Would You Rather Questions—List

Would You Rather Questions--List

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100 Would You Rather Questions for Kids

1. Would you rather ride on the back of a giraffe or an elephant? 2. Would you rather eat a whole cake or a box of ice cream? 3. Would you rather go sledding on a cold day or swimming on a hot day? 4. Would you rather be able to fly or be super strong? 5. Would you rather clear the table or clean up your toys? 6. Would you rather eat a chocolate kiss or a lollipop? 7. Would you rather go to the zoo or a giant aquarium? 8. Would you rather play the trumpet or the flute? 9. Would you rather ride in a convertible or on the back of a motorcycle? 10. Would you rather have a pet goat or a pet chicken? 11. Would you rather eat cooked broccoli or cooked spinach? 12. Would you rather have a pet dog or a pet cat? 13. Would you rather eat a cookie or a donut? 14. Would you rather be a teacher or a doctor? 15. Would you rather be a police officer or a fire fighter? 16. Would you rather have a toy robot or a toy space ship? 17. Would you rather get out of bed very early or stay up very late? 18. Would you rather take a long walk or a long bike ride? 19. Would you rather camp in a tent or in a pop-up camper? 20. Would you rather all your clothes were black or all your clothes were white? 21. Would you rather exercise by running or by going up and down stairs? 22. Would you rather have ice cream or cake? 23. Would you rather go to school in a bus or in the back of a dinosaur? 24. Would you rather play baseball or basketball? 25. Would you rather paint with a brush or with your hands? 26. Would you rather have candy or nuts on your ice cream? 27. Would you rather go to a children's museum or to a water park? 28. Would you rather keep an otter or an octopus in your bathtub? 29. Would you rather be a teacher or a cashier? 30. Would you rather be a plumber or a roofer? 31. Would you rather be in a pool of marshmallows or a pool of M & M's? 32. Would you rather eat only carrots or only apples for one whole day? 33. Would you rather have bright blue hair or bright blue feet? 34. Would you rather live in a place that was always very cold or always very hot? 35. Would you rather wear your shoes on the wrong feet or wear your pants backward? 36. Would you rather have a bucket stuck on your hand of your foot? 37. Would you rather be a deep sea diver or an astronaut? 38. Would you rather be only able to whisper or only able to shout? 39. Would you rather have hair that goes past your feet or be bald? 40. Would you rather be a pediatrician or a veterinarian?


41. Would you rather have to mix up all your foot before you eat it or eat everything (even your drink) with a spoon? 42. Would you rather spend the night in an igloo or in a teepee? 43. Would you rather sleep on the floor or on a stack of twenty mattresses? 44. Would you rather always walk backward or always walk on your hands? 45. Would you rather go to the doctor or the dentist? 46. Would you rather have a pet lizard or a pet snake? 47. Would you rather go on a long train ride or on a long airplane flight? 48. Would you rather be outside all day or stay in the house all day? 49. Would you rather live on the top floor of a high rise building or on the bottom floor? 50. Would you rather do the dishes or clean the bathroom? 51. Would you rather be super strong or super fast? 52. Would you rather be able to fly or be able to be invisible? 53. Would you rather have your family vehicle be a school bus or a rusty old station wagon? 54. Would you rather be able to play the guitar or the drums? 55. Would you rather live in a busy city with loud neighbors or the quiet countryside with no neighbors? 56. Would you rather live without a television or without a computer? 57. Would you rather go skiing or swimming? 58. Would you rather have to cartwheel or walk on your hands to get anywhere? 59. Would you rather wake up with a squirrel tail or deer antlers? 60. Would you rather have super short curly hair or super long straight hair? 61. Would you rather take the elevator or the escalator? 62. Would you rather be a star basketball player or a movie star? 63. Would you rather always do the cooking or always do the cleaning? 64. Would you rather be so tall your head bumps the ceiling or be so short you can't reach the counter? 65. Would you rather take swimming lessons in a hot pool or take a cold shower? 66. Would you rather always wear tennis shoes that are too tight or always wear clown shoes that are too big? 67. Would you rather have to wear a clown nose or a clown wig? 68. Would you rather live 100 years ago or 100 years in the future? 69. Would you rather eat only pizza or only hot dogs for a whole month? 70. Would you rather spend a week in a hotel or in a cabin? 71. Would you rather be a great dancer or a great gymnast? 72. Would you rather live in Antarctica for a year or at the international space station? 73. Would you rather only be allowed to write with a stubby pencil or with permanent markers? 74. Would you rather eat a hamburger for breakfast or cereal for supper? 75. Would you rather eat all your food cold or all your food hot? 76. Would you rather get everywhere on a skate board or on a bicycle? 77. Would you rather have a giant backyard with no trees or a teeny tiny yard with a big climbing tree? 78. Would you rather drink milk or water for every meal?


79. Would you rather always take a cold shower or never get enough sleep? 80. Would you rather always wear earmuffs or always wear gloves? 81. Would you rather wake up with an elephant trunk or a giraffe neck? 82. Would you rather ride a super high rollercoaster or read a good book? 83. Would you rather live in an ugly house or always drive an ugly car? 84. Would you rather have a pet kangaroo or a pet koala? 85. Would you rather kiss a jellyfish or step on a crab? 86. Would you rather live in a beach house or the top of a mountain? 87. Would you rather shovel snow or rake leaves? 88. Would you rather have no electricity or no running water? 89. Would you rather always wear a super hero cape or always wear an eye patch? 90. Would you rather have to put ketchup on everything you eat or chocolate sauce? 91. Would you rather write ten thank you notes every day or never get another present? 92. Would you rather drive a super ugly car that never breaks down or a beautiful sports car that breaks down once a month? 93. Would you rather always wait in long lines or always shop in the middle of the night? 94. Would you rather weed the garden or mow the lawn? 95. Would you rather always stomp your feet when you walk or always have to tiptoe? 96. Would you rather eat all your food out of a bowl or on a napkin? 97. Would you rather drive a racecar or be a helicopter pilot? 98. Would you rather wear a swimsuit in a snowstorm or a snowsuit on a very hot day? 99. Would you rather live on a farm or in a tiny apartment? 100. Would you rather have a dinosaur or a blue whale as a pet?



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