Teen Program Leader nsite.com

 Teen Program LeaderPosition Description Organization: Boys & Girls Club of Portage County (non-profit, youth service)Hours: Part-Time, Hourly (varies from 5-25 hours per week)Location: Boys & Girls Club SiteReports to: Director of Teen Services and/or Center DirectorPosition Summary: Teen Program Leaders are responsible for direct service to teen Club members, including facilitating and development of program plans, club management, behavior management and facilities management. In addition Teen Program Coordinators work closely with volunteers, director and other organizational initiatives that support the mission of the Boys & Girls Club.Primary Duties for the Teen Program Coordinator:Performance is acceptable when Teen Program CoordinatorProgram Development Plan & lead daily, weekly, and special event activitiesPromote, motivate and stimulate program participationWork with Club members to ensure that there is a productive work environmentAssists with and recruits prospective teen Club membersAssists with retention of existing Club members though offering Implement Youth Development Programs Ensures that all programs and activities occur daily as scheduled An appropriate number of teens participate in each programAble to facilitate “On the Spot Fun” activities when neededAll programs are safe & meaningfulProvide guidance and role modeling to Club membersSupervise Club members in a program area by positioning yourself in program area to continually monitor and supervise the safety and behavior of Club membersDiscipline policies are enforced during each program Evaluate Youth Development ProgramsParticipation numbers are tracked for each activity Assist in collecting outcome data when requestedAssist in grant reporting when necessaryFacility ManagementFollow and assist with the daily & weekly cleaning scheduleAssists in maintaining a clean, neat and properly equipped program areaAssists in keeping program supplies organized and maintained to limit wasted resourcesAssists in making sure that the overall Club environment is safe and inviting for all Club Members Encourages kids to assist in cleaning the Club ProfessionalismArrive on time according to the staff schedule and prepared to workAppear dressed in a professional manner, wear club shirt and name badgeAlways carry themselves in and out of the Club as a role model while also providing guidance to Club membersSupport fellow staff in meeting program goals, objectives, and outcomesForm meaningful, safe, and positive relationships with all youth and their parents, regardless of their backgroundReport any employee misconduct to the Director &/or Executive Director immediatelyParticipate in staff performance evaluations and staff meetingsAdditional Responsibilities:May participate in special programs and/or eventsMay attend field tripsMay be able to provide First Aid/CPR Assist in or handle special assignments or other duties as deemed necessary or important by supervisorMay need to sit in on meetings with parentsAble to pass a reference and background check Physical Requirements / Work Environment:Active environment that requires the employee to be on their feet for several hours at a timeSome lifting and moving of moderately sized objectsSome driving may be necessary Skills / Knowledge Required:A high school diploma or a GED is required, some college experience is preferred and at least 1 year of experience in youth developmentAbility to communicate effectively with teens from diverse backgrounds, as well as a range of other organizational personnel in a courteous and professional mannerAbility to motivate teens and manage behavior problemsAbility implement quality programs for youthAbility to organize and supervise Club members in a safe environmentAbility to work independently as well as in groupsAble to meet deadlinesDisclaimer:The information presented indicates the general nature and level of work expected of employees in this classification. It is not designed to contain or to be interpreted as, a comprehensive inventory of all duties, responsibilities, qualifications and objectives required of employees assigned to this job.Signed by: _______________________________________________________EmployeeDate ................

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