FAMILY Fun Pack Math 2nd Grade

We’ve Got No Strings To Hold Us Down 4th Grade

Castleman Creek Elementary

Students are entering a world full of occupations that don’t currently exist. Our students will be equipped with 21st Century Skills including the ability to research. Netbooks are mini laptops that will set our fourth graders free to explore and research their world with no strings (or wires) attached! It will allow them to research in-the-moment when it is most relevant.

Students Impacted: 70+

Amount Funded: $ 5,000 Named Grant Sponsor:

Expenditure per Student: $ 71.43

The Allergan Foundation

Primary Grant Writer: Kim Hardin |Can We Take a Clicker Quiz Today? 4th Grade

Castleman Creek Elementary

This is a way to immediately get a valid assessment of students’ understanding of any concept in any subject. It will improve student learning through interactive and visual activities. The anonymity of the system ensures that all students can answer every question without fear of embarrassment.

Students Impacted: 18

Amount Funded: $ 1,500 Named Grant Sponsor:

Expenditure per Student: $ 83.33

Midway ISD Education Foundation

Primary Grant Writer: Jessica Fasani | |

|Fold Me Up, Scotty! 4th Grade |Crawling the Web for Critters K-2 Grades |

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|Castleman Creek Elementary |Castleman Creek Elementary |

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|Differentiated Instruction and Interactive Notebooks are the future of the |This will be a one year subscription to PebbleGo, a research database for students |

|classrooms. Teachers are able to meet the individual needs of their students through |K-2. The database will help students conduct research and learn in a multimodal way, |

|the use of multiple modalities and the synthesis of information. Foldables can be |increasing their levels of interest, comprehension, and information literacy. It also|

|effective in the implementation of both strategies in the classroom. |allows students to listen, read with assistance, or independently read text. |

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|Students Impacted: 20+ |Students Impacted: 271 |

|Amount Funded: $ 985 Named Grant Sponsor: |Amount Funded: $ 400 Named Grant Sponsor: |

|Expenditure per Student: $ 49.25 |Expenditure per Student: $ 1.48 |

|Midway ISD Education Foundation |Midway ISD Education Foundation |

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|Primary Grant Writer: Kim Hardin |Primary Grant Writer: Julie Overpeck |

|Do you Hear What I Hear? K-4 Grades | |

|Castleman Creek Elementary |Teaching and Learning with the Stars! 1st Grade |

| |Hewitt Elementary |

|The use of Payaway Digital Audiobooks for direct instruction and recreational reading| |

|is one way to increase student achievement and produce lifelong learners. It allows |Through STARS (Science, Tubs, Actively, Reinforcing, Standard Based Labs) students |

|struggling readers and those with significant disabilities or low comprehension |will become actively engaged in their own learning and allowed to explore Science |

|skills to participate in grade level classroom book lessons. |concepts in an exciting, invocative, hands on manner! It will enhance the students’ |

| |creativity in Science core concepts as well as in other curriculum subject areas! |

|Students Impacted: 443 | |

|Amount Funded: $ 2,500 Named Grant Sponsor: |Students Impacted: 96 Named Grant Sponsor: |

|Expenditure per Student: $ 5.64 |Amount Funded: $ 4,255 |

|1st University Credit Union |Expenditure per Student: $ 44.32 Educators Credit Union |

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|Primary Grant Writers: Julie Overpeck, Lory Bernard, Debbie Dibrell, Katie Elliott |Primary Grant Writers: Elizabeth Carroll, Heather Kizer, Susan Posey, Wendy Cromie, |

| |Susan Whitley, Holly Parker |

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|All For One And One For All! 9-12th Grades |Exploring the World with MOBI 9-12th Grades |

|Midway High School |Midway High School |

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|Using 21st Century tools we will put learning in the hands of our students to |This will enable teachers to use the latest mobile instructional technology to engage|

|facilitate greater student-teacher interaction in a dynamic and interactive learning |all students in higher levels of instruction. The wireless tablets will be used to |

|environment! By using these tools, they will have an excellent student engagement |facilitate group activities and assessments, higher level questioning, and engaging |

|tool, but also will be an integral method to address our campus goals. |authentic instruction. Students will incorporate problem solving strategies in each |

| |content area increasing their critical thinking skills as they interact in all areas |

| |of social studies. |

|Students Impacted: 1900+ | |

|Amount Funded: $ 4,990 Named Grant Sponsor: |Students Impacted: 1200 |

|Expenditure per Student: $ 2.63 |Amount Funded: $ 4,140 Named Grant Sponsor: |

|In Memory of Lucy Harrison, |Expenditure per Student: $ 3.45 Insurors of Texas |

|longtime MHS employee | |

| |Primary Grant Writers: Michael Howard, Cheryl Baker |

|Primary Grant Writers: Cathleen Petroff, Donna Shillinglaw | |

|Stepping Up in Time! 10th Grade |Virtual Science 10-12th Grades |

|Midway High School |Midway High School |

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|History Alive encourages students to take charge of their learning through this |The document camera will integrate technology and the science classroom to visually |

|interactive curriculum. Students will be able to experience themes and topics that |aid students to understand abstract concepts. These visual tools will benefit general|

|are emphasized and then understand the concepts required through notebooks, cds, |and special education, ELL, and pre-AP students. Students will be able to record |

|transparencies and placards that contain interactive activities cover different time |their observation through a series of demonstrations and activities being performed. |

|periods. | |

| |Students Impacted: 400 |

|Students Impacted: 599 Named Grant Sponsor: |Amount Funded: $ 1,960 Named Grant Sponsor: |

|Amount Funded: $ 2,210 |Expenditure per Student: $ 4.90 |

|Expenditure per Student: $ 3.69 Midway ISD Education |The Allergan Foundation |

| |Primary Grant Writer: Kevon Shuler |

|Foundation | |

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|Primary Grant Writers: Cheryl Baker, Melissa Harrell | |

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|Wii EXCEL in Physical Education 9-12 Grades |Engaging Pupils of Every Discipline 5-6 Grades |

|Midway High School |Midway Intermediate |

|(Success Lab) | |

| |Students from diverse backgrounds and abilities will be actively engaged in hands-on |

|The Wii Fit will provide flexibility for physical education activity. The physical |approaches to learning. It will improve and encourage student learning through visual|

|activity will no longer be limited by the weather, lack of equipment, or facility |and interactive classroom activities. Students will create their own understanding of|

|space. It will be an effective tool for motivating high school students in their |curriculum through media, producing original work, and collaborating on ideas. |

|participating of physical activities. | |

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| |Students Impacted: 1034 Named Grant Sponsor: |

|Students Impacted: 40+ |Amount Funded: $ 3,725 |

|Amount Funded: $ 1,600 Named Grant Sponsor: |Expenditure per Student: $ 3.60 Coldwell Bankers |

|Expenditure per Student: $ 40.00 | |

|The Meyer Family |Primary Grant Writers: Barbara Cross, Angela Wilson, Lisa Monthie |

|Primary Grant Writer: Stephen Walker | |

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|I Flip for Learning 5-6 Grades |That’s How We Roll K-4 Grades |

|Midway Intermediate |South Bosque Elementary |

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|This will enable students to take control of their learning and ownership of their |Students will enjoy the challenge of crawling through steam rollers and being |

|achievement. Through utilizing the hand-held Flip video cameras, mastery of a skill |flattened, providing deep pressure that is calming for students with sensory |

|or a concept will best be demonstrated through innovative videos. The students will |integration deficits. Some students will hang out for a while as the rollers provide |

|have a great time learning and creating. |the sensory input they need to calm their bodies. |

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|Students Impacted: 1034 |Students Impacted: 20 Named Grant Sponsor: |

|Amount Funded: $ 2,280 Named Grant Sponsor: |Amount Funded: $ 1,340 |

|Expenditure per Student: $ 2.21 |Expenditure per Student: $ 67.00 The Gary & Diane Heavin |

|Midway ISD Education Foundation |Community Fund |

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|Primary Grant Writer: Diane Williams, Lisa Monthie |Primary Grant Writers: Ashley Salome |

|Podcasting Goes ELLementary! K-4 Grades |Kindle Kid’s Desire for Reading K-4 Grades |

|South Bosque Elementary |Speegleville Elementary |

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|This will help students who face the challenge of learning in English while still |Students will have access to state of the art tools that put knowledge at their |

|acquiring English as they allow them to confidently attempt academic tasks in the |fingertips using Kindles, iPod Touch, and reading pens. They will help students with |

|familiar, non-threatening environment. The students will be able to develop and |meaning, definition and pronunciation and help students with reading impairments |

|improve reading , writing and oral language skills. |understand a science or math textbook. |

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| |Students Impacted: 230 |

|Students Impacted: 15 |Amount Funded: $ 2,000 Named Grant Sponsor: |

|Amount Funded: $ 950 Named Grant Sponsor: |Expenditure per Student: $ 8.70 |

|Expenditure per Student: $ 63.33 |Midway ISD Education Foundation |

|The Gary & Diane | |

|Heavin Community Fund |Primary Grant Writers: Christe Hancock, Dawn Murray, Angela Scarborough, Debbie |

| |Robinson, Pam Hermansen |

| | |

|Primary Grant Writer: Tanya Clark, Mary Adamcik | |

|Collaborative Classroom Suite-SWEET! 3rd Grade |Rollin’ with my Piggies Pre K-4 Grades |

|Speegleville Elementary |Spring Valley Elementary |

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|With MOBIS, students will participate in an interactive education environment that is|With these colorful metal recyclers rolling around, students will experience the |

|fun, exciting and fits into their technologically growing world. CPS technology will |scientific beauty of decomposition first-hand. Every class will feed RolyPigs organic|

|provide each student with small “clickers” allowing them to answer teacher presented |waste then roll them to actively learn the process of recycling kitchen garbage into |

|questions without fear of embarrassment from peers. Examview will help teachers with |rich, wonderful soil for our gardens. |

|assessment data. | |

| |Students Impacted: 510 |

|Students Impacted: 60 |Amount Funded: $ 1,180 Named Grant Sponsor: |

|Amount Funded: $ 5,000 Named Grant Sponsor: |Expenditure per Student: $ 2.31 |

|Expenditure per Student: $ 83.33 |Midway ISD Education Foundation |

|Lehigh White Cement | |

|Company |Primary Grant Writers: Lennie Diaz-Granados, Beth Hair |

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|Primary Grant Writers: Vicki Thomas, Ashley Williamson, Peggy Kilgo | |

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|iTouch the Future 2 2nd Grade |iTouch, iSpeak Early Education – 4 Grades |

|Spring Valley Elementary |Spring Valley Elementary |

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|The emphasis for this grant is to make available another route for student engagement|The iTunes Applications available to download will engage students in therapy |

|through an emphasis on literacy, differentiation, and mobile learning. Students will |sessions and make them excited about each session. It will assist in addressing IEP |

|have access to an elaborate, mobile device that can provide opportunities to grow in |goals and objectives in speech-language therapy for students in special education. |

|critical thinking, problem solving, information/technology application, teamwork, | |

|collaboration, creativity, and innovation! | |

| |Students Impacted: 37 |

|Students Impacted: 108 |Amount Funded: $ 1,000 Named Grant Sponsor: |

|Amount Funded: $ 5,000 Named Grant Sponsor: |Expenditure per Student: $ 27.03 |

|Expenditure per Student: $ 46.30 |Midway ISD Education Foundation |

|Midway ISD Education Foundation | |

| |Primary Grant Writer: Chelsi Hansen |

|Primary Grant Writer: Peggy Pritchett, Judy Pryor, Sherrie Lightsey, Thelma | |

|Collinsworth, Becky Fortenberry | |

|Blasting into the 21st Century with Technology K-4 Grades |Rockin’ and Rolling in First Grade Science 1st Grade |

|Woodway Elementary |Woodway Elementary |

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|A document camera will be an essential tool to project, zoom in, and model |This will enable students to have hands-on experience in science. They will be able |

|step-by-step teaching to effectively engage and teach the struggling learners. The |to fully investigate rocks and minerals. They will be able to see greater detail in |

|students will be able to view lessons in multiple ways and formats. |the rocks with magnifiers and actively work with the rocks following the scientific |

| |process. |

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|Students Impacted: 200 Named Grant Sponsor: |Students Impacted: 120 |

|Amount Funded: $ 4,210 |Amount Funded: $ 485 Named Grant Sponsor: |

|Expenditure per Student: $ 21.05 Midway ISD Education Foundation |Expenditure per Student: $ 4.04 |

| |The Earl B. Patrick |

|Primary Grant Writers: Jan Beeson, Jennifer Kolinek |Family Charitable Fund |

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| |Primary Grant Writer: Cindy Keltner |


Summary of Grant Awards to

All Campuses

Round Seventeen (Fall 2009)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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