Basha Elementary Physical Education

Basha Elementary Physical Education

“Of all subjects taught in school, Physical Education is the only subject which, by the very nature of its content, has the potential to affect how a person will feel every moment of every day for the rest of his or her life”….Allen Russell

Mark Your Calendar

Fun Run: 12/21/11

BBQ Picnic: 4/5/11

Running Club: 10/25/11

MEDICAL EXCUSES If your child is unable to participate in PE class, please send a note with the following information: child’s name, date, classroom teacher, and reason your child should not participate. If your child’s PE activities need to be restricted for more than three days, a doctor’s note will be requested (per district policy).

P.E. Rules




Our Mission: To instill the value of physical activity in youth so that they may incorporate its benefits throughout their entire lives.

Contact Information: Mr. Joshua Waggoner and Mr. Justin Durham

Telephone: 480-883-4415

Electronic Mail:

Wear The Right Shoes!!!

Athletic Shoes: Shoes must be soft, non-marking soles. The latest style seems to be tying shoes loose enough that they can be just slipped on and off. Unfortunately as this provides next to no support for the foot and ankle, students wearing such untied shoes, will not be permitted to participate in PE until their shoes are tied.

Short or long pants: Your child must wear shorts or pants that are not oversized in order to keep them up on their hips. Shorts should be worn under dresses. Students will not be permitted to participate in PE or related extra-curricular activities without proper attire. (This is for their safety and the safety of others.)

P.E. Days

Kindergarten Days Contreras 1/4 Jacobs 3/6 Kuffrey 3/6 Lee 2/5 Woods 2/5

1st Grade Brekke 1/4 Bull 2/5 Hagman 1/4 Kedzie 3/6 Lenz 3/6 Nicol 2/5

2nd Grade Bailey 3/6 Hess 1/4 Packer 1/4 Upshaw 2/5 Webster 2/5

3rd Grade Campbell 3/6 Olson 2/5 Sears 2/5 Semo 3/6 Tubolino 1/4

4th Grade Carlson 3/6 Dillard 2/5 Estes 3/6 Northrop 3/6 Rolfe 1/4

5th & 6th Grade Block Rotation

6 Pillars of Character in P.E.

Trustworthiness Be honest * Don’t cheat * Be reliable – do what you say you’ll do * Build a good reputation with your class * Be loyal to your team or group Respect Treat others and equipment with respect; follow the Golden Rule * Be tolerant of differences in skill level * Do not talk when others are talking * Be considerate of the feelings of others * Don’t threaten, hit, or hurt anyone * Deal peacefully with anger, insults, and disagreements Responsibility Do what you are supposed to do * Always keep on trying * Always do your best * Use self control * Be self disciplined * Think before you act and consider the consequences * Be accountable for your choices * Wear PE clothes and shoes * Come to class ready to learn * Bring your water bottle Fairness Play by the rules * Take turns and share equipment * Be open-minded; listen to others * Don’t take advantage of others * Don’t blame others carelessly Caring Be kind * Ask others to join your group * Be excited to be in your group or with your partner * Forgive others * Help others when they are having difficulty with a PE skill * Help others if they fall down and get hurt Citizenship Do your share to make your school and community better * Cooperate * Get involved in Jump Rope for Heart * Volunteer to help put equipment away * Offer to help a student who is having a hard time with a skill * Obey the 6 Pillars of Character in PE * Respect authority * Protect the environment

Dynamic Physical Education

“Movement is a medicine for creating change in a person’s physical, emotional and mental being.” - Carol Welch

At Basha Elementary we offer the most highly recognized physical education program in the nation. The program is organized into three developmental levels of instruction; Developmental Level 1(grades K-2), Developmental Level 2 (grades 3-4), and Developmental Level 3 (grades 5-6). Each thirty minute lesson is divided into four instructional segments:

Introduction- This 2-3 minute warm up prepares the child’s body for strenuous activity and insures immediate activity upon entering PE class.

Fitness- In the next 7-8 minutes, the children are developing fitness in five areas; 1) muscular endurance, 2) aerobic endurance, 3) flexibility, 4) muscular strength, and body composition.

Lesson Focus- Movement and sport skills are taught and reinforced during this 15-20 minute portion of the lesson. Students work with individual pieces of the equipment allowing them to progress at their own rate. Skills such as eye-hand coordination, balance, team sports, and locomotor movements are stressed.

Game- The last 5-7 minute game time gives students an opportunity to apply skills and concepts practiced during the lesson focus segment of the lesson. It provides an exciting closing activity for every lesson. We want children to leave PE class with a positive feeling about participating in physical activities.


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Be Smart, Have a Healthy Heart!



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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