Spotfire Training Questions

You are now being asked to answer a few questions on the dating data using the Spotfire visualization system. For most tasks you will receive instructions on how to solve them (sometimes two alternatives are presented). Please follow these instructions carefully, but also use this practice session to try out the system, and to explore and better understand it.

You will have 30 minutes for these tasks. Don’t rush, they won’t take very long. Please note down your answers where indicated.

We strongly encourage you to ask questions during this time, to understand the functionality of the system better.

After answering a question, you should reset the screen by deleting all windows at the bottom of the screen except one, and pressing crtl-R.

Have fun with the training. You can turn overleaf now.


Abbreviations for questions:

Love 1st sight? = Do you believe in love at first sight?

Engage in sports? = Do you participate in sports?

Like to travel? = Do you like to travel?

Want kids? = Do you plan to have kid(s) in the future?

Sex important? = Do you believe sex is very important for a relationship to work?

Did you cheat? = Have you ever cheated on your boyfriend/girlfriend?

Meet in bar? = Do you think the bar is a good place to meet a mate?

Q1: Approximately what proportion of the people in the database live in California?


Step1 : Go to visualization and Select New pie Chart

Step2: In the query device, scroll to state.

Step 2: Right click into the visualization and select Set properties

Step 3: Under color, select state

Step 4: Close the properties window

You see that 80% of the people live in California.

Delete all windows at the bottom of the screen except one, and press crtl-R.

Q2: Do all people who think the bar is a good place to meet a mate also believe in love at first sight?


Step 1: Go to visualization

Step 2: Select New Histogram.

Step 3: Set x axis to “Meet in bar?”

Step 4: In the query device, scroll to "Love 1st sight?"

Step 5: Right click into the visualization.

Step 6: Select Set properties

Step 7: Under color, select "Love 1st sight?"

Step 8: Close the properties window

The answer is no. It is not the case that the right column (which stands for "Meet in bar?" = yes) is completely yellow (which stands for "Love 1st sight" = yes).

Delete all windows at the bottom of the screen except one, and press crtl-R.

Alternative Solution:

Step 1: Goto visualization, select New Histogram

Step 2: Set the x-axis to "Love 1st sight?" and the y-axis to "Meet in bar?"

Answer: No. In the top row of bars (which represent the yes-answers to "Meet in bar?", there is a bar in the no-column of "Love 1st sight?").

Delete all windows at the bottom of the screen except one, and press crtl-R.

Q3: Is the proportion of people who think that sex is important in a relationship larger

for Protestants than for Catholics?


Step 1: Go to Query Devices Window

Step 2: Scroll to the Religion attribute

Step 3: Check Catholics and Protestants only

Step 4: Go to visualization

Step 5: Select Pie Chart

Step 6: Set x axis to “Religion”

Step 7: Go to the Query Devices Window again

Step 8: Find the "Sex Important?" attribute.

Step 9: Right click into the visualization, select Set Property

Step 10: Under color, select "Sex important?"

Step 11: Close the Properties window.

Answer: Catholics, since the "yes" pie sector is larger for Catholics than for Protestants.

Delete all windows at the bottom of the screen except one, and press crtl-R.

Q4: Find out whether there exists a girl who does not reside in California, but believes in love at first sight, likes to travel, and has never cheated on her boyfriend. Write down the screen name of one such girl if one exists.


Step 1: Go to visualization

Step 2: Select New scatter plot

Step 3: Go to Query Devices window

Step 4: Right click on the Query device for "State", choose "Check Boxes"

Step 5: Uncheck “CA” under state

Step 6: Under “Love 1st sight?”, uncheck C and N

Step 7: Under “Like to travel?”, uncheck C and N

Step 8: Under “Did you cheat?”, uncheck C and Y

Step 9: Left click on any box and check its gender (details-on-demand window).

You will find that females are red.

Step 10: Left click on the red box in the graph

Step 11: Find her “Screen name” in the details-on-demand window

Screen name: ______Hathor______________

Delete all windows at the bottom of the screen except one, and press crtl-R.

Q5: Which group of women are more likely planning to have kids in the future, women who are 30 years and above or women who are less than 30 years?


Step 1: Go to visualization

Step 2: Select New Pie Chart

Step 3: Set the x and y axes to none.

Step 4: Right click on the visualization, chose "Select properties"

Step 5: Under color, select "Want kids?"

Step 6: Go to the Query Device, scroll to Birthdate

Step 7: Move the left end of the slider to 11/15/72

Step 8: In the visualization, you see the women less than 30 years.

84% of them want kids.

Step 9: Move the left end of the slider back to the maximum.

Step 10: Move the right end of the slider to 10/19/71

Step 11: In the visualization you see the women 30 years and older

27% of them want kids.

Answer: Women less than 30 years is more likely planning to have kids.

Delete all windows at the bottom of the screen except one, and press crtl-R.

Q6: Did males cheat more on their girlfriends than females on their boyfriends?

( Yes ( No ( don’t see


Delete all windows at the bottom of the screen except one, and press crtl-R.

Q7: Are the people who do not participate in sports heavier than the rest?

Answer:___________________ ( don’t see


Delete all windows at the bottom of the screen except one, and press crtl-R.

Q8: Is there a relation between monthly income and monthly spending?

Step 1: Go to visualization

Step 2: Select New Scatter Plot

Step 3: Change x axis to Spending/Month

Step 4: Change y axis to Income/Month

Answer: Yes. You see a clear positive correlation between the two variables

(the higher the income, the higher the spending)

Delete all windows at the bottom of the screen except one, and press crtl-R.

Q9: Do people generally earn more the older they get, or is it the opposite?

( Yes ( Opposite ( Neither ( don’t see




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