Kids - American Library Association


Kids! @ your library® Mad Lib Story Sheet

1. Adjective describing size

2. A different size adjective

3. –ing verb

4. A place

5. A name of an animal, plural form

6. A different plural animal name

7. A third plural animal name

8. Past tense verb

9. Repeat number 8 verb, -ing form

10. Adjective

11. Furniture

12. Repeat word 1

13. Repeat word 2

14. A noun

15. A sport

16. An animal

17. A famous person

18. Name of a fairy tale character

Once upon a time, there was a ___(1)____ boy and a _____(2)____ girl.

They were ______(3)_____ to ______(4)____ when they noticed something sitting by the side of the road.

“_____(5)____, and _______(6)_____, and _____(7)_____! Oh my!” the girl exclaimed. “What is that?”

“I don’t know,” replied the boy adding, “We can find out at the Library!”

They _____(8)____ as fast as they could, _____(9)_____ the whole way to the Library. Fortunately, the _____(10)____ library door was open and the Librarian was sitting at her _____(12)_____, ready to help. The _____(12)____ boy and the _____(13)____ girl described the thing and asked what it was.

“Why, that’s easy!” said the Librarian. “It’s a _____(14)____! I’d know one anywhere! I’ll find a book or two about it for you. You can make yourself comfortable and I’ll be right back.”

While at the Library, the children looked at books about _____(15)_____, ____(16)_______, _______(17)_____, and _______(18)____. The two children agreed: there’s so much to see, so much to do @ your Library!

As they left, they told the Librarian, “We’ll be back again tomorrow!”


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