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Name: ______________________________________Date: ______________ Saunders/Mrs. McNerneyUS HistoryDo Now: What do you think were the effects of the American Revolution on the colonies? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Constitutional Foundations: Notes 1Effects of the American RevolutionPolitical EffectsU.S. officially _______________________________ as independent _____________________________.13 “_________________________” states.State __________________________________ guaranteed ___________________ rights and ___________________________.Foundation – ___________________________.Expanded ________________________ rights to adult white _______________________ (who _______________________ property in order to hold office).Economic EffectsEnd ______________________________ and restrictions on trade.Need to ___________________________________.End system of _____________________________(eldest son inheriting entire estate) – __________________________ any type of nobility based on ____________________________________.End trade __________________________________ within the British _________________________ (lost some of our best customers)______________________________ (“Continentals” – worthless currency)___________________ – to both foreign countries and American _________________________. High _______________________________.Social EffectsIdentity of “______________________________”- individualism; _________________________.No ______________________________ titles of nobility._______________________ mobility.Westward _____________________________ encouraged._______________________________ of church and ______________________.________________________ involving women’s ______________________ and slavery ______________________________._____________________________ importance of ______________________________ to democracy.Classwork: Read the following excerpt and answer the 10 questions that follow.American RevolutionThe American Revolution was a time when the British colonists in America rebelled against the rule of Great Britain. There were many battles fought and the colonies gained their freedom and became the independent country of the United States. The American Revolutionary War lasted from 1775 until 1783.?13 Colonies? Before the American Revolution, there were several British Colonies in the Americas. Not all of them participated in the revolution. There were?13 colonies?which ended up rebelling. These were Delaware, Virginia, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Georgia, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, New Hampshire, New York, and Rhode Island.?Representation? One of the main reasons that the colonists rebelled against Great Britain is that they felt they were not represented in the British government. The British government was making new laws and taxes on the colonies, but the colonies had no say. They wanted to have some say in the British government if they were going to pay high taxes and have to live by British law.?War? War didn't happen right away. First there were protests and arguments. Then some small skirmishes between the colonists and the local British army. Things just got worse and worse over the course of years until the colonies and Great Britain were at war.?Independence? Each colony had its own local government. In 1774 they each elected officials to represent them at the First Continental Congress. This was the first effort of the colonies to unite and make a single government. In 1776 the Second Continental Congress declared the independence of the United States from Great Britain.?New Government? The new government of the United States was different than the government of the colonist's homeland, Great Britain. They decided that they didn't want to be ruled by a king anymore. They wanted a government that was ruled by the people. The new government would be a democratic government with leaders elected by the people and balances of power to make sure that no one could become king.?Fun Facts about the American RevolutionThe first shot fired in the American Revolution was on April 19, 1775 and is called the "shot heard round the world".John Adams was the defense attorney for the British soldiers involved in the Boston Massacre. He would later become a great leader in the Revolution and the 2nd president of the United States.George Washington, the first President, only attended school until he was 14 years old. He became Commander of the Virginia Militia when he was just 23.The Battle of Bunker Hill was actually fought on Breed's Hill.Although the war was between the colonies and Great Britain, other countries got involved as well. The French were a major ally to the colonies and there were French, German, and Spanish soldiers who fought in the war.What country did the American colonies rebel against? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________How many of the American Colonies were a part of the revolution? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________How long was the Revolutionary War? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What year did the Revolutionary War begin? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What was the main reason that the American Colonies rebelled and fought for their independence? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What was the name of the group that declared the independence of the United States? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What year did the United States issue the Declaration of Independence? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________When and what was the first shot in the American Revolution called? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Which European country became a major ally to the United States during the Revolutionary War? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What type of government did the new country of the United States form? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Name: ________________________________________________Date: ___________ Saunders/Mrs. McNerneyUS History/_______Do Now: What was one political, social and economic effect of the American Revolution? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Constitutional Foundations: Notes 2American Thought during and after the American RevolutionColonists thought that the National Government should be?____________________.The British government was too?_________________________Colonists believed that the _________________________?could make all the decisionsThe idea of?_________________________________________________Thought that direct democracy would take?__________________________Believed that most people are?_____________________________________________________The United States?FIRST?government: The Articles of?ConfederationAccording to our previous definition of Confederation, what would it mean as it pertains to the 13 colonies?That all the colonies are?_____________________That to pass a law?___________________________ have to agreeDownfalls of the Articles of ConfederationThe?____________________________?had all the _________________________The?States?were the only ones that could?___________________________________________________The?_____________________________?had their own armiesThe?States?created their own ___________________________The?_________________________?made their own treaties with natives and nationsCould?___________________________________________________?the national debtThe national government had to?_____________?states for money to pay __________________________There were many states that were ready to go to war?__________________________________Overall which level of government had more power? (National or State)Strengths of the Articles of the ConfederationOrganized the states during the?___________________________________________________Completed the Treaty of Ghent with BritainGained land to the?________________________________________________________________________________________ the American RevolutionLand distribution______________________________________________ of 1785Created system to?_____________________________ settlersPeople could buy land?___________________________Ultimately created__________________________________________________________________ Ordinance 1787Congress would create a?___________________________________That territory would have a governor and judgesAfter 6,000 people were in the area the citizens could create a?_____________________________________After 60,000 people it could become a?_____________________Each is still used?___________________________Event that made people aware there was need for a new government was_____________________________________ (1786)Many soldiers that served in the American Revolution had not been paidPrices in the United States were very?________________________People could not pay debt and?___________________?their propertyThe final straw was that Massachusetts needed money to pay off their states debts and?_______________________________________Daniel Shays and other farmers got guns and attacked an arsenalThe rebellion was put downSoon people were worried that there was?no _________________________________ controlUltimately there was fear that other nations would see a country in chaos and try to?_____________________________________________________________________________Classwork: Directions: Carefully review the infographic on the next page and answer the analysis questions below.? Close Reading: Which government passed the Northwest Ordinance - the Articles of Confederation or the US Constitution? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Close Reading: How did the Northwest Ordinance impact the US Constitution? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Close Reading: Which of the promises to settlers listed in the infographic did NOT appear in the Bill of Rights? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________?Close Reading: Which states came out of the Northwest Ordinance? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Analysis: How do you think the Northwest Ordinance impacted Native Americans? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________?Analysis: The Northwest Ordinance inspired a movement across the US later known as “Manifest Destiny”, a term that describes the attitude or belief that American expansion that the United States not only could, but was destined to, stretch from the east coast (Atlantic Ocean) to west coast (Pacific Ocean).? How might the Northwest Ordinance have shaped and developed this movement? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Homework: Answer the following questions in COMPLETE sentences.What were the goals of the people who created the Articles of Confederation? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What were its strengths? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What were its weaknesses? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Why did the Articles of Confederation ultimately not last? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What would replace the Articles of Confederation? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Name: ______________________________________Date: ______________ Saunders/Mrs. McNerneyUS HistoryDo Now: What do you think was the weakest part of the Articles of Confederation? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Constitutional Foundations: Notes 3The Constitution Convention BasicsThere were two very different conflicts going on during the convention_______________________________________________?versus?___________________________________________________________________?states versus__________________?statesThere was a list of ideals the new government should haveA national government with?__________________________________________________________The government should protect peoples?_______________________________________________There was a need for a?___________________________________?national governmentThere was to be a?_____________________________________?formThere need to be a system of?______________________________________________________________The were some basic rules:Each state was to have?________________________________That the convention record was to be a?___________________________________Allowed delegates to?__________________________________________________Could ________________________________?their opinion if they wantedThe debate over representationLarge states wanted Congress representation based on?__________________________________Belief that the states with the most population should have more?_______________________Express that the equal representation was a?____________________________?under the Articles of ConfederationThis plan is called the?__________________________________________________Small states wanted Congress representation be?_______________________?for each stateBelief that larger states would _________________________?their powerSmall states would be?____________________________?to the larger statesThe?____________________________________________________Also known as the?_____________________________________?PlanThere would be a?__________________________________?congressHouse of?________________________________________Based on?___________________________________Would have the sole job of starting all?______________________________ bills__________________________Each state would have?_____________________________________Would be given the role of?____________________________?to PresidentBoth houses could?____________________?a billBoth houses could?_________________?a bill from the other house by not passing that billNorth Versus South__________________________Population basesThe North had a larger?______________________?populationThe South had a larger ____________________?populationThe Slave TradeSouth wanted the slave trade?______________________________North found the slave trade?___________________________Protective?_________________________These are?__________________________________________?on imported goodsThe North wanted?_________?tariffs so that the South would buy goods from the NorthThe South imported and exported goods to EnglandWith high tariffs the South fearedThey would ___________________?export more goodsThat the prices of imported good would be?____________________________The CompromisesProtective TariffsThe National Government could?______________________________________________The only exception was slavery until 1808Congress could then change the lawSlaveryThe?_______________________________________________________________This is when?__________________________________________________________This would allow Southern States to have a larger ________________________________The?_________________________________________________________________Stated that any slave who escaped must be?returnedAfter these issues were dealt with the rest of the Constitution was constructed with some ease.Classwork: The Three-Fifths Compromise ActivityPart I - Historical backgroundAt the Constitutional Convention of 1787 an argument arose over the legislative branch (Congress) of the proposed new government. This is the branch of government that has the power to make laws for the nation. States with large populations wanted the number of representatives in the House of Representatives (one of the two houses of Congress) to be based on the size of a state's population. Those states with the most people would have the most representatives. States with small populations wanted each state to have the same number of representatives, like under the Articles of Confederation. This argument carried on for two months. In the end, the delegates agreed to the "Great Compromise." One branch, the House of Representatives, would be based on population. The other, the Senate, would have two members from each state.Under the proposed Constitution, the size of a state’s population would determine three matters:(1) How many members each state would have in the House of Representatives. (2) How many electoral votes each state would have in presidential elections. (3) The amount each state would pay in direct taxes to the federal government.Part of this compromise included a question that divided the convention on North-South lines. The question was: “Should slaves count as part of the population? “Only the Southern states had large numbers of slaves. Counting them as part of the population would greatly increase the South's political power, but it would also mean paying higher taxes. This was a price the Southern states were willing to pay. They argued in favor of counting slaves. Northern states disagreed. The delegates compromised. To figure out the number of representatives each had they would count the free population and add 3/5 of the number of slaves held in that state. In Article 1, Section 2, Paragraph 3 of the United States Constitution, the 3/5 Compromise is stated:"Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union, according to their respective Numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole Number of free Persons, including those bound to Service for a Number of Years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three fifths of all other Persons[slaves].Source: Constitutional Rights Foundation Questions:1. Why did the Southern states want to count slaves as part of the population to be counted towards their number of representatives in Congress? ________________________________2. Given this information, what might the impact of the 3/5 Compromise on slavery? Would it be more likely to support its existence and growth, or more likely to lead to its abolition? Explain.________________________________Part II – CalculationsCalculating how many representatives in Congress a state would have if all the people living in the state were counted.The chart below provides 1790 census (population) data for four states. State NameTotal PopulationFree PopulationSlave PopulationNew York340,241319,04821,193Pennsylvania433,611429,9043,707Virginia747,550454,923292,627North Carolina395,005294,222100,627Source: 1790 each state received one representative in Congress for every 30,000 people. Given this number calculate, given the state' total population, how many representatives each state would have in that year. To help you finish this the calculations for New York are shown below. Show your work to the right of each state.New York - 11 representatives (340,241 total population divided by 30,000 = 11)Pennsylvania - Virginia - North Carolina - Calculating the number of representatives each state would receive if only the free population were counted. Show your work to the right of each state.New York - 11 representatives (319,048 free population divided by 30,000 = 10.63 [11])Pennsylvania - Virginia - North Carolina - Use your calculations from #’s 1 and 2 to fill in the chart below.State Name# Representatives based on total population (free + slave) # of Representatives based only on free populationChange in number of representatives if only free population is countedNew York11110PennsylvaniaVirginiaNorth CarolinaCalculating the number of additional representatives each state would receive under the Three-Fifths Compromise: State NameSlave PopulationMultiply slave population by 3/5 (.6) Number of additional representatives state based on counting 3/5 of slave populationNew York21,19321,193 x .6 = 12,7160Pennsylvania3,707Virginia292,627North Carolina100,627Final calculations after the adoption of the 3/5 Compromise. Use information from the charts above to complete this chart.State Name# of representatives based on free populationNumber of additional representatives state receives from the Three-Fifths Compromise Total number of representatives each state will have in Congress in 1790 with the 3/5 Compromise in effectNew York11011Pennsylvania3,707Virginia292,627North Carolina100,627Name: ______________________________________Date: ______________ Saunders/Mrs. McNerneyUS HistoryDo Now: What is the Great Compromise? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Constitutional Foundations: Notes 4What is the US Constitution?The ___________________________ law of the United States. It is the _______________________ and source of the legal authority underlying the ________________________ of the United States of America and the __________________________ Government of the United States. It provides the ________________________________ for the organization of the United States Government.When was it written?May 25th to ____________________________ 17th, 1787Philadelphia________________________ was to _____________________ Articles of Confederation.Ended up ____________________________ the Articles and ____________________________ a new government.Called the “_________________________________________________.”What are the basic principles of the Constitution?Popular ___________________________Government ____________________ resides in the ___________________________. ___________________________ governmentGovernment is not all ___________________________, can only do what the ____________________ let it.Separation of _________________________Helps _________________________ one branch from becoming too ___________________________._________________________ and BalancesFederalismDivision of _____________________ among national and state __________________________________.Classwork: The Constitution of the United States of AmericaUS Constitution - PartsGraphic Organizer ???Objective What are the different parts to the US Constitution? Directions: Review the following two infographics on the US Constitution. ?When you are done reviewing them, answer the analysis questions that follow. ?Articles 1 - 3: Three Branches of the US Government Analysis Questions - Constitution InfographicsThe preamble describes six reasons for establishing the US Constitution, what are those six reasons? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________How many amendments are there to the US Constitution? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What are the first 10 amendments called? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________How many total representatives are there in the US Congress? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Which branch of government is also known as Congress? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Which branch of government does the President belong to? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________How long do Supreme Court justices serve for? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Below are three different governmental scenarios. Below each scenario, indicate which branch of government you think this scenario pertains to and why:Nevada makes a law that all citizens have to wear orange every Thursday. ?Which branch of government would decide whether or not this law is constitutional? Why? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________In 1941, Japan declared war on the United States. ?Which branch of government would decide whether or not to declare war on Japan in return? Why? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Great Britain wants the United States to sign a treaty promising not to hunt anymore whales, an endangered species. Which branch of government can make this treaty? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Name: _________________________________Date: ____________ Saunders/Mrs. McNerneyUS HistoryDo Now: What are the first 10 amendments to the Constitution called? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Constitutional Foundations: Notes 5 Three Branches of GovernmentArticle One: Legislative BranchThis Branch makes _______________________.This is to be done through ___________________________ which has two housesHouse of ____________________________________ and a ____________________________.__________________ members of the House and ___________________ Senators.The ____________________________ of the Constitution expected the ___________________________ Branch to be the most _________________________ branch of government, but feared if its power wasn’t ______________________ defined it could endanger liberty. So the Legislative branch was given ______________________________ powers.Expressed Powers- Powers __________________________ stated in the Constitution.Enumerated Powers- The powers listed in Article I Section 8 are called ________________________ powers, because they are numbered 1-18.One of these enumerated powers is called the _________________________________________.Elastic Clause- gives Congress the __________________ to make any laws they seem _________________________________ to carry out its other powers.Allows Congress to _____________________________ its power to meet new situations the founders couldn’t _____________________________.Article Two: The?Executive BranchThis branch?____________________________ lawsHeaded by the?__________________________________Requirements:The person needs to be?_________________________________________Must be?____________________________________________________Term is?______________________________________________The maximum is?______________________________Roles of the PresidentChief ______________________________________________________________ lawsMakes an annual?_____________________In charge of?______________________________________________ agenciesHas the power to?_________________________?personsChief of?________________________________________________________________ head of governmentHe _____________________________________ our country___________________________________?and ChiefControls the?______________________________________________________________________________?ChiefMeets other?world ________________________________Appoints?______________________________?to other countriesNegotiate?____________________________The?____________________________?must approve the treatyChief ___________________________________________________________?laws that congress should passHas the power toSign a law_____________________?a law (which means?stop or cancel)Chief of a?____________________________________Influence?____________________?decisionsElecting the President is done through the?____________________________________________________The framers did?_________________?trust people to choose the right personThe procedure:The number of votes per state is equal to the number of representatives in the House of Representative?_________________?two for the number of Senators.When a candidate wins the state he/she wins?all the ______________________________To become president the person must win a?________________________________________If there is no majority winner the President is elected by the House of RepresentativesIf the President dies the?____________________________________________?takes overArticle Three: The?________________________________Their job is to?___________________________________ lawsCurrently there are?__________________________________________________Each justiceIs nominated by the __________________________________Must be approved by the?__________________________Requirements_______________________The?____________________________ Court?is the?_____________________________?CourtThe Supreme Court hears the following types of casesDisputes between?_________________________Disputes between ___________________________?from different statesReview lower court decisions that?________________________?with federal lawClasswork: Using your notes fill in the graphic organizer.The Power To……This branch has this powerBranch being Checked(Could be more than one)Create and pass legislationVeto BillsRatify TreatiesAppoint Federal JudgesImpeach the PresidentConfirm appointment of presidential appointmentsDeclare Laws UnconstitutionalOverride Presidential VetoesAppoint Supreme Court Justices for Life10. Control Apportion of MoneyHomework: Using your notes fill in the Blanks in the sentences below. What are the 3 branches of the U.S. government? __________________________________________, ______________________________________________, _____________________________________________The ______________________________________ Branch of government makes the laws.The ______________________________________ Branch of government enforces the laws.The ______________________________________ Branch of government interprets the laws.What are the two parts of Congress? ______________________________________ and __________________________________________________________________________________________________________There are _______________ senators.There are _______________ members of the House of Representatives.The _______________________________ is elected by eligible United States citizens who vote and by the Electoral College system.The _________________________________________________ gives Congress the right to make any laws they seem necessary to carry out its other powers.The ________________________________ is the leader of the Executive Branch.Name: _________________________________Date: ____________ Saunders/Mrs. McNerneyUS HistoryDo Now: What are the three branches of government? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Constitutional Foundations: Notes 6 The Constitution of the United States of AmericaBasic Principles of the US ConstitutionPopular?______________________________That the power of government comes from the people.________________________________The idea that power between the states and federal government are?__________________________The National government deals with?_____________________________________ issuesWhile states deal with issues with the?_________________________There are three types of power_____________________________ Powers (National Powers)_____________________ WarIssue MoneyNegotiate __________________________Regulate?____________________________ commerceRegulate?___________________________ trade________________________________ Powers (Shared Powers)Levy?_____________________________Define crimes and?________________________________Determine?voting _________________________________________________________________ Money__________________________ Powers (State Powers)Regulate?_____________________________Grant?_______________________Provide?______________________Regulate?_______________________Conduct?_____________________________Denied PowersCannot deny?________________________________________A prisoner must be brought to court to see if they are being held _____________________Cannot spend money without ______________________________ approvalCannot pass an?_____________________________ facto lawCannot?____________________________States cannot do the following___________________?the federal governmentTax imports___________________________ of PowersThis to ensure?_____________________________________?of government becomes too powerfulThis is an idea borrowed from?_______________________________________The branches have different jobsLegislative???????????????????????????????????????Executive???????????????????????????????????????Judicial??????????????????????????????????????????Checks and?___________________________BalancesThe legislative branch checksExecutiveby threat of?__________________________________________________________?of a vetothis a?______________________?to against the vetoApprove/reject?__________________________?with other nationsJudicialBy threat of?___________________________________Approve/reject judge?____________________________________The Executive branch checksLegislative__________________________________________________________________?treaties_________________________________________ExecutiveGrant?__________________________________________________________The Judicial branch checksLegislativeDeclare laws?____________________________ExecutiveDeclare actions?___________________________________FlexibilityFirst congress has the?_______________________________________________-?or ____________________The constitution can be?________________________________Proposal phaseOrA national convention called with state legislative members must pass by 2/3 majorityRatification phaseThe state legislatures pass the amendment with a _________________________________?of the states **Or A state ______________________________ passes the amendment with a 3/4 majority?of the statesChecks and Balances in the US Constitution ?Directions: Watch this video clip Watch this video clip on checks and balances in the US Constitution. ?Answer the questions below while watching the video clip. ?What are the three branches of the US Government? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What is the function of checks and balances? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Explain the check and balance of power between the legislative and executive branch when it comes to the power to make laws. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Explain why the executive branch has so many checks on the powers they have. What did the early Americans want to be assured of? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Explain how the system of checks and balances makes sure that no one branch of government gets too powerful. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Name: _________________________________Date: ____________ Saunders/Mrs. McNerneyUS HistoryDo Now: What are checks and balances? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Constitutional Foundations: Notes 7Ratification of the United States ConstitutionAccording to the Article 7 of the Constitution only?________________________________?states needed to ratify the constitution to have a new governmentMost thought it would take ___________ 13The ______________________________ knew that it would be hard to get all 13Once there were 9 then the rest?would ______________________________After the Constitution Convention there are many for and against the ConstitutionThose that supported the Constitution were called?_____________________________________________.Supported a?____________________________ national governmentThere was a need for the government to protect?_______________________________The power of the President was needed to have?________________?person in charge to enforce laws.This group wrote the?____________________________________________________________Those that opposed the Constitution were called?________________________________________Belief that the national government had?_____________________________________ powerThe election of the President was took power?__________________?from peopleThe small states feared?______________________________________________.**** There was no?_____________________________________________?to protect peoples natural rightsState RatificationsMost states understood that a Bill of Rights would be?________________________ after the new government started to__________________ states had passed the Constitution by June 1788.There were two states that had not ratified the Constitution and were needed because they were the?_____________________________________________: Virginia and New YorkOnce these states passed the Constitution the government had?__________________________________The Bill of RightsThese were created to protect peoples?______________________________________????????????Some came from the Enlightenment and others from English oppressionFreedom of?_________________________, press, and _____________________________Right to?___________________________________________Citizens?_______________________?have to quarter troops__________________________________________________________That you have a right to?___________________________The government needs a?__________________________?to search your private propertyRights of an accused personAll have the right of?______________________________________________You cannot be tried twice for the same crime or called ____________________________ jeopardyCannot?_______________________________ yourselfRight to a?________________________________trial_________________________________________________Limits on?____________________________________________and 10. If a power is not stated in the constitution it is the power of the people or the states.Classwork: Using information from the notes and the phrase bank below the chart, complete the chart below to compare Federalists and Anti-Federalists. ? Federalist vs Anti-Federalist Papers Using Evidence ?Written Task What were the major philosophical differences between the Federalists and Antifederalists? Phrase Bank - use each phrase ONCE only Articles of Confederation Necessary, believed the Constitution did not protect individual rights Well educated, landholding and wealthy ?Unnecessary, believed the Constitution sufficiently protected individual rights Common man US Constitution Why is this Constitutional? Classwork: Read each of the scenarios below and next to the scroll, indicate which constitutional amendment allows this scenario to be true. You may use your notes to help you complete this activity. ?Homework: Read the three Supreme Court case scenarios below in the left hand column. ?In the right hand column, jot down which constitutional amendment you think this case was about, and explain your reasoning. ?SCOTUS (Supreme Court of the US) Case Constitutional Amendment Mapp v. Ohio (1957): In May 1957, three police officers arrived at Dollree Mapp’s home after having received a tip that a fugitive had hidden there. Mapp, who had phoned her attorney, refused to admit the police officers. Three hours later, they knocked on the door, and when Mapp did not immediately answer, they forced the door open and entered. Mapp demanded to see a search warrant. One of the officers held up a piece of paper, claiming it was the warrant. After a scuffle, the officers handcuffed Mapp. The police then began to search the house. They did not find a fugitive in the house; however, in the course of their search they turned up some material they deemed obscene. Mapp was charged and eventually convicted of having offensive books and pictures in her possession. ?Engel v. Vitale (1962): In 1951 the New York State Board of Regents, which supervises the state’s public school system, approved a brief prayer at the start of each day. The prayer read: “Almighty God, we acknowledge our dependence upon Thee, and we beg Thy blessings upon us, our parents, our teachers, and our Country.” School districts were not required to use the prayer, and students were not required to recite it. In 1958, the New Hyde Park school board adopted the prayer and directed that it be recited each day in every class, although students could be excused from reciting it. Steven Engel, the parent of two children in the New Hyde Park schools, objected to this practice and asked a state court to order the prayer dropped. Tinker v. Des Moines (1969): Throughout the 1960s, television broadcasts carried graphic images of the Vietnam War. In December of 1965, John Tinker, his sister Mary Beth, and their friend Christopher Eckhardt decided to protest the war. They planned to wear black armbands to their schools in Des Moines, Iowa. When the school board learned of their plans, it adopted a policy that banned the wearing of armbands. Any students who violated this policy would be suspended. Several students, including the Tinkers, went ahead with their protest. The students were suspended when they refused to remove their armbands.Amendments 11 through 27 cover a range of rights as well as limitations:Amendment 11 establishes judicial limits.Amendment 12 outlines the process for electing the President and Vice President.Amendment 13 abolishes slavery.Amendment 14 describes the privileges of citizenship.Amendment 15 states that the right to vote shall not be denied on account of race.Amendment 16 gives Congress the power to collect income taxes.Amendment 17 establishes the election of Senators by popular vote.Amendment 18 prohibited the manufacture and sale of intoxicating liquors.Amendment 19 states that the right to vote shall not be denied on account of sex.Amendment 20 sets the beginning of congressional and presidential terms of office.Amendment 21 repeals the eighteenth amendment.Amendment 22 defines presidential term limits.Amendment 23 gives presidential voting rights to the District of Columbia.Amendment 24 states that the right to vote shall not be denied on account of any poll tax.Amendment 25 delineates presidential succession.Amendment 26 establishes the right to vote at age eighteen years or older.Amendment 27 limits congressional pay increases. ................

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