Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Wednesday, August 15, 2007


1) Welcome and introductions; explain class rules

2) Hand out and review syllabus, page 1

3) Hand out and review calendar, dress code, attendance policy

4) Instruction: Paragraphing

4) Homework assignment: Write a paragraph about something you do well. You must write at least 11 complete sentences. Proof your paper carefully.

Thursday, August 16, 2007


1) Review class rules

2) Review syllabus, pp. 2-4

3) Review dress code, attendance policy, notebook set up

4) Instruction: Paragraphing and proof reading. Check and revise paragraph 1.

5) Homework assignment: None.

Friday, August 17, 2007


1) Review class rules, syllabus, school policies, notebook set up. Assign seats.

2) Instruction: Paragraphing, proof reading, sentence structure. Review errors in paragraph 1. Lecture notes on grammar rules. Write board examples of rules. Explain rationale behind each rule.

Homework: Parts of speech and sub-sections for parts of speech. Write each definition on page 1045. You do not write the examples. Turn in on Monday, August 20.

Monday, August 20, 2007:

DO NOW! The following SOLs will be addressed this week: 9.6, 9.7

1) Collect homework, pg. 1045. Review parts of speech with oral questions/responses.

2) Smart board assignment using correct punctuation and capitalization (1-5).

3) Review grammar handout.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007:


1) Review tense, verb forms, confusing words.

2) Practice sentences on smart board, 1-5

3) Explain JSBHS writing model (handout)

Wednesday, August 22, 2007:


1) Seatwork using smart board/verb tense exercises, 1-12.

2) Write plan for essay.

Thursday, August 23, 2007:

1) Essay writing and individual help and instruction

2) Discussion of Acceptable Computer System Use policy and practices

Friday, August 24, 2007:

1) Essay writing and individual help and instruction.

Monday, August 27, 2007:

SOLs for this week: 9.6, 9.7, 9.2, 9.3


1) Students will write essay from a written plan using JSBHS writing model (process writing, pg. 995).

2) Students will revise essay using proofreaders' marks (pg. 996)

3) Parts of speech practice (nouns) on smart board.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007:


1) Students will use rubric (self-evaluation/handout)

2) Students will share writing with others (publishing) through oral readings, written sample paragraphs, illustrated borders, and other student-choice exhibits.

3) Students will choose samples of excellent writing when appropriate.

4) Parts of speech practice (adjectives and pronouns) on smart board.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007:

Schedule Change - Library Orientation rescheduled for Tuesday, September 4.


1) Turn in essay #1 and essay plan.

2) Parts of speech practice (verbs and adverbs) on smart board.

3) Homework: Read pp. 148-150 in text. Review the vocabulary words on page 150 and try to pronounce each one correctly (Use pronunciation key) .

Thursday, August 30, 2007:


1) Lecture notes on "Narrator and Voice."

2) Vocabulary preview: synonym practice, pg. 150.

Friday, August 31, 2007:

Reminder - Club Day; follow Club Day Bell Schedule (see your notebook).

1) Quiz: Parts of Speech

2) Vocabulary practice, pg. 150.

Monday, September 3, 2007:

No classes--Labor Day Holiday.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007:

Instruction in library on locating sources, checking out procedures, use of technology and all equipment.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007:


1) Review parts of speech quiz.

2) Assign remediation

3) Set up writing portfolios

Thursday, September 6, 2007:


1) Introduce "The Interlopers" (pg. 150).

2) Write at least two well-developed paragraphs of at least 11 sentences each on the following topic: A recent disagreement you had with someone and the way you worked out that disagreement.

Friday, September 7, 2007:


1) Oral and silent/sustained reading of "The Interlopers" (pg. 150).

2) Plot questions to write

3) Complete the story for homework.

4) Prepare for a check reading quiz on "The Interlopers"

Monday, September 10, 2007:


We will be covering the following SOLs this week: 9.3 and 9.6

1) By today, you should have completed the story "The Interlopers"

2) Check reading quiz on "The Interlopers"

3) Progress reports with extra credit opportunity.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007:

Turn in Progress report for extra credit

DO NOW!Review last Thursday's Journal entry: Write one additional paragraph in which you compare (find similarities) and contrast (find differences) the experience you wrote about in the journal with the experiences of the two men in the story. Your paragraph should have at least one major similarity and one major difference.

1) Write each vocabulary word on page 150, its part of speech, and the definition in the book. Then, write one sentence for each word. Your sentence must convey the word's meaning through context clues.


Incorrect: I have exasperation.

Correct: After the boy fell on the ice five or six times, the expression of exasperation on his face said what words could not.

2) Review "The Interlopers;" complete pp. 82-91 in Holt Reader. May be completed with a partner.

3) Vocabulary quiz on Thursday on "The Interlopers" on pg 150.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007:


We will visit the library for book check out. You may check out a book of your choice, but the book must be a non-fiction book this time. You may choose a book on any topic of your choice from non-fiction category. You should choose something for which you have a great deal of interest.

Thursday, September 13, 2007:

Don't forget: Today is Club Day. Follow Club Schedule.


1) Vocabulary quiz

2) Complete "The Interlopers" assigned pages in Holt Reader.

3) Write answers to the questions on page 157 in textbook.

Friday, September 14, 2007:

Don't forget: Today is two-hour early release (Washington County Fair Day)



The vocabulary quiz scheduled for Thursday has been rescheduled for today. The test on "The Interlopers" has been postponed until next week.

1) Test: "The Interlopers" (Postponed until further notice)

2) Reading time: Bring you book to class! An alternate Parts of Speech practice will be given to anyone who does not bring his or her book to class. No one may leave class to get a book from lockers.

Monday, September 17, 2007:

The following SOLs will be covered this week: 9.3, 9.4, 9.6, 9.7 Please click on the link to English SOLs at the top of page.


1) Return and review vocabulary quiz, 1-25, from Friday. Schedule make-up for absent students.

2) Complete page 157 in text: 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 as a class. Use these questions as a study guide for Tuesday's test on "The Interlopers."

3) Practice test for "The Interlopers" on the smart board. Mark the ones you miss so you will know what to study most.

4) Test on "The Interlopers" is Wednesday, September 19.


a. Bring your library book to class on Tuesday and every day after that until I tell you to turn it in.

b. Continue to bring books and materials to class.

c. Bring 10-15 notecards (3 x 5 or 4 x 6) by Wednesday, September 19.

d. Make sure to read your assigned pages in library book NO LATER THAN Wednesday, September 19.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007:


Read page 79 and 80 in Holt Reader.

1) Review vocabulary, pg 81, Holt Reader. Review parts of speech for designated vocabulary.

2) Skills review, 90-91 in Holt Reader (context clues).

3) "Missing assignments" reports will be distributed today. All make-up assignments must be turned in NO LATER THAN Monday, September 24!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007:


1) Test on "The Interlopers."

2) Handout on "Taking Notes for Research"

Thursday, September 20, 2007:


Skim pp. 610-631 in text.

1) Goal: Answer the question "Why take notes?" Examples for note-taking on smart board.

2) Review handout and practice note-taking. Do not use notecards until I ask you to do so.

3) Instruction on notecard labeling, organization, content, and source information.

4) Practice from your nonfiction book to re-read your chapter, write notes on the note cards in note form, and write a label and source for each note. Your goal is to write 10 note cards.

Friday, September 20, 2007:


1) Goal: Answer the question "Why can't I use Wikepedia?"

2) Instruction on plagiarism and its types; handout.

3) Practice to locate examples of plagiarism.

Monday, September 24, 2007:


Schools are closed for students on Friday, September 28

The following SOLs will be covered this week: 9.3, 9.4, 9.6, 9.7 Please click on the link to English SOLs at the top of page.


1) Review test on "The Interlopers."

2) Reteach parts of speech, vocabulary (synonyms).

3) MLA Power point/Take notes and practice.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007:


1) Collect all make-up work and reminder that tomorrow is the last day to get that in for credit on the first six weeks. Students with questions should see me individually.

2) Finish the MLA Powerpoint and allow time for questions.

3) Collect notecards from the assignment on non-fiction books.

4) Introduce "The Necklace."

Wednesday, September 26, 2007:


1) All library books are due today; make sure that you turn in your book in order to avoid a library fine.

2) The mini-research project has been completed. Retain any handouts in your notebooks for use during second semester.

3) Answer the following questions:

a. What is the story's point of view?

b. Explain the plot formula, "Somebody"

c. Describe the story's setting and explain why this setting is important to the story's plot.

4) Read "The Necklace," pg. 161, for homework.

5) Any missing assignments must be turned in by today.

Thursday, September 27, 2007:


1) Read/reread "The Necklace" in class.

2) Practice:

a. Find examples of third person limited point of view.

b. Find examples of the plot formula.

c. Find applications of the importance of setting in the plot of the story.

3) Prepare for a reading quiz on "The Necklace" for Monday. Finish reading the story.

4) Homework assignment for TUESDAY, OCTOBER 2 for those who want to work ahead:

Write each vocabulary word, its part of speech, its definition, a sentence using context clues (from Holt Reader, pg 81), and a synonym. Homework assignment is due on Tuesday, October 2.


Friday, September 28, 2007:

Teacher Work Day; no classes for students.

Monday, October 1, 2007:


1) Check reading quiz on "The Necklace" for comprehension

2) Vocabulary practice (pg. 159, handout) using parts of speech and prefixes.

3) Homework assignment: Write each vocabulary word, its part of speech, its definition, a sentence using context clues (from Holt Reader, pg 81), and a synonym. Homework assignment is due on Tuesday, October 2.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007:


1) Class participation is creating a list of sample sentences. Students create sentences and write a list to include in notebook for future reference.

2) Handout to practice (identify, apply) synonyms for The Necklace (pg. 159) vocabulary.

3) Practice identifying parts of speech within student-created sentences.

4) Practice and review of defintions, parts of speech.

5) Practice with prefixes (dis-, ex-).

Wednesday, October 3, 2007:


Today is "Sit Where You Like" Wednesday.

1) Read and write about pg. 169: a. List at least five specific facts about this selection. Use "bullets," A/B/C order, or some other organization technique that you like.

b. Explain the expression "get black on white" in one or two sentences.

2) Read and write about pg. 164:

a. What is the main idea of this selection. Write this idea in a clear, specific, well-structured sentence.

b. Compare and contrast the treatment of women in the world from the passage witht the treatment of women in your world. How alike? How different?

3) Read and practice pg. 171 (Ranking Synonyms).

4) Read and discuss pg. 172. If not covered in class, read this page for homework. Pay special attention to new vocabulary and make sure you review it before coming to class on Thursday.

Thursday, October 4, 2007:

1) Library. Check-out fiction books.

2) Discuss Reflections Contest. Entry information is posted and entry forms may be picked up from me. Deadline is October 26.

Friday, October 5, 2007:


Guest speaker, Mr. Shaffer, from Guidance Office will be here to meet with all 9th graders.


Monday, October 8, 2007:


1) Complete pg. 171 (synonym practice).

2) Explain assignments for fiction book. One assignment for each of 12 categories is required.

3) Make choices from list of categories. Check Quia page for a copy of the Categories.

4) Return Assignment Sheet with parent signature on Tuesday or Wednesday.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007:


1) Read and discuss "Background" on pg. 172.

2) Preview vocabulary, pg. 172. Copy answers from smart board.

3) Read orally, pp. 174-179. If not completed in class, we will finish it on Wednesday.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007:

1) Students will finish reading the story (Cask of Amontillado) in class.

2) Write reasons that support the following statement: The narrator in this story is an "unreliable narrator." Locate at least three examples in the story.

3) Define and explain the literary terms "tone" and "diction."

Reminder: Parent Conferences are Thursday, October 11, from 2:00-4:00 pm and from 5:00-7:00 pm.

Thursday, October 11, 2007:

1) (Periods 1, 3, and 4 only) Work on book projects independently.

Reminder: Early release for Parent Conferences.

Friday, October 12, 2007:

1) Read and discuss page 178, The Other Man in the Wall.

2) Answer the following question: From which point of view is the story told?

3) Rewrite a new beginning for the story from Fortunato's point of view. Start at the point where the two men meet at dusk and end when they begin their journey underground.

4) Reminders:

a. Follow Club Day schedule today.

b. Six days before book projects are due (October 18).

c. It's almost time for another notebook check.

Monday, October 15, 2007:

DO NOW!Celebrate Teen Read Week by coming to class with your library book, following directions, and earning time to read on a nice, quiet pillow

Word List:

retribution, impunity, obstinate, connoissership, recoiling

1) Handout on suffixes (-ing, -ate, -ship, -ion, -ity).

2) Dictionary work to locate root words, synonyms, antonyms.

3) Reminders: October 18 looms large...

Tuesday, October 16, 2007:


1) Vocabulary practice and pre-test (pg. 172).

2) Read and write questions about "Poe's Final Days" and other Poe readings (pg. 183).

3) Reminders: 12 Categories Novel Project assignments are due on Thursday, October 18.

Mid Six Weeks reports on Friday, October 19 and Monday, October 22.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007:


Students who have remembered to bring novels will have time to work on the Book Project that is due on Thursday, October 18. Students who do not have novels will still be able to work on several category assignments. Book Project assignments are to be turned in on Thursday, October 18. Any project that is not turned in on that day will receive a deduction in the grade. All projects must be turned in, even if they are turned in late.

Note to parents: All homework assignments have been suspended for last week and the current week while students work on Book Projects. Progress reports will be issued to students on Friday and Monday, October 19 and 22. Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns about your student's work in this class. Thank you for you continued support!

Thursday, October 18, 2007:


Book Projects are to be turned in today. Time will be provided to complete last minute details and to assemble the assignment. Turn in at the end of class today.

Friday, October 19, 2007:


The PTSA Carnival will be held on the track (weather permitting) today from 11:00 - 2:00. Please remember to bring money for lunch and games. The pep rally begins in the gym at 2:00 pm. Some classes will not meet today. Those that meet will be working on a vocabulary practice sheet that includes all vocabulary to date this year.

Don't forget the Unit Test on Thursday, October 25.

Monday, October 22, 2007:


1) Introduce Jacob Have I Loved with background information and new vocabulary:








crab pot


Discussion questions:

1) When and where does this story take place?

2) Who are the main characters in this section?

3) Why do you think Mrs. Bradshaw did not like Rass Island?

4) Why is her mother leaving?

5) Why couldn’t Caroline and she stay?

2) Read and discuss "Rass Island"

Tuesday, October 23, 2007:


1) Review Monday's vocabulary

2) Develop characteristics for Louise Bradshaw

3) Read and discuss Chapter 1

Wednesday, October 24, 2007:


1) Review vocabulary and add new terms:








2) Discussion questions

1) Describe McCall Purnell.

2) Why were Call and Louise able to be good friends?

3) What happened when Louise tried to tell Call a joke?

4) What do you think is a “waterman’s emphatic negative”?

5) Who was Franklin D. Roosevelt and why was he part of the joke?

6) Describe the differences between Louise and Caroline.

2) Read and discuss Chapter 2

Thursday, October 25, 2007:


Notice! Today's test has been postponed until we finish Jacob Have I Loved. Students will be given a new assignment at least three days before the test date.

1) Review vocabulary

2) Read and discuss Chapter 3

Friday, October 26, 2007:


1) Review vocabulary

2) Read and discuss Chapter 4

3) Discussion questions:

1) What happened to Louise’s father many years ago?

2) Why has Caroline always been the center of attention making Louise feel left out?

3) What was it like when they were toddlers?

4) Describe how father treated each of the twins.

5) Describe the roles of men and women in those days.

6) What was Caroline’s gift?

7) Who was Mr. Rice and how does he fit into the family’s life?

Monday, October 29, 2007:

SOLs for this week: 9.3, 9.6, 9.7

Announcement: Vocabulary Test on first list of 25 words is Friday, November 2.


1) Write vocabulary definitions from Friday's cumulative list of 25 words.

2) Read and discuss Chapter 5

Tuesday, October 30, 2007:


1) Practice with vocabulary from cumulative list of 25 words.

2) Read and discuss Chapter 6 and Chapter 7

Wednesday, October 31, 2007:

1) Review by completing questions 1-18 from Chapters 1-5.

2) Read and discuss Chapter 7-Chapter 8.

Thursday, November 1, 2007:


1) Review cumulative vocabulary and prepare for vocabulary test on Friday, November 2.

2) Read and discuss Chapter 9.

Friday, November 2, 2007:


1) Vocabulary test on cumulative list of 25 words.

2) Read and discuss Chapter 9-Chapter 10.

Monday, November 5, 2007:

SOLs covered for this week: 9.3, 9.6


1) Complete questions for Chapters 4-10.

2) Oral reading in Jacob Have I Loved (Chapters 11-12)

Tuesday, November 6, 2007:

No Classes/Schools closed for Election Day

Wednesday, November 7, 2007:


1) Complete review and discussion questions for today's reading.

2) Add, review, and give examples of new vocabulary:












Thursday, November 8, 2007:


1) Oral reading all classes with discussion and analysis.

2) Opportunities for make-up of missing assignments, pass out missing task lists, discuss grade options.

3) Journal (6th): Write about a grand-parent, other relative, neighbor, or a friend's family member who has dementia or Alzheimer's disease. Explain the changes that person has gone through during this illness.

Friday, November 9, 2007:



1) Oral reading all classes with discussion and analysis.

2) Journal (1, 3, 4, 7): Write about a grand-parent, other relative, neighbor, or a friend's family member who has dementia or Alzheimer's disease. Explain the changes that person has gone through during this illness.

3) Review and practice new vocabulary.

Monday, November 12, 2007:

Reminder: Katherine Patterson will speak at King College tonight at 7:45 pm

SOLs for this week: 9.3,9.6, 9.7


1) Sustained silent reading from Jacob Have I Loved in each class.

2) No homework or written assignments today.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007:


1) Sustained silent reading from Jacob Have I Loved in each class.

2) Review and practice Vocabulary II.

3) Homework: Review vocabulary and reading questions at home.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007:


1) Sustained silent reading from Jacob Have I Loved in each class.

2) Review questions during class (Oral/see your handout).

3) Journal entry: Write about one of the book's most important themes (sibling rivalry).

4) Homework: Review vocabulary and reading questions at home.

Thursday, November 15, 2007:


1) Sustained silent reading from Jacob Have I Loved in each class.

2) Review and practice Vocabulary II. Schedule test for vocabulary.

3) Homework: Review vocabulary and reading questions at home.

Friday, November 16, 2007:


1) Complete the book Jacob Have I Loved in all classes.

2) Final list of review questions (for plot/oral review).

3) Schedule final test for Jacob Have I Loved.

4) Research Project (Click on link at top of page).


2007 Fall Exam Schedule is now posted! See JSB homepage

Report Cards will be distributed during 1st period on Friday, November 16, 2007

Quiz on Definitions II will be on Monday, November 26.

Test on Jacob Have I Loved will be on Tuesday, November 27.

Monday, November 19, 2007:


1) Group discussion on the story's ending to determine "theme"

2) Period One will write about the themes.

3) Periods Three, Four, Six will review vocabulary (handout)

Tuesday, November 20, 2007:

1) Period one will read Chapter 15.

2) Period one will write answers to questions, 1-9, about Chapter 15.

3) Periods 3, 4, 6 will write answers to questions, 1-9, about Chapter 15.

4) Period 7 will read Chapters 16 and 17.


Vocabulary Quiz, 1-44, on Monday, November 26, in periods 3, 4, 6.

Vocabulary Quiz, 1-44, on Tuesday, November 27, in periods 1 and 7.

Test on Jacob Have I Loved (entire novel) in periods 3, 4, 6 on Tuesday, November 27.

Test on Jacob Have I Loved (entire novel) in periods 1 and 7 on Wednesday, November 28.

Students should study the study questions and the vocabulary lists from the notebook in order to do well on the tests.


Monday, November 26, 2007:

Reminder: Final day to bring notebook for a grade is Wednesday, November 28. All students are required to have a notebook and to bring it to class every day.


1) (Periods 3, 4, 6) Review vocabulary prior to test.

2) Vocabulary Test #2.

3) (Periods 1, 7) Complete the reading of novel (Chapters 18-20).

4) (Periods 3, 4, 6) Powerpoint on the epic. Write answer the following questions in notebook:

a) What is an epic?

b) How were epics told?

c) List characteristics of epics

Tuesday, November 27, 2007:


Test on vocabulary (periods 1 and 7). Test on the novel (periods 3, 4, 6). Test on the novel will require two-three days since students will be following the writing process.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007:>BR>


Test in all classes on Jacob Have I Loved (see Tuesday's note above).

Thursday, November 29, 2007:


Test in all classes on Jacob Have I Loved (see Tuesday's note above).

Friday, November 30, 2007:


1) Powerpoint on the paragraph: unity, coherence, topic sentences, concluding sentences, paragraph development.

2) Review the sample student essay, topics, and the storyboard.

3) Collect all discussion questions for Jacob Have I Loved. Assessment: One test grade for accurate answers to all questions, 1-10.

4) Complete the essay for homework and turn in on Monday, December 3. Assessment: One test grade for the five-paragraph essay.

Monday, December 3, 2007:


1) Essays are due today for Jacob Have I Loved. If you do not turn in an essay, you must turn it in tomorrow (Tuesday, December 4) for a late grade.

2) Begin five days of reading comprehension practice. In order to receive this grade, you must bring your book and your test paper each day.

Day 1 is page 61, biography of Truman Capote.

3) Review responses and evaluate reading skills. Practice continues tomorrow.

4) Discuss semester exam, exam exemption policy.

5) Homework: Write word, part of speech, definition, and a sentence using context clues for 1-10 on page 50.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007:


1) Take out reading test paper and number from 1-5.

2) Day 2 is page 52, "A Christmas Memory."

3) Observe, note, remember as many details as possible. Read and reread until time is called.

4) When time is called, close your book and listen for reading comprehension questions. Then, check your answers for accuracy.

5) Evaluate your own comprehension of this passage.a. What could you have done differently?b. What helped you to do better today than yesterday?

6) Pause to discuss what you have read on page 52. List examples of sensory details on your handout.

7) Review vocabulary with practice on board (Example - "appalled at the ___ on the battlefield" Answer: carnage).

8) Continue to review vocabulary for homework. Don't forget to spell correctly! (Requirement for this list of vocabulary).

Wednesday, December 5, 2007:

Notice: Two Hour Delay today!


1) Take out reading test paper and number from 1-5.

2) Day 3 is page 53, column 2 ("But one way...") to top of column 2, pg 54 ("...toss it out the window.")

3) Observe, note, remember as many details as possible. Read and reread until time is called.

4) When time is called, close your book and listen for reading comprehension questions. Then, check your answers for accuracy.

5) Evaluate your comprehension.

6) Continue to review vocabulary for homework. Don't forget to spell correctly!

Thursday, December 6, 2007:


1) Review information for semester exam.

2) Take out reading test paper and number from 1-5.

3) Day 4 is page 56, column 1 ("Now a nude December branch...") to bottom of column 1, pg 58.

4) Observe, note, remember as many details as possible. Read and reread until time is called.

5) When time is called, close your book and listen for reading comprehension questions. Then, check your answers for accuracy.

6) Evaluate your comprehension.

7) Continue to review vocabulary for homework. Don't forget to spell correctly

Friday, December 7, 2007:


1) Complete "A Christmas Memory"

2) Repeat Thursday's assignment.

3) Evaluate reading comprehension skills.

Monday, December 10, 2007:


1) Page 63, 1-10 (Think and Write).

2) Semester exam review (vocabulary).

3) Introduce "Gift of the Magi"

Tuesday, December 11, 2007:


1) Prereading exercises for "Gift of the Magi"

2) Define allusion, irony, paradox, and ambiguity.

3) Read first half of story and write examples of clues to setting.

4) Complete story for homework.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007:


1) Review details and facts from "Gift of the Magi" (write these) and analyze story for irony, setting, allusion.

2) Read O. Henry's biography.

3) Practice and review literary terms for semester exam.

4) Use mnemonics to practice vocabulary for semester exam.

5) Homework: Review and practice vocabulary and literary terms for semester exam.

Thursday, December 13, 2007:


Semester exam review in all classes.

Friday, December 13, 2007:

Semester exam: Period 1 and Period 7

Period 3 and Period 5 do not meet today.

Exam review in Period 4 and Period 6.

Monday, December 17, 2007:

Snow schedule: 2nd period exam (10:15 - 12:15), lunch, 6th period exam (1:05-3:05)

Tuesday-Wednesday, December 18-19, 2007:

Follow exam schedule on School web page.

Thursday, January 3, 2008:

Snow Day---See you Friday!

Friday, January 4, 2008:

Reminders:1. Homework assignment (handout on "The Gift of the Magi") is due on Friday, January 4!2. All make up work must be completed and turned in no later than Monday, January 7.

During class today, we will discuss the semester exam, review the answers, and arrange any make up work for this class.

Homework (Due on Monday, January 7): Read and study pp. 776-782 in your textbook. You are reminded to bring your textbook to class every day.

Monday, January 7, 2008:

1) Read/reread pp. 776-782. Lecture includes facts about Romeo and Juliet.

2) Begin the handout on Shakespeare's biography. Practice prereading strategy--identify information you are looking for prior to reading.

3) Discuss make up work and pass out Missing Tasks reports.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008:

1) Complete Shakespeare biography handout (individual seatwork).

2) Practice proofing a page.

3) Collect make up work.

Wednesday, January 9, 2007:

1) Check Tuesday's handout.

2) Discuss errors; evaluate to determine reasons you missed some questions.

3) Collect make up work.

Thursday, January 10, 2007:

1) Read and discuss pp. 778-780.

a. Examine 3-D model of The Globe. Answer questions to apply information from today's reading.

2) Define arena stage, thrust stage, procenium stage.

a. What is the difference between each type?

b. Which type of stage do we have at JSBHS? Why?

3) Define, choose examples for, identify parts of the Shakespearean stage (handout).

4) Stage a production of Cinderella and choose stage locations, which flag to fly, (see handout). Practice application.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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