Movements in MODERN Art

MODERN Manifesto Project

Art Historical Research + Creative Manifesto (DUE: __________________)

(optional visual project worth 20 Classwork or 20 Participation points)

*email if you have questions or issues kferrell@

Manifesto: A manifesto is a published verbal (or in this case also visual) declaration of the intentions, motives, or views of the issuer (individual, group, political party or government). A manifesto usually promotes a new idea with prescriptive notions for carrying out changes the author (or group) believes should be made. It is often political or expressive in nature.

Over spring break you will research an assigned art “movement” (or group of like-minded artists) and develop a creative written manifesto that clearly explains the aims or intentions of your group. Basically, I am asking you to assume the artistic identity of one of the group’s leaders and 1.) research their artistic intentions and a become knowledgeable about a few key artworks (make the Q-Cards), 2.) create a statement–manifesto that defines and defends the intentions of your group (you will orally deliver your manifesto to the class (feel free to dress up and have fun with it) and turn in a written version by the due date for feedback & grading), 3.) (Optional for extra credit) create an original artwork (painting, sculpture, performance conceptual, video, etc.) in the vein of the movement, 4.) share your creative work and manifesto with the class in somewhat of a role-play/creative way (i.e. pretend you are speaking at the opening of your first retrospective exhibition).

The manifesto and presentation of the artworks will follow the class calendar (plan to be famous for 6 - 10 mins.). You should rehearse your delivery, and your statements should reflect a good deal of research and knowledge about the movement you are representing. Do ask questions (prior to SPRING BREAK) for clarification and/or help with research- Ms. Ferrell has lots of books to loan and I am open to giving feedback during break, so send me a draft of what you have if needed. DO HAVE FUN and BE CREATIVE!!!


(CH 28)Early Modernism (1910-1950) (CH 29) High Modernism (1950-1980) (CH 29) Post-Modernism (1980s -now)

|Fauvism ( 1904-07 ) |Abstract Expressionism (1945-60) Action Painting | |

|German Expressionsim: |Abstract Expressionism (1945-60) |Conceptual Art, & Happenings (1960s |

|Die Brucke (1905-13 ) |Color Field Painting |) |

|German Expressionsim: |Neo Dadaism (late 1950s-60s ) |Earth Works & Site Specific Sculpture (1970-80s |

|Der Blaue Reiter (1911-22 ) | |) |

|Analytical Cubism |Pop Art (1960s ) |Post-Colonial, Globalism, Pluralism, Multi-cultural|

|(1907-12 ) | |(1960s-present ) |

|Synthetic Cubism |Post-Painterly Abstraction (1960s) |New Media (tech & social media) |

|(1912-13 ) |(2nd gen abstract expressionists) |(1990s-Present ) |

| |“Greenbergian” painters in America | |

|Futurism (1911-1914 ) |Op Art (1060s ) |Body Art & Performance |

| | |(1960s ) |

|De Stijl (1917-31 ) |Street Art & Graffiti |Installation & Site-Specific Sculpt |

| |(1960s- present ) |(1980s-present ) |

|Dadaism/Duchamp |Neo Expressionism (1980s ) |Video Art (1980s-present ) |

|(1917-20 ) | | |

|Surrealism (1924-36 ) | |Feminism & Neo Feminism |

| | |(1960s) (1980s) |

* REQUIREMENTS AND TIPS (Written + Oral manifesto- based on research but presented in a creative way)

*The creative part is making it flow like a letter or a speech to an audience, you need to creatively work in the following requirements.

1. Identify the key players in the movement: (When and where did the movement start?- give some “fun facts” and interesting biographical details about the artists who were involved)

2. Choose 3 key images that generally contain the content and stylistics defined by the movement- to use as a “background for your manifesto presentation.” (Make a google slide and “share” it with Ms. Ferrell/the class)

3. Find a short Youtube Clip to include as a link (we will watch it if there is time, if needed to fully understand)

Could be the artist or critic talking about their work or the context in which the work was made. (Include a link in your manifesto- emailed to Ms. Ferrell)

4. Include a short quote by the artist that summarizes their perspective on art from their time or their intentions behind a certain work.

5. In your own words summarize the main aim and interests of the artists involved (This is the meat of the Manifesto)

6. Define new vocabulary associated with the movement.

7. Describe who/what the artists were influenced by (What is their artistic heritage stylistically and conceptually? Or were they reacting against a previous movement?)

8. FOR YOUR KNOWLEDGE – (I may ask you in the presentation) Make a comparison and connection to specific works we have studied (include the visual and maybe a question for your audience to consider)

9. IF YOU MAKE AN ART PIECE- Explain the work you have created, materials used, process of making, deeper meaning and significance, self-reflection on your inspiration…

10. List 3-4 sources including specific pages from our textbook, website addresses, videos, and other books you used in your research.

* You will be the “sage on the stage” introducing your movement to the class so be sure to ask questions ahead of time if you don’t confidently understand aspects of the movement. Also, anticipate Ms. Ferrell and your audience to ask questions for clarification. You may use your written manifesto for notes, but DO NOT READ VERBATUM, instead, make it come alive for us (


(Total 100 points)

Images: ( /5 points)

• Email/link or imbed key images that generally contain the content and stylistics defined by the movement

Key Players: ( /10 points)

• When and where did the movement start?

• Who was involved in the movement?

Main Aims and Interests: ( /20 points)

• Summarize the main aim and interests of the artists involved.

• What were the artist’s exploring and intending to show their audience?

New Vocabulary: ( /10 points)

• Use and define new words that relate to the movement

Influences & Connections: ( /25 points)

• Describe who/what the artists were influenced by

• What is their artistic heritage stylistically and conceptually?

• Were they reacting against a previous movement?

• Make a comparison/connection to a specific work we have studied


Preparation/Readiness: ( /5 points)

Clarity and Confidence: ( /5 points)

Creatively covering the Content: ( /10 points)

Involving the audience- asking/answering questions ( /5 points)

Resources: ( /5 points)

UP TO 20 EXTRA POINTS Original Artwork: ( /20 points)

“I can do that…Therefore, It’s not art…” HERE’s YOUR CHANCE

• Create an artwork that fits with the movement (I can help with materials if needed)

• You will largely be graded on your intention, your effort to connect to the movement, not entirely based on your artistic skills.

• Clearly explain your work, how you made it, what it represents, etc.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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