Modifications for the Kenwood TM-V7E

Modifications for the Kenwood TM-V7E

Picture(s) of Kenwood - TM-V7E

|19-07-1998 |TM-V7E mike & PF1 PF4 (1750hz) English language |

|28-03-1999 |Expanding the Kenwood TM-V7: A & E versions English language |

|02-12-1999 |PG-4S programmer cable for the TM-V7x German language |

|02-07-2000 |Expanded RX/TX and crossband repeater English language |

|28-10-2001 |Conversion document English language |

|28-10-2001 |Computer interface for TM-V7A&E English language |

|08-12-2002 |Working programming cable TM-V7e English language |

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|19-07-1998 |

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|TM-V7E mike & PF1 PF4 (1750hz) |

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|TM-V7(E) |

|---------- |

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|UP ---+------------------+ |

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|PF3 +100K+--o/o--------+ |

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|PF4 +22k+---o/o--------+ |

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|8V -> frei/free/libre | |

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|GND(masse)---------------+--o/o---+ |

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|DWN---+------------------+ | |

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|PF1 +100K+--o/o--------+ | |

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|PF2 +22K+---o/o--------+ | |

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|STBY(ptt)-------------------------+---> PTT |

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|GND(mic)------o/o---- |

|Mic 600ohm |

|MIC------------------/ |

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|NC:-> frei/free/libre |

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|Legende: |

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|o/o = Schalter oder Taster / switch / bouton ou interrupteur |

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|This modification has been read 4395 times. |

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|28-03-1999 |

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|Expanding the Kenwood TM-V7: A & E versions |

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|Original TM-V7A Mod from NFXQ96A@. (MR CORY B MCDONALD) |

|Additional TM-V7E notes from bowyermj@. (Mike Bowyer) |

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|Original TM-V7A Mod: |

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|Remove the top and bottom covers. |

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|Look at the vertical p.c. board behind the front of the radio. There will be 2 small chip resistors on the left side of the board. |

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|Carefully remove the one with the number 0. It will be the one closest to the left near the grounding spring. You will probably have to |

|scrape it off with a pair of needle nose pliers. |

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|After you remove it the VFO ranges should be: |

|VHF TX 136.995 - 173.995. RX should be 118-174. |

|UHF TX should be 410-469.995 RX should be 300-470. |

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|Additional TM-V7E notes: |

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|There is a row of five numbered links on the edge of the front panel board. |

|In my E version radio, 0, 2 & 3 were made as standard. I now have only one link fitted in the number 4 position which enables the |

|repeater function not defaulted in European versions. I have removed all other links. |

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|I can now also receive the AM Aircraft band (118-137MHz). It is possible to change from AM to FM by pressing the MHz button for 1 second.|

|Plus I have discovered doing the same key press (MHz for 1s) in the UHF band gives a 800-999Mhz RX band. |

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|The European version has a 1750Hz tone-burst function, a modified band plan for the auto-repeater shift function, adds a -7.6Mhz repeater|

|shift and sets the band limits to 144-146 & 430-440 - the AM Air band & 800Mhz bands are disabled. All these European 'features' are lost|

|when the radio is expanded. |

|(The repeater offsets are still programmable, but you must learn how to whistle at 1750Hz). I think the only other difference between the|

|A and E versions is that the E version has an N type antenna connector fitted. |

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|Making link number 5 causes the radio to power up in a Memory recall mode (i.e., with channel numbers) and so is not overly useful! |

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|I'm not sure exactly what links 0, 1, 2, & 3 all do individually! Maybe other configurations are possible: any information would be |

|gratefully received. |

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|As for RF performance, the front-end (and PA) must be tweaked to use frequencies other than the factory alligned defaults, with a little |

|tweaking out of band performance should come good (at the expense of regular 2m/70cm performance). |

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|The chip resistors are SMD zero ohm things - a wire link (or solder blob) will do the same job. They can be carefully removed (for |

|re-use) by using a fine tipped iron, de-solder braid, and a pair of long nose pliers or tweezers. The front board can be carefully |

|detached from the rest of the radio to make removing the links easier. |

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|Mike Bowyer. |

|Date: 13-10-2001 |

|User comment |

|From: Bg36c |

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|Subject: DTSS |

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|The DTSS will be disabled and no longer function after performing this mod. At least it doesn't on my radio anymore. |

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|Date: 02-02-2002 |

|User comment |

|From: philip |

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|Subject: kenwood tmv7 extended tx |

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|with reference to the above mod ,yes all works fine but no extended tx |

|i have no jumpers conected from 0 to 4 no 4 has a wire jumper,this enables extended rx, but to extend the tx you must add a wire jumper |

|to no 2 . |

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|regards phil |

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|This modification has been read 5349 times. |

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|02-12-1999 |

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|PG-4S programmer cable for the TM-V7x |

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|Author: Wulf, DB8KY |

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|NOTE: This is not a copy of the existing PG-4S cable but a replacement designed by DB8KY. |

|One of the most handy things about this transceiver is: you can program this transceiver by computer. You can download the software from |

|the Kenwood site but there no datasheet of the PG-4S cable which you require. I found a datasheet which replace the PG-4S cable and is |

|designed by DB8KY. I made this cable and it works fine on my transceiver. |

|The manual is written in German by DB8KY. He said he never tried this cable on a TM-V7, but it works very good on my transceiver. So here|

|below you will see the instructions. |

|Have fun! PE1PTS |

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|Der Kenwood TM-G707E ist ja ein schoenes Geraet und die Vergabe von Speichernamen ein nettes Feature, wenn man das alles nur vom Rechner |

|aus programmieren koennte... |

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|Kann man, die Software dazu steht bei Kenwood auf der Web-Seite, dann fehlt nur das Kabel zum Anschluss an den Rechner. Ich habe zwar |

|keine Ahnung was sich in dem original PG-4S Kabel von Kenwood abspielt, wenn man den TM-G707E aber in den Clone-Mode versetzt und sich |

|mal die Signale auf der Mini-DIN Buchse ansieht wird klar, dass es sich bei der Elektronik im Kabel um einen TTL/RS232-Wandler handeln |

|muss. Die unten dargestellte Schaltung erfuellt diese Aufgabe bei mir jedenfalls klaglos. Ich denke das ganze funktioniert auch am |

|TM-V7E. |

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|Wie funktioniert es: |

|Die Verbindung zwischen Pin 4 und 5 benoetigt der Kenwood wohl um von FSK auf seriellen Betrieb umzuschalten. Das Signal vom PC zieht |

|ueber R5 mit T2 den RxD-Eingang am Kenwood low, hier ist intern offensichtlich bereits ein Pull-up |

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|Widerstand vorhanden. Schwieriger ist der Weg vom Kenwood zum PC, der Kenwood gibt nur ein TTL-Signal aus, der serielle Eingang am PC |

|will aber +/- ca. 10V sehen. Also muessen zwei Hilfsspannungen gewonnen werden. Aus dem RTS-Signal |

|des PC wird ueber R1 eine positive Spannung gewonnen und mit D1 und C1 stabilisiert. Aus dem TxD-Signal des PC wird ueber D3 und R6 dann |

|noch eine negative Spannung gewonnen und mit C2 gepuffert. Dann kann der Kenwood mit den Sendedaten ueber T1 jetzt zwischen der positiven|

|und negativen Spannung umschalten. |

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|Ich habe das ganze in den Sub-D Stecker reingefummelt. |

|Viel Spass damit wuenscht Wulf, DB8KY |


|(Wer das nachbaut tut es auf seine eigene Verantwortung) |

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|PC D-Sub 9pin TM-G707E 6pol. Mini-DIN |

|[pic] |

|R1/R6 = 150 Ohm |

|R2 22 kOhm |

|R3 10 kOhm |

|R4 33 kOhm |

|R5 15 kOhm |

|C1/C2 = 1uF/16V Elko |

|D1 = Z-Diode 5,1 Volt |

|D2/D3 = 1N4148 oder aehnlich |

|T1 = BC558A oder aehnlich |

|T2 = BC337 oder aehnlich |

|For an English Interpretation, visit KC7ZRU's pages. Includes RS part numbers, re-drawn schematic and user comments. |

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|This modification has been read 4595 times. |

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|02-07-2000 |

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|Expanded RX/TX and crossband repeater |

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|If you want just mod the RX QRG remove the resistor R546. |

|For the TX-RX mod remove R542 & R546 |

|3210 TX RX TX RX |

|OOXO 144/146 144/146 430/440 430/440 |

|XOXO 144/146 144/146 432/438 432/438 |

|OOXX 144/146 118/174 430/440 300/470 |

|XOXX 136/174 118/174 410/470 300/470 |

|REM:With one of this 4 mods you can have the 1750 of the mike. |

|But if you want have the bigest mod (but no 1750) you can try: |

|XXXX 136/174 118/174 410/470 300/524 |

|XXXO 136/174 118/174 410/470 300/524 |

|For the cross band repeater jump the strap 4 |

|----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |

|0 1 2 3 4 5 6 |

|----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |

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|3= R542 (W501) |

|2= R543 (W502) |

|1= R544 |

|0= R546 |

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|This modification has been read 5349 times. |

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|28-10-2001 |

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|Conversion document |

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|1. Conversion function items and conversion types |

|Reception wide band .... [Conversion A] ...... K destinations outside 800-MHz band support |

|Cross band repeater ... [Conversions A and B] .... Complete with K destination measures |

|Page answer back ... [Conversions A and B] ... Complete with K destination measures |

|DTMF remote ..... [*] |

|* Operates even without conversion, but some items function when Conversions A and B are made. |

|2. Conversion Methode |

|Conversion location |

|Remove the power cord from the main unit, remove the upper/lower case, flip down the panel as in the figure below, than operate. |

|Factory setting destination jumper table. |

|Destination jumper |

|Destination |

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|Bit |

|Ref. no. (K destination) |

|K |

|M |

|E |

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|3 |

|R542 (W501) |

|O |

|X |

|O |

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|2 |

|R543 (W502) |

|O |

|X |

|O |

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|1 |

|R544 |

|O |

|O |

|X |

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|0 |

|R546 |

|O |

|X |

|O |

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|O:= Jumper |

|X:= No jumper |

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|[pic] |

|Conversion A ..... Reception wide band (Already dealt with for M destinations) |

|E destination ..... Eliminates mounted chip jumper resistor R542 (0 ohm). |

|K destination ..... Cuts the mounted jumper wire (W501). |

|Conversion B ...... Repeater/answer back (Already dealt with for K destinations) |

|Chip jumper resistor 0 ohm added (R92-0670-05) |

|* The chip removed in Conversion A can be used in Conversion B. |

|* When adding or eliminating the chip jumper resistor, be careful not to peel off any printed circuit pattern and not to harm any other parts. |

|Contents of settings by destination |

|For the list of contents of settings for each destination, see (Appendix tables 1 - 5). |

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|This modification has been read 4058 times. |

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|28-10-2001 |

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|Computer interface for TM-V7A&E |

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|Author: Jann DG8NGN - |

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|To program your memories of the Kenwood TM-V7 you need this interface. The software is downloadable at Kenwoods Webpage , or here. Download the MV7101.EXE |

|file. The software can only communicate with serial port 1 or 2! |

|Parts list. R1/R6 = 150 Ohm |

|R2 = 22 Kohm |

|R3 = 10 Kohm |

|R4 = 33 Kohm |

|R5 = 15 Kohm |

|C1/C2 = 1uF/16V |

|D1 = 5,1 V Zenerdiode |

|D2/D3 = 1N4148 or equal |

|T1 = BC558A or equal |

|T2 = BC337 or equal |

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|This modification has been read 4374 times. |

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|08-12-2002 |

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|Working programming cable TM-V7e |

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|Author: Roland Boerboom - pd2rld@. |

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|Hello, |

|I have good news for you, I have a working programming cable for the TM-V7e. |

|I have tested the cables on, but the don't work. |

|Now I have a working cable, and I send you the JPG-file with the layout of this cable. |

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|Greetings from Roland, PD2RLD, the Netherlands. |

|This modification has been read 145 times. |

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|Have you any tips, trick or modifications you can't find here, please send a mail to me. |

|Can't you find a modification, then don't e-mail me please. All mododification that i have, is listed on this site.! |

|Have you problem with then you can visit the support page. |

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