5848350-57149Year 6 Home Learning – Due back on Tuesday 3rd November Date: Friday 23rd October 2020Year 6, I cannot believe that it is the end of the first half term already. They say that time flies when you’re and I most certainly have had fun so far. Well done for settling into the routines and working really hard too. Have a restful half term holiday. Spellings: As we discussed in class, I have set a spag online ‘test’. Your details are in your reading record. Reading: You have two reading comprehensions to complete over the half term holiday. They will test all of the skills that we have covered in class. Maths: We will go through the answers altogether in class. Useful websites: you have any questions or need any help, please see me in class on Monday morning and we can work on it together. Happy holidays, Miss Jackson ................

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