English I Honors

English I Honors

Course Information

Welcome to Niceville High School and English I Honors. This is a class in which you will be reading some great literature, studying to improve your vocabulary, writing essays and other creative pieces, and improving your critical thinking skills. What you do in your freshman English class will help prepare you for your future English classes. With that in mind, I challenge you to work hard this year, to take responsibility for involving yourself in the activities we do, and to have some fun as you learn.

Familiarize yourself with the information below so that you will know what to expect in English. Take it home and show it to your parents. Then, keep it with you so that you can refer to it throughout the year.

Books and Materials

• Various texts including novels and a literature anthology

• A ring binder with section dividers to use as a journal

• Notebook paper for in-class assignments

• Access to a computer word processing program for formal essays


Journal Keeping. You will be required to maintain a journal in a binder. You will keep daily grammar practice, vocabulary, notes, handouts, and essay drafts and reflections in your journals. I will collect and grade your journals once each quarter.

Vocabulary Study. Each week you will be responsible for learning ten words for a weekly vocabulary test. Every third test will be a review test.

Daily Grammar Practice. Class will begin each day with a short activity on the overhead projector. I will show you how to keep up with the daily activities in your journals.

Writing. You will be writing a number of essays this year. We will complete some of the writing process in class, but you will have to do some writing independently. Some of your essays should be typed and in the format I will show you before your first paper.

Literature Study. In addition to selections in our texts, we will be reading some other novels this year. These will be issued to you so that you can read most of them outside of class. There will be quizzes, activities, essays, tests, and projects related to the works we read.


Grading Scale

A 90-100

B 80-89

C 70-79

D 60-69

F 0-59

Grade Categories

Vocabulary Quizzes 20%

Journals 20%

Tests, quizzes, essays, 60%

and other projects

At the end of each quarter, you will receive a grade based on the above criteria. Please remember that the journal grade will not be averaged in until the end of each quarter. Semester grades will be determined by the two quarter grades and the semester final.

Class Attendance and Tardies

Your attendance is very important to your success in the class. When you are absent, you are responsible for assignments you missed.

When you arrive in class, you are expected to remain here for the entire period unless the office calls for you. You may not be excused to go to the phone, your locker, another teacher’s class, or the parking lot. You may use the restroom pass at appropriate times during class or in an emergency. You will be given permission to go to the library to do work related to our English class.

Make-Up Work and Late Assignments

After an absence, find out what you missed from me, another student, or niceville/crumpe. It’s your responsibility to obtain notes and handouts. If an assignment is due on a day you are absent, turn it in immediately upon your return. You can make up tests and in-class activities after excused absences only. Make arrangements to do so within five days of your absence or you will receive no credit.

If you don’t have your homework on the day it’s due, you can’t turn it in late and you won’t receive any credit for it. Essays and other major assignments will receive a deduction for each day they are late.

Always see me about problems you are having before a deadline. I can’t help you find a solution if I don’t know about the problem.

Cell Phones

If you have a cell phone and your parents have signed the permission form, you may use your cell phones for certain assignments in my class. If you use your phone at any time or for a purpose that is not directed by me, I will turn your phone in to the discipline office.

Remind 101

If you would like to receive text messages about the class, you can text @crumpe to 916-668-5536. You will receive a text message that asks you to reply with your name so that I can include you when I text information to the class.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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