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Planet Earth16871959080500Fact Finder BookletName ______________________________________ Class __________Unit 5Planet EarthWelcome to Planet Earth Web-Quest! You will learn about the key concepts and ideas in this next unit of study. You will be involved in a student led learning process guided by your teacher. The “Fact Finder” Sheets found in this booklet will help you focus on the essential learning outcomes of this unit. Teacher guided lessons will also be incorporated as you learn about our amazing Planet – Earth!The booklet will be used as a formative assessment of your learning. Throughout your research time, you will be assessed on your knowledge of the material. It is important that you record your notes carefully and neatly. Do not copy difficult information word for word. Record notes and pictures in such a way that helps you with your learning. DO NOT try to impress your teacher with vocabulary that you may or may not understand. 559117552641500Use your time wisely to complete all assigned work. Even though a large majority of the research will be done at school, it will be an expectation that some work will be completed at home. Above all, have fun as you learn!As you study this unit, focus upon the following…-123825540385Earth’s surface undergoes both gradual and sudden change. What do we know about Earth – about its surface and what lies below? What evidence do we have, and how do we use this evidence in developing an understanding of Earth and its changes?00Earth’s surface undergoes both gradual and sudden change. What do we know about Earth – about its surface and what lies below? What evidence do we have, and how do we use this evidence in developing an understanding of Earth and its changes? Main Focus of Planet EarthFact Finder Sheet #1The Model of the EarthGeneral Outcome 1Students will be able to describe and demonstrate methods used in scientific study of Earth and in observing and interpreting its component materials.investigate and interpret evidence that Earth’s surface undergoes both gradual and sudden changeinterpret models that show a layered structure for Earth’s interioridentify and explain the purpose of different tools and techniques used in the study of Earthunderstand the terminology and conventions in describing rocks and minerals-152400111760Background InformationAs you complete this Fact Finder Sheet, you are a geologist researching the layers of the Earth. In order to understand the gradual and sudden changes of the Earth’s surface you need to understand how the Earth is constructed. 00Background InformationAs you complete this Fact Finder Sheet, you are a geologist researching the layers of the Earth. In order to understand the gradual and sudden changes of the Earth’s surface you need to understand how the Earth is constructed. The Model of the EarthWho are geologists? Discuss some of the tools that they use to do their job. Pg 35456007008255000_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________In science, what is a model? How are they used in understanding of science? Pg 353__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Illustrate, label and color the different layers of the Earth. Pg 3555905504952900In the chart below, describe the four main layers of the Earth. Pg 355LayerThicknessStateCharacteristic FeaturesCrustMantleOuter CoreInner CoreWhat is the lithosphere? Pg 355__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________6226118-36000Fact Finder Sheet #2Plate TectonicsGeneral Outcome 1Students will be able to describe and demonstrate methods used in scientific study of Earth and in observing and interpreting its component materials.investigate and interpret evidence that Earth’s surface undergoes both gradual and sudden changeinterpret models that show a layered structure for Earth’s interioridentify and explain the purpose of different tools and techniques used in the study of Earthunderstand the terminology and conventions in describing rocks and minerals28575258445Background InformationThe Earth’s crust is in constant motion and change. These changes may be classified as either Gradual or Sudden Changes.The forces of nature are dramatic and devastating. Describe two sudden changes that occur in the Earth’s Crust_________________________ _________________________Incremental changes or slow changes are caused by wind, water and ice. The shaping and sculpting of the Earth’s surface is accomplished by a combination of slow, step-by-step changes. Describe two slow changes that occur in the Earth’s Crust_________________________ _________________________00Background InformationThe Earth’s crust is in constant motion and change. These changes may be classified as either Gradual or Sudden Changes.The forces of nature are dramatic and devastating. Describe two sudden changes that occur in the Earth’s Crust_________________________ _________________________Incremental changes or slow changes are caused by wind, water and ice. The shaping and sculpting of the Earth’s surface is accomplished by a combination of slow, step-by-step changes. Describe two slow changes that occur in the Earth’s Crust_________________________ _________________________The Moving Crust – The Theories of Continental Drift and Plate TectonicsFor years, scientists have wanted to discover the mysteries of the moving crust. One such theory that attempts to tackle this mystery is called the Continental Drift Theory. Describe this theory. Who was responsible for gathering information to support this theory? Pg 393588908116925400_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________409892523050500Alfred Wegner collected three kinds of evidence to support his idea of continental drift. Describe the three pieces of evidence. Write an example for each kind of evidence and explain why the example suggested that the continents had moved. (as a class)Biological Evidence(Plants and Animals)Geological Evidence(Rocks)Meteorological Evidence(Climate)Why were scientists unwilling to accept Wegener’s ideas? Pg 394________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________The Continental Drift Theory is no longer considered the acceptable theory explaining how the continents “move”? What do scientists now think is causing the continents to move? Pg 398________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2103395-22262900Research plate tectonics. Discover as much information as you can about the movement of plate tectonics. Use diagrams and illustrations to show your complete understanding. Include the following key words in your research… pg 397-400convergent plates/boundary, divergent plates/boundary, transform plates/boundary, subduction zone, sea floor spreading, continental plates, oceanic plates44767512636500-9525041719500Continue your research on plate tectonics, but in this next section, discuss how plate tectonics were discovered. What technology did scientists use to help in realizing this discovery? Pg 395Fact Finder Sheet #3MineralsGeneral Outcome 1Students will be able to describe and demonstrate methods used in scientific study of Earth and in observing and interpreting its component materials.investigate and interpret evidence that Earth’s surface undergoes both gradual and sudden changeinterpret models that show a layered structure for Earth’s interioridentify and explain the purpose of different tools and techniques used in the study of Earthunderstand the terminology and conventions in describing rocks and minerals228600191771Background InformationAs you complete this Fact Finder Sheet, you are a mineralogist studying the Earth. Before completing this section of the Web-Quest discover the occupation of a mineralogist and the tools they use to do their job.00Background InformationAs you complete this Fact Finder Sheet, you are a mineralogist studying the Earth. Before completing this section of the Web-Quest discover the occupation of a mineralogist and the tools they use to do their job.Who are mineralogists? Discuss some of the tools that they use to do their job. (use google) 4762511239500________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What is a property of a mineral? Pg 371________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Describe all the methods that mineralogists use to identify minerals. Write notes and diagrams on the proper terminology on minerals. Pg 371-372180975132081001752600-15240000TERMINOLOGY ALERT Describe Moh’s Hardness Scale. Pg 372What is a mineral streak? Pg 371________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Describe the difference between fracture and cleavage. Pg 371________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Types of Minerals (use google)Mineral Unique Characteristics of MineralMineralUnique Characteristics of Mineral1. Sulfur5. Pyrite2. Mica6. Hematite3. Quartz7. Magnetite4. Halite8. DiamondFact Finder Sheet #4The Rock Cycle500062528384500General Outcome 2Students will be able to identify evidence for the rock cycle, and use the rock cycle concept to interpret and explain the characteristics of particular rocks…distinguish between rocks and mineralsdescribe characteristics of the three main classes of rocks – igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic – and describe evidence of their formationdescribe local rocks and sediments and interpret the ways they may have been formedinvestigate and interpret examples of weathering, erosion and sedimentation123825159385Background InformationA geologist’s work is never done! Discover how rocks are an important part of our Planet Earth.00Background InformationA geologist’s work is never done! Discover how rocks are an important part of our Planet Earth.There are 3 main families of rocks – igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic. These rock families are categorized based upon how they are formed. Show your understanding of these rocks by completing the chart. Include examples of each type of rocks. Pg 377-380IgneousSedimentaryMetamorphicExamplesExamplesExamplesThe Rock Cycle is an important component of understanding Planet Earth. You are required to draw a diagram of the rock cycle. However, it is important to show your understanding of the following terminology. Include these words within your diagram. Pg 386238125175894TerminologyIgneous rocks, sedimentary rocks, metamorphic rocks, magma, lava, intrusive rock, extrusive rock, compaction, sedimentation, sediment, stratification, cementation, parent rock, weathering, erosion, deposition00TerminologyIgneous rocks, sedimentary rocks, metamorphic rocks, magma, lava, intrusive rock, extrusive rock, compaction, sedimentation, sediment, stratification, cementation, parent rock, weathering, erosion, deposition38100060515500Rock CycleFact Finder Sheet #5SoilGeneral Outcome 2Students will be able to identify evidence for the rock cycle, and use the rock cycle concept to interpret and explain the characteristics of particular rocks…distinguish between rocks and mineralsdescribe characteristics of the three main classes of rocks – igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic – and describe evidence of their formationdescribe local rocks and sediments and interpret the ways they may have been formedinvestigate and interpret examples of weathering, erosion and sedimentation6667532385Background InformationSoil formation is actually part of the rock cycle. Discover how soil is an important part of Planet Earth. This information will also be applied to our next unit of study – Plants for Food and Fibre.00Background InformationSoil formation is actually part of the rock cycle. Discover how soil is an important part of Planet Earth. This information will also be applied to our next unit of study – Plants for Food and Fibre.Define the following words… (use google)a) compost________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________b) humus________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________c) fertile soil________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________d) soil profile________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________e) topsoil________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________f) leaching________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________This is an example of a soil profile. Use the information that you researched for the vocabulary words to label the different parts of this profile.2933700455930029337001351280029337002265680How is soil formed? What key factors are involved in the type of soil that may be formed? (use google)________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What is leaching? How does leaching fit into the rock cycle? (use google)________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Fact Finder Sheet #6Weathering and ErosionGeneral Outcome 2Students will be able to identify evidence for the rock cycle, and use the rock cycle concept to interpret and explain the characteristics of particular rocks…distinguish between rocks and mineralsdescribe characteristics of the three main classes of rocks – igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic – and describe evidence of their formationdescribe local rocks and sediments and interpret the ways they may have been formedinvestigate and interpret examples of weathering, erosion and sedimentationDescribe the difference between weathering and erosion. Pg 363________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Explain the difference between mechanical, biological and chemical weathering, giving an example of each. Pg 363-364Type of WeatheringHow it HappensExamplesMechanicalBiologicalChemicalFact Finder Sheet #7EarthquakesGeneral Outcome 3Students will be able investigate and interpret evidence of major changes in landforms and the rock layers that underlie them…investigate and interpret patterns in the structure and distribution of mountain formationsinterpret the structure and development of fold and fault mountainsdescribe evidence for crustal movement and identify and interpret patterns in these movements (earthquakes and volcanoes)identify and interpret examples of gradual/incremental change and predict the results of those changes over extended periods of time1143003809Background InformationAs you complete this Fact Finder Sheet, you are a seismologist . This scientist understands that gradual and sudden changes affect how major landforms have formed on Planet Earth. In their area of study, would you classify their research as a slow change or a fast change?00Background InformationAs you complete this Fact Finder Sheet, you are a seismologist . This scientist understands that gradual and sudden changes affect how major landforms have formed on Planet Earth. In their area of study, would you classify their research as a slow change or a fast change?Who are seismologists? What types of tools do they use to do their job? Pg 373________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What is a Richter Scale? Describe its use and purpose. Pg 3595048250-1270001752600-15240000TERMINOLOGY ALERT Definitions: pg 358-359 and use googleseismograph________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________seismic waves________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________aftershocks________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________focus________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________epicentre________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________fault________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________104775012192000Key Ideas:1. Explain the difference between the three types of seismic waves. (as a class)Primary WavesSecondary WavesSurface Waves2. On this diagram, label the epicenter and the focus of the earthquake. Pg 359167640011684000Where do earthquakes usually occur in Canada? (use google)________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________51054003175000a) Explain the rock movement in a normal fault. (use google)b) Explain the rock movement in a reverse fault. (use google)c) Explain the rock movement in a strike-slip or transform fault. (use google)How did scientists use the science of earthquakes to discover that the centre of the Earth is a solid iron core? (use google)762000144780003352165-190500 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Explain how a tsunamis occurs? Why would this natural phenomenon be included in our study of Planet Earth? Where could tsunamis occur in Canada? (use google)________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________20097754826000Fact Finder Sheet #8VolcanoesGeneral Outcome 3Students will be able investigate and interpret evidence of major changes in landforms and the rock layers that underlie them…investigate and interpret patterns in the structure and distribution of mountain formationsinterpret the structure and development of fold and fault mountainsdescribe evidence for crustal movement and identify and interpret patterns in these movements (earthquakes and volcanoes)identify and interpret examples of gradual/incremental change and predict the results of those changes over extended periods of time6667592710Background InformationAs you complete this Fact Finder Sheet, you are a volcanologist. This scientist understands that gradual and sudden changes affect how major landforms have formed on Planet Earth. In their area of study, would you classify their research as a slow change or a fast change?00Background InformationAs you complete this Fact Finder Sheet, you are a volcanologist. This scientist understands that gradual and sudden changes affect how major landforms have formed on Planet Earth. In their area of study, would you classify their research as a slow change or a fast change?-13335031242000Who are volcanologists? What types of tools do they use to do their job? Pg 373How do volcanoes form? Draw a diagram to help in your explanation. Pg 360What similarities are there between the causes of earthquakes and the causes of volcanoes? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________482917513144500Where is the Ring of Fire, and how did it get its name? (use google)__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Where might you find volcanoes in Canada? (use google)________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Name two famous volcanoes. Where are they found? (use google)________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Interesting FactsIn this space, add any other interesting facts that you learned about Volcanoes.34290020637400489585025019000Fact Finder Sheet #9MountainsGeneral Outcome 3Students will be able investigate and interpret evidence of major changes in landforms and the rock layers that underlie them…investigate and interpret patterns in the structure and distribution of mountain formationsinterpret the structure and development of fold and fault mountainsdescribe evidence for crustal movement and identify and interpret patterns in these movements (earthquakes and volcanoes)identify and interpret examples of gradual/incremental change and predict the results of those changes over extended periods of time12382560325Background InformationLiving in the Foothills, mountains are pretty much found in our own “backyard”. Learn about this amazing landform – learn about a history of dramatic time and change!00Background InformationLiving in the Foothills, mountains are pretty much found in our own “backyard”. Learn about this amazing landform – learn about a history of dramatic time and change!How are mountains formed? Pg 402-408Describe the difference between an anticline and a syncline. On the diagram, label these two key areas. Pg 405378142512065000What are some of the mountain ranges found on our planet? (use google)How is the relative age of mountains determined? (use google)________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Why are the Himalayans still “growing”? pg 407________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________122872559436000Fact Finder Sheet #10FossilsGeneral Outcome 4Students will be able to describe, interpret and evaluate evidence from the fossil record…describe the nature of different kinds of fossils and identify hypotheses about their formationexplain and apply methods used to interpret fossilsdescribe patterns in the appearance of different life forms as indicated by the fossil recordidentify uncertainties in interpreting individual items of fossil evidence; and explain the role of accumulated evidence in developing accepted scientific ideas, theories and explanations-4762539370Background InformationNot far below the Earth’s surface lies a remarkable history just waiting to be discovered. In fact, scientists called paleontologists, have already unraveled some of the mysteries of the Earth. However, there is still a lot to learn about the dramatic changes that have occurred over time. As you complete this Fact Finder Sheet, you are a paleontologist. Hopefully, you will gain an appreciation for this scientist’s sense of curiosity.00Background InformationNot far below the Earth’s surface lies a remarkable history just waiting to be discovered. In fact, scientists called paleontologists, have already unraveled some of the mysteries of the Earth. However, there is still a lot to learn about the dramatic changes that have occurred over time. As you complete this Fact Finder Sheet, you are a paleontologist. Hopefully, you will gain an appreciation for this scientist’s sense of curiosity.3749151988400Who are paleontologists? What types of tools do they use to do their job? Pg 4127620026670000What are fossils? Pg 411__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Types of FossilsResearch the different types of fossils. Write a definition of each type of fossil and describe how they are formed. Include examples as well as a picture. (use google)1) Petrified635012702) Carbonaceous Film635012703) Original Remainsright17843500-168232893234) Trace Fossilleft2726335) Mold and Cast FossilFact Finder Sheet #11Geological TimeGeneral Outcome 4Students will be able to describe, interpret and evaluate evidence from the fossil record…describe the nature of different kinds of fossils and identify hypotheses about their formationexplain and apply methods used to interpret fossilsdescribe patterns in the appearance of different life forms as indicated by the fossil recordidentify uncertainties in interpreting individual items of fossil evidence; and explain the role of accumulated evidence in developing accepted scientific ideas, theories and explanationsidentify uncertainties in interpreting individual items of fossil evidence; and explain the role of accumulated evidence in developing accepted scientific ideas, theories and explanations-9525088265Background InformationGeological Time can be a difficult concept to understand. Do your best to complete the following information. If anything, have an appreciation for how the history of our Earth had been revealed – the remarkable vastness of time that had occurred from the past to the present.00Background InformationGeological Time can be a difficult concept to understand. Do your best to complete the following information. If anything, have an appreciation for how the history of our Earth had been revealed – the remarkable vastness of time that had occurred from the past to the present.Define geological time. Pg 414, 419________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________There are many different dating techniques used by both paleontologists and archeologists. Research the following dating techniques to have a further understanding of geological time. Include diagrams and pictures to assist in your explanation of these dating techniques.Dating Techniques (use google)1) Principle of Superposition2) Relative Dating3) Index FossilCheck Your UnderstandingUsing the principle of superposition, on the diagram provided, number the layers from oldest to youngest. The older layer is 1 and the youngest is 8. Place the number in the circles. In your opinion, which type of fossil provides the best evidence of ancient life? Why?24701538036500 Technology – Used to Determine Age1) Half-lifetime that it take for a radioactive substance to be reduced by one-halfknowing the half-life of certain substances allows geologists to determine age of rocks and fossils2) Radiometric Datingmeasures amounts of radioactive particles that are present in a specimen3) Radioactive Dating (Carbon Dating)measures relative amount of radioactive carbon found in remains (all organisms consist of carbon)Carbon 14 changes into nitrogen knowing how long this process takes determines ageGeological Time ScaleA geological time scale is a diagram used to describe the divisions of Earth’s history. The geological time scale is divided into three main divisions called eons, eras and periods. Eons, being the largest division. In general terms discuss and draw a picture representing the four main eras of Earth’s history.975815-5914000The Four Eras of Earth’s History pg 421Precambrian Era: Paleozoic Era:Mesozoic Era:Cenozoic Era: ................

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