replacement. The bus replacement fund also covers school bus driver contracts. After a brief discussion, and no public comments, Margaret Meyer made the motion to approve the proposed budget for the Bus Replacement fund for 2021. Chan Bailey seconded the motion. Motion passed 5-0.Capital ProjectsCapital projects funds support professional services, bonding requirements, utilities, building repairs, purchasing new equipment, paving the parking lot, lighting upgrades plumbing issues, maintenance and renovations of the building and grounds. The capital projects fund is supported by local tax dollars. There were no public comments relating to the budget for 2021 for the capital projects fund. Robert Schickel called for a motion to approve. Ron Wolfe made the motion to approve. Sharon Rothrock seconded the motion. Motion passed 5-0.The budget will be formally approved in the October meeting. Referendum fund $ 320,000.00Debt Service fund $ 622,681.00Education fund $5,603,871.00 (comes from the state, based on enrollment)Operations fund $2,498,312.00There were no public comments regarding the proposed budget for 2020-2021. Sharon Rothrock made the motion to close the hearing. Margaret Meyer seconded the motion. Motion passed 5-0.Regular meetingRobert Schickel called the meeting to order at 5:07 p.m.Robert Schickel presented the minutes from the August 18, 2020 meeting for approval. Sharon Rothrock made the motion to approve the minutes as written. Chan Bailey seconded the motion. Motion passed 5-0.Mr. Morris presented the claims for the month of September. Chan Bailey made the motion to approve the claims. Ron Wolfe seconded the motion. Motion passed 5-0.Lisa Hammond, Elementary Principal, presented the elementary school report.Students finished taking the first NWEA assessment and teachers have been reviewing the data to see how to adjust curriculum to meet the needs of the students.The 5th/6th grade girls basketball team has begun practice and their first scheduled game is Tuesday, October 20th at home vs Corydon Intermediate School.School pictures will be taken tomorrow, September 16th. Inter State Studios will be here to take picture in the elementary gym. The first PTSO meeting of the year will be on Monday, September 28th after school in the cafeteria. The meeting will also be live streamed via the PTSO Facebook page.This concluded her report.Steve Morris proceeded with the High School Principal/Superintendent report. Mr. Morris said that the 2020-2021 budget is very critical for Lanesville School system and well as all schools in Indiana. We need to make sure and let our elected officials know of our concerns. Mr. Morris and Board President, Bob Schickel, will be attending the first meeting this year of the Southern Indiana Coalition. The group consists of elected officials, school board presidents and superintendents.Inter State studios will be here tomorrow to take pictures. They will set up in the high school gym.Mr. Morris said there will be a meeting tomorrow regarding Heath care costs for next year. We do know the costs will be going up. We have been shopping United and Anthem. We are also looking at expanding our trust.Next week is college go week. There will be a different theme for dress every day.Thanks to Katlin at the American Society of Anesthesiologist for a check in the amount of $1,200.00. This money is being used to help families with children who have selected the virtual option with internet connection problems during the 2020 pandemic. This was a great honor to be selected.We will not have intercession this year during fall break. We will just be off for these two weeks. We will be offering tutoring upon our return. Monday will be Math day and Tuesday will be English day. We are working on the school calendar for next year. We will have an adoption meeting on October 20th at 5.00 p.m.Mr. Morris congratulated Sharon Rothrock for being selected to attend the annual School Board Conference virtually.Mr. Morris wanted to let all teachers and staff know that they are doing a great job. Our number of cases are good and we are taking things one day at a time.The regular meals served in the cafeteria will be free through the end of the year or as long as the money is available. A la carte lunches will not be free. This concluded his report.Mr. Morris made a recommendation to increase compensation for the Preventative Remediation position. After discussion, Margaret Meyer made the motion to approve. Sharon Rothrock seconded the motion. Motion passed 5-0Mr. Morris made a recommendation to accept the resignation of Zach Payne as Varsity Baseball Coach. Ron Wolfe made the motion to accept. Sharon Rothrock seconded the motion. Motion passed 5-0Mr. Morris made a recommendation to accept the resignation of Ann Harbeson as a cafeteria employee. Margaret Mayer made the motion to accept. Sharon Rothrock seconded the motion. Motion passed 5-0Mr. Morris made a recommendation to accept the donation of a window unit air conditioner for the baseball press box. Sharon Rothrock made the motion to approve. Ron Wolfe seconded the motion. Motion passed 5-0Mr. Morris made a recommendation to approve the following coaches for the 2020-2021school year.High School Volunteer Soccer Assistant Coach – Mark FrazierChan Bailey made the motion to approve and Ron Wolfe seconded the motion. Motion passed 5-0Mr. Morris made a recommendation to approve the following fundraisersLanesville elementary selling spirit wearHigh school cheerleaders want to have a car washChan Bailey made the motion to approve and Sharon Rothrock seconded the motion. Motion passed 5-0.With no further business, Ron Wolfe made the motion to adjourn the meeting. Chan Bailey seconded the motion. Motion passed 5-0. The meeting adjourned at 5:33 p.m.__________________________________________________________________Robert Schickel, PresidentMargaret Meyer, Secretary ................

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