DAY 1 TRAINING AGENDA - Association of Government …


Wednesday, October 30th

7:00 am

Registration Desk Open

7:00 ? 7:45am Continental Breakfast

7:45 ? 8:00 am Opening Remarks ? Samantha Alberts, President, Central Ohio AGA

8:00 ? 8:50 am

Efficient, Effective, and Transparent Government ? Ohio Auditor of State Keith Faber CPIM

8:50 ? 10:05 am

Emerging Issues in Government Accounting and Auditing (Kinney Poynter, NASACT) CPIM

10:05 ? 10:20 am Transition/Break

Case Study in Investing in The Leadership Secrets of

Today's Market

Football's Master Coaches

10:20 ? 11:35 am

Environment (Jason Click & Jason Headings, Meeder

(Jack Park)

Investments) CPIM

AICPA Update (Richard Cunningham, AOS, L. Michael Howard, Julian and Grube Inc.) CPIM

11:35 ? 12:00 pm Lunch ? Chapter Business Meeting

12:10 ? 1:00 pm Lunch Speaker ? Football Fun Facts and Follies (Jack Park)

1:00 ? 1:15 pm 1:15 ? 2:30 pm 2:30 ? 2:45 pm

2:45 ? 4:00 pm


AICPA Governmental Audit Quality Center with a Focus on Single Audit and Audit Quality (George D. Strudgeon, GAQC) CPIM


The Leadership Secrets of Football's Master Coaches (Jack Park)

What Does Your Nonverbal Communication Say? (John Gentner & Keirsten Moore, Capital University)

What You Need to Know about Debt Instruments of Governments (Marc Kamer, Dinsmore & Shohl) CPIM

4:30 ? 7:00 pm PDT Happy Hour at Bar Louie **All of the above courses meet the standards for Certified Government Financial Manager (CGFM) CPE credit. CPIM: Denotes classes that are approved for CPIM credit by the State Treasurer's Office.

Central Ohio AGA Regional Professional Development Training - October 30-31, 2019

Please register online at

7:00 am 7:00 ? 8:00 am 8:00 ? 9:15 am 9:15 ? 9:30 am

9:30 ? 10:20 am


Thursday, October 31st

Registration Desk Open

Continental Breakfast

Medicaid Fraud 101 ? Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost & Lloyd Early, Special Agentin-Charge, Medicaid Fraud Unit CPIM


Cybersecurity for Government (Carly Devlin, Clark Schaefer Hackett) CPIM

GASB Update (Lisa Parker, Single Audit Update (Zac


Morris & Chad Gorfido,

Rea & Associates) CPIM

10:20 ? 10:35 am 10:35 ? 11:50 am


Government Audit Standards: Navigating the New Guidance (Zac Morris & Chad Gorfido, Rea & Associates) CPIM

Reporting Model

Mentoring Matters! (Rita

Reexamination (Lisa Parker, Keller)


11:50 ? 12:20 pm 12:20 ? 1:10 pm 1:10 ? 1:25 pm

1:25 ? 4:10 pm (includes 15 minute break)

Lunch Lunch Speaker: New Psychology of Professional Skepticism (Dr. Toby Groves)


Beyond the Code: Ethics in the Real World (Dr. Toby Groves) CPIM

Building on the Power of Generations in the Workplace (Rita Keller)

Tableau Visual Analytics and Fraud Investigation (Heather Gough, JP Morgan Chase) CPIM

**All of the above courses meet the standards for Certified Government Financial Manager (CGFM) CPE credit. CPIM: Denotes classes that are approved for CPIM credit by the State Treasurer's Office.

Central Ohio AGA Regional Professional Development Training - October 30-31, 2019

Please register online at


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