Horseshoes - Plurall

AVALIA??O BIMESTRALQuest?o 1Nível de dificuldade: Média – Alternativa Correta: D – Habilidade do ENEM: H5; H7 Fun indoor and outdoor gamesBuildingYou don’t need a fancy building set for this. Popsicle stick cities, card towers, even buildings out of blocks, or?forts?out of boxes or pillows, will do just fine. If you want to get competitive, whoever builds the highest tower wins.PuzzlesExercise those creative, cognitive and problem-solving muscles with a good puzzle. You can use a store-bought variety or have the kids make their own. Have your children draw a picture on a sturdy piece of cardboard or Bristol board. Then use a pencil to outline puzzle pieces directly on their drawing. Cut out the pieces with a good pair of scissors, mix them up and get solving.Available at < ;. Accessed in: April 2017HorseshoesYeehaw! Round up your cowboys and cowgirls for this classic backyard game. You can buy rubber horseshoe sets these days, which are much more kid-friendly than traditional metal horseshoes.?Potato Sack RaceSack races, aka "gunny races," became popular at carnivals in the 1800s, and they're still a hoot today. All you need is a burlap sack or large, sturdy pillow case for each participant (it should reach their waist), and plenty of space for them to hop to the finish line. If you don't have sacks on hand, a three-legged race is a fun and easy alternative. Try pairing kids with adults!Available at < ;. Accessed in: April 2017Studies have already proven that exercising works well for the health and proper functioning of our body. According to the above text, it is incorrect to say thata) Building and Puzzles are examples of indoor games and can be done at homeb) Horseshoes and Potato Sack Race are examples of outdoor games and are more fun in open spacesc) Puzzles are games that demand concentration and silence, unlike the Horseshoes in which they are made in open spaces and with noised) Building is an internal game that develops coordination capacity and body musculaturee) Potato Sack Race is an external game that can engage children and adultsQuest?o 2Nível de dificuldade: Difícil – Alternativa Correta: B – Habilidade do ENEM: H5; H7 Active Kids Becoming Couch Potato TeensOne of the largest studies of its kind shows just how sluggish American children become once they hit the teen years: While 90 percent of 9-year-olds get a couple of hours of exercise most days, fewer than 3 percent of 15-year-olds do.What's more, the study suggests that fewer than a third of teens that age get even the minimum recommended by the government - an hour of moderate-to-vigorous exercise, like cycling, brisk walking, swimming or jogging.The sharp drop raises concerns about inactivity continuing into adulthood, which could endanger kids' health throughout their lives, the study authors said.Inactivity is linked with greater risks for many health problems, including heart disease, obesity, high blood pressure and diabetes.Available at <;. Accessed in: April 2017According to the text, judge the items below correct ( C ) or incorrect ( I )During childhood there is more practice of physical exercises than in adolescent and very little in adult lifeFewer than 3 percent of 15-year-olds do exercise which suggests that kids are becoming couch potato teensTeens spend many hours chatting with friends, but they do the minimum amount of exercise per dayDiseases such as obesity, high blood pressure and diabetes can be caused by inactivity, but with the practice of physical exercises, it can improve healthThe alternative with the correct sequence isa) I, I, C, I b) C, C, I, C c) C, C, C, I d) I, C, I, C e) I, C, C, IQuest?o 3Nível de dificuldade: Fácil – Alternativa Correta: A – Habilidade do ENEM: H5; H7 ‘Couch potato’ youthOrthopedics Prof. Heather McKay of the University of British Columbia says about 36 per cent of the adult skeleton is developed during adolescence when growth spurts typically happen, and physical activity is critical for developing bone strength and density.Of the more than 300 teens in the study, those who were less active had significantly less bone strength than those who were active, increasing their risks for fractures throughout their lives and osteoporosis when they become older adults.McKay says the findings signal concerns for the long-term health risks for youth, and serve as a reminder that physical activity is not only important for cardiovascular health but skeletal health as well.Available at < ;. Accessed in: April 2017According to the text, we can infer thata) The ‘Couch potato’ youth has a lower bone development increasing their risks for fractures and osteoporosis b) Young people are practicing more physical activities in order to improve the appearance and to prevent diseasesc) 300 teens in the study practiced more physical activity than the one recommended for bone healthd) Physical activities are important in their totality for cardiovascular and psychological healthe) About 36% of the skeleton is developed during adult and then there is stabilityQuest?o 4Nível de dificuldade: Médio – Alternativa Correta: B – Habilidade do ENEM: H5; H6What's Better: Indoor or Outdoor Play?Kickball. Soccer. Mudpies. Climbing Trees. Is there anything more fun in the world than playing? Pure, child-like freedom where anything is possible and anything goes. Nowadays, much of play is indoors. Computer games. TV. PS3 (or whatever version they’re on now). Something seems to be missing: Joy? Shared connection? The carefree laughter has been replaced by the quick jabs of a controller.Outdoors, a child learns on multiple levels with each new adventure (Burdette and Whitaker, 2005). With all of the imaginary castles, lands, creatures, the brain develops at a much faster rate than for those who play indoors. There are numerous effects. Not only do they become better learners, and do well in school, but they are more fun to be around (i.e. they make more friends)--everyone wants to play with the kid with the active imagination! Consequently, children will be much happier because, hey, they’re smart and they have a lot of friends. All of this comes from just playing outside; you can bake many loaves in the same oven.Available at < ;. Accessed in: April 2017After reading the text, it is incorrect to say thata) Kickball, Soccer, Mudpies and Climbing Trees are examples of outdoors playsb) In indoor plays, the brain develops at a much faster rate than for those who play outdoorsc) It is more fun to play outdoors according to the author and children become better learnersd) Children are much happier when they active imagination because they have a lot of friendse) Kids make more friends and do well in school when they play outdoorQuest?o 5Nível de dificuldade: Difícil – Alternativa Correta: B – Habilidade do ENEM: H5;H7 Emotions and feelingsProf. Simon Baron Cohen, in his book “The Essential Difference” explains it differently (between woman cry more and men less). He talks about 'empathising' brains and 'systemising' brains. Men are more likely to have systemising brains while women are more like to have empathising brains.This can mean that women are generally more able to identify and talk about their feelings than men. Women also tend to have a better memory for emotionally laden material. On the whole, in my counselling experience I have noticed that men often find it harder to express their feelings.Available at < ;. Accessed in: April 2017Do women cry more than men?As stereotypes go, it is one of the oldest. But women do shed a tear more often than men, a study shows.The researchers said hormonal differences between the sexes could be to blame, but social conditioning plays a part too.Women well up between 30 and 64 times a year, while men shed a tear between six and 17 times per year, the study found. Available at . Accessed in: April 2017After reading the texts, analyze the propositions belowMen have a 'empathising' brains and women have 'systemising' brains, so they cry more Women generally more able to identify and talk about their feelings than menMen tend to have a better memory for emotionally laden material and it is harder to express their feelings Hormonal differences between men and women, and social conditions can make them (women) cry moreComparing who cries more, by far, women leave in front of.It is correcta) Only II and V b) Only II, IV and Vc) Only I and IIId) Only III, IV and Ve) All are correct Read the texts below to answer the questions 6 and 7Artificial HappinessA lot of people get addicted to chemicals — alcohol, cocaine, amphetamine, heroin, and nicotine. Why do they do that? And why aren’t they happy? It is because brains have a variety of chemical systems that regulate their electrical activities in waking and sleeping, and the addictive drugs artificially stimulate those systems, but the feelings are not those of joy.For example, a chemical called ‘dopamine‘ is broadly spread through the brain by specialized nerve cells when a person achieves some kind of reward, such as by satisfying hunger and thirst, winning a game, or passing an examination. Dopamine is often called a “reward hormone.” Its chemical actions are produced also by closely-related compounds such as amphetamine and cocaine. They give feelings of buoyant optimism, energy, power, and knowledge.This same chemical linked to drug addiction?may also contribute to obesity, researchers have found.Benefits of being happyThe study of positive psychology is encouraging more researchers to study the proactive prevention of illness by identifying attitudes and personality traits that contribute to positive mood and increase quality of life. For example, happy people, as compared with less happy people, tend to have greater immune system function, a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease, and report greater marriage and job satisfaction. It is therefore valuable to develop a deeper understanding of the positive affect by investigating its biological basis. Several studies have begun to investigate potential biological markers of positive affect.Available at < ;. Accessed in: April 2017Quest?o 6 Nível de dificuldade: Médio – Alternativa Correta: A – Habilidade do ENEM: H5; H7 According to the text, it is correct to say thata) People addicted to alcohol, cocaine, amphetamine, heroin, and nicotine have a false illusion of happinessb) Drugs can simulate the natural sense of happiness in humans and do not cause discomfortc) Some drugs are advisable for medical treatment and can be used without a prescriptiond) There is no evidence between drug addiction and obesitye) Dopamine is called the ``reward hormone`` and is produced only with the ingestion of drugsQuest?o 7 Nível de dificuldade: Fácil – Alternativa Correta: D – Habilidade do ENEM: H5 What are the advantages of being a happy person, according to the second text? a) Happy people do not always have a great marriage or job satisfactionb) Happy people have a more delicate immune system and are more susceptible to diseasesc) Happy people are also susceptible to cardiovascular and health problems in generald) Happy people are healthier and have a better relationship with friends and familye) Happy people have excellent health, but there is no relation between happiness and quality of lifeQuest?o 8Nível de dificuldade: Difícil – Alternativa Correta: D – Habilidade do ENEM: H5; H7 Why Do People Cry?By?Laura Geggel, Senior WriterTears well up in people's eyes for a slew of reasons. A teardrop running down the cheek is the ultimate symbol of sadness, but people may also cry because they just cut an onion, or maybe they're trying to blink out a rogue eyelash.For the most part, tears help maintain healthy eyes, experts told Live Science. For instance, basal tears flow continuously from the lacrimal glands, or the tiny almond-shaped structure in the inside corner of the eye. When you blink, basal tears clean and lubricate the eyes. This makes the eyes' outer surface smooth, and?helps you to see clearly, according to the?American Academy of Ophthalmology.Available at < ;. Accessed in: April 2017Based on reading of the text above, analyze the following sentencesTears are usually associated with sadness, but people may also cry for being happy. The tears are responsible for maintaining the healthy eyes and, because of this, there is no risk of catching contagious diseases Tears are not produced exclusively by lacrimal glands, but also by eye drops Blinking is not necessary to maintain eye health, but only to wash People not only cry because they are happy or sad, but also because of something common like cutting an onion It is correcta) Only I and IV b) Only I c) Only II, III and IV d) Only I and V e) All are correctRead the text below to answer the questions 9 and 10Free Workout Resources to Exercise at Home1. Fitness BlenderDaniel and Kelli are the husband and wife team behind Fitness Blender, a site that offers a huge selection of full-length video workouts of all different types. Here you will find fat-burning workouts, kickboxing routines, total body strength training, workouts for boosting metabolism, stretching sequences, and more.2. Sweaty BettyThis resource offers wonderful online fitness classes that everybody can easily do at home. Sweaty Betty provides yoga workouts, HIIT routines, and many other types for you to try. No matter whether you have experience doing fitness classes or are a complete beginner, Sweaty Betty has something that will get you working at an appropriate level.3. Livestrong WomanLivestrong Woman is a video channel featuring professional fitness instructor, Natalie Jill. In addition to Natalie’s resistance training instructional videos, you will also find great yoga beginners videos taught by Tara Stiles. As an extra bonus, this channel also includes some great videos that discus healthy eating tips and recipes.Available at <;. Accessed in: April 2017Quest?o 9Nível de dificuldade: Difícil – Alternativa Correta: C – Habilidade do ENEM: H5; H6 According to the text, we can infer thata) Fitness Blender, Sweaty Betty and Livestrong Woman are free video channels with fitness classes that everyone should do at the gymb) Fitness Blender, Sweaty Betty and Livestrong Woman are paid monthly video channels with fitness classes that everyone can easily do at homec) Fitness Blender, Sweaty Betty and Livestrong Woman are free video channels with fitness classes that everybody can easily do at homed) Fitness Blender, Sweaty Betty and Livestrong Woman are paid monthly video channels with fitness classes that everyone should do outdoorse) Fitness Blender, Sweaty Betty and Livestrong Woman are free video channels with fitness classes that everyone can do in at least two peopleQuest?o 10Nível de dificuldade: Médio – Habilidade do ENEM: H6; H7 The above text shows us some examples of physical exercises that can be done at home. For this, all you have to do is just have a computer, an internet connection and a good disposition to exercise. Thinking about it, what are the advantages of technology for the quality of life?With the technology, it is possible to be educated in the most diverse subjects and without leaving home. So, you can access videos on YouTube, for example, and take classes on physical exercise practices or any subject of interest. With this, technology has come to make life easier for all of us, when well used.Read the texts below to answer the questions 11 and 12.The Early YearsThe first recognized example of a game machine was unveiled by Dr. Edward Uhler Condon at the New York World’s Fair in 1940. The game, based on the ancient mathematical game of Nim, was played by about 50,000 people during the six months it was on display, with the computer reportedly winning more than 90 percent of the games.However, the first game system designed for commercial home use did not emerge until nearly three decades later, when Ralph Baer and his team released his prototype, the “Brown Box,” in 1967.The Modern Age Of GamingSince the early 2000s, Internet capabilities have exploded and computer processor technology has improved at such a fast rate that every new batch of games, graphics and consoles seems to blow the previous generation out of the water. The cost of technology, servers and the Internet has dropped so far that Internet at lightning speeds is now accessible and commonplace, and 3.2 billion people across the globe have access to the Internet. According to the ESA Computer and video games industry report for 2015, at least 1.5 billion people with Internet access play video games.Technology allows millions around the world to enjoy gaming as a shared activity. The recent ESA gaming report showed that 54 percent of frequent gamers feel their hobby helps them connect with friends, and 45 percent use gaming as a way to spend time with their family.Available at < ;. Accessed in: April 2017Quest?o 11Nível de dificuldade: Médio – Habilidade do ENEM: H5; H6 According to the text, video games have become attractive among millions of young people. With that in mind, what is the main reason for having spread so much and how did this happen?With the development of computer technologies, the games have been improving and becoming more and more differentiated. In addition, more people could have access to internet, which made the games spread quickly and with a lower price.Quest?o 12Nível de dificuldade: Médio – Habilidade do ENEM: H6 – The text informs us that 54 percent of frequent gamers feel their hobby helps them connect with friends, and 45 percent use gaming as a way to spend time with their family. What has changed when we compare our current life with that of previous years?When electronic games did not exist or when they were very expensive, young people spent more time close to their family and friends. Today, all forms of contact are mostly virtual and families and friends are surrounded by gadgets that mediate communication between them and with little face-to-face contact. ................

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