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Heritage Day - Let's Celebrate what God

has done through BBC.


To begin this fall, everyone is invited to join in the celebration of Heritage Day on Sept. 8. We will have one 11:00 service together followed by dinner, games and music on the ground.


The church will provide the meat and drinks and BBC members are asked to bring a favorite dessert and delicious side dish to share. Enjoy this time of good food and fellowship! Invite someone to come be a part!

Lord’s Supper

BBC will celebrate the Lord’s Supper with communion on Oct. 6. Come be part of this holy experience.



On Sunday Nov. 24, there will be one service and no Youth or Adult Sunday School; Children’s classes will meet. A Harvest Fellowship Luncheon will follow the morning service.


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Media Ministry – Thanks to all of our media volunteers who help keep us connected with announcements and allow us to worship

fully, with the words to the hymns! The audio volunteers make sure we can all hear what is going on. Recently a new projector facing forward has allowed the older one to face backward. Therefore folks ministering from the front of the sanctuary are able to see all the words and announcements as well as the congregation. This important ministry can always use more volunteers. Want to be a part? Please talk to Stephanie West or Misty Gordon. The best way to learn these skills is by doing. Stephanie will sit with you in the back and provide one-on-one, hands-on training.

Christmas Musical

This summer the Kids Drama/Music camp led by Judy Hamilton and Misty Gordon was a real blast! The kids did funny improvs, learned some songs for the upcoming Christmas musical and play acted some scenes. The kids did great!

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This October will begin rehearsals for the Children’s Christmas Musical “Angels Aware.” This year the Christmas presentation will focus more on the children, with the adult choir singing a few Christmas anthems and helping with the children’s musical. Be on the lookout for details to follow!


Fall seems to be a time for new beginnings as school starts again and folks settle in after a summer of vacations and relaxation. This fall, the BBC family is challenged to get connected with a Sunday morning Sunday School class or a weekday Bible Study. Learning and fellowship are sure ways to deepen and revitalize your faith.


Sunday Morning Sunday School – There are classes meeting in the education wing of the church for all ages. Everyone is invited to attend a Bible study class that will enrich your life, inspire you for the week, and add to your Bible knowledge!

Babies – Children – During both first and second services, a nursery is provided for infants and toddlers, with volunteers serving on a rotating basis. We are so excited to see our nursery room bustling with activity every Sunday morning. We have been blessed with some newborn babies that we look forward to having in the nursery soon. Our newborns from last year are now mobile and enjoying their ability to explore in a safe, loving environment. All Teachers have now

received a background check to provide

even more peace of mind for the parents!


The Preschoolers in the Precious Lambs class are taught by Becky Maine who offers Sunday School lessons involving singing, stories, craft projects and cooperative play during both services. Favorite activities also include Veggie Tale videos, outside play after the lesson, and a hearty snack. Please remember that it is much easier on Ms. Becky if toys are left at home. Also, a change of clothes is VERY helpful. You can just leave one at church or bring a bag each week because you never know when one might be needed.


Students from kindergarten through second grade and from third grade through fifth grade have two learning opportunities – Sunday School at 9:30 and Children’s Church at 11:00. The Faithful Friends class (K – 2) during the 9:30 service is taught on an alternating week basis by Angel and Kevin Polk and Mary and Roger Kilby. This same age group is under the tutelage of Kelly Marshall and Tammy Lusk during the 11:00 hour. The Daring Disciples class (grades 3 – 5) is taught by Amy Leddon during the 9:30 block and by Dave Simpson during the 11:00 block. All of these teachers are godly leaders who care deeply about your children and use activities, projects, and stories from both the Old and New Testaments to present Biblical truths and make Christianity come alive in the lives of their students.


YOUTH - Youth Sunday School takes place at 11:00. This Fall is off to a great start as seven youth were promoted. Lauren Verrill, Stephanie Staats, Dylan Hall, Stephen Hamilton, Trent Lloyd, Austin Shutt and Conner Rogers, all awesome kids, were welcomed into the middle school group.

BBC now has a girl’s middle school class led by Kim Jenkins and a guy’s middle school class led by Mark Jenkins. The high school group is led by Stephen Buechner and Stacie Duvall helps with both ages. BBC is so blessed to have all of these qualified, caring leaders. We meet the first Wed. of every month for a leadership meeting. Want to join the youth and help? Let us know! Our Bible studies on Sunday are currently on the Justice and Fairness of God and in late September we’ll move to God’s Covenant with Us. We are excited about what God is doing in our lives!



The four adult classes (two at 9:30 led by Steve Hamilton and Dan Maine and two at 11:00 led by Lester Rider and Gail Clark & Pam Pulver) are open to all adults. The BBC family is encouraged to attend one of these classes where members pray for and support each other while exploring the Bible’s take on issues which are as relevant today as they were centuries ago. The Thrive class (11:00 for youngish adults) will be finishing their summer study on Amazing Grace (by Philip Yancey) and then start an Andy Stanley study entitled “Your Move – Four Questions to Ask when You Don’t Know What to Do.”

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Additional Bible Studies

In addition to those meeting on Sunday mornings, BBC offers four weekday Bible Studies. If you aren't involved in a study, please get plugged in during the week!

• Men’s Monday Night Bible Study meets at 7:00 p.m. on Monday nights. Contact Pastor Bob for more details at 549-439-3681.

• Tuesday Night Women’s Bible Study meets at 6:30 p.m. in the fellowship hall. This summer the ladies took a bit of time off from their Bible study to do a mission project. The sewing machines hummed as the group made a huge number of bed coverlets for an orphanage in Haiti. The new fall study, Why Do You Believe That? by former atheist Mary Jo Sharp, will begin on September 10. For details contact Pam Pulver (540-438-3718 or papulver@).

• Thursday Morning Women’s Bible study meets at 10:00 a.m. at the church. At the beginning of August, they started a Bible study of Jesus’ life using the New Living Translation Chronological Bible. The plan is to continue through the New Testament and then read the Old Testament. Sandy Duvall can give you more details – 540-439-3070 or 540-878-8732.

• Community Bible Study with Brock Price is a co-ed study which meets on Thursday nights at 7:00 p.m. Currently Brock is presenting a series of studies from the Old and the New Testaments. In mid-September, the study of Isaiah will resume. Brock can give you more details at 540-788-9013 or southernheritagefarm@.


Youth Ministry and News

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On October 20, right before exams, we will be having a “study hall” for youth here at BBC in order to promote confidence and provide help. We already have tutors lined up, so don’t miss out on this. Youth will want to get a youth calendar to plug into this. Also, thanks to BBC web master Angel Polk, our youth calendar is more updated and easy to see on our website.

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We will also be trying to meet weekly to “check in” and see how we are spiritually and how the ministry field is going at school. We want to encourage our youth any way that we can!

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Our Annual Ski Retreat will be January 16-18 on your winter break. This is one of the highlights of our year! We have a wonderful time worshipping, growing, tubing, skiing and hanging out at the indoor Waterpark! Get a Youth calendar or go to to get information!

Three youth fundraisers are: Sept. 28 Yard/Bake Sale 8:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m., Oct. 15, Pancake Suppa! 5:00-7:00 p.m. and Dec. 13, Shop-N-Drop 6:00-10:00 p.m.!

Children’s Ministry and News –

“It’s Never Too Late to be a Better Parent”, Kevin Lehman, author, teacher.

Here at BBC, we want to partner with our parents to give you the resources and support that you need, to be a secure, godly parent. Often, parents feel overwhelmed by all of the demands placed on us. Our goal is to help you feel more confident as a parent and as a spiritual leader in your home. Recently we finished a series of classes based on the Kevin Leman study “Raising Rock Solid Kids in a Pleasure Driven World”. If you missed the classes, but would like to watch the video study at home, check with Tonya Lloyd on the availability of the DVD. In addition, BBC orders Christian parenting magazines published by Lifeway. These are available for free - just pick one up from the table in the narthex. Also, be on the lookout for devotional materials for children and families, which will be available soon. If you have a suggestion for other parenting support and helps, please let Tonya know. We are open to all ideas and suggestions!


Serving God means serving and helping man. There are MANY ways that we can serve. Check out these opportunities to help our church, our community and our world – God’s church, God’s community and God’s world.

School Supply Drive – Thanks to everyone at BBC for generously bringing school supplies which were given to Fauquier County Schools for children who needed them.

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Operation Christmas Child –

We will be partnering with Samaritan’s Purse again this year to provide shoeboxes full of gifts to children throughout the world. This year we will be handling boxes a little bit differently. We will be filling boxes in our children’s classes but we will also be providing shoeboxes and supplies to families so that you can do the project at home as well. This is a great way for you to work together as a family to pack the boxes, create a personal note for the child receiving the box, and pray for that child. You can contribute to the Operation Christmas Child project by dropping off donations of small items that can fit in a shoebox (washcloths, toothpaste, toothbrushes, new toys, stuffed animals, school supplies, deodorant, hair accessories, etc.) or by making a donation to the shipping cost. Please remember that we cannot have any liquids in the boxes. More information will be posted in the bulletin and sent home with your children. The deadline for box drop off is Nov. 17, 2013.

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Nursery – The nursery is humming with activity this fall as many parents are entrusting their tiny ones to loving volunteers while they recharge and renew by attending worship. Our volunteer base has changed this fall and we are in need of people who are willing to serve one Sunday per month during one service. Just a few more volunteers would make a huge difference in the effectiveness of this ministry. Coverage for each service is one adult and one teen. PLEASE prayerfully consider helping in this area. See Tonya Lloyd if you are interested (6cougars@).

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Feed My Sheep Ministry

It is amazing how this ministry has grown. Right now it is feeding about 70 families per week – every week! Most of you know that Rick Pulver spends three days a week picking up food donations from grocery chains in northern Virginia, and then sorting and delivering the food on Tuesday evenings and Wednesdays. Recently Rick has received some help sorting. However, his Wednesday delivery help is not every week. Donating food is a highly important part of this ministry, but your time and effort are important too. Please consider helping Rick sort, pick up, or deliver. Even if you can’t help every week, any assistance would be appreciated. If you’re interested in adding some much needed help to this worthwhile, life saving ministry, please contact Rick at 757-376-7174 or rickpulver@. He would greatly appreciate the help!

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Missions Reminder – Please take time to read the “Missions Bulletin Board” (across from the church office). You can now read about Peter and Nadia Kianchenko (the missionaries who visited our church) and about the Lord’s work in Russia. If interested, there is a question/answer section about a trip to Russia.

We will begin our Virginia Missions, Alma Hunt Offering Sept. 8-15. The goal is $1,167,500 overall in Virginia! There will be more information as we go along about the special Lottie Moon Christmas offering for overseas missions which will be coming up in December. If anyone has additional suggestions or information they would like to add to the board regarding Missions, please contact Linda Keys, Alice Boley, or Carol Armstrong. Please be in prayer for the persecuted Christians in other countries who are doing the Lord’s work. They need our prayer support desperately. ALL of us can be prayer warriors for missionaries!

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Sassy Sisters – Although not as much sewing has been going on this Fall, the Sassy Sisters would like to get back to helping the community. Current projects include baby blankets and pillow cases. If you would like to help with these projects, please call Anna Kestner at 540-439-4508 or Jayne Hudson at 439-0160.


Trunk or Treat – Our second annual Trunk or Treat will be held on the evening of Thursday, October 31 in the church parking lot. There will be more information to follow as the date gets closer, but put your thinking caps on! If you would like to participate in giving out candy and decorating your trunk, there will be a prize for the best decorated trunk/vehicle (this can include your costume

that goes along with your theme) – appropriate and child friendly, please! We can’t wait and look forward to an evening of fellowship and fun with each other and our community. If you are interested in assisting, please contact Donna Corbin at donnacorbin5210@ or Jane Simpson at j.simpson7788@.

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Thanksgiving Food Collection – Each Thanksgiving we collect Thanksgiving foods to make up baskets that will be distributed to those in need in our community. Giving money to help with the purchase of the turkeys is a great way to help with this ministry. Please watch the bulletin for more details.


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Senior Luncheons – All seniors are invited to attend the every-other-month luncheons held in the fellowship hall. The summer luncheon was held in July, and the next one will be September 25. The final luncheon of the year will be December 3. So mark your calendars and be sure to enjoy the good food (thanks to the Sassy Sisters!) and company. See you there! For more information call Anna Kestner (439-4508) or Jayne Hudson (439-0160).


Thanksgiving Luncheon – After church on November 24 all are invited to the fellowship hall for the annual Thanksgiving Harvest Fellowship Luncheon. No matter the state of the world, the economy, or our own little messes, there is much to be thankful for – among those being the love and support from our BBC church family and the faithfulness of God’s grace. This year, let us approach this holiday with grateful hearts. Be sure to check the bulletin for more details regarding the meal!

[pic] The Little Red Building – At the last business meeting, the congregation gave Building and Grounds chairman, Wayne Corbin the ‘go-ahead’ for getting electricity out to our newly renovated Little Red Building. The hope is that with electricity there we can provide some refrigerators and/or freezers for the Feed My Sheep ministry and maybe provide lighting for the parking lot. Sounds exciting!


Ivan Parker in Concert – Ivan Parker, terrific singer and evangelist from the Gaither Family Concert, will be coming Dec. 7 at 6:00 p.m. to our church or high school. Tickets are $15 and can be bought through Sue Puffenbarger, Pastor Bob or Nancy in the office. Call Sue for more information at 540-219-1518.

Business – If you have any questions about the business meetings, ask Dan Maine, the moderator, or Peggy Rider, the recording secretary. All BBC members are invited to business meetings. Financially, it is exciting to announce that the offerings are continuing to run ahead of the budget. What a blessing this is, knowing that BBC can extend the

reach of God throughout the area. Finally, the Deacons, the Elders and the Mission team continue to meet regularly, spending time in discussion, service and prayer for our members, attendees, and guests. Our next Business meeting is October 16.

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Welcome to the newest members of the BBC Church Family! That’s right – BBC was blessed by both a little girl and a little boy this summer! First, on June 10, little Kinsley Sophia came into the Beahm family. This precious little angel joins siblings Autumn and Trenton and proud dad and mom Isaac and Kimberly. She seems so content snuggled in Isaac’s beard! Then just a few weeks later, Mary and Roger Kilby welcomed Noah Walter into this world. With a mighty shock of dark hair, Noah fits right in with siblings Heather, Rachel, Ryan, and Madison. The Bible tells us that children are a gift from God. God has certainly blessed our church family with these darling little gifts. So congratulations to Kimberly and Isaac and to Mary and Roger and welcoming hugs to Kinsley and Noah! We will have a baby dedication this November.

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Birthdays and Anniversaries – The BBC family members listed below are celebrating birthdays and anniversaries this Fall. Be sure to wish them a blessed day and another year full of God’s joy and love! (NOTE: If your name was not included,

please e-mail this information to Gail Clark at mclarkfarm@ or see her at church.)

Sept. 1 – BD – Frank Hawkins

2 – BD – Kayleigh Hall (Jenkins)

3 – BD – Ray Boley

3 – BD – David Vance

4 --BD –Sarah Shafer

5 – BD – Jane Simpson

6 – BD – Zach Wilson

7 – BD – Scott Kestner

8 – A – Paul & Kelly Marshall

9 – BD – Autumn Maine

10 – BD – Cheyenne McCarty

12 – BD – Kasey Simpson

14 – BD – Christopher Reppert

16 – BD – Linda Milian

16 – BD – Colin Christian

19 – A – Bob & Misty Gordon

22 – BD – Julianne Carr

22 – BD – Dave Snead

27 – A – Lyda & Lanford Musick

29 – BD – Stephanie West

29 – A – Brad & Lori Carr

29 – BD – Mary Kilby

30 – BD – Stephen Gordon

30 – BD – Noah Mullins

Oct. 1 – BD – Matt Harris

2 – BD – Lucky Keys

4 – A – Steve & Judy Hamilton

6 – BD – Charlie Brooks

7 – BD – Traci Lambert

8 – BD – Rick Pulver

8 – A – Tim & Traci Lambert

9 – BD – Tim Lambert

10 – BD – Melody Gordon

10 – A – Jeff & Tonya Lloyd

14 – BD – Cade Marshall

15 – BD - Christine Downey

16 – BD – Taliyah Milian

20 – BD – Davey Simpson

21 – BD – Lauren Verrill

21 – BD – Katie Scott, Alli Mullins

21 – BD - Phil McCarty

21 – BD – Brittany Walker

21 – BD – Amy Jett McMurtry

21 – A – David & Kathy Vance

23 – BD – Christina Hansbrough

26 – A – Margie & Karl Russell

27 – BD – Sue Puffenbarger

28 – BD – Angel Kestner

30 – BD – Amanda Sim

Nov. 2 – A – Scott & Angel Kestner

3 – BD – Scott Simpson

5 – A – John & Amy Leddon

5 - BD – Ryan Kilby

7 – BD – Allison Welch

8 – BD – Kim Jenkins

9 – BD – Hunter Makely/ Marshall

11- BD – Shannon Friend

12 – A – Jim & Carol Armstrong

13 – BD – Tyler Kestner

14 – BD – Austin Shutt

14 – BD – Nancy Glascock

16 – BD – Colin Polk

17 – BD – Kristin Stribling

18 – BD – Ashleigh Price

19 – BD – Dylan Hall (Jenkins)

20 – BD – Luke Polk

27 – BD – Michelle Kuhn

30 – BD – Reese Flory

30 – BD – Rachel Kilby


Beyond the Pew

Bealeton Baptist Church Newsletter – Worship, Grow, Go

Sept. – Nov. 2013

Worship, Grow, Go


Bealeton Baptist Church

P.O. Box 50

Bealeton, VA 22712


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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