Japanese Teaching Ideas - HOME

PREP- Japanese Day activities!

なつ Summer Games - Courtyard

Goldfish scooping- a very typical activity for children at matsuri festivals in Japan

Watermelon splitting- a fun family game often played in summer in Japan

Sandcastle Jenga - make a sandcastle with a stick in the top and each player

runs their fingers around the base of the castle in turn, trying not to make the

stick fall.


うちわ Uchiwa fan making - Classroom

Uchiwa means hand fan in English. Japanese people often use them

to keep cool in hot weather.



Junior School- Japanese Day activities!

こけし Kokeshi/Robot doll making - Classroom

Kokeshi- These dolls were originally made out of wood. They have a simple body and

enlarged head. Kokeshi dolls usually have no arms or legs and have the artists signature on the bottom. How many pieces did you cut out to make your paper kokeshi doll?

Robots- Japan is famous for its world-class robotics. In Japan there are a number of places and ways for kids to come into contact with and learn about the most advanced robots and robotic technology. If you could design a real robot what would you like it to do?


Museum- Japanese room

What was your favourite item/activity in the museum?

なまえ______________(Name)     Japanese Day 2013

Middle School- Japanese Day activities 2013

まんが Manga character boxes - Classroom

‘Manga’ means humorous picture in English. Manga drawings are found in Japanese comic books. Manga is often made into Japanese cartoons, or animation. The art in manga has a very definite look and is often referred to as “Manga Style” e.g. big eyes and head. Can you name two manga characters?

あやとり ‘Ayatori’ string games - Classroom

Using a piece of string wrapped around your fingers you will be able to create string figures. String figures may also involve the use of the mouth, wrist, and feet! You can make single images, create games or perform magic tricks using a piece of string. What were you able to do with your piece of string?

ちゃのゆ Tea ceremony - Library

Tea ceremony is a traditional Japanese way of drinking powdered green tea following set rules. The ceremony involves the use of special tools. Practicing tea ceremony develops inner peace

and an appreciation of life and nature. How many tools did you see?

なまえ______________(Name)     Japanese Day 2013

Senior School- Japanese Day activities!

たいこ Taiko & dance – 5/6 building

Bon Odori- Each region of Japan has their own Bon dance. They usually perform it during summer festivals. The dance of a region can depict the area's history. For example, the movements of the Tankō Bushi (the "coal mining song") of old Miike Mine in Kyushu show the movements of miners, i.e. digging, cart pushing, lantern hanging, etc. All dancers perform the same dance sequence in together.

Taiko- Taiko means drum in English. During the Bon Odori dance the drummers often stand in the middle of the circle of dancers. Drummers wear happi jackets and dancers wear a cotton kimono.


てまりずし Ball shaped sushi– Staffroom/Artroom

Temari-zushi are fun little sushi balls that you can pack in your lunch box or impress the family at home!

These ball shaped sushi faces are often made for happy occasions! Basically you mold

the rice into a ball shape, then you decorate it. Draw a sketch of your Temari zushi…


Museum- Japanese room

What was your favourite item/activity in the museum?

なまえ______________(Name) 2013


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