First Name: Gil

Last Name: Zimmerman

Title: Chief Operating Officer

Email: gil@

Phone: (888) 406-1724 x1

Company: S4 Worldwide LLC


Phone (main): (888) 406-1724

Number of employees: 3

Incorporation type: LLC

Year founded: 2010

Industry sector: Business Services, Energy (Oil & Gas)

Address1: 1249 Pebble Hill Road

City: Doylestown

County: Bucks

State: PA

Zip: 18901


Name: Gary Uphouse

Title or Area of Focus: CEO, Finance, Business Development

Name: Paul Soult

Title or Area of Focus: President, Sales, Business Development

Name: Gil Zimmerman

Title or Area of Focus: COO, Technology, System Innovations, Sales


How did you hear about this contest?

We received the initial notification from a business advisor, Mark Brosso, and were encouraged to participate by a Ben Franklin Technology Partner advisor, Mark deGrandpre and by Jim Pawlikowski, Loan Manager with Bucks County Economic Development Corporation.

Website of your local newspaper:

Technology Development/Commercialization Plan

Market Opportunity:

Economic, environmental and regulatory pressures are creating immediate market opportunities for real-time monitoring solutions in energy exploration and pipeline sectors. By deploying power and telecommunications infrastructure to remote sites where neither exists, S4W facilitates collection, archiving and distribution of timely situational awareness data (video, audio & environmental sensors) to support security, safety, efficiency, and workplace productivity. The unique nature of the S4W SENTRY Platform allows customization to serve diverse client requirements while maintaining data integrity and security. Business decision-makers and responders, especially in geographically distributed workgroups, benefit from automated email notifications and on-demand real-time access to mission critical information.

Description of your technology/product/service:

S4W SENTRY Platforms are self-sustaining mobile power & telecommunications trailers equipped with state-of-the-art high-definition video, audio and environmental sensors that gather information at remote sites and deliver it in real-time via satellite, cellular, Wi-Fi or microwave through secure websites and email to PCs, tablets or smartphones. S4W is commercializing a proven C4ISR technology developed for and currently deployed with US Army CENTCOM by the Boeing Company. S4W retains Boeing as its technical systems integrator. Proven through extended in-field use by the US Army, S4W’s mil-spec, oil-field-tough trailers and client-configurable technology systems become force multipliers, the remote eyes and ears of security, safety and operations managers anywhere in the world.


End users will be oilfield services companies who provide technical and logistical support to drillers; contractors responsible for retaining high value assets and managing regulatory compliance at drill sites, staging yards or along pipeline construction corridors; or security managers who need to leverage expensive human resource capabilities to support protective missions at multiple sites. PA DEP projected more than 60,000 wells drilled in the next two decades. As a security, safety and risk management component of drill site activity, S4W can be very profitable capturing less than 10% of projected Pennsylvania’s exploration business over the next five years. As an example, a single operator requested a proposal for collaborative marketing and technical support service that could generate $15-million over four years. Current prospects include Shell, Rice Energy, Williams Energy and Stallion Oilfield Services.

Customer Problem:

Customers are concerned with security, loss prevention and safety, often challenged by the lack of power or telecomm infrastructure. Future regulatory pressures will require more sophisticated real-time environmental monitoring and compliance reporting. S4W’s platform solves these problems. SENTRY’s are configured to support multiple missions, addressing the varied needs of science, safety, security and surveillance stakeholders while maintaining data security, integrity and client mandates from remote sites where there is no electricity or connectivity. Real-time notifications of perimeter intrusions reduce risks from vandalism, enabling and accelerating response. Spills could be detected from the first gallon rather than after the last. Early detection helps reduce production losses, reduces remediation costs and helps defend against regulatory penalties.

Value Proposition:

Many prospective customers are doing nothing or relying on human assets for security and data collection. Where physical security is retained for gate-keeping, technology is a cost-effective force multiplier providing decision-makers and responders with a broader view, illumination of blind spots where risks and threats remain. A SENTRY surveillance platform performs 24-7 at a potential savings of 10% to 30% over typical guard costs. There are scenarios where technology supplements human resources as well as situations where it reduces or replaces people. Autonomous, robotic technologies don’t sleep, they don’t miss shifts and they report immediately if they need help. Customers are not buying hardware or software. They access real-time information in a way that supports their business process and protects their investments.

Intellectual Property:

The US Army required the underlying Boeing JUMPS program to be developed using commercially off-the-shelf (COTS) products and technologies. While licensed software applications are integrated into S4W’s service delivery, there are no proprietary or patented processes. In order to provide the most effective customization options to clients, SENTRY Platforms are agnostic to make and model of components. The ability to configure to a client specification is not restricted by patent or product covenants. S4W has added innovation to the Army’s original design and if any processes or technologies are developed that create opportunities for patents or trademarks, the Company will aggressively pursue them. Market and client flexibility is an attractive attribute.

Competitive Advantage:

There is no shortage of wired and wireless technologies for video, audio or environmental monitoring. The major competition, DMS (Netvision) and Earthcam, sell in government, construction and public safety markets. Googling “surveillance trailers” reveals dozens of options to buy but very few, if any, choices to customize and configure for more than a single purpose. In the construction trade, there are hundreds, if not thousands, of low cost, DOT-style camera trailer systems used worldwide. However, the success of the Army’s JUMPS program is its ability to manage more than one task at a time, to serve multiple missions and masters. S4W promotes this philosophy, offering a durable multi-purpose platform that is more flexible, adaptable and physically survivable than its competitors. Prospects have said the S4W concept is “oilfield tough”. Unlike others, a SENTRY and its companion data center operation can be easily configured to support a variety of client requirements and survive in a remote space delivering continuous service.


The Founders are working full-time to develop and market S4W’s technology offerings. S4W is a solutions and marketing organization. While each Founder brings their own unique skill set, perspective, and experience to the Company, the strength of the management team is their shared entrepreneurial vision, their collective foundation of business development experiences and their multi-market histories creating companies, clients and jobs.

Gary Uphouse has over 40 years experience in both corporate and entrepreneurial business ventures as CEO, COO, President, Director Marketing/Sales and National Sales Manager. His experience covers a number of industries and verticals and his expertise has been focused on market analysis, marketing & sales management, strategic planning, P&L responsibility, product development, policies, procedures and business plan implementation.

Paul Soult has over 25 years experience raising investment dollars from private equity and venture capitalists for businesses, was a principal founding partner in a Bucks County business development consulting group and founded a residential and commercial title insurance firm in partnership with the Lubert-Adler organization. His primary focus has been business development, sales and marketing.

Gil Zimmerman has been a ‘serial entrepreneur’ for more than 35 years, beginning with a pioneering video production company, a tactical training company for law enforcement and corrections, and following a tour of duty as a police officer, a private detective agency. Through all these endeavors, his focus has been on electronic technology and innovation for aerial, underwater and police applications, eventually adding computers and real-time internet technologies to the list. Like his partners, he has always been directly engaged in operations and business development.

This photograph shows an operational mobile system at the Philadelphia Shale Gas Insight Convention in September 2011. The tower is not fully deployed due to ceiling height. On this model, a remote camera, weather station, Wi-Max, GPS, cellular and a windmill are installed.



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