Power Up Your Powerpoint - Patti Wood

Power Up Your Powerpoint

e-book and audio by Patti Wood

The audience smiles and leaned forward in their seats in rapt attention as Jim gave his presentation. He turned off his slides concluded his speech and the group gave him thunderous applause.

The audience sighed and slumped forward in their seats their there eyes glazing over in boredom as Jake pushed through his 78the bulleted slides and said that raps it up some of the audience sat silently while others rushed from the room. Would you like to give your PowerPoint presentation like Jim or Jake?

With the Power up Your Power Point tool kit you can give powerful presentations, and make creating those presentations quick easy and fun and delivering them an absolute blast. Yes, I mean you can make your presentations a joy!

As a presenter, you have an opportunity to connect with your audience in a unique way. The relationship you can form with the group synergy and potential for back and forth flow of energy, feedback and questions gives you a way to motivate persuade and inform an audience that no handout, brochure or manual can. PowerPoint presentations can be great. They have been shown to increase the credibility of the speaker and the content, when done well.

• Questions to answer about when to use PowerPoint.

• Creating your slides content and flow

• How to quickly and easily write your speech

• How to set a goal and purpose for speaking

• Mindmapping and Story Boarding to create you content

• How to turn off your inner critic and use the power of your right brain to create content

• How to write your speech to create the best PowerPoint content

• Why you need to create freedom from your slides

• Why and how to create unique slides

• Links to web resources for creative slide ideas, photos, power point games, music and freelance slide creators.

• Rules for amount of slides that an audience can retain

• Why you should use pictures rather than just text and bullet points

• Ideas, tips and examples for creating graphic power point slides

• Why you should start your presentation without slides

• What should be on the first slide

• What should be on the second slide

• Tricks and tips on creating and using agendas so that your audience is attentive, does not interrupt, asks questions related to the topic rather than jumping ahead and you stay on time and unrushed throughout your presentation.

• What should be on your last slide

• How to end you presentation powerfully

• Tips for creating good power point slides

• The coherence principal of multimedia presentation and how it should affect your slides

• What should and should not be in the top right hand corner of your slides

• The secrets of creating a killer header for a slide

• How to use boarders, backgrounds and other tricks to focus the audience on your content

Rules, based on learning research, for creating fonts, templates and backgrounds

• How to easily edit down the number of slides you use

• How to not forget were your going and what to say next in your PowerPoint presentation

• How to make your slides interesting and add pizzazz (with links to resources)

• How to make detailed power point slides effective (with links to resources)

• Power point tricks with your computer

• How to set up your room to optimize your delivery and the audience’s response to you

• Steps tricks and tips for delivering your power point slides dynamically

• Creative ways to deliver breaks between slides

• Fun ways to transition to slides and between slides

• Funny lines to use when their problems with your equipment fail or the slides mess up

• How to make your voice dynamic during a power point presentation.

• How to conclude powerfully and win over your audience.

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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