Learning about the moon can be made fun for children with ...


The unconventional way of learning conventional information

Giordin Perlman

Meridee Silbaugh

University of Colorado at Boulder


Outreach is underrated 2

What is outreach? 3

Why is outreach important? 3

How Space Grant is involved with Outreach 3

New Outreach ideas 4

Satellite Dataflow Demonstration 6

Conclusion 7

References 8

Figure 1 9

Appendix A 10 - 15


Outreach is extremely important because it is the one of the main activities that can interest children in space. If outreach is done in new and innovative ways, children and people of all ages will see how much fun learning about space can be. If students can’t be shown how much fun space and science is, where will the future engineers and astronauts come from? It’s important to spark interest in elementary students because at that age their desire to learn must be sated or be doomed to fade as they start to associate being “smart” with being “uncool”. Therefore, new ways must be found to teach space science to elementary school kids. Here at Colorado Space Grant, learning about space can be incorporated in hands-on learning act ivies that teach students about space, science, and engineering, through various outreaches that are offered.


Outreach is a very important aspect of education, and yet there are many people who don't know what outreach is. Outreach is the act of reaching out to children and people of all ages to educate them and interest them in a particular educational topic. In this case, science, engineering, and space! Outreaches often times are organized by a particular group and/or organization that wishes to spread the word of their current project, and inspire young children to learn.

There are many different types of educational outreaches, which are different from company outreaches, because educational outreaches focus on educating students of all ages about intellectual subjects. When a school either contacts or is contacted by an organization about outreach, they have various options to choose from. These options include: someone coming to the school to give a presentation, students traveling to the organization for a tour, having an outreach that includes a lecture and handouts, or a hands on learning activity for the students; often times outreach is an unconventional way of learning conventional information.


Outreach is important at Space Grant because it interests kindergarten students through college students is space and science, and gives Space Grant students an opportunity to develop public speaking skills.

K-12 students need outreach to create additional interest that they otherwise might not get from the standard school setting that allows little room for imagination and hands-on understanding. By taking them out of their classroom setting and making learning seem like a fun game, the children are more likely to retain the information and keep an ongoing interest in the set subject.

Involving Space Grant students in outreach gives them the opportunity to develop public speaking. Outreach gets them comfortable with communication and interaction with others.

Outreach is especially important for young kids. Elementary students are sponges, absorbing every bit of information given to them. Interest in space and science must be instilled at that young age because as they get older they start to develop the, "Being smart is not cool" syndrome. Therefore, new innovative ways are constantly trying to be developed to teach space science to elementary school kids.


One of the current satellites at Colorado Space Grant in Boulder is called Citizen Explorer. One of the satellite objectives is to provide environmental and space education for K-12 students. This is being done by incorporating the data the satellite collects to study the ozone, in hands-on outreaches that explore different variable that contribute to the success of a working satellite. These variables include subjects like Aerosols, Ultra Violet light, Ozone, Space, Orbits, Gravity, Rockets, and of course, Engineering. It is the job of the Citizen Explorer Education Team to provide the opportunity for K-12 teachers and students to participate in an innovative program that will excite students to learn otherwise abstract concepts, understand the environment, and comprehend space technologies. The program is tailored to enhance their interest in the field of engineering and the frontier of space.

Space Grant does not want to limit itself to the subjects only connected with it's projects though. All subjects that fall under the categories of space, engineering, or science, lie in the interested domain. This is why new ideas are constantly being developed, especially ideas and outreaches that involve, and are comprehendible, to young children. Those who will keep the interest they gain from the outreach alive until later in their schooling when they can take that interest and feed it to their hearts desire.


( Learning about the moon can be made fun for children with hands-on, educational activities. Students can be encouraged to sketch and describe nightly observations of the moon in order to help students recognize Moon phases, and dark and bright terrains of the moon. Scale models can be made of the earth and the moon to teach children concepts such as size of the moon compared to Earth, the distance from Earth to the moon. These models can also be made detailed enough to teach children about the moon’s surface and terrain.

( Children can learn about planets and the solar system by creating scaled three-dimensional models of the solar system, planets, and the sun. Mobiles, for example, can be created by hanging balls of different sizes from the ceiling with string, representing the planets, and placing them in the correct order from a central ball that represents the sun.

( Allowing students to test materials on their own, under different conditions, can demonstrate the importance of testing materials for a spacecraft. Some materials that can be tested by students include rubber bands, aluminum foil, small portions of silicone caulk, and plastic packaging material. The students can then subject the materials to different sorts of tests to examine the changes in the material. Some tests that can be performed include: freezing the sample, heating the sample, keeping the sample in a tightly closed glass jar placed in a warm place for a few days, exposing the sample to sunlight for a days or weeks, exposing the sample to large amounts of air pollution, soaking the sample in a liquid (water, vinegar, soda, motor oil, cooking oil, alcohol, detergent, etc.) boiling the sample, keeping a stretchy sample of material stretched for several days or stretching it many times. After the test, students can analyze certain aspects of the materials, such as elasticity, brittleness, strength, color, transparency, light reflection, texture, odor, etc.

( Assign students the task of working in groups to develop a spacecraft which will fly people safely to the Moon to land, then return to Earth. Having the students chose a safe and interesting lunar landing site for the spacecraft emphasizes aspects of the moon and lunar landings. Children can be taught and encouraged to consider size, mass, propulsion, number of crew, life support systems, and methods of takeoff and landing for the spacecraft; and geology, terrain, safety, and length of stay should be considered for the lunar landing site. Students can be given certain aspects of the project that they will only work on. The different parts of the project can then be combined and revised as necessary to form the final product. This demonstrates the concept of subsystems, allowing children to better understand engineering, and working in teams or sub-teams to complete an engineering task.

( Model rockets can be designed and built by students to teach them concepts such as the laws of physics, lift, thrust, drag, spin, etc. Rocket launches can be simulated using water pumps, launching the rocket using built up air pressure, using antacid tablets to produce the pressure necessary to launch the rocket, or balloons, which can demonstrate the loss of fuel as a rocket is launched. Children can be encouraged to test and re-engineer the rockets they build, and participate in rocket launch competitions or races. The concept of payloads can be incorporated by giving students something that the rocket must carry. Students can then experiment with engineering to find the best rocket design.

*An effective method of retaining the attention and interest of children is to involve them in activities in which they are allowed to move about, rather than requiring them to sit still and watch, or listen to a demonstration. Such activities can be created to teach children about concepts like gravity, orbits, and satellite communication.

( The concept of gravity is a difficult one for children to understand yet it can be demonstrated in activities in which students use their own bodies to create models of the solar system, the forces the sun and planets exert on each other, and on passing objects such as spacecraft. A three-person model can be created to demonstrate the concept of a spacecraft borrowing energy from a planet’s gravitational pull. Two partners, representing a two-body gravitational system, face each other, reaching with outstretched arms to grab hands. They lean back to create tension, and one person (preferably the smaller) “orbits” the other, at a fairly rapid, yet controllable pace. One student represents the sun, and the smaller student represents planet orbiting the much larger sub. The third person represents the “spacecraft." The spacecraft approaches the orbiting “planet.” The spacecraft borrows energy by grabbing onto the shoulder of the “planet”, thereby acquiring the energy needed to create acceleration. It is therefore demonstrated to the children that as the spacecraft makes “gravitational” contact, the two person “planetary” system undergoes a real energy transfer as momentary drag, and the spacecraft gains a boost of energy as acceleration, causing it to speed up and change direction.

( Students can also actively model specific spacecraft flights such a Deep Space 1, teaching them the concepts of orbits, gravitational fields, and how spacecrafts are launched and remain in orbit to perform their task. Using their own bodies, students can model Deep Space 1’s launch, final rocket boost out of Earth’s orbit, activation of its ion engine, orbital transfer maneuver, and asteroid rendezvous, as influenced by the gravitation fields of earth and sun. Seven or eight students represent the sun by standing in a central circle, facing outward, using their hands to “mime” an invisible gravitational field. These students can work together to create series of wave motions that represent the attractive force of gravity. Three or four more students form a circle facing outward to represent Earth, standing some distance away from the sun, also using their hands to create an invisible gravitational field around the planet. The Earth group moves around the sun, simulating the gravitational attraction between the sun and the Earth and the centripetal acceleration that allows the Earth to remain in orbit around the sun. One student represents the asteroid that Deep Space 1 will encounter. The asteroid moves through an eccentric elliptical orbit coming in just beyond Earth’s orbit. One more student represents Deep Space 1, and demonstrates first, the effect of the powerful thrust needed to escape Earth’s gravity at a launch to reach an orbit around Earth. When the Deep Space 1 student is positioned and orbiting just right, he or she demonstrates the thrust of the final rocket stage that sends the spacecraft into its own orbit around the sun. This student then demonstrates the start-up of the ion engine by slightly accelerating pushing it into a new orbit farther from the sun. As Deep Space 1 approaches the point in its new orbit opposite the launch point, the asteroid approaches in its orbit to meet up with Deep Space 1. Deep Space 1 takes pictures, measurements, etc., then the asteroid and the spacecraft continue on their separate orbits.



Create an activity that demonstrates to students the communications path between Space Grant and the Citizen Explorer-I satellite, showing how scientific data can be downloaded from the satellite for analysis on

Earth. The demonstration can also be used to illustrate how the instruments on the satellite are commanded by Space Grant students on Earth. It gives students a feel for the dynamics of satellite communications and orbital motion around the Earth.

Background Information:

Students should be given a one-page handout, the concept architecture that illustrates the data flow (Shown at the end of this paper as Figure 1). A brief explanation of the data flow path should be given before beginning the demonstration (see chart). Students should be briefly informed of the concept of the sun synchronous orbit, the satellite will be over any one point on the Earth twice a day.

As a visual, students or the teacher can have a cutout model of citizen explorer satellite. A handout can be given to students containing information about Citizen Explorer, including its sun synchronous orbits, science instruments, gravity gradient boom, ground instruments, Edustation, Space Grant Mission Operations, and ozone and UV measurement information. (Some examples of sheets that could be used for background information are located in appendix A.)

Demonstration Requirements:

The demonstration would require the participation of at least 7 students. Each student will represent a different aspect of the path. At least three students will stand together representing the sun, one or more students will represent the ozone, two students will represent stations on Earth - one students will represent the ground instruments, and one student will represent Space Grant’s database - and finally, one student will represent the satellite itself. The demonstration will require at least 3 “sunlight balls,” and signs that students can wear around their necks to identify which part of the path they represent.

Arrangement of Participants (before the demonstration begins):

Position the “sun” students in the center of the room or area where the demonstration will take place. Position all of the “Earth” students at a reasonable distance from the sun in a circle. The “ozone” students should be positioned between the sun and the Earth. (If there are many students, the ozone students should be positioned surrounding the circle of Earth students.) The satellite should be placed between the “sun” and the “ozone.”

( The actions taken to illustrate the movement of the data: (

The sun students will each have a “sunlight” ball, which represents the light from the sun. One sun student throws their ball directly to the satellite student. One sun student will throw their ball to the ozone, who will then throw the ball to the satellite. The satellite will throw the balls, one at a time, to the EduStation. The last sun student will throw their ball to the ground instruments, who will then throw the ball to the EduStation. The EduStation passes the balls, one at a time, to the Space Grant database.

Post-lesson tests:

If this activity is being done in a classroom as part of a grade, there are tests that can be made and given. Since a copy of the Citizen Explorer architecture diagram was handed out and studied during the lesson and demonstration, have the students write out a description of how the data flow works for the satellite. It is nice to give them the option of drawing a flow chart type of answer since some students are more visual than others are. A short quiz can be created, including questions like:

▪ How many different measurements of UV light are taken in order to study the ozone?

▪ What kind of orbit is the Citizen Explorer Satellite in?

▪ How do we send the information we get from ground instruments to the University of Colorado?

And various other questions tailored to the type of background information the teacher gave the students ahead of time. (Some examples of sheets that could be used for background information are located in appendix A.)


As shown, there are new outreach ideas emerging all the time. New developments are important in the field of outreach. They keep the field fresh and exciting, always encouraging the students to learn more and to be interesting in what they're learning. The outreach ideas mentioned are currently in development at Colorado Space Grant. Everyone hopes to try these new ideas in real classrooms and in upcoming outreaches and see the feedback as to which outreaches the students liked and disliked. Hopefully in the future the activity of outreach will spread and more students will be able to benefit from the unconventional way of learning conventional information.


▪ Wilson, Marlene & Dennis Biroscak. EUVE Satellite Dataflow Demonstration,

▪ The International Technology Education Association. 50 Ways to Torture a What??, The Technology Teacher, April 2000.

The International Technology Education Association. Getting a Feel for Gravity, The Technology Teacher, November 1998.

▪ Space Science Education Resource Directory.

▪ Taylor, G. Jeffrey. NASA Exploring the Moon – A Teacher’s Guide with Activities for Earth and Space Sciences

▪ Shearer, Deborah A., Gregory L., & Ed.D Vogt. NASA Rockets – A Teacher’s Guide with Activities in Science, Mathematics, and Technology

Figure 1 (Below): The Citizen Explorer Concept Architecture to be used in the Dataflow outreach and any other citizen explorer outreaches it applies to.

Appendix A:

Examples of sheets that can be used

for background information


What are aerosol particles and how are they formed?

An aerosol particle is a small liquid or solid particle, such as smoke, dust, fog, or smog suspended in air. They tend to say suspended rather than settle. The time aerosol particles survive in the air depends on the particle size. Smaller particles stay in the air for longer periods of time, which can leave room for a better opportunity for climatic impact. Aerosols are released both naturally and by human activities. Examples of naturally emitted aerosol particles are wind erosion, volcanic eruption and marine production. Burning fossil fuels is an example of a human activity that causes aerosols to be released into the air. Human created aerosols allow for sulfate, nitrate, ammonium, elemental carbon, black carbon, and mineral dust to be suspended in the air. These aerosols are not related to consumer aerosol products, like hair spray. Ozone-depleting substances, such as Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), have not been used in consumer products since the late 1970s.

What effect do aerosol particles have on humans?

Aerosols have been extensively studied because they have negative effects on humans’ health. They can cause respiratory problems when inhaled and cause poor visibility with the concentration of particles is too high. These aerosols are contained in the troposphere, which is the lowest part of the Earth’s atmosphere. When inhaled or swallowed, aerosols can be absorbed into the blood stream, lungs, or other organs and cause tissue damage.

What effect do aerosol particles have on the climate?

Aerosols also contribute to acid rain and haziness due to the sulfates within aerosol particles. They have both a direct and indirect cooling effect on the climate. Aerosol particles do not absorb solar radiation, instead scatter sunlight back to space. Ultraviolet and visible light is partially blocked, which directly causes a regional cooling. Indirectly, they help in the formation of cloud condensation this increases cloud reflectivity.

How will the CX-1 project measure the amount of aerosols in the Earth’s atmosphere?

For the CX-1 project, hand-held aerosol detectors will measure the amount of small particles in the air. These instruments will turn light into electricity, and read only specific wavelengths of light. The intensity of green light will be used to determine the number of aerosol particles in the atmosphere.

Ultraviolet Radiation

Why is ultraviolet radiation dangerous?

Life could not exist on Earth without the sun. It heats the Earth and provides light. However, the sun also emits harmful ultraviolet radiation. There are three types of UV radiation: UV-A, UV-B, and UV-C. UV-A is the weakest of the three and the least harmful. It is mainly attributed to causing skin aging, wrinkles, and can damage outdoor plastic and paint. UV-B is stronger then UV-A, and is the most harmful to humans who are overly exposed to it. UV-B is linked to skin cancer, cataracts, and can weaken the immune system. It also has adverse effects on yearly crop yield and on the marine food chain. Materials such as paint, plastic, rubber, and paper can also be damaged by UV-B radiation. Both UV-A and UV-B cause suntans and sunburns, which is why it is important to be protected from both. UV radiation can also damage amphibian eggs and midge larvae, which is a key link to the freshwater food chain. UV-C radiation is the strongest of the three, however it is absorbed by the Earth’s ozone layer. So, almost none reaches the Earth’s surface. There would need to be almost an entire depletion of the ozone layer before UV-C radiation could reach the Earth’s surface.

How does changing seasons effect UV radiation?

UV-A and UV-B cannot be seen or felt, nor is the intensity of the radiation related to the air temperature. The sun’s infrared rays heat up the Earth’s surface, which determines the air temperature. There can be high levels of UV radiation on cool days. UV radiation levels are higher during summer months than winter months. In the winter, UV rays have to pass through more atmosphere because of the angle of the sun in relation to the Earth’s surface. About 50% of UV radiation passing through the ozone layer, reaches the Earth’s surface directly, and the remaining 50% is scattered about the sky and reaches the surface indirectly.

The amount of measurable UV radiation depends on latitude, the season, the time of day, and the altitude. It can also depend on the amount of ozone, airborne particles, clouds, and air the radiation has to pass through. The intensity of UV radiation is less when it has to pass through more substances.

How is the amount of UV radiation measured?

The amount of UV radiation that passes through the ozone layer is measured by hand-held photometers pointed at the sun. The CX-1 will also measure the amount of UV radiation that is reflected from the Earth’s surface back to space. This data will help in determining the amount of ozone in the Earth’s atmosphere.


What is Ozone?

Ozone is formed naturally in the upper stratosphere of the Earth. Short-wavelengths of UV radiation are absorbed by oxygen molecules and form oxygen atoms. These atoms combine with other O2 molecules to form ozone. An Ozone molecule consists of three oxygen atoms and three double bonds. Ozone is constantly being generated and degraded between 15 and 35 km above the Earth’s surface. It is very beneficial to the Earth when it is formed at high altitudes. However, when formed at lower levels it can be very dangerous. On the Earth’s surface, ozone gas is called smog. A reaction of chemicals such as Hydrocarbons and Nitrous Oxides to sunlight creates this ozone gas, which is poisonous to humans, animals, and plants when inhaled or absorbed.

How does the ozone layer protect the Earth?

The ozone layer can be described as the Earth’s sunscreen. About 95% of UV radiation from the sun is blocked by the ozone layer. It blocks all UV-C radiation and most UV-B radiation. If the ozone layer did not exist radiation from the sun would not be blocked and life could not exist on Earth.

What causes the depletion of the ozone layer?

Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) have caused the ozone layer to breakdown or deplete. These chemicals were used as refrigerants and as aerosol spray propellants before it was realized that they cause damage to the ozone layer, which was in the late 1970s. The depletion of the ozone layer allows for more harmful UV-B radiation to reach the Earth’s surface. A 1% decrease in the ozone causes UV-B radiation to increase about 2% at the Earth’s surface. This decrease is also expected to increase the incidence of skin cancer by 2.7%. In general, ozone depletion is larger for higher latitudes, so Seattle will lose more ozone than Los Angles. However, Southern cities have higher levels of UV-B radiation, which can be very dangerous even if the ozone depletes a little.

How will the CX-1 project determine the amount of ozone?

The CX-1 will measure the amount of UV reflected to space. This measurement will be compared to the known value of UV radiation that would be reflected to space if there were no ozone. Ozone absorbs UV radiation, so the more ozone there is the less UV radiation will hit the Earth’s surface. Measuring the amount of UV radiation that reflects from the Earth’s surface helps determine the amount of ozone in the Earth’s atmosphere.


What are satellites?

A man-made object that orbits around the Earth is called an artificial satellite. A moon revolving around a planet is also an example of a satellite, however, its orbit naturally occurs. The orbit of an artificial satellite around the Earth must be launched into that orbit.

How do satellites orbit the Earth?

Satellites are in orbit when the centrifugal force (the force pulling up on the satellite) exactly equals the force of gravity pulling down from Earth. The period, the time it takes the satellite to make one revolution around the Earth, depends of the altitude of the satellite. When a satellite is closer to the Earth’s surface the orbital speed will slow down as gravity pulls it in. This will eventually cause the satellite to re-enter the Earth’s atmosphere. Which means the closer a satellite’s orbit is to the surface of the Earth, the less time it will be able to work in space.

What is the purpose of satellites?

The basic purpose for the use of satellites in space it to communicate information back to Earth. This information is used for scientific research, weather reports, or military reconnaissance. The CX-1 will measure ultraviolet radiation reflected from the Earth’s atmosphere and ozone to determine the amount of ozone. The satellite will also measure the reflected visible light and adjust the UV measurements is order to account for changes in the Earth’s reflectivity. These changes can result from the amount of clouds, aerosols, and ozone in the Earth’s atmosphere.

What are subsystems used on the CX-1?

Subsystems must be used in order to make the satellite work properly. The subsystems used on the CX-1 are: Attitude Determination and Control System (ADCS), Command and Data Handling System, Communication System, Education, Ground Operations, Mission Operations System, Power, Science, Structures, Systems, and Thermal. A command and data subsystem gathers and processes data from computers on the satellite. These computers also perform commands from the Earth to the satellite. The Communications Subsystem includes antennas, receivers, and transmitters. All these components are used to relay information to and from the satellite to the ground operation station on Earth. The Education system handles the development of educational materials for K-12 schools. Ground Operations is responsible for education-side data products and flow. Mission Operations handles flight operations and engineering-side data flow. Solar panels are used to generate power to the satellite while it is direct sunlight. When it is not in sunlight batteries are used to operate the satellite. The Science System handles the flight and ground instrumentation and data analysis. Structures is responsible for flight mechanical system and launch vehicle interface. Systems Engineering handles intersystem engineering management. The Thermal System monitors the temperatures of the components of the satellite while it is in orbit. The CX-1 has a passive system design, which means there are no heaters or an active cooling system. Temperature sensors are used on the CX-1 they will alert the computer if something is wrong.


Who was involved in discovering how the planets orbit around the sun?

The orbit of planets around the sun has not always been as clear as it is today. The Greeks believed the planets moved in a circular motion, where the earth was in the center. In the 1500s, Copernicus came close to developing the model of an orbit used today. He determined the planets made a circular orbit around the sun. Copernicus’ model was believed until Kepler discovered the real motion of the planets. In 1609, Kepler’s first two laws were published. They are:

Law I: Each planet revolves around the Sun in an elliptical path, with the Sun occupying one of the foci of the ellipse.

Law II: The straight line joining the Sun and a planet sweeps out equal areas in equal intervals of time.

These laws were not easily accepted. Scientists ignored the second law for almost 80 years. Many believed that Kepler’s ideas about the motion of planets needed more work to be proven correct. Kepler’s third law was published in 1619, which stated the following:

Law III: The squares of the planets' orbital periods are proportional to the cubes of the semi major axes of their orbits.

This law demonstrates that a planet does not orbit the sun at a constant speed. When a planet is at its farthest point from the sun, the aphelion, it moves slower then at its closest point, the perihelion.

What are names of different types of orbits around the Earth?

These laws are also used to describe the motion of the moon and satellites orbiting the Earth. However, the point when a body in orbit is farthest from the sun it is called apogee, and the closest point is the perigee. There are seven different types, which are: Low Earth Orbit, Medium Earth Orbits, Highly Elliptical Orbits, Geosynchronous Earth Orbit, Geostationary Orbit, Polar Orbit and Sun-Synchronous Orbit.

What is the orbit used in the CX-1 project?

The Citizen Explorer will use a Sun-Synchronous Orbit. This type of orbit has a constant angle between the orbital plane and the sun. Which implies constant light conditions of the satellite. This orbit is north to south, which allows for the satellite to pass the equator and each latitude at the same time each day. The CX-1 will be over Boulder, Colorado at ten am and pm. The angle between the orbital plane and the sun for the CX-1 is 97deg. The orbit will be circular and will have an altitude of 705 km above the Earth’s surface.




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