Whiz Kids Fall Classes:

Whiz Kids Fall Classes

High School/ College level Curriculum:

American Literature/ History: History Textbook: The American Vision

(Once parents sign up for coop they’ll be provided with a 36 week syllabus for the American Literature/History class. This list will also include the list of literature books students will be reading throughout the year)


PSAT/SAT prep class: PSAT/SAT Critical Reading Prep class. 9th~10th grader

The PSAT/SAT is a standardized test and standardized test questions have patterns that can be figured out. Learning 3000 vocabulary words is not necessarily the key to scoring well on the Verbal/Critical Reading Section. This class will teach students:

• How to cut their Critical Reading time in half

• The three main question types in all the passages

• The common mistake people make on the Dual Reading Passage

• How not to be fooled by certain questions

• How to eliminate wrong answer choices

• Which words in the answer choice are paramount to circle

• The place to look for the main idea in the short passage

• How to take advantage of semi-colon or colon clues in the Sentence Completion section

PSAT Math Prep class. 10th grader

The PSAT/SAT is a standardized test and standardized test questions have patterns that can be figured out. These math questions can really be answered without a calculator. This class will teach students:

• How to answer the problems the short way

• What to do with unknown variables

• The hidden math pattern

• How wrong answers point you to right answers

• How to eliminate 2-3 answers right off the bat

• Fastest way to answer a fraction question

Speech Boot Camp: Long ago, the vital skill of speaking well, or “elocution,” was considered an essential part of every citizen’s basic education, enabling the average man or woman to not only reason soundly but to present ideas in a winsome, intelligent, persuasive way. The art of speaking well should not be a missing element in our students. Confidence with public speaking is an essential skill, vital in teaching, in leadership, in entrepreneurship, in freedomship. Assuming no previous experience, in this “public speaking boot camp” the course introduces the most important basic concepts for organizing and presenting a speech, give ample opportunity for practice, and teach students how to effectively critique and encourage each other.

In this class, students will learn how to write and present four kinds of

speeches: self-introduction, narrative, descriptive (expository), and

persuasive. The program teaches the students how to create the speech, they see a sample

given, they learn speaking tips, then give their speech to the group of kids in the class.

NOTE: This class is a product of the The Institute of Excellence in Writing

Math: Geometry-by-James-E-Schultz (We will also be covering Algebra 1)

College Preparatory Math – Algebra I and Geometry (high school): Students will be covering a wide selection of math subjects.  In order for students to complete the general math requirements for college, they are required to take specific math subjects.  According to the Department of Education, these subjects include, but are not limited to: Geometry, Algebra, Pre-calculus, and Trigonometry.  This class will be focusing specifically on Algebra I and Geometry.  The topics covered in this class will include equations, polynomials and factoring, radicals, angles, parallel lines, polygons, congruency, area relationships, the Pythagorean Theorem, surface area, volume, and introductions to Trigonometry. In learning and understanding this material, students will be preparing for college entrance exams and college math courses.

Science: Text book, Exploring-Creation-with-Biology.

College Preparatory Biology (high school): The students will be covering a wide selection of science topics.  In order for students to complete the science requirements for college, they are required to take specific sciences.  According to the Department of Education, these sciences include, but are not limited to:  Biology, Earth Science, Chemistry, and Physics.  This class will be focusing specifically on Biology.  This Biology class studies living organisms and their interactions with each other and the environment.  The topics covered in this class will include cellular biology, life cycle, genetics, classifications, organisms, animals, plants, and ecosystems. Students will develop a better understanding of the nature of living organisms along with their similarities and differences through a variety of different ways, including discussions, research assignments, mini-labs, and lectures.

Grammar: (Offering AP English Literature/ Language) Textbook, The Bedford Handbook (including AP)

German: Focusing strongly on German culture. Textbook, Kontakte by McGraw/Hill

(We will post the readings/assignments online so students won't have to purchase the book).

Introduction to German

Students learn basic German language skills through study of Germany’s culture, foods, music, various regions, historical background, and modern-day role in the world. Class is taught in English at first with increasing dialogues in German as the group skill level progresses. Group projects might include putting on a short play in German and English, a German Culture Day. As an individual year long project, students will keep a “Germany Travel Diary” of the various regions of Germany and the German-speaking world that we study.

Latin: This course will provide a lively introduction to the Latin language as well as the culture of Roman Britain through speaking conversational Latin, making lap-book and weekly homework.

The aim of this course is to help students in 1) learning other foreign languages later on, 2) understanding English grammar, and 3) extending their English vocabulary through the study of Latin. Those who have studied Latin usually speak with fundamental and lasting improvement to their understanding of English.

Conversational French (TBD)


What are the devices of poetry?

How can an apprentice poet master his craft?

Why write & revise &revise & revise, and for whom?

You will learn the answers to these and many other questions in the poetry workshop. Each class will offer an opportunity for the students to experience a particular aspect of poetry. These experiences will involve reading, thinking, noticing, listening, writing, and speaking. At least one poem will be discussed every week, and activities will be designed around the poem and a specific aspect of poetry. The students will have an opportunity to write their own poems. Throughout the course, the students will be creating a portfolio of their own work and an anthology of their favorite poems.

Middle School Curriculum:

American Studies: American Literature/History

A walking tour through the two major time periods in American literature, this class would cover pre-civil war literature and post-civil war to the present, possibly broken into one semester each. In order to open up the literature, we will have brief “historical reviews” for each book. Depending on the skill level of the class, individual students might want to present brief historical reviews to the group. This class will be geared towards blending American history in with significant pieces of American literature such as The Witch of Blackbird Pond, selections of Thoreau, My Antonia, Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry, and short stories by choice American authors. Individual assignments would include short writing responses and a paper and brief presentation on one book per semester. Group projects can include creative writing the “next great American story,” putting on a performance based on one of the texts, or other ideas.

Speech Boot Camp: Long ago, the vital skill of speaking well, or “elocution,” was considered an essential part of every citizen’s basic education, enabling the average man or woman to not only reason soundly but to present ideas in a winsome, intelligent, persuasive way. The art of speaking well should not be a missing element in our students. Confidence with public speaking is an essential skill, vital in teaching, in leadership, in entrepreneurship, in freedomship. Assuming no previous experience, in this “public speaking boot camp” the course introduces the most important basic concepts for organizing and presenting a speech, give ample opportunity for practice, and teach students how to effectively critique and encourage each other.

In this class, students will learn how to write and present four kinds of

speeches: self-introduction, narrative, descriptive (expository), and

persuasive. The program teaches the students how to create the speech, they see a sample

given, they learn speaking tips, then give their speech to the group of kids in the class.

NOTE: This class is a product of the Institute of Excellence in Writing. 

Math: (Asian: Soroban, Singapore and Equations Scale (Algebra)

Science: (General Science/Labs) Textbook, General Science Activities w/ real life applications.

General Science (middle school):  The students will be covering a wide selection of science topics.  Students will learn through a variety of different ways including classroom lessons, projects, mini research assignments, and mini-labs.  They will be encouraged to integrate basic science concepts and skills into everyday life.  Topics covered will include: Earth Science – earthquakes and plate tectonics, rocks and weathering, and weather and water; Physics – wave energy, heat, motion, work, power and machines, and electricity; Astronomy – planets, stars, the moon, and space travel; Chemistry – the periodic table, surface tension of water, hair chemistry, and macromolecules; and Biology – the basic unit of life, DNA, Mendelian genetics, changes and adaptation, and ecology.  The lessons are all correlated to the National Science Teachers Association Standards and are designed to engage even those students who may not otherwise take an interest in science.

Geography: This class will help students relate to distant places and cultures to their own lives.

Grammar: English Grammar Textbooks, Worldly Wise Workbooks (they are outstanding!) and Warriners.

Since grammar is the single most important element of any piece of writing, students will learn all the finicky (and surprisingly fun) details. We will review basic sentence structure concepts, parts of speech, unbreakable grammar rules, breakable grammar rules, and many more! Then students will have the opportunity to apply those developing skills to the art of writing papers. Individual work will include grammar practice worksheets, short writing assignments, and one or two longer writing projects. Group projects can include hands-on creative projects to bring to life the abstract concepts behind grammar, doing “dissections” of texts, group study, and more.

German: Focusing strongly on German culture. Textbook, Kontakte by McGraw/Hill

(We will post the readings/assignments online so students won't have to purchase the book).

Introduction to German

Students learn basic German language skills through study of Germany’s culture, foods, music, various regions, historical background, and modern-day role in the world. Class is taught in English at first with increasing dialogues in German as the group skill level progresses. Group projects might include putting on a short play in German and English, a German Culture Day. As an individual year long project, students will keep a “Germany Travel Diary” of the various regions of Germany and the German-speaking world that we study.

Latin: This course will provide a lively introduction to the Latin language as well as the culture of Roman Britain through speaking conversational Latin, making lap-book and weekly homework.

The aim of this course is to help students in 1) learning other foreign languages later on, 2) understanding English grammar, and 3) extending their English vocabulary through the study of Latin. Those who have studied Latin usually speak with fundamental and lasting improvement to their understanding of English.

Conversational French (TBD)

Poetry: The study of different forms of Poetry.

Primary School Curriculum:

History/Literature: (This class will also teach kids through games, the study of world monuments)

Science: (Young Scientist)

Math: Mental Arithmetic (Sub, Add, Multi, Div and Fractions)

Mental arithmetic is a brain training program used to perform complex arithmetic calculations without the aid of any external calculating devices. Mental arithmetic training has been proved to improve visualization skills, sharpen memory and focusing skills.

Reading/Writing/Spelling (self explanatory)

Poetry (This class studies the different forms of poetry, kids will learn to develop their own style of poetry)

Greek/Latin roots: (this class will also include fun Greek/Latin roots games)

Conversational Spanish/Italian thru music: {Beginners basic}

Learning Spanish/Italian through music is designed to teach basic Spanish/Italian vocabulary and expressions through song. The songs are easy and fun to learn assuring that student’s first experience in Spanish/Italian is pleasurable and motivating while introducing them to words, accents, and rhythms of the Spanish/Italian Language. Learning Spanish/Italian by way of music is an excellent model for Spanish/Italian pronunciation and intonation.

Units of Study:

Pronunciation/Intonation Definition/Usage

Alphabet/Numbers/Colors, etc Basic Language Skills

Poetry and Writing


ABG Theater Troop: Theater Studies for the theater lover

The end project of this class will be to put on a play, but along the way students will learn warm-ups, theater games, memorization techniques, and basic acting skills. As well as learning acting fundamentals, students will learn about the art of stage writing by reading several different plays for children and possibly some parts of Much Ado About Nothing (depending on the average age of the group). As a group we will learn to take a classic movie and adapt it into a play. Our choice for the 2011-2012 school year will be the, “The Princess Bride.”

NOTE: We will begin our studies with a winter musical production (TBD) and end the school year with a production of “The Princess Bride”

Theatrical studies are a great way to help students with self confidence, self expression, training in public speaking, and improving communication and social skills in a fun, free spirited, artistic way. Theater is an excellent way of improving social skills while creating a team mentally.

Units of Study:

Getting On Stage/Public Speaking/Building Confidence

Theater Games and Musical Warm-ups Theatrical Terms/Acting Techniques

Creating Character/Character Analysis Vocal Technique/Tongue Twisters

Story Telling/Three-Word-Skits Improv/Creative Drama

Monologues, Scenes, and Plays Signing/Speaking with your hands

**STEM Curriculum: (class descriptions will be sent as soon as we get full commitments from facilitators)

Studies in Aviation (students will get one free flight lesson for this program)

Young Entrepreneurs workshop

NOTE: As we did with IBM, we will develop 2 workshops for the school year offered by different US and International companies. We will also have an end of year Science GEEK Fest. ( STEM workshops and GEEK FEST are FREE to attend by all homeschoolers)

International Dance: Learn about different dances around the world and their origins.

The History and Appreciation of International Dance:  This class will introduce students to dance in its creative, cultural, and historical aspect.  It will explore the ways dance has functioned in different societies, the role it has played in different cultures, and the impact history has had on it.  Students will be taught through discussion and dance. Students must be prepared to move and step out of their comfort zone.  They will develop an appreciation of dance as an art form. This class will have a strong emphasis on Irish Dance studies and Ballroom. 

Irish dance (beginner) Wednesdays 2pm-3pm: Irish dancing is one of the most popular traditional dance forms in Ireland.  It is divided into two forms: soft shoe and hard shoe.  Soft shoe consists of intricate footwork and extreme precision. The beginner level is the starting point for new Irish dancers.  No experience is necessary.  Dancers will learn basic soft shoe techniques and simple traditional Irish dancing choreography. $10/ per class

Irish dance (advanced) Wednesdays 3pm-4pm: Beginner class is a prerequisite for this class and you must have the permission of the instructor.  Irish dancers in this level hone their skills in the foundations learned in the beginner level.  Dancers will be introduced to more advanced choreography and techniques for solo and group performances. $10/ per class

International Cooking: We will travel the globe (Japan, China, India, Germany, Spain, Italy, Caribbean, Etc) learning different cultures and cooking their countries foods. NOTE: We will also have a special guest come sometime during the school year to teach us the art of cake decorating.

Phys ED: Ninjutsu training, traditional Japanese martial arts. (For class/instructor description please click on link)

Location and Cost

The Newtown Bible Church in Newtown, CT

Mondays and Wednesday's 9am-4pm

(This is a drop off coop but parents can stay if they want to participate as teachers/volunteers)

First day of classes start on September 5th, but we're actually having another STEM workshop to kick off the new school year. We had 60 students at our last workshop, it was a success so we're having another on the first day of classes.

The cost is $150 a month for students, which translates into less than $20 dollars a day for full classes. Students can take individual core classes and/or individual elective classes for only $10 per class, per week. We'll be having several speakers throughout the school year from different companies sharing technology information. IBM is one of our great supporters and volunteer facilitators of our STEM ( science, technology, engineering, math) workshop.

Primary kids will not be asked for donations if they already have siblings in the upper classes. However, families who are only entering Primary classes will be asked to make a small donate to the church to cover the use of the rooms, (we'll set up a love offering box). Primary families will also share the cost of arts/craft materials and snacks for the kids. Primary groups will have half day academic classes only. The rest of the day will be in play and/or study hall if they wish.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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