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 Aztec Timeline WebquestThe goal of this Webquest is to get you to understand the Timelines of the different Mesoamerican Civilizations. Just like Western Europe was built upon the Egyptian, Greek and Roman Empires; the Aztec Civilization was built upon the Olmec, Mayan and Toltec Empires.Mission 1: Answer the following QuestionsMission 2: On a separate slide or piece of paper create an awesome timelineThings that make Timelines Awesome: Clean lines, Pictures, Legible Writing, Your Name, a Title, Years!Places to Explore: Good luck Who was the “first” Mesoamerican Civilization?Put the Year on your timelineWhat sort of statuary were they famous for?Copy and Paste 1 -2 pictures here:What did they harvest from trees?Why?BONUS: On your own time compare the evolution of ball games Olmec/Aztec to modern games like Soccer/Basketball/QuidditchWho are identified as the 8 main gods of the Olmec?Did any persist beyond the Olmec?The Next Big Empire ______________ The Second Empire for your timeline was most famous for their prediction the world would end in what year? (put on your timeline)Why?What years were they at the height of their power? (this is for your timeline)Find 5 pictures of different place around the ________ empire and copy&paste them belowIn what way did the ________ people modify their children to be more “beautiful”? Do we do anything similar in the 21st century?What did they use as currency?A direct quote for you to fill in the blank: It is known that the ______ sutured wounds with ________, reduced fractures, and were even skilled _________ surgeons, making prostheses from ______ and ___________ and filling teeth with iron pyrite.Can you find a picture?What was the final ______ City called?When did it fall? (timeline!)Where was it?Are the ______ people still alive today? How are they treated? (if they’re still around…)Some Minor Empires/City-StatesThe city-state of Monte Alban was founded by the __________ around the year of _______. (timeline this as well)Can you show me a picture or two that is rad about this place?This next awesome City fell in 650 CE ______________.The movie Alien vs. Predator was partly filmed in this pyramid…What is awesome about the format of their city?It was the Toltecs that took over this city several hundred years later… Find me some timeline dates and 3 fun facts: The Toltecs were known for their great ___________Who was their main deity? Which city we’ve discussed has a ton of effigies to this god?How does this deity relate to Cortez?What city is the largest pyramid in?Why is this city famous today? #spicyWhat’s the myth regarding the church on top of the pyramid?Which beloved archaeologist has come in to speak regarding some fun facts about the area and the Cholula pyramid?The Biggest and LAST Empire… #sadface #genocide What is the rough date for the founding of Tenochtitlan? (timeline)What made Tenochtitlan unique?Do you have a fun fact about their postal system?What were the two types of taxes in Tenochtitlan?What were the flower wars?Can you compare the Eagle and Jaguar Warriors?Are there other warrior cults/brotherhoods?Where does the word Mexico come from?Using your Animoto skills, take the pictures you’ve found and find as many more as you can to assemble a video of New World Architecture.Classcode a4ef0591febed78addfCreate an account ussing # is used to identify your number on the attendanceThen go to Account and put in Classcode a4ef0591febed78addfFinal Question: What year did Cortez land? Can you plot a rough timeline from landing to the conquest of TenochtitlanBonus: Check out and find out the meaning of your name according to the Aztec and Mayan CalendarNow, screenshot the image you identify with belowBonus: We don’t get to talk about the Inca Civilization, which is sad. However! If you would like to take it upon yourself to go above and beyond and do your own research and find out cool things about them… BONUS MARKS ................

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